Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 878: Zhong Rong

修神传传878_修神传传 Full-text free reading _ 八八七十八章钟霈菡建基

Zhong Haoran still didn't talk, shook his head slightly, looked around, and put the index finger out again, put it on his mouth, gestured to make a sound, then handed the hand to the bell in his hand, and pointed to Zhong Kui's mouth, indicating her. Take it early!

Xiao Hua in the distance can understand that Zhong Haoran wants to let Zhong Rong take it before he sees his abnormality, and saves Zhong Rong from refusing to take Tian Tian Dan because of his reason.

"Maybe... my thoughts are some... too cruel??" A trace of confession was born in Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua was laughing again. "How do you make a rainbow without going through the storm? Zhong Haoran, if it is delayed What are you, Xiao Yili Cheng Cheng! It is also that you worship Xiaomou, let Xiao understand the cost of some things!"

Over there, Zhong Rong really like Zhong Haoran's thoughts, and paid attention to Tian Tian Dan. She hoped that this thing would not be known for a long time. Seeing that she could resume her cultivation immediately, she still has extra thoughts and attention. of?

"Good! I will take it now!" Zhong Yan smiled and his eyes became two crescent moons.

Zhong Haoran did not speak, nodded slightly.

"Hao Ran, you have to protect the law for me!" Zhong Rong said, a rare attachment.

Zhong Haoran did not speak, nodded slightly.

"Then I took it?" Zhong Xiao smiled.

Zhong Haoran did not speak, nodded slightly.

Seeing that Zhong Haoran still didn't talk, Zhong Hao was a bit strange, and Zhong Haoran was anxious at this time, pretending to look at the side, pointing at the medicinal herbs one after another.

"Yeah!" Zhong Rong seems to understand what. I don't have to ask more questions. I walked to the side of the hut and sat down on my knees. I will take Tiandan in one bite!

Filling Tiandan’s stomach, it immediately turned into a hot flow, rushing into the meridians of Zhong Rong, and the meridian that had broken early was like a nectar, and gradually repaired!

Zhong Yufu went to the heart, hurriedly transported the long-lost heart, and carried the warmth a little bit in the meridians...

Seeing Zhong Rong taking the medicinal herbs, and. A group of white mist was born from the top of Zhong Rong, Zhong Haoran sighed and reached out to wipe a layer of fine sweat on his forehead. It was just like Xiao Hua’s expectation that he was really afraid that Zhong Rong would not take Buddhism because of the price he paid. .

Different from the quietness of the lily of the valley, within the Zhongling Mountain Villa, there were several screams in succession at this time, and the number of disciples were in Zhongyu. Under the leadership of Zhong Yejing and others, they quickly rushed to several places... The entire Zhongling Mountain Villa immediately fell into chaos.

However, unlike the previous two, this time there is no Xiaohua’s arrogant voice, and there is no black shadow flying!

"Hey? What kind of means did Xiao Hua use?" Zhong Tianyi’s thoughts were swept by Zhongling Mountain Villa, but he did not see Xiao Hua’s figure. The heart was even more shocked. "This is not only able to escape the old man's grasp, but also to avoid the old man's thoughts. He wants to come to the previous two times and he deliberately reveals his figure! How can this be good?"

And at this time, the door of Zhongling Mountain Villa. A violent drink: "Where to go!"

Actually it is the sound of the bell leaves!

"Ah? It's moving!" Zhong Tianqi and others listened, and the figure flew up and flew toward the door of Zhongling Mountain Villa. However, Zhong Yedong was not at the door of the villa, and Zhong Tianyi was chasing after him. Seeing the movement of Zhong Ye, he quickly chased the West!

However, in front of Zhong Ye, there is nothing that God can read!

Just as Zhong Tianqi was ready to fly over, Zhong Ye stopped and looked around, scratching his head, and then scratching his head. Zhong Tianyi knows that Zhong Ye has already chased Xiao Hua!

Zhong Tianyi’s thoughts were released, and he carefully searched the clock again. There is nothing unusual about this, and this will take back the mind, and at this time, Zhong Yedong also flew back.

"I have seen the owner!" Zhong Ye moved to see Zhong Tianyi very respectful gift.

"Well, have you seen Xiao Hua?" Zhong Tianqi asked. "Why didn't he do it for you?"

"Baby...has not seen it!" Zhong Ye shook his head. "The baby only saw a black shadow of a foot in front of the child, and the baby immediately chased him. The black shadow flew very fast, blink of an eye. The child is far away, the baby can still see it before, but in a moment the black shadow is flying away. I can't find it anymore!"

“Xiao Hua is actually good at shape?” Zhong Tianqi was even more surprised. “He flies very fast and can shape, even if the old man... afraid he can’t catch him!”

"But, as far as the baby sees..." Zhong Ye hurriedly said, "The black shadow does not seem to be human, is it not Xiao Hua?"

"Move, can you see clearly?" Zhong Peiyuan asked.

Zhong Ye shook his head. "The baby can't see clearly, so I'm not sure!"

"Hey, move, since you don't see it clearly, don't talk about it. You are a base monk. It is exactly the same as Xiao Hua's cultivation. Even if it is weak, Xiao Hua does not dare to stay. I am afraid because of your Entangling brings the owner, his flying skills are extremely fast, and can be shaped, how can you see his true face?" Zhong Peiyuan sighed.

