Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 478: Broken stone

The forty-seventh chapter of the broken stone

The monk who was doing the slaughter was obviously very satisfied. He took the jade bottle and took out another jade bottle. He said: "This is the second item of the poor road. It is a pregnant baby! Which one needs to look at the color. ?"

"Ah? Pregnant baby Dan?" Xiao Hua listened to the shock, he knows that this pregnant baby Dan is the medicinal herb used by the Jindan period monk to attack Yuan Yingxiu. The monk who took the pregnant baby Dan can improve the 30% into the Yuan Ying. The opportunity, these medicinal herbs are more precious than the baby babies taken by Yuan Ying.

And Xiao Hua also knows at this time that the ordinary medicinal herbs of the Royal Leizong disciples before the end of Jindan can be routinely provided, while other special medicinal herbs, such as Eliantan and Ming, used in the base period Hua Dan, as well as the Ginger Dan, Pregnant Baby Dan and Sheng Ying Dan used in the Golden Dan period, are all based on their own opportunities. In this competition, there is a pregnant baby, but it is a remedy that can not be provided by the martial art. Can he not be surprised?

It is a pity that the other monks, all of them are sitting steadily, there is no surprise at all.

"***, Xiaoye is a knowledge!" Xiao Hua secretly pouted; "This Xiaoyu mainland's comprehension really is deep in water, and Xiaoye is just sitting on the ground!"

The monks seem to be planning, and no one is competing for the price. The room is full of tea, and someone can tell the number of a stone.

Then, among the dozens of monks, there were five monks who frequently increased their fares. Xiao Hua’s eyelids were watching the jumps of the eyelids. It’s not necessary to say that these five monks are definitely Jindan’s repairs, otherwise they don’t Will covet the baby.

Think of so many Jindan monks next to you, Xiaohua’s buttocks are somewhat unstable, and the pressure on this kind of heart is really big! He can't see the cultivation of others, and he can't see his repairs on behalf of others!

When the last monk called out the number, the whole hall was restored to calm. The monk from the top looked around and smiled. "The price of the Taoist friends, Lingshi is like this. Which friend has the same value. thing?"

"Poor road here!" The two monks who had just bidding in the same voice took a shot and took out a jade, and sent it to the eyes of the first monk. The monks opened them separately, looked at them, closed them again, and gave them back. The two said, "The things of the two friends are really good, but unfortunately the poor roads are not used, sorry!"

After that, I pointed the jade bottle in front of me, and the jade bottle flew to the eyes of the monk who had just bidding. The monk was obviously unable to suppress the excitement of the mood. With a wave of hand, it was very urgent to put the jade bottle into the storage bag, then The monk's movements began to be elegant. He waved his hand and took out a storage bag from his arms and sent it to the first monk. He smiled and said: "Do you see if the number of Lingshi matches?"

The first monk opened the storage bag and read it with a smile. He smiled: "The number of Lingshi is just right, thank you for your support!"

Then, the monk took the storage bag and took out one thing. He threw it in the air, and saw a green brilliance. The bright moon in the night rose to the air, and the sound of the waves hit the shore. Breaking into Xiao Hua’s mind, Xiao Hua felt a faint stun, and it was black!

Xiao Hua’s heart was awkward, and he couldn’t be noticed. He immediately sent the Belle Linglong to the battle. The Buddha’s relic in the Xiaohua Muwan Palace flashed a few times before expelling the fainting in Xiao Hua’s mind!

"This... What kind of magic weapon is this?" Xiao Hua's soul is undecided, looking up at the green beads above the main hall, the heart could not help but sigh: "This is the real magic weapon? Actually, no one is reminded Moving, you can be confused by your own power, and there is a secret black robes that are more mysterious than the confusion. Compared with others, the town of Yunye is not worth mentioning. !"

In the eyes of the ray of light, Xiao Hua’s heart is determined to be more determined.

The other monks were far from being shocked by Xiao Hua. They all released the mind and locked the bead firmly.

"This is the magic weapon of Mengbao, the specific function... Hey, I must introduce it without the poor road? Everyone is everyone, the poor road is more ridiculous and generous!" The first monk will give a hand, the tide Mengzhu suddenly magnified, like a wheel, the green brilliance between the rotations was like a green flame, and it turned around the whole hall. Seeing the heaven and earth aura inside the hall was drawn by the beads, above the four walls. Minghua Stone is also clearly dark and eclipsed!

"It's too powerful!" Xiao Hua saw, and the slightest hint of luck in his heart disappeared without a trace: "This magic weapon is not controlled by the refining monk! Well, even the monk who built the foundation is afraid of it." Easy to be countered!"

"Sick ~" The first monk read the mantra, pointing his hand, Chao Mengzhu rapidly shrinking, turning into a fluorescent point in his hands: "The friends can bid!"

