Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 568: Counting harvest

In the early morning of the next day, facing the rising sun, Xiao Hua came out from the Dongfu of Wanlei Valley to the sun, and handed it to Xiangyang and Qi Qingqing. In his arms, he gave the token of Dongling Medicine Park to Xiangyang and used his ordinary flight to fly. Dongling Medicine Park.

阎清涟 and Zhuo**’s joy to Xiao Hua is still the same. Although there is no such thing as sorrow and Xue Xue’s feelings, Xiao Hua’s surprise is still seen. Of course, Zhuo ** only asked Xiao Hua’s experience. For Xiao Hua’s things after the meditation, I didn’t mention it at all, but it made Xiao Hua a lot easier. Even when Xiangyang talked about 巽纾 and Xue Xue before the welcoming pavilion, 阎清涟 was also joking. To Zhuo ** take a trip to the thunder palace, and good contact with the ancestors, it seems that both 巽纾 and Xue Xue are regarded as ordinary. .

This thing made Xiaohua's face somewhat tweaked. In fact, since the last experience, Xiao Hua has calmed down and can naturally see the affection of the sly, especially when Xiao Hua is in the wind tunnel, he has to chase after all, if it is not blocked by Di Diheng, 巽纾I will really follow Xiaohua’s fall into the wind tunnel. Think of the demeanor, Xiao Hua has a hint of embarrassment. At this time, isn’t it more red-faced?

Last night's talks made Xiao Hua's heart warm, but there are two points that make Xiao Hua awkward. One of them is helpless, and there is no appearance at all. It seems that after returning from the mountain gate, he went directly to Wanlei Valley, and did not look at Xiaohua again. Interest, this really makes Xiao Hua wronged. The second is that Zhuo**'s love for Xiao Hua is still the same, and the discourse also inadvertently reveals the love for Qi Hongjun. A lot of things can't help but compare Xiao Hua or Xiang Yang with Yu Hongjun. I feel quite proud of having such a disciple in Wanlei Valley!

"But, people have such dazzling repairs, what does the young master grab with others? Since you have chosen the 18th floor of the refining, you have to regret it!" Xiao Huafei is still in the air, still thinking: "And Every man can't be the master of all times! Even in a small Wanlei Valley, the day before may be sunny, maybe yesterday is me, today is the people's home. What about tomorrow? The younger brother. Xiaoye is now the strength of the mid-term foundation, no reason to make a pet with a refining kid?"

"Moreover, I have now refining the late 17th floor, and it will take a long time to use the last piece of fire crystal. It will be cultivated to the 18th floor of the refining, and the foundation is just a few years. Basically, Master may not be cold-faced to me!"

I can think of it here, Xiao Hua’s heart is still awkward: “The master is building the foundation, and now it’s also the mid-term repair of the foundation. It’s in the eyes of Master... It’s not like a singer, even if I build the foundation, I am afraid that it is also the second sun. The master is very kind, and it can be tolerated. I... I am afraid that it will not be done! Hey, after building the foundation, he has a hole in the house, who is going to the front of the master? The left hand is the right hand Xue Xue, Xiaoyao It’s good!”

Thinking, Xiao Hua's eyes flashed hot, a long shout, a series of afterimages flashed, faint wind thunder, Ming Lei 遁 display, rushed to Dongling Medicine Park.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to open the ban on Dongling Pharmaceutical Park. I only felt that a hot breath came from me, even more so when he left a few years ago.

"Hey, if you continue, Dongling Medicine Park is not a long-term place!" Xiao Hua understands that if the herbs in Dongling Medicine Park are dead. There is naturally no waiting value here, and I am afraid that I have to go to the side.

but. When Xiao Hua checked the medicine garden, he was surprised to find that all the grasses had withered except for the phlegm and phlegm, and the sputum was so lush, it seemed that no one took care, no one gave it a reiki. It grows better.

“Big good!” Xiao Hua smiled and said: “There is no such thing as a place to go before the foundation is built!”

Subsequently, Xiao Hua waved his hand, and several of them came out of the space. Under the driving of Xiao Hua, they went to different medicine fields and began to work.

These are the broken flaws that Xiao Hua got in the Yuan magnetic space. During these five years, Xiao Hua and the red Xia Xianzi practiced the rest of the time, while enlightening Mo Qingyuan's technique of shackles, while repairing these shackles. In fact, these cockroaches did not damage much, but they lost control under the force of Jintuyuan magnetic, and Mo Qingyuan could not get close to these cockroaches, but it made Xiaohua sloppy and cheap, but if Mo Qingyuan saw himself The cherished gangster Xiao Hua sorts out the medicinal garden, fearing that it will also be irritating and vomiting blood!

Xiao Hua is very fond of sputum. In the past few years, she has also learned a lot. However, Hongxia Fairy is not very concerned, and she also specifically reminds Xiao Hua that the key to cultivation lies in the realm. If you do not break through the bottleneck before the end of the life limit, all the penance will be turned into water!