"But..." Zhong Yedong still wants to say something, and he saw Zhong Yu and others flying over the villa.

Zhong Tianyi no longer pays attention to the movement of Zhong Ye, and turns his head: "How is the casualty?"

Zhong Yu’s face is extremely unsightly, whispered: “The general look at it, only a few screams add up, there are already 50 people, and there are other places not viewed, but, according to Xiao Hua’s anti-drug means, there must be a place where he was killed without any sound!"

"It’s really mad, it’s really extermination.” Zhong Peiyuan angered. "It’s not because... a little something! This is actually..."

"Hey, the third child!" Zhong Peifu sighed. "That thing is definitely very useful to him. If he gets the magical power, it will increase greatly. Maybe Jin Dan, Yuan Ying is looking forward to it. With this temptation, what? Can't he do it? You didn't look at that day... Is it a call? If you don't give it to him, he really wants to do it to the owner, to me!"

"Hey, Xiaohua is not the same on that day? If it is not repaired, it will already be done?" Zhong Peiyuan sneered.

Zhong Tianqi bites his teeth, and his heart is weak. It seems that since he cultivated to Jindan, he has never been passive. At this time, he knows that he is a master of the real family, and he is a real grievance. It also made him more determined. He relied on the newly discovered refining method to bring the clock to the road of comprehending the martial art step by step!

"You wait to see the number of people who have lost!" Zhong Tianyi waved his hand and turned his head to Zhong Peiyuan and Zhong Peifu. "You two come over and discuss how to invite Qin Kai and Fei Siqing!"

Zhongling Mountain Villa gradually disappeared, and the bells of the lily of the valley were like ants on the steamer!

That Buddhism's potency is so strong that it far exceeds what Zhong Rong thinks, and she actually repairs the meridians that she has to repair for a few days in three hours! Moreover, in addition to the ecstasy of Zhong Rong, there is still the remaining potency remaining, Zhong Rong does not stop, and then urging the mind to refine the remaining medicine! It was just a big Sunday that had just spurred the mind, and Zhong Rong suddenly found out that there was a condensation in his infuriating atmosphere, and she finally had to build the foundation again!

At this time, Zhong Rong is like a mentality that "has been bitten by a snake for three years and is afraid of a well rope". If you suffer from loss, you will not dare to push the mind!

"Fast, continue to work!" Xiaohua's faint voice came.

"Yes!" Seeing Xiao Hua, the foundation-based monk is by his side, Zhong An’s heart is in Da’an, and his heart is quiet, and the speed of condensation in the infuriating air is getting faster!

"Quickly take Zhuji Dan?" Xiao Hua frowned.

At this time, Zhong Xiao smiled bitterly: "Good teaches Xiao predecessors to know that the two foundations of the younger generation have long been used up! At this time there is nothing to build Jidan!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua brows a pick, and his heart turns and looks at Zhong Haoran.

Zhong Haoran did not hesitate to take a hand, and the two building Ji Dan were placed in front of Zhong Rong.

"Horan, you... you are so good!" Zhong Rong once again looked at Zhong Haoran with affection.

"You don't have to be so arrogant," Xiao Hua whispered. "Zhong Wei, you are coming to the poor road, it is not appropriate to build a foundation here!"

Said, Xiao Hua unceremoniously lifted his hand, screaming at Zhong Rong is flying like a wind, and went to the mountain peak that Zhong Haoran prayed for heaven!

When Zhong Haoran saw Xiao Hua’s shot, it was naturally a big heart. He urged the flying tail to fly to the mountain with Xiao Hua. How fast Xiao Hua was, and Zhong Haoran was thrown far away in the blink of an eye.

Wait until Zhong Haoran flies to the top of the mountain, but see Zhong Rong sitting on the slate of his usual worship, the foundation has come to an end!

Yes, it is actually built on the slate of Zhong Haoran’s plain worship, which is also the intention of Xiao Hua’s intention! ! !

It was sensed that the faint foundation of Zhong Rong was slowly recovered. Zhong Haoran’s eyes were moist. He knew clearly that this was the lifelong pursuit of Zhong Rong, and it was because of her strong and strong victory that caused the last foundation. Failure, and this time because of Xiao Hua’s shot, she was able to build a foundation.

"What about Xiao's predecessors?" Zhong Haoran immediately looked at him with great enthusiasm. Where is the peak of Xiaoshan?

"Hao Ran!" Zhong Rong received the pressure, his face was excited and bright red, how can the eyes hide their pride, seeing Zhong Haoran come to the top of the mountain, the extremely jumping fly flew to the front of Zhong Haoran, look Zi is in his arms, Jiao smiled. "You are so good! If it is not you, how can I find Xiao predecessors? If it is not you, how can I build a foundation? This is really worthy of the fact that Tiandan is not only true, not only I can repair the meridians, but I can still build the foundation!"

Zhong Rong fell in the arms of Zhong Haoran, breathing the breath of Zhong Haoran, and some intoxicated.

However, she has been talking for a long time, and she has never heard Zhong Haoran’s response. She does not feel the squeaky look up. The scarlet lips are tilted up and blame: "I am building a foundation. Are you not happy? Is it because? I am repaired higher than you, you are not talking?"

Rehearsal rumor 878_ Xiu Shen Biography full text free reading _ VIII Eighty-eighth chapter Zhong Rong Jianji updated!

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