Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 488: Jiangcheng

No, just in the distance, Xiao Hua took out the ground in the distance, did not hesitate to hesitate, and greeted the three people who were screaming, but then, after a while, the four people stopped in the air at the same time. As if it was tied to the side of the sharp cone, it was extremely painful! Xiao Hua is better. His **** is not in the mudball palace, but in the mud palace of the Buddha relic. The Buddha’s relics have a lot of golden light and the pain has been blocked. But Xiaohua still hurts. More than a foot.

The three people, such as Gan Diheng, were even more embarrassed. They each fell three feet to four feet. Moreover, all four were pale, and it was obviously God’s thoughts that they were hit hard.

Of course, it’s not for Di Diheng’s screaming. However, the four of them did not dare to stay in their own way. They each resisted the pain of Shen’s thoughts and mobilized the mana. After flying for hundreds of miles, Gan Diheng dared. Out of voice.

"Big brother, do you think I am willing!" Xiao Hua took a deep breath and tried to run the Baye Ling Ling Sutra, trying to alleviate the pain of God's thoughts. He smiled bitterly: "The younger brother just wants to introduce a few more greens." Who ever thought that it would lead to three green and green plaques!

“Building the foundation for repair?” The same pale face on the face, but there is a few blush in this pale, which adds a bit to her prettyness: “This is unlikely? Green Green is just a good beast. what!"

“Is there any doubts about Yanshi’s?” Xiao Hua said: “The younger brother’s cloud printing is almost impossible to keep going, and there is a similar momentum from the green-green scorpion to the pressure of the foundation-based monks!”

"This is the green scorpion that I have to do with the damage... I shouldn’t be the green scorpion that these three foundations have been repaired?" Kun said, biting his lips.

"It shouldn't be, but it's not green, you don't know!" Xiao Hua nodded. "The younger brother still wants to kill a green green scorpion. Who knows that it has not been shot, this **** appeared." The younger brother knows that he is not an opponent, he quickly flees. Now he still feels lucky. If the younger brother is not alert, or the attack of the gods is coming late, the younger brother is afraid that he will not escape!"

"Is it difficult to change the green and green scorpion of the Liye Mountain Range?" Gan Dihengqi said: "Even the Green Green King, it is said that it is just the repair of the foundation period, how can it be attacked by God? s method?"

"Oh, surely, the younger brother has seen more than a dozen green and green plaques that were built in the early stage of the building. Can they be green and green?" Xiao Hua said wickedly.

"Xiao Shidi has worked hard!" He looked at Xiao Hua with a watery look: "I am waiting for the wrong estimate. Putting Xiao Shidi into a dangerous situation, if the younger brother is stunned, I am afraid that I will not be able to return to the mountains." Confessed!"

Finish, take a shot. Take out the storage bag and say: "This green green 蟒 ... poor road and then give the younger brother 20%!"

"Yu Shizhen said very well, for the brother also let Xiao brother a few!" Dry Di Heng said with a grin.

"Don't, don't, don't!" Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand and looked at the three. The heart is warm and warm: "The younger brother just took a lot of things. This thing has been taken much more. It doesn't make much use. The younger brother has less knowledge. With the brothers coming out, I can help my brothers and teachers. I am happy too. If it is The teachers and brothers feel that they are owed to the younger brother, and there is only a good thing in the future. First think about the younger brother!"

"Oh, got it..." Dry Di Heng smiled and said: "I waited for someone to take some stinky snakes and I will be able to return them. I was so raised by you. Whatever, who makes Xiao Shidi so benevolent? What is good in the future? Things, think of you as the first brother!"

"Oh, thank you for your brother!" Xiao Hua said.

"But, I will also agree!" He glanced at Kun and said that he was not smoking.

"Right, the younger brother has a problem now!" Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This **** is attacking the law... Can we have a royal sect?"

"I have a dry thunder palace!" said Dry Diheng: "However, it is said to be the practice used by the predecessors of the Golden Age! And it is still possible to use the extremely powerful predecessors."

"Well, I seem to have Kun Lei Palace." Kun Feiyan continued: "However, it seems that the power is not as good as that."

"If the gods are green and green, they should be the talents of the beasts. Naturally, they must be stronger than those of me and other monks who practiced cultivation!" He explained: "If Xiao Shidi is interested in this, he can be in Xiaoyu. Looking for it on the mainland, this kind of practice is extremely rare. It is difficult to get it by relying on Yu Leizong alone."

"Hey, this is not the case? Three brothers and sisters, if you encounter such a practice, the first thought of the younger brother?" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Hey, you think so beautiful!" said Di Diheng, bluntly said: "I want to practice for my brother!"

"Isn't it a good idea for the younger brother?" Xiao Hua said pitifully.

"No, of course not! Oh..." Dry Di Heng smiled, his body suddenly swayed, his hands clasped his head, and almost fell from the air.

