Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 503: Buddha relic first

~ Date: ~09月29日~

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Listening to the words of Kun Feiyan and Gan Diheng, and looking at the eyes of concern, Xiao Hua’s heart is quite uncomfortable, but he has no choice. Although this is a simple matter, it may be involved. To their own origins, these things are important one-on-one. Even the most intimate people can't reveal them. They can only say some lies! However, fortunately, all three people listened to Xiao Hua’s words. Xiao Hua’s words were not lie, and the sentences were true, but they did not tell the real purpose!

When the three figures disappeared into the field of vision, Xiao Hua did not hurry to hurry, found a secluded place, dug a cave, drilled into it, laid the law, and then explored the surface. There was a layer of black gas in the cage, and the sly sorrow of some ghosts and sorrows was taken out. This thing was collected by the disciples of the Tianzong Emperor of the Lingbi Mountain Villa, and there was no time to check it.

This long scorpion is divided into two parts, one is a long pole, the surface is black and bright, and there are weird runes on it. It is different from the common runes of Xiao Hua. The top of the pole is a long gong, one foot. The wide and two-foot long scorpion does not know what kind of material is made. A thick layer of black gas sticks to the sides of the glutinous surface. From time to time, there are very scary faces in the black gas.

"Is this the magic weapon of the magic repair?" Xiao Hua did not dare to use God to visit and release the Buddha's knowledge. The black gas in the long scorpion seems to be afraid of the general knowledge of the Buddha, but with the deepening of the Buddha's knowledge, they have let go. .

"Zi!" A long sound, the Buddha met a thing that has nothing to do, the thing made a harsh scream, "Ah?" This sound is huge, as if it is in the mind of Xiao Hua. In the middle, Xiaohua’s Buddhist knowledge suddenly became hot. And this hot feeling passed down to the Buddha relics along the Buddha!

"Hey ~ this magic device is actually fraudulent!" Xiao Hua was shocked, and quickly wanted to withdraw the Buddha. But it is already late. An inexplicable feeling came from the Buddha's relic, and Xiao Hua's eyes seemed to suddenly change. The whole person disappeared in the same place, waiting for him to return. It has become another old man who is cruel. Difficult to swear while coughing.

"I...who is this?" Xiao Hua was shocked and tried to struggle, but he seemed to be trapped inside the old man. It seems that they can't move. You can only walk as the old man walks.

Later, the old man did a lot of things. Although Xiao Hua’s heart was in a hurry, he could only watch it. When the old man and the tribes in the family traveled, they were in an inn. I met a person familiar with Xiao Hua, who is not someone else. It is the owner of Xiao Chang who was killed by Ling Hua in Lingbi Villa.

"Hey. Xiaoye understands!" When I saw this person, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that this old man...may be the soul of Changchun, and his own Buddha is afraid of encountering this evil spirit, and sure enough, until the evening, On that day, the disciple of Mozong actually cast a spell outside the inn, killing the living people in the entire inn, and taking the souls of these people into the long squat!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua saw the old man's soul, and he himself was also involved in the long squatting, and he thought of the "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing" at the same time, so he immediately took the Buddha in midair. Zong Xinfa urged, Xiao Hua’s mind burst into a golden light of ten feet in midair, and gradually turned into a Buddha golden body!

"Thank you for your respect!" At the same time as the Buddha's golden body flashed in the air, the illusion of all should disappear. The soul of the old body also stagnated in front of the golden body. The satisfaction and gratitude of the face, the Buddha's golden body is the fall of the five bodies. Come down.

"临!!!" The Buddha's golden hand smashed the law, issued the golden light of the singer, and screamed in the mouth. The golden "Lin" word actually flew out from the mouth of the Buddha. It seems that the rune is not a rune, playing in the soul of the old man. On the top, the soul gradually dissipated and turned into a small dust that could no longer be small and disappeared.

Just as the old man’s soul disappeared, an extremely bright light spot ignited from the heart of Xiao Hua’s Buddha, and the Buddha’s fire was bright again.

"Good!" The Buddha's golden body sighed and closed up the law. The whole body was turned into golden light. It was brightly reflected all over the world. When all the light disappeared, Xiao Hua's mind returned to the flesh.

"Hey, super!" Xiao Hua opened his eyes and his eyes were full of compassion. This Buddha's relic has been cultivated for so long, and he finally refines the first supernatural power of the Buddha's golden body! A magical power that is useless with battle.

"This day, the Mozong is really sinister, and the ordinary secular people must also be killed, just to arrest their souls and sacrifice this magical device. If the young master is later cultivated as a great man, he must personally destroy the magic sect! "Xiao Hua thought badly, but then Zhang Qingxiao's image appeared in Xiao Hua's heart, which made him hesitate: "But the Emperor of the Demon sect looks like a good man, and his actions are bright and upright." Oh, I’m afraid it’s a superficial thing!”

Xiao Hua wants to finish, he will hand a little, the long scorpion floats in the air, Xiao Hua closes his eyes, his hands are the law that swayes the word "临", the word "卍" on the forehead slowly rotates. A golden brilliance is invested in the black air of the long scorpion. When you see the black gas, the golden body of a Buddha relic flashes out. This golden body is the same as Xiao Hua, and the law is opened, and the mouth is opened. The golden "Pro" word, slowly flying out...

Eight days later, Xiao Hua flew out of the cave, his face was very tired, but his expression was extremely satisfying. During the six days and six nights, Xiao Hua did not slack off, and he would have more than 300 souls in the konjac. It is super-crossing. What surprised him is that there are still dozens of resurgence of low-level monks, and it is very easy for the souls of more than 200 secular people to surpass them. These dozens of low-grade refining The monk's soul can be a lot harder. It is also good in Xiao Hua's mental and perseverance, and it is sad and sorrowful. There is always compassion in his heart. Therefore, although it is difficult, there is not much danger. Just now, Xiao Hua will be a refining nine-layer. The monk's soul is super-crossed.

Although Xiao Hua wants to take a day off, it can be regarded as a day. The sword of Luofeng Mountain has already begun. If he does not go again, the group of martial arts will be scattered, and his intention to find a birth will be lost. Therefore, he immediately goes from the cave. Out of it, urging the wake of the Thunder to fly in the direction of Luofengshan.

"The hard work of this eight days has not been in vain. The "Bai Ye Ling Jing Jing" has made great progress, and it is much stronger than the hard work between the plains. And... the blackness above the konjac has not weakened, but it is not very raw. The soul is inside, it seems that there is no power..." Xiao Huafei is in the air, and his heart secretly counts: "The most happy thing for Xiaoye is that Xiaoye has finally had the first Buddha's magical power. But... this **** is really useless! !!"

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