Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 510: Raise your hand to kill four monks (2)

The 510th chapter raises hands to kill four monks (2)

"Silk ~" almost sucked a cold breath at the same time, the remaining four disciples of Ling Lingzong were very surprised to see a calm face, just took their hands out of the back of their younger brother Xiao Hua!

Of course, they were well prepared and made a lot of backhands, but they did not expect Xiaohua to use bandits anyway, and they did so many bait before they appeared, which led them to distract them. Even when Xiao Hua has not appeared, he will kill them a younger brother!

And in the midst of the air in the side of the crowd, their spirits of the Lingzong were actually crushed by the power of God. They could not find the north by the smashing attack of the gods. Even if there was poisonous silk on the body, they could not be sprayed into the power. On the body!

"Up!" Although the four people were happy, but they swept their eyes over the corpse of the monster on the ground. They didn’t feel the enthusiasm in their eyes. They made a look at each other. They all waved their hands and waved in the hands. Try to force the implements in midair and do the final fight!

Contrary to the disciple of Ling Zong, the other people are very pleasantly surprised. Just six opponents pressed and hit, and Xiao Hua killed two when they appeared. Now it is four to four, but in Xiao Under the cover of Huazhen Yunyin, although the shackles will be re-raised, the thunder locks can only be self-protected at this time, and there is no one-on-one situation.

However, will Xiao Hua care about this at this time?

I saw Xiao Hua's hand pointing, the sound of the town's Yunyin "嗡嗡", turned over in the middle of the air, and the imperial concubine to the scorpion disciple who just used the sharp cone instrument!

"Ah?" When an unparalleled fear rises from the heart of the Lingzong disciple, it seems that there are a lot of invisible hands in the town cloud print to scratch their souls, and this disciple of Lingzong will shoot. I have never come out with a worm in his pocket. This is a three-fist-sized worm. Six wings are inserted into the sides of the worm. The elliptical head is also dark, occupying the entire body. Most of the time, and, above this head, there is only one one-eyed eye. In the slender mouth under the eyes, a slender thorn stretches out, and the blue-eyed brilliance flashes on the spike. It is obviously poisonous. Incomparably, this worm is poisonous.

However, these three poisons have just flew out of the storage bag, and they did not fly out like the previous ones. They attacked Xiao Hua according to the owner's drive. Instead, the poisonous meditation seems to be extremely afraid of the power of the town's cloud printing. Just a foot or so is to agitate this wing and want to fly back into the storage bag.

"Disease!" Where does the Lingzong disciple let the poisonous come back, take a hand, and a look of old Huang Fu took it out, a blood spurted out on it, urging the urge of the disciple's mana, suddenly Turned into a group of red brilliance, and then listened to the sect of the Lingzong disciples to spit the truth, this group of Guanghua is a three, falling on the three poisonous bodies.

When the three poisons suddenly appeared, the whole body was full of red brilliance, which seemed to have risen by three points. All of them encouraged the wings and circled in the air to avoid the town cloud printing and flew straight to Xiaohua.

"Ha ha!" Xiao Hua saw the situation, did not feel sneer, he did not call Xiao Huang or Xiao Yin, with his hand pointing to the town cloud seal, still rushing toward the Ling Zong disciples, and stimulating nightmares, Sting to poison.

"哼~" Seeing that Xiao Hua actually used the flying sword to stab the poisonous meditation, the singer of the Lingzong disciple did not feel sneer, and the poison was not only toxic, but the black body was as famous as the scorpion. ? He only escaped the town cloud print, and manipulated the cone and the poisonous spirit to cooperate with the brothers to attack Xiao Hua.

Seeing the unrivalled glimpse of the town, the sect of the sect of the sect of the ancestors took a shot and tried to motivate the flying character. He wanted to get out of the power of the town, but at this time, but listen to Xiao Hua. : "Let's stay!"

With Xiaohua’s voice, Zhen Yunyin suddenly increased his speed, and suddenly he rushed to the Lingzong disciple. It turned out that the previous slowness of the town Yunyin was that Xiao Hua deliberately acted, and he waited until he could control the scope.

"Ah?" With the power of the town Yunyin, the strong pressure of Zhenyunyin will crush the flying characters on the disciples of the Lingzong, and the other defensive Huangfu of this disciple is also a few flashes of Guanghua. When it was annihilated, it was turned into a paper and fell like a disciple from the air.

Naturally, while Xiao Hua attacked this disciple, another 豢灵宗宗子 also flew to Xiaohua, a triangular instrument flashing the khaki-like brilliance to Xiaohua’s forehead.

This Ling Zong disciple saw Xiao Hua attacking his own younger brother. He could not help. He could only try to kill Xiao Hua one step at a time, perhaps playing the role of Wei Wei. However, can Xiao Hua give him this opportunity?

