Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 534: Real life

"Hey, is there still so much?" Seeing that there are more than a dozen cockroaches that are a little bigger than before, they are drilling from the ground. Xiao Hua is not shocked, and his eyes are bent for a long while, watching with interest. These embarrassing seems to be already in their own pockets.

Nor is Xiao Hua arrogant, after all, under such a powerful Jin Tu Yuan magnetic, any monk's magical powers must be discounted. And Xiao Hua’s cultivation at this time... um, his cultivation is also affected, but Xiao Hua’s martial arts is not a martial arts day? Here, it is said that the monk in the middle of the foundation building is the late stage of building the foundation. Xiao Hua can also have the power to fight with confidence! Of course, the magical spirit of the Jindan period monk Xiaohua can't figure it out, and naturally will not consider it. If there is a Jindan period monk here, how can the Shanghuazong disciple outside the world know how to form a battle?

These shackles in front of Xiao Hua are somewhat different from the previous four shackles. Not only the rune of the body is incomplete, but also the body is extremely damaged. It is obviously damaged under the ground. It must also be because the cockroaches on the ground that are specifically responsible for interception cannot block Xiao Hua, and these cockroaches are summoned!

Moreover, of the dozens of crickets, 30% are humanoid scorpions, and the other 70% are various aliens, some are like beasts, some are like birds, lions and tigers, and even have a scorpion.

"Shenli 蚣?" Xiao Hua did not use the spirit of the pet to attack the habit, long ago to forget this thing, now see the shackles, almost to take a forehead. However, immediately he was a bitter smile, the power of Yuan magnetic was so powerful that his mana could not flow. How can Godpower fight against the enemy?

"吼~" Just between Xiao Hua’s heart and mind. The bird was actually screaming like a lion and tiger. The wings were on display, and it was coming toward Xiao Hua. The three-foot-long wings flashed like two rows of swords from Xiao Hua’s eyes...

At the same time, this screaming is like a signal of attack. All the cockroaches are attacking. Only the lion-shaped scorpion stands in the distance.

The previous four crickets were still attacked from all sides. Later, several human figures appeared, which were handcuffs, and the runes of the whole body overflowed. Huaguang is condensing in their hands, and the same cockroaches are actually moving on the ground, attacking Xiaohua...

"Ha ha ha, some meaning!" Xiao Hua saw various kinds of attacks. At the same time, when he was bright, he was even more open-eyed. In his heart, he thought that he was just like the cockroaches in his space. He was dumb, woody, he really didn’t think about it, he could make it flexible. The look, simply... not lost to the tenth floor of the refining monk!

However, Xiao Hua’s laughter has not yet landed. Suddenly, from the ground at the foot of Xiao Hua, two hands were extended from the air, and his feet were caught!

"Hey~" Xiao Hua said, this attack is beyond his expectations. He was going to use these steps to avoid these attacks. As a result, the figure can't move, how can he avoid it?

"Brushing" the wings of the flying bird was first dropped from the air, and the sharp wind sounded to show the sharpness of this sharp edge. Xiao Hua did not doubt if there was no mana protection. Your own head will be divided into two by this wing!

“哼~” Xiao Hua’s left hand waved, and the arrogant epee was really blocked between the two wings.

"Kaka" sounded twice, and the wings of the dragonfly hit the sword embryo. There was no trace left on the sword embryo, and Xiao Hua’s hand shook slightly. The prajna epee hits the vest in the vest, and the force is so heavy. The brilliance of the flying bird's body flashed, and it fell from the air like a real bird.

At the same time, the hand that firmly grasped Xiaohua's feet suddenly gave birth to a tremendous force, and a similar force-like impact rushed straight into Xiaohua's meridians!

"Hey, is it so simple?" Xiao Hua mobilized the dragon, the whole meridian is shaking like a dragon's body, and the mana can't enter the meridian at all!

"You come out!" Xiao Hua supported one foot on the ground, and the other kicked up, blocking the attacking cockroach and separating the two hands of the underground man.

The man naturally tried to hold Xiao Hua’s leg, but his great strength was only relative. It was still a lot worse than Xiao Hua’s quenching power!

The sound of "咔咔" seems to be the sound of the bones of the man in the underground. The man was obviously shocked by Xiao Hua’s divine power. The two arms were pulled far away, and then he realized that he quickly released one hand and the other One hand in the warehouse, and then 攥- - the house updated the fist fastest, straight to the corner of Xiaohua's leg!

"How is this person so powerful?" When Xiao Hua was surprised, the four embarrassing attacks were already close, and the number of personal forms of the law had already taken shape, and with the wave of his hand, he rushed to Xiaohua. The place to be evaded has been beaten!

"Quiet ~ Why is this attack not affected by the power of the meta-magnetic?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei: "And, these cockroaches seem to work together for a long time! Actually know the direction I want to dodge!"

"Get this master's master first!" Xiao Hua's eyes swept away, and the whole body was extremely weird. It was just like the whole fold. The vest was facing the ground, and one hand caught the thunder. Lived the fist of the man who slammed into his leg.

Xiao Hua's action is very sudden, and absolutely weird, the attack will be a flash! The man hidden in the ground did not think of it at all, and naturally there was no time to dodge.

"You come out!" Xiao Hua grabbed the man's hand, first a glimpse, and it seemed to be a little cold, quite different from the body of ordinary people. But I can't think too much, and when I drink a hand, I feel that the person is coming out from the bottom!

I can wait until the person’s face is revealed, and Xiao Hua is not stunned!

This person is actually awkward!

However, this person is the size of a person, the skin color is slightly white, and the body is also wearing a robe. If the facial features are somewhat dull, the eyes in the eyes are sluggish, and the fear is the same as the real person.

Taking advantage of Xiao Hua’s surprise, the human form’s screaming fiercely earned, and he broke his hand from Xiao Hua’s hand, and the man’s shape flew up, fluttering out of the crowded encirclement, and the lion that fell outside. Above the tiger's cockroach!

"It’s hard to be... is this a psychic shackle?" Xiao Hua’s heart gave birth to a more ridiculous feeling, and his body shape did not rise straight, flying outwards against the ground, highlighting the heavy encirclement, directly turning a tendon, standing straight In the middle of the air.

"Hey? You are a refining monk... Why don't you fear the power of this meta-magnetic?" The human figure was actually making a horrified sound, and the sound was round and smooth, and there was no dullness that Xiao Hua imagined!

"Hey, Xiaoye is a refining monk, what about you?" Xiao Hua was dumbfounded and asked with interest.

Ps: There is no delay on the weekend. For the time being 2000 words, guess who is going to appear next? To be continued


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