He smiled bitterly: "This **** is not easy to recover. I will wait a while before, find a secluded place, and rest for a few days!"

Ten days later, Xiao Hua and other four talents flew out from the hidden places and re-find the direction, passing through the edge of the Liye Mountain Range and rushing to Jiangcheng Town. This time, even the most amazing, the most fearful thing, Di Diheng is also a lot more honest, and then do not want to pick things up, what benefits.

Dry Di Hengben thought that he was the worst, but after all, there is a magic weapon to protect the body, but also a new screaming, the attack can not be self-protected, is there more than enough? It can be biased, the talent of the beast is so powerful, actually directly attacking the mind, it is impossible to prevent. The spirit of a product has already been like this, what about the two beasts and the three beasts? With the tail, the honest life, and then the opportunity to find the foundation is the right way.

Of course, the Liye Mountain Range is definitely not a good place. Although Xiao Hua and others have doubled their caution, they still have a few nails. They also really encounter a few second-class spirits, such as the three-winged frosty ladybug. The size of the fist is the same as that of the ordinary ladybug. Xiao Hua and others have smashed a lot of fireballs and escaped. Fortunately, there is only one of the three-winged frosted ladybugs. If the green scorpion is a group, then the four people will be crying.

When the four people flew out of the scope of the Liye Mountain Range, they were already embarrassed, and when they saw it, they saw that they were in front of them. When they had people, they were greatly relieved.

"Yu Shizhen, if the younger brother did not remember correctly, the tenth day ahead should be Ming Cuishan, Jiangcheng Town is about a thousand miles west of Mingcui Mountain." Gan Diheng said with a smile.

Grinning, "This is exactly the case! From then on, there was no transmission to Jiangcheng Town. I have to fly for a dozen days. I should calculate the time. It should be almost the same. I will wait to fly and adjust the interest!"

“It’s just like this!” Kun Feiyan also said: “This road is where people smoke. In addition to the secular people, there are also some small comprehension families. It’s not enough! It’s the Mingling Mountain’s Lingbi Villa. It was a different courtyard of Lan Lizong. When I got there, I would have to adjust my interest early!"

"Ying Cuishan?" Xiao Hua slightly frowned, the name seems to have been heard from there, but if you think about it carefully, you can't think of it, wait for Kun Feiyan to speak to Lan Lizong, Xiao Hua suddenly wakes up, this Lan Lizong The name should be heard when he was in Jingbo City. When he entered Jingbo City, a monk flew directly from his head. Some people said that it was the three elders of Lan Lizong, called Zhuo Mingzhen. It is known as the mid-term monk of the Yuan Ying. Well, since I thought of it here, Xiao Hua sometimes thought of the reason of Ming Cuishan! No, it’s the half-selling and half-selling of his magic gun tip!

Xi Wuming claimed to be a monk of Ming Cuishan. When he took Xiaohua’s only storage bag, he said that Xiao Hua could do something with his name, but this time is not a long time. However, Xiao Hua is now a disciple of Yu Leizong, and he has been thrown aside in the early stage of building a foundation. If he does not think of Ming Cui Mountain, if he does not think of Jingbo City, Xiao Hua can't remember it. .

"Is it difficult to meet the seniors?" Xiao Hua thought of the strange monk, and he felt a little grateful in his heart. The magic gun tip did not save Xiaohua’s life before. He is no longer used after he has a magic hammer.

"Let's go, the front and the back are basically stable, I can only wait a little to cover up the traces." Dry Di Heng began to smash.

Therefore, Xiao Hua and other four people each took out the confused and put on, flying to fly to the southwest.

Nothing on the way, until the ninth day, seeing the green of the front, it turned out to be an innocent grassland, and on the grassland, a lot of shepherds, riding horses of various colors, like a flock of white clouds, occasionally A few pillars of wolf smoke skyrocketed, quite a bit of scenery outside the plug.

Extremely far-sighted, in the depths of the grassland, like the green of the same Wang Bishui, it is also an extremely green towering, like a piece of jade growing in the clear water, not to mention, it should be Ming Cuishan.

Flying into the grassland, I saw Ming Cuishan, Xiao Hua and others flew slightly west. After the evening of the tenth day, in the depths of the grassland, a small town with dozens of miles was displayed! The town looks a little broken, surrounded by dilapidated mud walls. It seems that it wants to be built as a wall. It can last for a long time, and it collapses and collapses. There are some empty spaces inside and outside the mud wall. Some tent-like buildings are piled around. These tents have seen more on the previous grasslands and should be built by the residents of the town.

Looking inside the town, there are some buildings that you usually see, or small buildings, small houses, or ordinary houses, and the styles of these buildings are obviously different. It seems that people from all places Gather here.

"I will wait for it." He looked at the gods and swept his hands. The four men fell in a place not far from Jiangcheng Town. (To be continued.)


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