Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 570: Xiaoyu mainland repairs the true direction

The thought of the robbery monk is just a moment of speed. At the same time, in the midair, there are many thunderstorms with red lightnings that spring up like mushrooms, and fall like raindrops!

The robbery monk is like a light body, exposed to red lightning!

And this red thunder has flashed, and it is different from the previous many robberies. It is the complete suppression of the whole ban formed by the annihilation of the heavens, just as the whole sky is pressed against the body of the monk! The mana of the monk's body was completely solidified and could not be mobilized!

The robbery of the monk changed his face, and his heart secretly complained: "This... it is the holy thunder of the beast! Although the look of the robbery is different, the first robbery of the beast is the physical body, and all the mana cannot Use!***, Laozi is a man repair, not a monster, this direct bombardment of the flesh with the thunder, how can Laozi bear? And, this day, the thunder is still the robbery of the robbers?"

"Bitter!" At the same time as the monk screamed at the same time, only the spiritual treasure that was secretly self-defeating outside the body could give birth to help him through this holy robbery that he had never prepared before!

The thunderbolt of the thunderbolt hit the gold bricks, and the golden light flashed over the gold bricks, which was then splitting. The numerous gold gas contained in the gold bricks immediately dispersed, and the weight in the whole space increased a lot in an instant. . The Yuan Ying, who was in the incarnation of the monk, was not good enough to be drilled into the body of the monk. However, it is just a place where you can come and go. At this time, it is like a hard rock. You can't drill in anyway.

For a time, the Yuan Ying, who was robbing the monk, was anxious and screaming. And the monk who was robbed was also like a earthy color. His heart was clearly tight. The Yuan Ying, who was robbing the monk, directly faced the thunder, what the consequences were. He regretted that he had released the experience of the monks in the past, and first released Yuan Ying!

When the "call" Yuan Ying panicked, he quickly wanted to spit out something from his mouth, but the thing had not spit out yet, and it was the sound of "啪". Several red lightnings were first hit on Yuan Ying, Yuan Ying. An exquisite small armor on the body instantly gave off a brilliant multicolored color, but that Guanghua did not continue to play. It was defeated by the red thunder and lightning, and the spirit armor was cut off from Yuan Ying!

** Yuan Ying quickly rushed to the law, want to escape to other places, but just over half empty but not half a foot. When the head was hit by a red lightning!

"Ah," a heartbreaking scream, the red lightning linger in Yuan Ying’s body, tearing Yuan Ying into countless small pieces, and these small pieces were turned into extreme under thunder. The pure heaven and earth aura, disappeared between heaven and earth!

Compared with Yuan Ying. The body of the robbery monk is even more miserable. A dozen of red lightnings that should have been hit by the savage body of the monster, now fall on the ** he has never been tempered, and the armor of the body is only strong. Counting interest rates. Immediately, the smoke disappeared, and the armor was annihilated. Naturally, there is also a weak body of the monk! ! !

Waiting for the robbers to fall to the point where the souls are scattered, the sky is raging with the thunder and lightning. It began to disappear gradually, and the dark clouds in the air gradually converge. The hundreds of miles of the banned by the catastrophe disappeared a little bit now...

Only the high altar, and the eighty-one spirits above the high altar are not hurt!

It is no wonder that the catastrophe has just begun, but it has not yet revealed that its face is the end, and the Voldemort Stars have not really endured the baptism of the thunder! (Well, everyone can't blame the scene of the robbery is not big enough, the reason has been said!)

Shang Huazong, a white cloud in the oxon mountain range / / the fastest text update - <> - no advertising / / mountain peaks, huge palaces spread all over it, there are many rare animals in the palace 悠 悠 悠 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 Within the palace, within a gorgeous partial hall, there are two monks sitting opposite each other. Among them, the young monk is the head of Shang Huazong, who is sitting on the opposite side. He is a very old man. The old man’s hair is white, his look looks very bitter, far from being the monk of the immortal style that people imagine. This person is the elder of Shang Huazong, who is a real person in the early days of distraction.

Seeing Yunzi is very respectful and asks: "The elders of Yan Yan, Shang Huazong's development for decades is like this. Your old retreat is in the middle of the split, and the younger generation dare not bother. I don't know if you have an old development of Zongmen. what idea?"

Yan Yan really opened his eyes slightly, his eyes swept through the clouds, and after a long while he was slow, he said: "The poor road is old, and the affairs in the sect have long been ignored. How do you ask these old people to answer you?"

"Shang Huazong's burden is placed on the shoulders of the younger generation. The younger generations are not afraid to be a little embarrassed, but the younger generation knows very well. I still have a strong foothold in the Xiguo and even the Xiaoyu mainland. They are all great monks like the predecessors. As a cuddly, if you are not a predecessor and other elders, any of the distracted monks will find the Golden Palace, which is a disaster for me.

