Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 876: Zhong Tianyi’s scruples

"Yu Leizong disciple?" Fei Siqing did not look at the storage bag first, and the brow was wrinkled and shook his head. "When the Royal Leizong is not in my country, the Royal Leizong is the comprehension of the Xi State. I am not comparable to the monk of the Mongolian country. You Zhongjia has caused such scourges, and let me wait for it. Isn’t it like a disaster? Fei’s brain is still not confused, how can he intervene in this matter? You say yes No, Qin Daoyou?"

That Qin Kai is even more cold, not angry: "Fai Siqing, Qin Mou came to you Feiheshan exchange refiner experience, their Zhong disciples to find Qin, naturally is going to Fancheng, how can I find here? Get the old man? When you just talked, Qin was thinking about the technique just now, and he didn’t hear a word. Fei Daoyou continued, when Qin was not here!”

"Oh, Zhong Yejing, can you see?" Fei Siqing said with a smile. "It’s not that the old man doesn’t reach out to help the clock family. It’s really not that ability! Besides, how can a Yu Leizong monk in the early stage of building a foundation? Is it the enemy of the old ghost? According to the old man, is there any old ghost? What is the attempt? I want to use this to lie to me and enter the Zhongling Villa of Zhongzhong, how can the old man be fooled?"

"How do you say what you said when you are old?" Zhong Ye couldn't help but shouted, "What happened to my Zhongling Villa is a fact. The younger generation saw it with his own eyes. The flight of Xiaohua is extremely fast, if it is the same as ghosts, means It is extremely hot, and my Zhongling Mountain Villa has already died dozens of people. If not, how will the younger generations and others wait for the two predecessors? No matter whether Zhongjia, Qinjia and Feijia are the comprehension families of Mongolia. Lei Zong bullied my family, and may not bully the Qin family and Fei Jia in the future. The attitudes of the two predecessors really make the younger generation chilling! If the biography will go out, the left-right comprehension family still does not know how to arrange the two predecessors! The predecessors still have to look at the heart of my family, if they are not satisfied..."

"啪" does not wait for Zhong Ye to finish talking, Fei Siqing will slap a sleeve, a slap in the face is on the face of the clock, Fei Siqing's face is a bit gloomy, yelling. "Ignorant children, what do you do with the old man and others? Actually, bargaining in front of the old man? Do you think that you are Zhong Tianyi? Even if it is Zhong Tianyi, he does not dare to be so naked!"

"Oh, yes!" Qin Kai said faintly. "I don't want to wait for two people. How is it? Even if you are going to go out and tell the story, what is it?" Can't catch, Zhong Tianyi still has a face to live in Mengguo? Even if someone is arranging an old man. Then let the person who arranges the old man go to your Zhongling Mountain Villa, the old man will have to look at it, who dares to go to the Royal Leizong disciple! ”

"Two seniors..." Zhong Yejing said quickly, "The younger generation is not that!"

"Hey, where are the disciples of this hospitality? Fei Daoyou, you disciple of Feiheshan, but have a good education!" Qin Kai sneered. "It’s hard for the old man to drink the tea!"

Said, Qin Kai got up and went outside.

"Oh, Qin Daoyou, Mo Ji, Mo Ji. The old man here has a new spirit wine, afraid that you have not tasted it, may wish to try?" Fei Siqing also got up and said with a smile.

"Oh, what spirits? Feeling the old ghost, you actually still have a spirit wine that the old man does not know?" Qin Kai looked bright and happy. The sound is far away.

"Moving brother..." Zhong Yejing looked at the face of the red and uncertain clock, moving his feet, not knowing what to say.

"Now... what to do?" Zhong Ye moved to see things being irritated by himself, and some were overwhelmed. "I... I didn't mean to say that, but when I got to my mouth, I went out with a brain!"

Zhong Yejing sighed, she really did not understand why the owner had to follow the leaves. Is it better to change someone else than him? Is it difficult to just look at the names of the two people?

"Let's go, what else? It's impossible to let the family disciples blow you out!" Zhong Yejing did not get up.

"They dare!" Zhong Ye said, his neck was hard and said.

"Is there anything I dare not!" said Zhong Yejing. "I didn't look at Xiaohua, will I treat Zhongling Villa as a no-man's land? If you have the ability, you will take Xiaohua!"

"I... I will go back to the mountain gate when I go back! Look at what is so good for Xiaohua!" Zhong Ye said excitedly.

Sure enough, Zhong Yejing and Zhong Ye moved out of the Yingketang, and no Feijia disciples greeted them. Even if they flew away from Feiheshan, they only watched the disciples far away and did not go forward.

After waiting for Zhong Yejing and Zhong Ye to move back to Zhongling Mountain Villa, the ins and outs of this matter were carefully obsessed with Zhong Tianyi in the ancestral hall. To her surprise, Zhong Tianyi did not blame the clock, but nodded casually. "You have been working hard, I have been resting for a few days, I am afraid... I have to go on!"

