Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 536: Soil crystal milk

And said that Xiao Hua did not dare to keep his hand, will be a mouth, the red and blue nightmare flashed Guanghua is flying out! The nightmare is refining with Taiyi Qingqi. It is the birth of the innate golden gas. Just after flying out, there is a strong horizontal magnetic force from the ground, pulling the nightmare and slanting down!

“From the beginning”, the Buddha relic outside the Xiaohua Muwan Palace gave a faint Buddha light, and the Buddha’s knowledge urged to control the nightmare!

"Brush", the nightmare will be the tip of the sword, the time is divided into two, followed by two, four, the nightmare is turned into an eight-shot flying sword, five of them meet the monk The flying sword flew away, and the other three flying swords roared, smashing toward the forehead of the monk!

"Ah? Feijian??" The monk yelled, and said: "Yu Leizong disciple... When will the sword of the sword repair be a few times? Hey, this flying sword is weird!"

The power of the infinite karma on the Feimeng Feijian also has a strong effect on the foundation-based monks. The monk is obviously karma-ridden, and it is extremely obvious that the nightmare is deterred!

"Hey, let you also taste the means of poverty!" Xiao Hua saw that the nightmare was effective, and the mouth hanged sneer, while urging the Buddha to resist the power of Yuan magnetic, while fighting with the monk’s Qingyuan sword At the office.

"It’s just a little trick!" The monk’s mouth said that he couldn’t sneer in his hand, but he waved his hand. Not only did the three squats beside him, but they screamed and screamed. The type of cockroaches also jumped out and attacked Xiao Hua from different directions!

"Grandma's, do you still have to face? What kind of group!" Xiao Hua said: "How do you say that you are also a predecessor of the foundation!"

"Oh. Take your life is the right way!" The monk was not ashamed. I took a hand, a bamboo that was one foot long and covered with blue runes, and the mana was pushed, and the bamboo glowed on the top of the monk!

Seeing that the monk took out the implement again, Xiao Hua’s eyes swept over, and he was shocked, but he now has no time to take care of it. King Kong’s body meets three humanoids, five flying swords fight the Qingyuan sword array, and three Flying swords are with a few odd fights!

Also lost Xiaohua with a few months of work to temper the use of Buddha. This can divide the nightmare into eight, and can distract the gods to drive these flying swords! This is exactly the case. If you use the prajna to attack the monk, you can't!

The power of the metamagnetic here is very powerful. Xiao Hua tried his best to force the Buddha to control the nightmare. Although it was very difficult, it was of great benefit to the tempering of the Buddha. It was far more effective than his own purposeless cultivation! Moreover, the monk's Qingyuan sword array is quite a mystery. Xiaohua Wudao Jianguang was at a disadvantage at the beginning, but after a meal, Xiao Hua not only finally found traces of some swords, for nightmares. The control is becoming more and more sophisticated, and it has gradually reversed the situation. With the Qingyuan sword formation into a tie!

The monk standing in the air in the distance looked at Xiao Hua’s bravery, first shocked, then angry, but gradually, his face was born with a happy color.

"吼~" only heard that Xiaohua’s vigorous King Kong’s body was roaring, and his left fist suddenly swung, and there was a taste of the Beidou Shenquan. “Peng” screamed on the back of the donkey!

The sound of "啪", the brilliance of the brilliance on the back, and the joints of the shackles were broken by the body. Scattered on the ground!

The "silk" monk sucked a cold breath, and his heart hurt slightly.

"Attention, Xiao Daoyou!" The monk pointed his hand and stopped the bamboo in the air and flew up, heading towards Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua was shocked. I didn’t even think about why the monk reminded me of the i frame, and sneaked in the hands of the ruthless epee in the hand. The sound of "Boom" actually blocked the blue light that the bamboo had sown, and Xiao Hua himself sank in his hand, and the ruthless epony fell half a foot!

"Receive!" With Xiaohua distracted, the monk waved his hand, and the five flying swords flew from Xiaohua's body. He turned a few times in midair and flew to Xiaohua's side, blocking Xiaohua and the passage. between!

"Stop~" The monk read the mantra, and several cockroaches also stopped and still returned to the original place!

Xiao Hua saw that the monk voluntarily withdrew, and his heart was loose, and his mouth was turned into a sword light. Some of the slanting flies back to his mouth. To be honest, the power of Yuan magnetic here is for Feijian. The impact is too great, although Xiaohua has a Buddha relic, can fight for half an hour, Xiao Hua certainly does not support!

After receiving a nightmare, Xiao Hua slanted like a harpsichord, and the King Kong body outside the body did not dare to take it back. The eyes swept away and flew back to the bamboo on the top of the monk. He sneered: "How did the seniors stop? What is the true blood?"

"Hey, boy doesn't want to be proud! I only see you have some use, I want to make a deal with you!" The monk smiled and said: "If you can help the poor road to get the soil, the poor, poor What do you want your true blood to do?"

"Soil crystal milk?" Xiao Hua stunned, his eyes turned a few times, and said: "You are not looking for Zhong Kui milk?"

"The poor road was originally to find Zhong Kui's milk, but since it came to you, isn't it what you sent from heaven? What kind of bell is it?" The monk smiled.