It is also under the alarm of Hongxia Fairy that Xiao Hua only realized the life limit, but fortunately, it is not too long for him to practice for many years, and it is normal compared with ordinary disciples.

As for the cockroaches, in the ice valley, the red xia fairy has also taken a few, but they are all placed in the storage bag. They have never been taken out, and even I don’t want Xiao Hua to use it. Xiao Hua is very puzzled. Asked, Hongxia fairy face reddish, a squatting in Xiaohua's waist, immediately let him wake up, double repair, how can there be others next to it? Even if you are jealous, you can't!

And said that Xiao Hua released the pharmacy to repair the pharmacy, he went back to the Dongfu, checked the warnings arranged a few years ago, and did not have any changes, and then looked at other secret hands, and did not touch anything. trace. So Xiao Hua’s heart was put down, and he was sure that the other token that opened the Dongling Pharmacy Circle was indeed lost! Rather than being hidden by someone with ulterior motives.

In the next few days, Xiao Hua was also arranging the medicine field, picking up the mature sputum grass, and preparing for further cultivation. His 燎原心法 has also been cultivated to the end, only after the final tempering of the temperament of the temperament of the temperament, the last one can be used again to stabilize the realm! When it comes to this piece of fire, the heart of Xiao Hua is sweet. The previous scorpion crystal is not divided by bones, flesh and meridians. Only 10% of Xiao Hua’s own is left. This time, because of the red dragon fairy Double repair, actually a 10% also gave the red Xia fairy, this into a sacred crystal is also the main reason for the red Xia fairy to enter the base of the building in one fell swoop!

After finishing the all-in-one debris, Xiao Hua will squat in the income space, and then release the snake-shaped cockroach, alert in the medicine garden, and then put dozens of magic symbols of the rabbit squad in the near right. Within the ground, the entire Dongfu is protected. These dozens of charms are also the time when Xiaohua cultivated in the Ice Valley, and he got the flesh and blood of the spirit beast from the Hongxia fairy, and then refined it.

In the end, Xiao Hua still did not trust, and the fire array was still excited. This was sitting cross-legged and preparing to close the eyes. At this time, Xiao Hua’s heart was another move, and Xue Xue’s storage. The bag was taken out. He used to read it before, but there are many things inside. The medicinal herbs and the Lingshi are not in the heart, and the dry Diheng and the sayings have been turned over to the sect. However, Xiao Hua remembered that he had seen the implement in the storage bag, because he did not look at it that day, and then he thought about it.

Sure enough, under a pile of Lingshi, Xiao Hua found two things, one is a fan, one is a blue bead, and the two things are two jade, Xiao Hua will Four things were taken out, and I was immersed in the jade slippery look. I didn’t realize that the face showed a happy color.

"Ye Yang fan! Water blue beads!!" Xiao Hua smiled: "It is actually two magic weapons! It must be dry Di Heng secretly left to the poor road! This guy, even the ban of the sect of the gate is not afraid! ”

Xiao Hua’s two pieces of the instrument have already blew themselves in the wind column of the meditation, and two pieces of the instrument have also been given to the skill workshop as a reward for making the armor. Today, only the town cloud seal and the spirit crow fire net Two pieces, the town cloud print can not say, it is Xiao Hua is now the magic weapon of the hand, and the spirit of the fire network, it is really bad, at this time for Xiao Hua, the significance of the memorial is much greater than the use. Therefore, this Ye Yang fan and water blue pearl are exactly what Xiao Hua needs at this time.

As for the cultivating and manipulating the gods and mana of Ye Yang Fan and Shui Lan Zhu, isn't Xiao Hua a Buddha relic? He wants to see if he can control two magic weapons.

However, waiting for him to spend a dozen days in turn to complete the Ye Yang fan and the water blue pearl, it is a sad discovery, his mana and Buddha knowledge, no matter which magic weapon is controlled, if it is directly controlled Two magic weapons, the power is not caught, although the force can also support, but the mana is faintly out of control! It is the manifestation of insufficient mana.

“It’s already good!” Xiao Hua secretly comforted himself: “There are no magic weapons for other foundation-based monks. Xiaoye has three magic weapons at once. And each piece can be manipulated freely, even if it is defeated by others. Can Xiaoye not immediately take out another one?"

Subsequently, Xiao Hua took out the jade slip, carefully looked at the use of Ye Yang fan and water blue beads, and practiced their techniques one by one! Waiting for the two magic weapons to be cooked, this is within the income space, and then the body is shocked, the weird phoenix law is born in the flesh!

In the past five years, Xiao Hua and Hongxia Fairy double repair, while the Phoenix body is also in harmony with the body of Hongxia Fairy. It seems that this combination is the way of yin and yang, and the gain of this body is better than that of Xiao Hua! Not only is the contour of the whole body completely formed, it is the same as the phoenix body of Hongxia Fairy. It is the blushing thing in the body that is only empty, but only the blushing thing that can be seen by the eye. Now it seems to have begun to mutate.

Just to worry Xiaohua is that this phoenix body can no longer become a strong King Kong law body, and the law of the King Kong body can not be practiced...


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