Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 822: Magic gun tail

"Hey, Lao Tzu said, the raging mountain is just reporting a grace, they can't protect you for a lifetime, you are a royal disciple after all!"

"Hey, since you can go to Yuanying's bidding meeting, you will have to change things in the storage bag even if it is difficult for Jindan monks to be jealous. These are afraid of being quick to change!" Yan Yu whispered quietly and smiled. "If you don't know your bottom, who can think of it, can you have a storage bag at the beginning of the foundation? Can you have a storage bag for the Jindan monk? thing?"

Although Xiao Hua’s thoughts were released, I did not expect that in this city of Yuming, there were people who stared at him. It was only focused on the surrounding scenery.

The home of the refining monk is the largest place in the city of Yuming. The cave house is obviously much smaller than the foundation monk, and it is also crowded a lot. Although there are many things like Lingcao Lingmu, it is unusual, of course, One thing is different, that is, the city guard is more, but see the city guard wearing armor, holding a long sword in his hand, flying in the air from time to time in twos and threes.

Many refining monks are different from the foundation-based monks. They are not staying in the caves, but flying around the mountains, like flies without heads.

"I have seen the predecessors!" Xiao Hua just fell down, a few refining monks are welcoming, respectful gift, asked, "I don't know which predecessor to go to the auction, the younger generation is willing to work!"

Xiao Hua slightly frowned, he only knows the general situation of Yuming City, and the things related to the bidding meeting are still very little known! but. Waiting for him to speak, but seeing the refining monks face slightly changed, hurriedly handed over: "There are still things in the younger generation, the younger generations leave!"

"Hey, why is this?" Xiao Hua is even more strange. When he looks up, it is the city guards of several refining peaks flying over. Obviously, those disciples who are refining are afraid of these city guards.

"I have seen seniors!" Several city guards also respected the gift, "I don't know what can be done for the younger generation?"

"Oh. What happened to the few refining monks?" Xiao Hua smiled.

“It’s good to teach the predecessors that it’s the time of my bidding session in the Ming Dynasty. It’s not only the bidding meeting of Yuanying’s monks, but also the bidding meeting of Jindan, Zhuji and the refining monks!” Wei respectfully said.

"Well, this I know, several bidding sessions will start at the same time. The poor road just came out with the elders from the bidding meeting of the Yuan Ying predecessors. It is feared that the bidding meeting of Jin Dan, Zhuji and the refining monks will also end. What?"

"Ah? The seniors actually went to the Yuanying monk's bidding meeting?" The city guard's face showed a hint of admiration. More respectful. "The situation must be very intense?"

"Well, it is exactly" Xiao Hua is undecided.

Seeing that Xiao Hua did not answer positively, the city guard said: "The number of Yuan Ying predecessors who came to my Ming City is limited, and the bidding meeting has always been the shortest! And the Jin Dan monk, the Zhuji monk and the refining monk The number has increased in turn, and the bidding meeting has also been divided into several places. Now the younger generation has just got the news. The bidding meeting of Jindan’s monks has ended, and the bidding meeting of the Zhuji monks and the refining monks has not completely ended!”

"Good" Xiao Hua sighed, "The poor road wants to build a bidding meeting for the monks. Do you know if the friends can lead the way?"

"Predecessors please" Cityguard is no longer arrogant, reaching out to signal. I will fly first, while the other city guards will continue to patrol.

"This Taoist friend, how did a few refining monks just happened?" Xiao Hua flew for a moment, and asked again, "Oh, nothing!" The city guard seems to have some unwillingness to answer. "There are more monks who come to Mingming City. It is difficult to distinguish between good and bad. Many monks are ashamed of the shackles, and they have started the sale of the repairs, which made me a mess in the Ming Dynasty! Of course, those monks will not build. Kijiu’s idea, however, they...maybe want to provide convenience to their predecessors, or they may have other plans. In order to avoid things that are not good for your friends, my city’s city guards have to take all The signs are all suppressed in advance!"

"Oh, it turned out!" Xiao Hua nodded slightly.

However, for a moment, the city guard sent Xiao Hua to the front of a huge Dongfu, which is ten times larger than Xiaohua’s Dongfu.

At the entrance of Dongfu, there are more than a dozen building-based city guards. Seeing Xiaohua, they came over and flew one person. The city guard who brought Xiaohua came to the ceremony and said something, the city guardian After Xiao Hua, smiled and said: "According to the rules of my Mingming City bidding meeting, the bidding meeting can not be entered after the start. However, since the Taoist friend has just come from the bidding meeting hosted by the city owner, it must be unfinished. How can the Guardian block the interest of the Taoist friends? The Taoist friends only pay a hundred of the top grade Lingshi, you can enter!"

"One hundred?" Xiao Hua was a little surprised. This number is really not much for him. If you enter a door, you must have a hundred top grades. This Ming City has to say, it is too dark!

