Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 560: See also Changfeiyan

Xiao Hua was in a dilemma. He tried to say: "Wh... if there are no more Lingshi in the younger generation?"

"Oh, nothing!" Jin Dan’s monk smiled and said: "The old man is only making his own claim. He can’t bear to annihilate the law in the former magic weapon, so it takes so long. If there is not much Lingshi in Baidaoyou, this armor Bai Daoyou took it."

"Why did the predecessor..." Xiao Hua did not understand, and said.

"The old man just didn't say it. The old man also liked this genie. He has never handed the singer to Xia Ming. One is delaying the time. The second is to see if Bai Daoyou can cut love. The old man will take it. Baidaoyou is satisfied with the Lingshi or the magic weapon exchange!" Jindan monk said quickly.

"How many Lingshi are the predecessors prepared?" Xiao Hua smiled.

Master Jin Dan was overjoyed and quickly gave a number.

"Hey, it seems that this Lingjia is really good!" Xiao Hua listened to the big joy and said: "Thank you for the hard work of the white predecessors. This genius is the life of the younger generation, and the younger generation does not want to take the life to change the Lingshi!"

After listening to this, Jin Dan’s face changed slightly.

Although Xiao Hua could not see the face of the monk through the confusion, he quickly took his hand and took out the two pieces of the instrument from Ling Ling, and then five grasses of about five thousand years old. I took it out and placed it on the table next to it, explaining: "The white predecessor redeemed the sin, the kid didn't know how much to pay for the predecessors, and this took the liberty to ask!"

"These two instruments have been said to have been good before. These five kinds of spirit grass are rewarded to the white predecessors, but also the white predecessors!"

"Well," Jin Dan monk listened. This was a slight nod, and Xia Ming opened all the jade, Xia Ming’s eyes were far away, especially on a jade: "Master... Uncle. This... is 5,000 years. Returning to the grass!"

"Hey?" The Jindan monk was also shocked. He waved his hand and flew into the grass with the jade that had fallen from the grass. After careful identification, he nodded: "This is the return of the grass, but it is Refining the innocence of the pregnant baby Dan!"

Later, looking up at Xiao Hua, the gaze passed through the confusion.

Xiao Hua knew last time that Jin Dan’s monks could see through their own confusion. But because Xia Ming is next to him, he will take off the confused. Just an arched hand, said with a slight accident: "This... This is the return to the grass? The white predecessors, the younger generation thought it was the ordinary spirit grass. Only because of the age, this is for the predecessors!"

"Yes, this is the return to the grass, it is the spirit grass that the old man needs!" Jin Dan's monk smiled, and regardless of whether Xiao Hua said it was true. When the hand swayed, it was returned to the grass in the storage bag, and it said: "Bai Daoyou is very good in character. If most of the monks get this cheap, they must turn and go; and the rest are all come out. The Lingshi as compensation, and like Bai Daoyou... actually used the price of my magic workshop to buy the magic weapon. The old man has seen it for the first time in a hundred years!"

"The younger generation...the younger generation just wants to know the value of this Lingjia!" Xiao Hua did not hide: "I didn't really want to compensate so much! And it is off the grass... Hey. The younger generation does not know!"

"Ha ha ha ha" Jin Dan monk smiled very hearty, reached out and patted Xiao Hua's shoulder; "You kid is very interesting!"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Xiao Hua's face is very respectful, wanting to hide and not dare to hide.

Later, the monk Jin Dan took a hand and took out another golden triangle token and a jade slip to Xiao Hua. He smiled and said: "The jade slip record is the method of the spiritual armor and the method of use. The token is the old token of the old man. Next time you can take the token directly to the old man, the old man will give you a magic weapon!"

"Oh," Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and quickly picked it up and said: "Thank you for the whites!"

"Haha, the old man is Xie Anzhen, you remember!" Jin Dan monk actually voiced.

"The younger generation understands! The younger generation is named Xiao Hua." Xiao Hua quickly voiced.

"Well, the old man remembered!" Xie An nodded and said to Xia Ming: "These four grasses and two pieces of the instrument are collected, and the old man will send Huang Daoyou!"

"Yes, congratulations to the uncle!" Xia Ming received the instrument and the spirit grass respectfully said.

"Send white predecessors!" Xiao Hua followed.

Waiting for Xie Anzhen nodded, but also fell into the wall, Xia Ming vowed: "Congratulations to Huang Daoyou, actually got the favor of my skillful workshop Bai Shishu, which is the first in the knowledge of the poor road!"

Xiao Hua scratched his head, and some embarrassed look: "The poor roads are all truthful!"

"Haha, this world is a lack of a monk like Huang Daoyou!" Xia Ming said with emotion, very politely sent Xiao Hua out of the skill workshop.

Xiao Hua was happy to go out of the workshop, not far away, just looking for an inn nearby, opened a quiet room, and sacrificed the armor.

A few days later, within the quiet room, I saw only the extreme fatigue on the face of Xiao Hua’s face, but the color was not converged, and the last one was beaten on the armor, and the spirit armor was extremely splendid. Cyan, and in the middle of the cyan, there are two flashes of lightning.