"Ah?" Zhongye was quiet, but he didn't dare to ask. After he was praying, he was gone, and Zhongye was really as he said. Sit, I am waiting for Xiao Hua.

"The third child, how do you see?" Waiting for Zhong Yejing and Zhong Ye to move away, Zhong Tianyi asked faintly, "Fei Siqing and Qin Kai that two old ghosts... No problem?"

After listening to Zhong Tianqi’s question, Zhong Peiyuan was very hesitant, his eyes flashed slightly, and he did not reply.

"How? The third child, you have been traveling outside for decades, searching for materials for my family's ancestral instruments, and having contacted many monks. Can you not have any thoughts?" Zhong Tianyi was not very happy.

"Hey, good teachers know!" Zhong Peiyuan said with a bitter smile. "If the child didn't leave the Yunling Mountain before crossing the Yuncheng Mountain Villa, even before he left the Mongolian country, the baby immediately said his own thoughts. But it was the knowledge. People waited and experienced various scams. After experiencing all kinds of people's hearts, the child did not dare to say it! The most unpredictable thing in this world is not the practice of cultivation, nor the technique of making characters, nor the law of alchemy. But the heart of the people! This is the heart of the people... The end is the most complicated in the world, why is the heavens, the children don’t know, the children can see, the depth of the heart is comparable to the heavens!"

"Well," Zhong Tianqi nodded, quite satisfied. "You said this very well. In fact, even the old man can't judge whether Qin Kai and Fei Siqing have any bad intentions!"

Next to Zhong Peifuqi said: "Homeowner, the child had thought that he would send a quiet child to go alone, and even let Jinger and the mover find one person per person. But the owner said that Jinger would follow the child. One after another, please remember that the owner once said that it is necessary to test the attitude of Fei Jia and Qin Jia to see if they are related to this matter. If they are tempered by the temper, they will endure it. That must be a picture, we can not lead the tiger after the tiger, let the others take advantage of it. But now, the children and the quiet children have been driven out, this is not to explain the two to my family Nothing to plot? People are still afraid that their homeowners will count them!"

"Oh, the old man thought so!" Zhong Tian stunned his beard and smiled. "But if you think about it, Qin Jia and Fei Jia would have no special close relationship with me. If they have a good relationship with me, The request is sure to have a response to the old man’s plan. If they come to my house, isn’t it too unusual? Even if you are, you will not come as soon as you please?”

"This..." Zhong Peifu was stunned and shook his head. "The owner said that it is really impossible to judge! Just wait for Xiao Hua to do nothing, or I will give him what Xiaohua wants!"

"Hey, where can I give it to him? Even if that thing is useless, I can't give it to him!" Zhong Peiyuan said coldly. "If you give him this thing, you will give me the face of my family. Let him be free." Trample! Let me say how the lives of these dozens of disciples should be counted?"

"If you don't give it to me, I can't hold him anymore, and I can't ask two Jindan monks to help my family. How can it be good?" Zhong Peifu asked.

Zhong Peiyuan has long export gas. He is also speechless. Xiao Hua’s flight speed is really strong. The entire Zhongling Mountain Villa is so big. Although there are some arrays of protection, it can be different from the repairing mountain martial arts. Xiao Hua can easily break through. There is no general, Zhong Tianyi, a Jindan monk can not grasp him, only three Jindan monks into a triangle shape, trapping Xiao Hua, can succeed!

"Actually, it is still a bit strange!" Zhong Tianyi did not judge, suddenly said, "Qin Kai, this old ghost has always stayed in Fancheng, how did this time suddenly go to Feiheshan?"

"Listen to what Jinger said, it seems to be with Faith Green to refine what tools!" Zhong Peiyuan reminded.

"Yeah, this is very unusual." Zhong Tianqi nodded. "The two are all refining. They are all in competition, and the little mustard is constantly going. They will not have any good looks when they meet. Now they have gotten together." Together, Fei Siqing actually gave Ling Kai to Qin Kai."

"Is it difficult to fly to Heshan where there is a place for Qin Kai?" Zhong Peiyuan tried.

"Well, or... What are the secrets of the two refiners?" Zhong Peifu also reminded.

Zhong Tianqi showed a smile on his face and said, "This is the case. Since the two are busy with refining, I am afraid that there is no such thing as a calculation for my family! The old man can safely ask them to come." !"

"But... if they have any plans, they must be together!" Zhong Peiyuan still frowned. "They are so obvious together... too abnormal!"

"Ha ha ha, but in reality, the virtual is true!" Zhong Tianxiao laughed. "I am afraid that this is an abnormality. The old man believes that the two have nothing to do with my thoughts about Zhongling Mountain Villa!"

"But..." Zhong Peiyuan still does not trust, "I have hidden my family for many years...". . )

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