"Good teaching friends know that ordinary building base friends only need ten!" The city guard said very naturally, "If it is late, you must pay ten times the spiritual stone!"

"Well, the poor road knows!" Xiao Hua nodded, and took a shot, his eyes would not take out one hundred and ten pieces of Lingshi, saying, "There is a way to lead the way!"

The city gods read it, naturally know the number of Lingshi, the corner of the mouth slightly tilted, income inside the storage bag, smiled: "Daoyou please!"

As the city guard entered Dongfu and turned several corridors, it was a dark quiet room.

"Daoyou please, this secret room can isolate the gods and visit, the Taoist friends can change the confused things in it!" The city guard stopped and handed over a number plate, laughing and saying, "This is the number plate of the friend." After the bidding meeting, the number of friends can keep it, make a commemoration, and enjoy the discount in the shop in my city!"

"Thank you!" Xiao Hua nodded, took the number plate, no longer said anything. Going up and going in, he didn't change anything. When he passed the quiet room, his figure and face changed.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to pass through the quiet room, only to see the bright spot, a huge cave house, thousands of monks sitting in different positions in a well-organized position, the center is a platform, there is a late monk on the platform. There is a jade card floating in front of the monk! There is an endless stream of auctions!

Xiaohua smiled on his face, this is the familiar auction meeting he is familiar with!

Xiao Hua Shen read the micro-sweep and sat down in the nearest position. He just sat down, and a set of fruit trees quietly emerged next to the case.

"Well, good!" Xiao Hua unceremoniously stretched his hand and picked up a psychic fruit into his mouth. This is a hundred pieces of top quality Lingshi!

"Cut, this spirit is really normal!" Xiao Hua ate a few mouths at random, and swept the gods to the high platform in the center.

At this time, the slaughter of the bidding meeting has already removed the silk enamel on the jade plate, which is a rare material of the refiner! In Xiaohua’s ear, there have been Zhuji monks calling this property a higher price. However, after seeing the bidding meeting of the Yuan Ying monk, Xiao Hua felt that the bidding of the Zhuji monk was too small. This material Xiaohua was familiar, and it should be related to the repair town cloud printing. So Xiaohua’s **** is still not hot, and immediately quoted!

And Xiao Hua is too embarrassed, and suddenly the number of Lingshi has increased by 30%!

The people who were still in the heat were immediately speechless.

"Good~" That slaughter smiled. "If no one quotes, this cloud stone is the friend of the Tao!"

Immediately, the slaughter took a shot, and the cloud stone on the jade plate disappeared, and Xiao Hua’s case flashed a slight brilliance, and Yun Yingshi appeared on it!

"Not bad~" Xiao Hua nodded secretly, and took a handful of it. Yun Yingshi earned space, and placed Lingshi in it. When Guanghua disappeared, Lingshi was taken away!

"The legendary technique of Yuming City seems to be very fine, and the traces of this technique are revealed everywhere!" Xiao Hua thought of the means of interpreting Hongzhen people at the Yuan Ying meeting.

The next dozen things are lacking in boring, and Xiao Hua can't look at it!

But at this time, the slaughter is open again: "Those friends, after dozens of rounds of bidding, most of the friends of the Taoist consignment, and the things I prepared for Mingming City are all successful transactions, I will wait for a while. Take a break, which Taoist friend still has something to sell, can be put into the case in front of the body. This has been said several times in poor roads, but still have to say at this time, when the Taoist friend sits down, his body The number plate has been linked to the legal array on the case. The things of the Taoist friends also have the mark of the number plate. They will not make a mistake. After the bidding, Lingshi will still be sent to the case of the Taoist friend!"

"Well, at the time of the break, the poor road will also put the things that failed in the previous bidding. If any of the friends like it, they can still take it away!" After the slaughter, he waved his hand and dozens of The jade, the jade bottle, the implements and other things were carried by the jade plate, flying around the high platform, which is similar to the bidding meeting that Xiao Hua had previously seen.

Then, the slaughter is a lame, but see the edge of the high platform, Guanghua micro-flash, a row of dark magical artifacts actually revealed, neatly placed there!

"Hey? There are still magic devices!" Xiao Hua was awkward, but when he was swept away, his face showed a hint of joy, only to see a row of dark magic weapons. There is a gun tail similar to the magic gun in his space, left alone! There was a jade plate before the end of the gun, which said the number of a stone.

"Too good~ I can't think I can meet this thing here!" Xiaohua was overjoyed. Although he didn't know what magic guns, magic guns and magic guns could be put together, what magic guns can be practiced, but the magic gun tip It was his weapon to save his life at the earliest, and he still hoped to complete this magic gun completely!

Seeing that the slaughter of the whole body flashed over and disappeared on the high platform, several monks stood up from the seats and went to the high platform, and most monks did not care, closed their eyes, or took something out of the storage bag. The slight brilliance of the entire hall is flashing!

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