Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 486: Kill snake

Although Dry Diheng’s words sounded to blame Xiaohua, the involuntary voice was full of excitement, and Di Diheng knew that it was not easy to attract twenty green greens. The strength of Green Green is just the eleventh layer of refining. Although the number is large, it is really not difficult for them. After all, the four disciples of Yu Leizong are able to fly, and these green and green are the most It can only be floating, it is impossible to pose any threat to them, and the biggest possibility is that the four people can not completely kill these green scorpions, let these green scorpions escape and go back, and lead more green crickets, then The benefits they can get are much less. ** """ *

"You use your means! The younger brother promises that these green and green will not slip away!" Xiao Hua laughed, his body flashed, and crossed the community behind the green green.

These green and green cockroaches are obviously somewhat spiritual. When they saw three monks in front, they were divided into four parts, screaming, and they rushed toward the four people.

The non-smoke instrument of Kun is a jade bead string. The name is called the trapped thunder bead. I saw her flying in the air, throwing the trapped thunderballs, and suddenly turned into a big fight. The splendid Guanghua group will swim. Four green clams are covered in it. The green and green eyes reflect the brilliance of the thunderbolt, but it seems to be unmoved. There is no fear at all. These four green cicadas also erect the **** from the ground and half of the body. Straight up, about four or five feet high, and the flight height of Kun is not much lower.

"Silk!" The beasts will also have a mouth at the same time, and numerous poisonous mist sprays will come out. Cover the blind beads that flashed to the brilliance.

"Dise" Kun is not a smoke, but he is not shocked, but the law is moving, and he will give his hand a finger, only to see that the trapped Thunder has a strong attraction. Only in the blink of an eye, the thick poisonous mist will be sucked up. Kun non-smoke knows that these poisonous mists are the venom of green and green cockroaches, which are extremely poisonous. It is one of the benefits that they want to collect on this trip!

The four green scorpions spit out the poisonous mist, and they are not as languid as other common venomous snakes. Instead, they are more excited, and the whole body is twisted. The nearly four-footed snaketail lightning-like draws into the thunderbolt!

"啪啪" a burst of noise, hard and incomparable suede is hitting the trapped Thunder. The brilliance of a few trapped Thunderbolts was suddenly extinguished, and it actually sank a little down from midair!

"Ah? This green scorpion is really powerful! Not only is it strong, but the suede is solid. If I don't have the blessing of the squad, I really want to be broken by them!" Kun is not a stunned green scorpion Fortunately, these are only ten feet long, obviously not the most powerful of the green and green, and since the tail of the green barley can twitch the thunder, their suede is naturally a good thing.

Kun Fei smoked a deep breath. Once again, the mana was mobilized, and several trapped thunder beads were sacrificed again, and the brilliance was again released, and the four green clams also sprayed the poisonous fog again!

The cymbal of the cymbal is similar to that of Kun. The name is a lightning lock, and its shape is a small lock. Under the force of mana, it is about one foot in size. There is also suction, but also the power of lightning! Just after collecting a few poisonous mists sprayed by green sapphire, the hands were swaying and the mana was poured in. From the thunder lock, it was a sudden flash of electric light, which was straight in the drift. Flying in the seven-inch position of the half-empty python, the powerful power of lightning will shoot down the green scorpion of about ten feet from the air, and a burst of blue smoke emerges from the python! The green barley twitched on the ground for a moment and didn't move.

Other green and green scorpions were seen, and they immediately retired. At the same time as their tails twitched, they swam in the direction of the fog.

As soon as he frowned, he took a hand and took a few ice breaks. He raised his hand and went out toward the green green.

I know that the green scorpion can actually detect the movement of Huang Fu, but they don’t wait for the ice seal to hit them. They all sway their tails, and the gongs of the cymbals are smashed. , all turned into a strip of paper and fell!

"It is trouble!" I saw it again and it was a forbidden sign. This time, the green scorpion used a tail, and some turned around. A poisonous mist spouted, and the venom sprinkled on the ban. Above the brilliance, just like the cold water poured onto the flame, the brilliance is destroyed, and the broken paper that is still broken is still on the ground.

"It's really amazing!" 巽纾 Some stunned, even the ice and the ban are not afraid, it really has the strength of the eleventh refining! At this point, her thunder lock has already flown over, and the shackles of the scorpion have been completed. Once again, the hand is pointed, and the two bangs are loud and the two thunders are born from the thunder lock. Two green scorpions, which killed them, and the remaining two quickly rushed to the end of Xiao Hua.