Seeing that the triangle's implement is very similar to what it was before, Xiao Hua understands its attacking means, and does not wait for his khaki-colored beam of light to hit it, and shoots his hand, which is also a dusty fly. First, a beam of light greeted us!

"This..." Seeing that Xiaohua actually offered a ritual, the disciple of Lingzong was completely shocked. They are also monks with twelve layers of refining. They can sacrifice two pieces of instruments for attack and defense at the very least. They don’t say that God’s thoughts are not enough, that is, the mana of the whole body is turbid. And Xiao Hua actually sacrificed a magic weapon and a flying sword symbol, and sacrificed a function similar to his own instrument!

"Is this still a monk in the refining period?" The disciple did not dare to neglect. Under the mana, the same khaki light column came out.

"噗噗噗" was silently ringing, and the two beams of light came together. The light column on Xiaohua’s dust was like hitting the dead wood, and successively crushed the light column of the opponent’s instrument, only hitting the instrument in the blink of an eye. The body, this time there is no sound, the instrument under the light column hit, slammed back, and then "Peng" slammed into the stone on the stone wall of the valley, pulled out a big pit!

"Escape ~" 豢 灵 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗 宗The power of each other is so high that the instrument of the Lingzong disciple is obviously the same as the instrument of Xiao Hua. Under this fire, they immediately see each other's gaps. The magic power of Xiaohua is better than him. what!

"啪~~~~" At this moment, but listening to a loud noise, it is the sound of the town cloud printing landing, the entire ground is to sway. As for the disciples in the town of Yunming, although there is no screaming sound, no matter whether it is a disciple of Linglingzong or a disciple of Yu Leizong, they do not think that there is a possibility of escape from birth!

"Ha ha ha! Go to hell!" But this time, Di Diheng's smirk, this product has been forbearing for a long time, and finally got a chance when the sect of the Lingling sect was distracted, urging Ming Hao, two two-color light Under the cover of a slightly larger ball of light, it is in the heart of his opponent's hand. With the laughter of Dry Diheng, the sound of "Boom", the ball of light bursts, not only the defense light of the enemy. The hood exploded, and his body was blown out of a large hole in the bowl, flesh and blood, and it was not live!

This is good, six Ling Lingzong disciples, four dead at once, only two! The disciple who played against Xiao Hua did not look back. He just heard the loud noise of the town cloud printing, and immediately smashed the law. The whole figure flew toward the sky and wanted to escape with the flight.

"Xiao Shidi, catch up with him!" Gan Diheng was also mad at the disciple of Ling Lingzong. When he waved and screamed to help Kun, he saw the disciple fleeing and immediately shouted.

"Haha~ Did he escape?" Xiaohua laughed, but he couldn’t move in the air, and the sect of the Lingzong disciple was also a little happy, but he didn’t wait for him to fly again. His unspeakable instigation was pressed from the top of his head. He only swept away the gods. He immediately flew away from the sky. The nightmare that had just fought with poisonous spirits did not know when it had already flown to the top of his head. The red sword flashed into the cover of his heavenly spirit.

"Haha, Xiao Shidi, you flying swordsmanship is really easy to use!" Gan Diheng, while fighting with Kun, the last one of the lingering disciples, said with a smile.

"No, this flying sword is found by the younger brother from the shop in Weeping City. It took a lot of Lingshi!" Xiao Hua did not say it, he waved his hand, and his nightmare fell into his hands. A glimpse of the income of the Buddha’s heart.

Later, Xiao Hua glanced at the last pale-faced 豢 豢 宗 宗 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧Into his hands, not far from his eyes, the three poisonous meditations have been turned into six paragraphs by nightmares. Although Xiao Hua had just wanted to take the poison, he could be spurred by the blood of the sects. Poison seems to have entered a state of madness, not endless.

"Yu Shizhen, can you be injured?" Xiao Hua fell next to the cockroach, at this time the pale face of a pale, slightly reddened.

"Fortunately, thanks to the younger brother in time to come over!" The meaning of a pair of wonderful eyes can not be said, some reverence is still a bit horrified, she really can not think of ten years ago, Xiaohua, who refines ten layers, now repairs More than her, although Xiao Hua has not built a foundation, but the refining 12-story monk does not seem to be his opponent.

"This... some can't say it!" He said: "The same is the twelve layers of refining. Xiaohua is just a foundation. And he is 12 years later than me. He... ...how is such a strong mana?"

Although I had some surprises about Xiao Hua’s escape from the bloodline of Lingbi Villa, I didn’t see it in person. Today, Xiao Hua’s face-to-face killing of four monks with 12 layers of refining has long exceeded Awkward cognition, how can we not let her heart tide?


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