Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 564: See you (2)

"Xiao Hua is a disciple of refining, and he dare not work to build a foundation for the predecessors!" Xue Xue said indifferently, the kind of indifferent and the faint meaning of "my family Xiaohua", in the eyes of Ge Ge, stopped in the ear, I hate it!

"Where, maybe Xiao Shidi is already a base monk at this time. I can still wish to go forward!" Yuan Boyin said with a smile, where is there a joy in the delicious atmosphere? .

"Hey, then please!" Gan Diheng sneered and took the lead to fly towards the gate of the Thunder Mountain.

At this time, on the mountain road of the Imperial Leizong Mountain Gate, as it was five years ago, there were many 12-layer disciples who went out to practice, some of whom were familiar with Du Diheng and others, and many of them were born.巽纾 and other three people standing next to the welcoming pavilion, are very strange, from time to time looking at it, 564th chapter

Seeing (2) and Xue Xue and others look at the mountain road, looking forward to the appearance of Xiao Hua from the mountain road.

Wang Yunqi and other three people are also standing next to the Yingke Pavilion. You look at me, I look at you, and there are some unspeakable tastes in my heart. They all think that Xiao Hua had been buried for five years ago. I did not expect to appear suddenly again. I can think of building a foundation that has already been built, and there is a kind of heart-warming mind. I want to see if Xiao Hua has built a foundation.

Of course, they also understand that since Xiao Hua failed to build a foundation, the possibility of building a foundation in the past five years is really too small, which is the main reason for their waiting here.

However, after waiting for more than half a day, many refining disciples came to see him, causing three people to be upset, but still not seeing Xiao Hua back, the three are hesitating. A thunderbolt is flying back. It was in the eyes of Gan Diheng that Gan Diheng grabbed his hand and smiled. "Ha ha ha, Xiao Hua is really alive, is going back!"

"Big good!" Xiao smiles like a flower, Xue Xue is also beaming, more charming and moving.

"Xiao Hua ... did not build the foundation?" asked the temptation of the squad, and the heart was sour.

"Who knows!" said Dry Diheng, who was not angry; "The younger generation waited for the younger brother, never thought about waiting for the 564th chapter.

See you (2) is the foundation of the predecessors! ”

"But it!" Wang Yunxiao said with a smile: "Since you are waiting for the brothers, I will not bother here. After Xiao Shidi returns, I will visit Wanlei Valley again!"

"Three seniors are good to go, I will not send the younger people who are refining!" Gan Diheng looked at the back of Wang Yunqi and others and walked back, and shouted. On one side of the courtesy, then, looking at the end of the mountain road, frowning: "Xiao Hua is so sly... The speed of flight is very fast, why haven't you arrived yet? Could you meet something again..."

After listening to the words of Di Diheng, the Xue Xue and the hopeful returning heart are even more unreliable. They are all looking at the eyes...

Besides, Xiao Hua’s flight-oriented flight path went straight back to Yu Leizong. During the period, he saw a lot of Yu Leizong disciples, but Xiao Hua no longer stayed. It’s only a slight hand, and the young monks who are seen by the Royal Leizong disciples are also considered to be their own younger brothers. It seems that they are also confused. The doubts in the heart are insignificant compared to the excitement and embarrassment of their own experience. More just nodded.

It was just such a flight, but it delayed the trip of Xiao Hua until the dusk arrived at the Lemo Mountain!

However, seeing the yellowish land of the Rama Mountains, the blood color is abnormal under the sunset, which makes people feel a sense of horror. At this time, above the mountains. There are still some disciples who have scattered the 12-layer peak of refining from the mountain road. It is on the mountain road near the Yingting Pavilion. One male, two female, three disciples who are also refining twelve layers, rise up. Neck, look hard down the mountain. I didn't worry about going down the mountain, and I got a lot of eyes to go out and practice my disciples.

"***. See what!" Dry Di Heng glanced at the first time to see his own eyes, angered: "I am waiting for someone here, there is no plan to go to experience! If you look again, be careful to find Your teacher, let you wait for the mountain back now!"

The disciples who were desecrated were first furious, and they could listen to the words of Di Diheng. They immediately narrowed their necks and did not dare to speak. They quickly went down. Naturally, the disciples who heard the near left did not dare to look again, and the disciples who went down the mountain still had to watch it!

"***, this Xiao Shidi... What happened? I have been passing the notes for a long time, why are you not coming back?" Dry Diheng is impatient: "According to his flight, he should come back at noon. It’s hard to be awkward... Is this halfway out of the way?"

"Dry younger brother!" Seeing Di Heng did not know how many times he said the same thing, and he slammed Di Diheng and said: "All of them are in the scope of my Royal Leizong, what else can you have?"

"Cut ~ 巽 姊 姊 姊 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊 姊

"There are so many disciples going out to practice, Xiao Hua, he is flying slow!" Xue Xue's face is white, and the snow is white and revealing a blush. His eyes are both surprises, expectations, longings, and a touch of compassion. .