"What is the soil crystal milk? If you don't make it clear, Xiaoye will never trade with you!" Xiao Hua shook his head like a rattle. Jokes, things that the foundation-based monks can't get, how dare he take them?

"You will take out the old man's embarrassment, the old man will naturally tell you!" The monk said with a hand.

"Hey, the predecessor, that is now the name of Xiao, the younger generation will easily come out?" Xiao Hua smiled like a flower, arched: "Why, the younger generation did not know the origins of the seniors at this time, How dare you trade further with your predecessors?"

"It's also true! The old man is a little negligent!" The monk also smiled and squinted: "The old man is the founder of Dazhu teaches Mo Qingyuan."

“Dazhu teaches? Open the ancestor?” Xiao Hua screamed and looked at the martyr next to him: “Is the predecessor not a slogan?”

Hearing Xiao Hua’s mention of Tuen Mun, Mo Qingyuan’s face was cold: “Sure enough, it’s the famous big country of the Xi State. Even the door of the Mongolian country knows! Unfortunately, today’s Xiaoyu mainland only has Dazhu teach. No more tricks!"

"Dazhu teaches!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly and pointed his hand: "Is it not... This bamboo is the reliance of the predecessors to the land of this meta-magnetic?"

"Hey? You want to get it?" Mo Qingyuan was surprised and asked: "Why are you not affected by the power of Yuan magnetic?"

"What do you say?" Xiao Hua did not answer, but also asked.

Mo Qingyuan’s face changed slightly, but the moment was normal. He said: “Since you have already guessed, the old man is not concealed. The old man got this warehouse wood in the extremely northern desert of Xiaoyu’s mainland, which is a congenital wood. It is not limited by the magnetic soil of this place!"

"These cockroaches...and the flying swords of the predecessors, but also made with Kuraki bamboo!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Yes, that's it!" Mo Qingyuan nodded.

"Big good, the younger generation is facing the refining of the shackles, but it has long been craving..." Xiao Hua slammed his mouth, very embarrassed.

"What? The method of refining?" Mo Qingyuan's face changed dramatically, and he put his hand on the road: "Impossible, old ~~--网-Update starting ~~ I will never give you !"

Xiao Hua’s face was immediately replaced with a distressed look. He spread his hand: “Hey, this is troublesome! The younger generation originally wanted to cut love. In the case of a glimpse of the technique, return this to Seniors; and, I also intend to make a deal with my predecessors. This is good, the younger generation... I have to see how to go out..."

Say, look at the hurricane passage in the distance.

Mo Qingyuan’s eyes were fixed on Xiao Hua, and he spent half a sigh, sneer: “Xiao Hua, you are not afraid, you dare to bargain with the old man!”

"This is why..." Xiao Hua’s King Kong’s body is deeply lazy, and the body says: “The younger generation is just talking about things, and they dare not threaten their predecessors!”

"Hey, isn't it the true blood? What's so great?" Mo Qingyuan glanced at the King Kong body of a few feet and sneered: "Look at your incompleteness, you know that your blood is not pure, you don't know you. What is the true spirit of the blood! Although it is quite similar to the Scorpio, it can look like this ugly."

Xiao Hua’s brow wrinkled, and he was sincerely saying: “The younger generation is also ignorant. Before they invested in the Royal Leizong, they got a piece of incomplete work from the ancestral hall of the family. If they practiced, they will appear this thing! If they are seniors Know, can you enlighten me?"

"Tell you to listen to nature, but... the old man's jealousy!"

"Oh, then don't work for the predecessors!" Xiao Hua shook his head: "Since the younger generation is now a disciple of Yu Leizong, the previous blood is not mentioned!"

"Also!" Mo Qingyuan gritted his teeth and said: "Since you don't want to know, the old man will not talk about it! However, you can't do all the tricks, but the old man... can only give you the most basic, let You can refine your simple tricks!"

Xiao Hua’s heart was overjoyed. However, his expression did not change. He shook his head. “That’s not good. The younger generation wants to refine the battle.” Since the seniors didn’t want to, the younger generation used the predecessors’ embarrassment!”

"Hey, you think it's beautiful! The old man's embarrassment has the old man's gods. How can you use it? If you take the donkey out of the storage bag, he will attack you immediately." Mo Qingyuan Laugh: "This is already the biggest concession of the old man. If you disagree, the old man will not take it, but will force you to be on the spot!"

Say, put your hand and the bamboo is flying again...

"Okay!" Xiao Hua looked at the bamboo and had to sigh: "Just follow the predecessors!"

"Big good!" Mo Qingyuan took a shot and took out a blue jade Jane. He said, "You will take it out, you and I will exchange it together!"

Xiao Hua immediately shook his head and said: "Don't, the predecessors, according to the younger generation, still wait for the hurricane channel to say it again, here... the younger generation is afraid!"

Mo Qingyuan screamed at the teeth, and said coldly: "Would you not be afraid of me?"

"Predecessors built a base monk, how are the younger generations not afraid? The younger generation has already thought about it. Before the crack in this space, I still have to ask the seniors to make a **** oath..." Xiao Hua said calmly.


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