And said that Xiao Hua flew to the tail of the green green scorpion, there were six green green scorpions turned and chased, among which there were two green green crickets that were just irritated by Xiao Hua, but unfortunately Xiao Hua did not have the non-smoking and thundering pearls, seeing green and green The smog of the smog is known to be a way to collect venom. It has to be flashed, and these toxic mists are flashed. Fortunately, the venom of the green scorpion is also limited. After a few sprays, it is attacked with an snake tail. Xiao Hua I didn't come up with any implements. I only took out his suspicion of light-weight exercises, and swayed through the remnants of several snake tails. It seemed to be the most relaxed.

Seeing Xiao Hua's contempt, the six green and green scorpions are even more anxious, and the tail is also more tempting. Even from time to time, they must use the stinking snake's mouth to rush over and want to swallow Xiao Hua.

"Xiao Shidi, be careful!" In the distance, I saw that there was a green and green escape on my face, and the dry Diheng was even worse. There were actually two who also fled back, and did not even cry out.

"Grandma's, I don't want to be angry. You think that Laozi is a sick cat!" Xiaohua said in the mouth, he took a shot, and the town cloud prints from his body, and countless days of aura poured into the town of Yunyin. The yellow Guanghua was sprinkled from the town's cloud prints, and the nine green green scorpions were covered!

Suddenly, the power of the magic weapon, heavy and heavy hit on the green green, the green and green body can not be moved, and then the force of the karma uploaded from the town cloud print is more like a heavenly star Let the green green oysters give birth to an irresistible fear, all of them are like hibernation, and they do not move.

"Hey? Xiao Shidi, how did a green and green scorpion not kill?" It was strange to see it.

"Hey, I don't know where to start!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This suede is obviously a good thing. If it is damaged, it is a pity?"

"The seven inches of the green and green are the most weak, and the slaughter of green and green is also started from there!" He said with a smile.

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded and waved his hand. The ruthless epee was held in his hand. The tricks of the sacred sticks were displayed. The ruins of the ruins of the epony were crossed, and only nine green scorpions were turned in the blink of an eye. Each of the seven inches has a big fist!

Seeing the snake blood poured out, he quickly waved his hand, and the thunder lock flew into the air and sucked the snake blood into it.

Xiao Hua touched his head and printed the town cloud. He smiled and said: "The younger brother has no instruments to collect this snake blood, and the previous venom is wasted!"

"Well, the venom of this green barley is very powerful. The ordinary law can not be used. If you can't make it, you can only hurt yourself. You can only rely on the instrument to collect it!" He nodded, thought about it, and took a hand. I took out a small jade bottle and handed it over. I smiled and said: "This is all the instruments of the early years of the poor road. The name is called Yu Ning. It can collect and store watery things, because the poor road has been given by Master. Thunder lock, it has been used for many years, if Xiao Shidi needs, please accept it!"

"Hey, thank you so much!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and took over the jade and the jade of the sacrifice, within the income space. At the same time, he also took a hand and took out the dust, handed it over, and smiled: "The teacher is a teacher, and the indecent assault is also the instrument used by the younger brother. The name is dusty, but it is a soil law. The younger brother used the town cloud to print, and this thing was changed to the teacher!"

"Not right!" In the blink of an eye, there was a slight disappointment, and he quickly waved: "Zhen Yunyin is powerful, but after all, it is a magic weapon. You are a refining monk. How can the mana in the body support the town cloud printing for a long time? I have seen you used it, it is very powerful. If you give it to me, what do you use? Or wait until you step into the foundation and get a better implement, then let's talk!"

"This..." Xiao Hua saw the resolute remarks and had to laugh: "In this case, the younger brother took the teacher to the situation, and when the younger brother had any good implements in the future, he also asked the teacher to open his mouth. The younger brother must send you!"

"Which way to go, how can it be a magic weapon!" blinked his eyes.

Xiao Hua took a forehead and smiled: "The teacher said that if the illegal treasure, the younger brother is embarrassed to open!"

"Wow! Is this the means of Xiao Shidi?" An exclamation came from a distance, and the exaggerated elements in the exclamation accounted for a lot! This person is naturally a dry Di Heng who has just dealt with two green and green.

"No, I can't think of the power, the rough green and green green scorpion is so vulnerable to the hands of Xiao Shidi!" Followed by the sound of Kun non-smoke, and her voice is really a silky cockroach. She tasted the green and green smashing method to break the law. Several times the trapped thunder beads were drawn by the green scorpion, which was quite a loss of mana, and she certainly did not see Xiao Hua killing the green 蟒But look at the nine green green dragonflies on the ground, naturally know that Xiao Hua is easy to kill.

"Smile, laugh!" Xiao Hua touched his nose and said: "I will wait for the green scorpion to clean up and say it!"

"Good!" Gan Diheng most likes to harvest, and smiled: "I will not be able to clean up the green and green. I can just divide these points directly, and I can return to Yu Leizong or other collections. Give it to someone else to clean up!" (To be continued.)


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