Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 475: Consumable instrument

I heard someone coming upstairs, and the few monks who built the foundation only looked up a little, and their eyes swept away. They saw that Xiao Hua was wearing a brow and a wrinkle, and he looked down at the instrument.

"Dow friends please come here!" Xia Ming led Xiao Hua to the inside of the second floor, the law in his hands moved, and a small door was displayed on the wall, and then advanced.

Xiao Hua’s figure stopped a little and it went in.

After the small door is an empty cabin, and there is nothing to display.

"Daoyou will bring the French card to check it out!" Xia Ming took a shot and took out a small box from the storage bag, which gave off a milky white brilliance. Xiao Hua handed the triangle's French card, Xia Ming also carefully looked at it and put it into the box. With the input of the French card, the box gradually changed color, and soon it turned into orange-red color.

"Disease!" Xia Ming's left hand was swaying the law, hitting the box, and saw the box "Teng" rushing out of an orange-red beam of light, hitting the roof above Xia Ming's head.

The light sound of "brush ~", with the upward movement of Xiao Hua's gaze, a glimmer of light above the top of the head, showing a small triangular door.

"Well, the friend of the Taoist card is correct, please go to the Taoist friend!" Xia Ming nodded, and the French card did not return to Xiao Hua, and said with a smile.

"There are friends!" Xiao Hua saw the shape, fluttering, flying to the top of the triangle door.

Waiting for Xiao Hua’s figure to fall in the third floor of the pavilion, Xiao Hua’s eyes are looking around. This is a slightly dark triangular space. There is no decoration in the space like the cottage. The space is above the walls. There are only a few Minghua stone inlaid among them.

"Daoyou invited!" When Xiao Hua was still looking at it, there was a slight distortion in the air in front of him. A flat human figure appeared to be squeezed out of the gap and gradually revealed. Waiting for the whole human form to be flat and plump, it is actually a lost monk! I can't see the specific repairs.

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect. Quickly prayed: "See friends!"

"Well. The poor name is white, how do you call the Taoist?" The monk's tone is very indifferent.

"Poor road surnamed Huang!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Well, Huang Daoyou!" The monk said faintly, it is like a routine: "Since the Taoist friend has the French card of my skill workshop, it was previously introduced by a trading friend in my skill workshop. The workshop is not going to be traced back. I don’t know what Huang Daoyou needs to help me with the workshop."

Xiao Hua is still preparing to word it, and seeing the monk is so straightforward, actually a glimpse. Then suddenly: "Yes. If it is the mother-in-law of the workshop, who would dare to refine the unidentified instruments?"

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua spoke for a shot, took the four-phase wheel and the spear-shaped implement from the space, handed it over, and smiled: "There are two pieces of the instrument in the poor road... you need a skill workshop to make a face-lift. !"

"Yeah~" The monk took the instrument. I looked at it and then swept through a powerful god. Carefully observe the two instruments, "Ah! This god... I am afraid that it is not the beginning of Jindan, but also the late stage of building the foundation?" Xiao Hua also tried to leave the sacred mind that was left on the implement and was immediately expelled. , provoked Xiao Hua’s frightened battle, and did not dare to do any temptation.

The monk also ignored Xiao Hua and looked at him for a long while. He whispered: "The two instruments of Huang Daoyou... To be honest, the refining is really bad. Especially the spear-like implements, except for their own The material is a bit special, the inside of the ruling is really poor, oh? Wait a minute..." Speaking of this, the monk's tone is a bit weird, and it is a careful observation for a moment, nodded: "Well, just a few poor roads, this instrument The material is not only special but also rare, but it is some of the dead bodies of a monster that has just been hunted by the poor road. Unfortunately, it is still worse....."

Xiao Hua heard that the monk said that he was unclear, but he couldn’t figure it out, but he did not dare to ask questions, but listened quietly. Then the monk took the four-phase wheel and said: "This The instrument...but it is able to mobilize the four auras of the heavens and the earth, but unfortunately the method is poor and the use of mana is too low. If you want to change your face, it is better to re-refin it directly!"

Xiao Hua’s heart moved, whispered: “Predecessors, I don’t know how many Lingshi needs to refine these two instruments?”

"Not much!" The monk did not want to report a number.

"Not much!" Xiao Hua secretly shocked, and then lost a smile: "The spirit of the younger generation is not enough, I don't know... Can you use Lingcao and other things?"

"Well, nature is ok!" The monk said casually: "In addition to Lingshi, the instruments and magic weapons can be used as spiritual stones!"

The monk paused to raise the spear-like device: "If Huang Daoyou is ashamed in the bag, the poor road can change your instrument into a consumable instrument!"

"Consumption of the instrument?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, he has never heard of this instrument.

"Oh," the monk smiled and placed both pieces of the instrument on the ground and said, "This is my own name for the workshop!"

"I still hope that my predecessors will solve!"

"Daoyou must know that the instrument can be detonated." The monk looked at Xiao Hua and seemed to know Xiao Hua’s cultivation. He said: "Since the instrument can detonate, why can't we refine some methods that only use detonation? What about it?"

“Hey? No!” Xiao Hua suddenly understood, laughing: “Imagine this consumable instrument refining can not use too much material and mysterious law matrix?”

“It’s the same!” the monk nodded. “But these materials are special, and... there is a strength...”

Xiao Huaqi said: "What strengths?"

"The power is huge!" The monk said with some self-satisfaction: "If there is a material, it can be repaired by a friend of the Tao... If you can get it, you can kill the predecessor of the foundation!"

"Silk ~" Xiao Hua sucked a bit of cold, I do not know whether it is the power of the instrument or the surprise of the monk!

"Listen to the predecessors, if the older generation of this instrument is made into a consumable instrument... The predecessors have some material of the monster?" Xiao Hua tried to say: "I don't know what material is needed? How many Lingshi do you have to spend?"

"You still need the bones of the lizard beast!" The monk said: "With the bones of this lizard beast, there are 70% of the craftsmanship to kill the predecessors of the foundation! Otherwise, there will be only 30%!"

"It turns out that!" Xiao Hua stunned, presumably to use the magical power of the lizard beast.

After waiting for the monks to tell the number of Lingshi, Xiao Hua secretly indulged.

"How do you plan for Huang Daoyou?" The monk saw a long time, and some unpleasant asked.

"Oh, the skill workshop is really worthy of the name!" Xiao Hua smiled and put his hand on the side, two pieces of the device squatted on the side, took Baidu Yunxiao and Mo Yunjia out.

"Oh?" The monk also saw two magic weapons.


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