Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 470: Bidding secret

The 470th chapter competition secret meeting

"The comprehension family in the south of Mongolian country?" Xiao Hua brows slightly wrinkled, and his heart secretly confessed: "I have recorded the Mongolian state in the classics of the Royal Leizong, um, let alone the Mongolian country, that is, other countries have large sizes. How can thousands of thousands, even tens of thousands of comprehension families, be found in the south of a Mongolian country?"

"Pre-premier" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Maybe the Taoist family's Taoist friends also want to do a strange job, and wait for the younger generation to find a secret stone to go back and exchange with them, so the Taoist may not be unwilling The younger generation knows his identity?"

"Ha ha..." Chang Feiyan laughed and waved: "The friend of the road is willing or not, but I don't know! Maybe he wants you to know. (caihongwww.jtxsk.com, "") But the rules are the rules. The old man can't violate the rules. The elders can't break the rules. It's the city of the city...you can't go against it. Otherwise, how can I cry in the city of the seven cities?"

Xiao Hua looked at her, and her mind was thoughtful. She said: "Thank you for teaching me!"

"Big good!" There is a trace of strangeness in the often non-rock eyes, this dark road can teach! I took a hand and took out a stone-like jade symbol. I handed it over and said: "The old man had wanted to see you before, but who would like Jiang Xiaoyou actually have Ling Yicao, and now look at Jiang Xiaoyou... It is really a qualification. Outstanding, hey, the old man doesn't ask which disciple you are! This is the old man and yours, you have received it!"

"What is this?" Xiao Hua did not want to be a bidding event. It is a human condition, but Chang Feiyan said that he had to respond. When he took it, the jade tentacles were slightly hot, and the jade Unlike the ordinary jade, there is actually a slap in size, more than twice the size of other jade.

"Jiang Xiaoyou can know the price secret meeting of China Weeping City?" Seeing the smile of the non-Yang Xiaoyan's eyes flashing a arrogant look, Xiao Hua shook his head slightly and said: "Forgive the boy to see the short, this secret secret is not known!"

"Oh, Jiang Xiaoyou is also self-defeating." Chang Feiyan laughed: "If this competition is not the repair of the late base, it will never know. If Jiang Xiaoyou really knows, how does this old man count as human feelings?" ”

"This..." Xiao Hua understood in his heart and looked at the jade in his hand.

"This jade symbol is the evidence to participate in the bidding secret meeting!" Chang Feiyan said with a hand, "Whether the old man is not in the late stage of building the foundation, he can be qualified to obtain this certificate by the identity of the auction." However, after ten days, the old man happened to have something to go out and could not participate, but just at the bidding meeting today, Jiang Xiaoyou gave the old man a face, so the old man gave this opportunity to Jiang Xiaoyou!"

Xiao Hua panicked, whispered: "The frequent predecessors, the participation in the competition secret meeting is the late stage of the building, is the predecessor of the Golden Dan period, the younger generation ... but it is the refining period, go to fear is not good?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter, who knows that you are a refining period? You can rest assured, you don't say, the old man does not say, who can know?" Chang Feiyan patted Xiao Hua's shoulder, secretly laughed Dao: "And, maybe there is an excellent opportunity to help you advance the 12th layer of refining? In this competition, there are often things you can't think of!"

Xiao Hua listened, and the heart was fretting, but the Jindan period monks and the foundation-based monks specially participated in the secret meeting. Although Chang Fei did not say that the Yuan Ying period monks, it is obvious that since others can’t see their own cultivation, then The repair of other people may also have a child-infant period! What are the things that these powerful people use to exchange, and where can they be worse? I have lost a thousand years of Ling Yicao, otherwise Chang Feiyan may not be able to give this jade to myself!

"So the younger generation will not be tempted, thank you often the seniors love!" Xiao Hua immediately bowed his hand and thanked the Yufu.

"Well~" Chang Feiyan nodded and smiled. "I hope that later you will participate in the bidding meeting of the Weeping City, and the next time the old man will prepare some more grass, I hope that your party will join in!"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "The younger generation must tell the teacher of Tuen Mun, the younger generation will leave!"

Watching Xiao Hua out of the hut, Chang Fei’s face changed his face and hurriedly left. Xiao Hua’s participation in the competition secret meeting was just a matter of raising his hand. What he had to worry about was the flying sword! The good intention of Weeping Moon City is to transfer Feijian to make a profit. As for whether the Feijian is missing two swords, how do they know? Even if it is true, when the auction will be completed, the Weeping City can be pushed out! Who knows that it is a coincidence, Duan Yuming and Wang Buyao actually appeared at the bidding meeting, this flying sword is really Zhang Yutong! In this way, things can be troublesome! Chang Feiyan had to hurry out of the city to see if he could find the monk who sent the flying sword!

Naturally, it is unknown to find no one. The key is to find the city of Weeping Moon! ! !