The voice of the first monk has just fallen, and a monk hurriedly said: "Daoyou, the poor road did not expect that there will be such a magic weapon in this bidding secret meeting. It is because the spiritual stone is less prepared. Can you push the bid... for an hour? ?"

"Oh, the Taoist friend is confused, and the bidding secret meeting will only go in the middle of the road. If the Taoist spirit is not ready, it means that there is no fate with this magic weapon. The poor road is also helpless!"

"Oh, nothing! A pity!!" The monk sighed and said with amazement.

Speaking is the monk who just won the baby, and naturally it is also the Jindan period monk. The five Jindan monks now only have four monks to bid. What makes Xiaohua unexpected is that there are three other monks who have joined the bidding. And... wait until the end... and only these three monks are competing to increase the price!

"The original... these three are the Yuan Ying period monks!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized that he immediately saw sweat on his forehead!

He has only experienced a few self-study monks, and each of them has been a monk of the Yuan Dynasty. Each of them is a generation of supernatural powers. In front of them, Xiao Hua feels that he is an ant. Above the competition, a dozen monks A Jindan monk, three Yuan Ying monks, the rest except Xiao Hua is a refining monk, the other is probably a late monk in the base building?

Fortunately, everyone is dressed in black mysterious robes, no one knows who's identity, no one knows that there is a slight existence!

The three yuan infants and gentlemen are really rich and rich, and they have to add a cup of tea. Only then will a monk win. The monk who did not ask other people whether they still have something of equal value, and waved directly. Chao Mengzhu flew to the winning monk and was swallowed by the monk, and the Yuan Yingxiong also waved, and a storage bag flew over.

"Well, the three things of the poor road are all completed, and it is the turn of the Taoist friend!" The monk in the first position raised his hand slightly and gestured to his left-handed monk. After these three rounds of bidding, Xiao Hua already knew that the monk who took out the next thing should be a Jindan period monk, and he also participated in the bidding just now, but did not succeed.

The monk put a box on the table and smiled: "There is a broken stone here in the poor road. It is a necessity to refine the magic weapon. Which friend needs to see?"

"This has been seen in the poor roads, the poor roads give up the priority rights, please ask your friends!" The first monk said.

As before, there are three monks bidding. Seeing the situation is that the two monks are the monks of Jindan. As usual, when the three people reported the number of Lingshi, the monk said: "Which Taoist is a spirit There is not enough stone, you can exchange something of equal value!"

Hearing here, Xiao Hua’s mind is somewhat alive. This broken stone is exactly what the monk said, but it is necessary for refining the magic weapon, and the town’s cloud prints are pitted, and if it is to be repaired, this broken stone is essential. Although I can't fix the town cloud printing now, you can prepare all kinds of materials in advance!

However, the only valuable thing in his body is the scorpion crystal and the grass, and the smoldering of the scorpion is not to be said, that is, he will not be willing to exchange it with the tide of Mengzhu, and that is only the grass! But the other party is a monk in the Golden Age period. The spiritual grass that is required is naturally high-order, and the year is naturally enough. Xiao Hua can't take out several kinds of spirit grass at once, so I thought about it, Xiao Hua will use that strain. Ling Yicao took it out and put it on the table and pushed it to the monk. He said, "There is something in the poor road. I don't know if it is the heart of the Taoist friend!"

At the same time, a monk next to him also pushed a jade to the monk.

The monk opened two things, looked at it and looked at it. It seemed to be embarrassing. Then, the jade of another monk was retired, and Xiaohua’s Ling Yicai was collected. The strange sound sounded: "Daoyou this thing... Reluctantly combined with the mind of the poor road, this time is a cheap friend!"

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, seeing the broken gold stone flying to his own eyes, a sleeve of the collection, the dark road: "There is no worthwhile trip!"

Then, two magic weapons, several golden medicines, two jade symbols, three sets of arrays and arrays, dozens of monsters, and even two swords, all followed by monks Take out the bidding, except that the two jade characters were taken away by the first monk with the priority, and the other was exchanged by other monks or the Lingshi or the item.

In addition to Yu Fu and Jian Wan Xiao Hua some heartbeat, other things Xiao Hua have no thoughts, but he still has some concerns, his Ling Yicao has been exchanged, if it is his turn to take things out, is it not necessary? Take out the grass? A thousand years of Ling Yicao has made Xiao Hua somewhat uneasy, no more trouble?

Fortunately, there is a monk in front of Xiao Hua who said: "The things that are poor are not dare to come out to offer ugliness, or wait to see if there are any things that can be exchanged by the later friends!"

Later, the monk did not take things out, and it was the turn of the monks.

Naturally, when I arrived at Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua said it according to the gourd painting.

Just when Xiao Hua thought that this bidding secret was so horrible to get the broken gold stone, there was a little bit of a change.


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