"Well, this is only one of them, and it is by no means the most important!" Yan Yan really whispered: "The old man thinks that the most important thing is the younger disciples. If these disciples have unlimited potential, who dares to find me Shang Huazong? Trouble? Who can guarantee that these disciples will not have a few distractions, and there will be no more robberies?"

"This is the case! The predecessors learned the right thing!" said Yunzi, respectfully said: "The younger generation had never thought about this layer of work before!"

Yan Yan really laughed, and the folds on his face shook slightly, sticking out the dry hand like a dead tree, and swayed: "Looking for Yunzi, you have something to say, you are a little weird elf. Everything is hidden and not clear, how can the old man not know your thoughts?"

"嘿嘿" looking for Yunzi to laugh a few times, said: "Predecessors are really clear-cut, the younger generation really have something to ask!"

"But it's fine!"

"Good teaching predecessors know that in the past ten years, the younger generation... and the teachers and brothers have discovered that there is some variation in the aura of heaven and earth!" After looking for Yunzi, he looked at the real person, but there was no expression on the face of the real person. Then he went on to say: "If it is a simple aura of heaven and earth, the younger generation does not worry about anything. After all, the change of heaven and earth is not something that my monks can intervene! However, recently, um, that is, five or six years, I still The disciples recruited by Huazong have had huge problems, so that the younger generations have to seek answers from their predecessors."

"Well? What's the problem?" Yan Yan is a real person, and he said: "The heavens and the earth are different, and the old man has long known. Moreover, things have not been as simple as you think. Since the old man feels the aura of heaven and earth, This repair began to slow down, although the speed of slowing down is not big, but it is also fatal for the old monks who have few life limits! The old man thought that you should be repaired as shallow, perhaps not aware, who knows you Actually, I already know it! As for the refining disciples... they are not allowed to step into the real monk who is really practicing, when it will not be affected by it?"

"Predecessors are somewhat optimistic!" Looking for Yunzi's face was serious: "The influence of the refining disciple seems to be even worse than me!"

Later, Xun Yunzi said that the refining disciple was divided into two extreme things, and it was said to be gloomy: "Today's Xiaoyu mainland, the comprehension family is relying on the breath of me, and every family has to disciples." I was sent to wait for the sects of the sects. Now that these disciples have been rushing forward, the blood of the true spirits has long been awakened. This will definitely change the current pattern of Xiaoyu’s cultivation. The power of the comprehension family will sooner or later surpass me. Comprehension martial art!"

"Well, the head is saying very much!" Yan Yan really thought for a moment and nodded: "However, my cultivation of the martial art is so strong, far from being a true family, the pattern of the sect is different from that of the family!"

"These younger people understand, but if you don't find out why the disciples can't cultivate, my Shanghuazong decadence is a matter of morning and evening, and the revival of the martial art is also sooner or later!" Seeking Yunzi worriedly said.

"Well, that's it!" Yan Yan nodded and said: "Is this matter reported to Xianmeng?"

Looking for Yunzi to shake his head: "There has not been a temporary situation. After all, this matter involves the prosperity of the sects. The younger generations are not willing to specialize. If I only have my Shanghuazong, this is difficult, but I don’t have to send it. Where is my Shanghuazong?"

"Other sects... I am afraid that the same defense is very strict?"

"Exactly, there is no exact news, all of them are catching the wind."

"Those disciples who are not children of the family of the true family can have some cultivation fast?"

"But there is no, no one!!" Looking for the cloud sub-interface, there is no stagnation.

"Well," Yan Yan really nodded slowly and said: "The key veteran of this kind can not judge, but ... the difference with the aura of heaven and earth is afraid of being unable to get rid of the relationship, but the old man is still shallow, if it can get some The guidance of the predecessors of the robbery...may be able to determine one or two!"

Looking for Yunzi's face showed a helplessness.

"Of course, the head should also be considered from another angle. Since the comprehension disciples can continue to practice according to the practice of my Shang Huazong..." Here, Yan Yan’s face suddenly changed: "No, the comprehension disciples are entering." After I still live in Huazong, most of them still practice their own exercises??"

"Exactly!" Seeking Yunzi smiled bitterly: "If there is a direct practice in the family, the door will not let them practice the practice!"

"That... those disciples who didn't have direct access to the basics?"

"The entry of these disciples is not slow!" Seeking Yunzi seems to think of something, his face showing a thoughtful look.

"Well, that's good!" Yan Yan's face showed a relaxed look and smiled. "This shows that my Shang Huazong's practice can still be cultivated under the aura of heaven and earth! I don't need me to wait for the martial art union. Get up!"

"Exactly!" Looking for Yunzi's face, a hint of embarrassment, sneer: "The younger generation wants to issue a summoning order, uniting Qiqiaomen, Yanyan, and even the sects of the Huanhua School and Yu Leizong. Negotiating will repair the family... killing..."


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