Then, Xiao Hua bite the tip of his tongue, and a drop of blood is sprayed on the armor. The spirit armor has blood, and it sounds a slight roar. After the roaring sound, the armor flies away, directly in Xiaohua’s The body disappeared!

"***, it really is a magic weapon! The name is well-deserved!" Xiao Hua feels that there is no extra mana in the body, very excited and laughed: "Only after the sacrifice, the mana's mana is consumed cleanly, this magic weapon I can't protect my little master, and the mana and the spirit grass of the young master can be thrown away!"

Subsequently, Xiao Hua took the medicinal herbs and began to restore mana.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Hua went out of the inn. It was when he was looking for a spiritual camel car. His eyes were on the boulder-built building that was not far away. It was the last time that Xiao Hua participated in the bidding meeting of the Weeping City. Where.

It was only at this time that the building was clear and clear, there was no one at all, and it was the standard door.

"Well, the competition secret is a three-year session. At this time, it is less than six years. Who will come here?" Xiao Hua thought, turning around, but at this time, it was really a coincidence, a figure hurried. Going out of the building, walking towards himself, and seeing the face of this person, Xiao Hua smiled a little. This person is not a person, it is the slaughter of the auction, often non-rock, that is, he gives Xiaohua’s token to participate in the auction secret.

"Early seniors!" Xiao Hua saw Chang Feiyan actually went to himself, and he was embarrassed to avoid, standing there and said.

"Oh, the road is friendly!" Chang Feiyan seems to be accustomed to, casual arched hands, took a look at Xiao Hua passed by. However, he had just walked through, and he woke up and turned his head and was surprised: "You...that is that..."

"The younger generation Xiao Hua, who met the predecessors at the bidding meeting of Chou Yuecheng five years ago!" Xiao Hua said quickly: "And the predecessors did not give up, but also gave the kid a token..." said Xiao Hua Looked at the door of the bidding secret meeting.

"Ha ha ha, exactly, it is!" Chang Feiyan was very happy, actually sticking out to pat the shoulders of Xiao Hua, this move is not appropriate, any monk who is not his own relatives or teachers, will never let people Touch your own body, even this seemingly intimate move! And Kun is not a smoker, is Xiaohua not a seemingly unintentional shot?

When Xiao Hua saw it, it was just a change of color, and the shoulders were shrinking to avoid. Chang Feiyan also realized that he was not right. The outstretched arm quickly and slightly shrank. The other hand took the opportunity to extend it. The two hands were closed together and held together. "It’s been a few years without seeing Xiao Daoyou. It seems to be repaired. For the sake of improvement!"

Xiao Hua is naturally handing a gift, paying a smile: "Because the predecessors praised! The younger generation is a bitter repair, but unfortunately the fate is not enough, has been unable to build the foundation, the real helpless!"

Chang Feiyan said: "It is not a problem to build a foundation. It is the potential of Taoism. It is a direct point, it is the Taoist heart. If the Tao has it, then the foundation is just a small Small threshold! It's just time!"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "The younger generation thinks this way, but others don't think so! I always want the younger generation to build the foundation earlier, never thinking about the future of the younger generation!"

"Hey, Xiao Daoyou, you are in the blessings and you don't know how to be blessed. Some people expect you to build a foundation. Someone is caring about you. If you don't build a foundation, no one asks, that is... not proper! "Chang Feiyan said very harmoniously."

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "The words of the predecessors are just the human world. When the younger generation is taught, they will not complain in their hearts, and they will work hard to build a foundation!"

“Big good!” Chang Feiyan nodded: “Xiao Daoyou has this determination, and there is spiritual grass support. Building a foundation is not a problem!”

Later, Chang Feiyan looked up and smiled and said: "I don't know if Xiao Daoyou has spare time today? The old man just has something to discuss with Xiao Daoyou!"

I saw that Chang Feiyan had been pulling with a refining monk for a long time, and he was also fascinated with the color, and even mentioned the spirit grass in his speech. Xiao Hua had already had a hunch in his heart. He listened to the invitation of Chang Feiyan and respectfully said: The poor road also wants to be the last time the seniors of the seniors, please the seniors in front of the tea house!"

"Oh, good!" Chang Feiyan is very satisfied with Xiao Hua's attitude.

"Please ask before the seniors!" Xiao Hua said respectfully.

Waiting for Chang Feiyan to lead Xiao Hua to the tea house on the left, and enter a quiet room. Looking at the brilliance above the wall of the quiet room, Chang Feiyan took a shot from the delicate teapot. Within, a light red spirit tea flew out and fell into the tea cup in front of Xiao Hua.

"Don't dare to work for the predecessors!" Xiao Hua said in fear, said the hand.

“Xiao Daoyou...” Chang Feiyan poured tea into his teacup, then picked up the teacup and signaled Xiaohua to drink. He drank it first, then sighed and said: “Hey, the old man has today. Things are getting together..."

Ps: Everyone is worried about Xiaohua building a foundation, and the flowers have to give up some plots...


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