When I saw Xue Xue, I was very surprised. When they saw that the message sent by Di Diheng was different, they immediately flew out of the thundering palace with the message, and the message was naturally flying away. I can only fly to the Lemo Mountain Range, and Xue Xue’s look is beyond her expectations. Surprise and expectation are not to be said. Like her heart, the sorrow of the sorrow makes her think anyway. Come out, you can look at Xue Xue's natural desire, and the involuntary heart is a kind of sourness. It is actually an unspeakable jealousy of hunger and narcissism!

"Ha ha ha, this 厮 ... this 厮 然 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Di Heng suddenly got up from the ground and rushed down!

It’s also a big joy. Just rushing down, it’s obvious that Xue Xue bites the cherry lips with the beriboths, clenches his fists, and slowly walks down the mountain road. He just has to slow down his body shape, but the kind of joy that is difficult to suppress, Let the cockroaches also tremble slightly...

"Teacher..." Dry Di Hengfei rushed forward and opened his arms to embrace Xiao Hua. This is a very normal move. He did not know how many times he did when he was practicing. The bear hugs Xiao Hua, but he is When Xiao Diheng opened his upper arm, Xiao Hua browed.

Earlier in the skill workshop, Jin Dan’s monk Xie Anzhen raised his hand and shot Xiao Hua’s shoulder. Xiao Hua didn’t want to dodge, but Xie Anzhen was a Jin Dan monk. Xiao Hua did not dare to hide. He also knew that there was no need to hide. On the street of Weeping City, I met Changfeiyan. Changfeiyan was also like an elder to shoot Xiaohua with his hand. It was absolutely that he saw Xiaohua, just like Ling Yicao, ecstatic. The performance was escaped by Xiao Hua without a trace; at this time, Di Diheng...

Seeing Xiao Hua frowning, dry Di Heng instantly thought of Kun non-smoke, that Kun is not a smoke, is Xiao Hua not paying attention, a palm shot? Dry Diheng's own body is first stiff, and the joy has long been three points! The arms are parked there, quite awkward!

"Ha ha ha!" At this time, Xiao Hua laughed and browed, the Lord

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Stretching out his arms and clasping the shoulders of Dry Diheng, his hands were shot on his back and said: "Brother, how is it five years, you have not built a foundation!"

On time, a warm current is in the eyes of the dry Di Heng, the tears in the eyes of the dry Di Heng hold back the filling, his hand is also a strong and powerful hug Xiaohua still thin shoulders, patted hard, said: " You...you haven’t built a foundation here, old... How dare you walk in front of you?”

That voice almost choked!

Xiao Hua’s heart is warm, and an unspeakable joy fills the heart.

Waiting for Di Heng to release Xiao Hua, Xue Xue and Yan also came to the front and tightened the lips. The lips were already white, and the crystallized anomalies in the eyes of the eyes greeted the afterglow of the sunset. Out of the subtle multicolored, I saw the hand arched, the white jade arm slightly shaking: "Xiao Shidi, congratulations to you... back... come back..."

My words are beyond her own expectations. When I didn’t finish it, the tears flowed out. I quickly smacked my sleeves and hided!

Xue Xue stood next to him. Since the mountain road came down, the gaze has been fixed on Xiao Hua’s face. Even though he did not even remove it, he looked straight at Xiao Hua’s eyes. Do not say a word.

"Xue Xue, I... I am back!" Xiao Hua never thought that Xue Xue’s meeting was so cold, and her heart was slightly weak!

"You.....you still know to come back!" Xue Xue's words are beyond the expectation of Xiao Hua. But in this case, it is revealing the resentment, revealing the thoughts, and revealing the incomparable concern!

"I..." Xiao Hua didn't know how to say it.

"You..." Xue Xue just said another word, the whole figure is flying, like the milk swallow into the nest like Xiaohua's arms, the warm and hot body will be Xiaohua's tight, Xiaohua tempered For a long time, the phoenix body is actually breathless!

"唉~" Xiao Hua sighed in his heart, a kind of sorrow born from the heart, open arms are also tightly clutching Xue Xue's delicate body!

For a time, the entire mountain road was quiet and silent, only the wind, Yu Hui accompanied by two people, accompanied by the joy of two people reunited for a long time!

"***..." Dry Di Heng sucked his nose and looked at the side. When he saw the disciples on the mountain road, there were still some disciples who were very curious to watch. They said: "I haven’t seen the brothers and brothers for a long time? Haven’t seen the double repairs. Is your partner close? Rolling, don't hurry down the hill to build the foundation..."

"Xiao Lang..." Xue Xue buried his face in Xiaohua's chest, and his heart was filled with great joy. However, after the joy, it was a kind of sadness. The tears that burst into tears in the first place were the wetness of Xiaohua’s robe. At this moment, the sad tears are like the water flowing out of the embankment. It seems that this is nearly six years. The grief of the past five years has been vented, and Xiaohua’s chest will soon be soaked!

Suddenly, Xue Xueyi leaned on his neck and bite on Xiaohua’s neck. The force was extremely embarrassing. “哎哟” Xiao Hua’s glimpse, and quickly “calls pain”: “Xue Xue...killed for the husband!”


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