Xiao Hua out of the building of the auction, but also restored the original appearance, I thought that the outside of the 巽纾 and other people have been waiting for anxious, can come out and see, they actually guessed half! Although there is some urgency in the rush, the only people who can wait are the 巽纾 and the dry Di Heng, and Kun is not outside.

"Hey, Xiao Shidi, how come you are out now?" Dry Di Heng saw Xiao Hua as saying: "But it is bidding on something, how can it be so tempered? Others can come out early!"

"Hey, the younger brother bids for a good thing, often the seniors meet with each other, and invite us to come back next time. The younger brother will tell the brothers now, the next time you come, you have to decide what you want to do!" Xiao Hua immediately gave his commitment to Chang Feiyan to Gan Diheng, who made a big lee, and patted his shoulder and said: "If you are bidding to the last flying sword, often the seniors can see you. I also believe in my brother, but there are many things in front of you. You are not bidding for expensive ones. How can cheap people see you?"

"You love it or not!" Xiao Hua touched his nose and smiled. Then he looked around and wondered: "The younger brother is already out late. How is Kun Shi’s sister late than the younger brother? I am afraid that the last few instruments are Kun Let’s bid on it!”

Dry Di Heng squinted to see the sky, the day was dark and lacquered, there were countless splendid stars, a face of thinking, and a moment of deep nodding; "the income of the night view of the poor road, afraid of it!"

The cockroach next to "Ha ha ha ~" couldn't help it. He bent over his stomach and said: "The younger brother... the poor road... The poor road has never thought of how the younger brother is so interesting with Xiao Shidi..."

"The near Zhu is close to the ink, black... no way!" He Diheng spread his hands, this action seems to have been done by Xiao Hua before.

"Well, yeah, there is no way!" Xiao Hua didn't touch her nose this time, but she was very helpless.

It’s easy to hold back laughter, with a blush on his face, looking at the door of the bidding meeting, laughing: “I still use the night view of the sky? Kun Shizhen is a disciple of Gan Leigong, and some Lingshi in the storage bag is also Yes, the instrument of this bidding meeting is also eye-catching, and winning one is nothing!"

"Hey, Xiaoye is still a poor boy!" Xiao Hua heard the heart screaming, thinking that the price of the last few pieces of the instrument is sweating on the head, so I said so, not to mention, dry Diheng There are also many Lingshi in the bag.

"No wonder this is going to go to the mysterious refiner!" Xiao Hua thought.

Another half-bag of smoke, Kun Feiyan finally came out, and next to her is a middle-aged monk with 11 layers of refining, but the monk did not go to Xiaohua and others. Instead, he made a difference with Kun Feiyan, and took a look at Xiao Hua and others, and turned and rushed in the other direction!

Gan Diheng treated Kun non-smoke obviously and did not have the closeness to Xiao Hua. He looked at the back of the middle-aged monk. Some strangely asked: "Kun Shi is so happy, I waited outside. Shi Yan, drinking a lot of cool breeze, Shi Yan actually at the auction meeting with the friends who know the cold!"

Kun is not a smoker, and he is a sneak peek. He whispered: "This Taoist friend has also seen it occasionally when he was traveling before the poor road. I don't know the roots. But just now I got a little bit at the auction. Children's things, when they came out, they came across."

"Is this touch so long?" Dry Di Heng pouted.

"Well, I said one thing... so I delayed the time!" Kun Feiyan seems to be thinking about the matter just now, and he is too lazy to pay attention to the attitude of Di Heng.

"Oh?" He looked at him with a glance at his eyes.

"I will go back and say!" Kun Feifei seems to have a decision, and he said: "This is a secret that cannot be revealed!"

When I returned to the inn, the four people triggered the ban on the room, and Kun was not able to tell the story.

It turned out that this middle-aged refining monk was called a disciple of a family of comprehensions. When Kun did not smoke a few years ago, he saw it and found a spirit grass. It is a reliable person. Today, when I met Kun Feiyan at the auction, I invited her to go to Jiangcheng to participate in a small collection. I also said that there will be predecessors of Zhuji in this collection, and there may be a condensed treasure!

"Condensation treasure?" Xiao Huayi, first thought of the lyrics that gave him the record of breaking through the foundation of the realization of the jade, and thought of the classics he saw in the Royal Leizong Eight Great Thunder Palace, no He said: "These rare things... can be changed? Oh, but... not right!"

Xiao Hua thought of another layer.

Next to the dry Di Heng and 巽纾 are also a glimpse, immediately ecstatic, see Xiaohua inexplicable.

"Go, why not go? Just condense the treasure, it is worth going!" Dry Di Heng first agreed.

"And that river town is also close to the route I had planned, and how far it can't be!" He then attached.

"This..." Xiao Hua whispered: "What a rare treasure that condensed treasure is, how can it appear on the small collection of Jiangcheng?"


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