Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 921: Worshiping Xiao Zhenren

"Oh, it’s really not convinced!" Xiao Hua secretly laughed and said, "Well, but Xiao must make a bet with the friends. If anyone loses, he must go from the storage bag." A strange thing came out!"

"Ha ha ha, no problem, Xiao Daoyou, I hope you have enough to stay in the grass!" A group of monks are laughing, urging the mana to fly out!

"Quirks! How are they so sure?" Xiao Hua was a little surprised, but he was careful to force mana, and the last one was on Hongqiao! Although he is not a monk of refining, he can be hardened for many years, even if it is a praise of the sun, he does not think that these monks of the blood island can be stronger than him!

Far from the other shore of the Bohai Sea, many fishermen in the small fishing village have begun to worship Xiao Hua before they set off to fish!

Far from the seaside of the Bohai Sea, in the village farms of Haicheng, Yuncheng and other places, the secular people have also planted the good varieties sent by Xiao Hua! This improved species is obviously different from the previous rice, not only drought-tolerant. And precocious, the food produced is incredibly fragrant! Needless to say, it is steamed and eaten, even if it is chewed in the mouth, it is a sweetness!

Many farmer's babies, because the mother's milk is not enough, since childhood, it is the porridge made of this food, although it is only a few months old, the chubby body, and the sparkling eyes, the smart eyes are no better than those rich Where are the children's babies poor!

The vision of the peasant is bright, and I am vying for it everywhere! Let them be gratified and surprised that this kind of good seed is actually the same price as ordinary good breeds, and even many places are not to offer silver! Of course, there is a price for not buying silver, and the only price is to remember the master of the good breed, and be grateful to the master from the heart!

For the simple farmer, it is really too much cost! They feel that they should be grateful to Dade! Even the peasants who knew the matter had already taken a statue when they received the good seed, although there was no clear face. The name of the person is correct. The five words "Xiao Hua Xiao Zhen Ren" are really written on the statue! Moreover, after these farmers returned, it was really thanks! Because thanks who is not thank you? As long as they can bring benefits to farmers, they will be sincerely thankful!

This is not. Outside a mountain village on the west side of Mongolia. Because of the drought, many people are carrying a human figure and climbing hard along a steep mountain. It seems to be worshipping on the top of the mountain!

At this time. From the distance, I crossed an iridescent, three monks flew above the summit, and is currently a young monk wearing a big red robe! Behind him are two older people. However, these two old people are very respectful to this monk, because the young monk is Yuan Yingxiu. The two old men are in the middle of Jindan, an early Jindan!

"Master, you are here for a moment!" An old man said respectfully, hurriedly took out a few fruit fruits from the storage bag, and handed it to the same respectfully.

"Well," the young monk nodded slightly, waving his hand, and a green futon appeared under the greenery on the top of the mountain. The monk's figure floated and fell on the futon!

Wait for the monk to take a bite. The sweeping look of the eyes is to see the farmers who are climbing between the mountains!

“Hey? What are these vulgar people doing?” the monk asked casually.

Another monk was swept away and laughed. "The farmers are asking God! Now it seems to be arid, they are asking the Dragon King to rain!"

"Ha ha ha ~ really a group of ignorant idiots!" The young Yuan Ying monk laughed. "Where is there any dragon lord in this world? Even if there is. I am a pet waiting for me! Who can give them a cloud? What to ask for?" Dragon King, it is better to seek poverty!"

"Oh, yes, Master!" The tall and thin monk who served the spirits lost his smile. "The world is stupid. Where do you know that there are only immortals in this world. There is no god? And the true immortals in front of you don't know the pleading, but instead pray for false gods that don't exist! Really ridiculous!"

"Hey, how can these fools compare with me and other monks? How can they distinguish between right and wrong?" The monk sneered, very disdainful. It was just to raise his eyes when he was frowning. "No, the old man knows, The dragon **** worshipped by the secular people is the head of a dragon. It is exactly like the dragon of the Taiqing dynasty. This statue seems to be a personal figure? What? There seems to be a handwriting on the statue... Xiao Zhenren? ?? What kind of fairy is this Xiaozheng? Is it my monk of the Mongolian state??"

"Oh, Master!" The tall and thin monk smiled and explained, "Since it is a real person, it must be a monk who is repaired by Yuan Ying, but if it is such a monk, there will be honors, such as Master’s quiet words. It’s the whole history of the three countries that are famous. How can there be only a word of 'Xiao'? As seen by the disciples, this 'Xiao' is a surname. Maybe the refining monk did something and they were Remember, this is not directly known as Xiao Zhenren! Where do they know that this 'real person' is not a casual name!"

"Well, what Guan said is!" The Yuan Yingxiu was actually a quiet man of Changbai Zong.

"In addition, Master!" Another monk hurriedly said, "It is the realm of mastering to master, and it is the practice of tempering, tempering the baby, correcting the distraction, and glimpsing the heavens! Whoever has nothing to do with these fools What is it? It must be a small monk, and it is a powerful name!"

"Well~" I care about the real person, "I don't have to pay attention to them! Guan Yu, the material you collected this time is very good. It is very useful for the magic weapon that the teacher has made this time. There are heavy rewards!"

"Don't dare, it's all Master's good luck. You can find it with a little collection. This is a filial piety of the disciples. Master doesn't have to hang on the heart..." Huguan is going to be modest, "Dangdang" successively The sound of buzzing, the sound of "Xiao Zhenren" compassion came up!

"Master, take the disciples to drive them away!" Hu Guanyu saw the quiet and frowning, and said in a hurry.

"No, it's enough for the teacher to rest! I will wait!" The quiet man puts his sleeves on, and both of them are covered, suddenly turned into an iridescent rushing into the sky!

Unexpectedly for a few days, the three people passed by in a swampy land, but there are many places where the terraces above the hillsides are placed in the fields, no matter where men, women and children are placed. Before the incense sticks, bow to the incense sticks!

The smog of the incense candle will linger on the hillside...

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