Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 924: Stonehenge

"Dangdang!!" A loud noise, not waiting for Xiao Hua to open his eyes, a very embarrassing fluctuation is passed over, Xiao Hua will be swept away, and shocked! A ridiculous feeling came to my heart!

But seeing Xiao Hua at this time between a huge starry sky, there are so many stars in front of me, it is running non-stop! That trajectory is very obvious! Extremely chaotic, the loud noise just now is the far-reaching point where the two planets collide and make a roar!

"This..." Xiao Hua Shen can't sweep the end of the starry sky, but his heart is bitter. "Grandma's, this starry sky is definitely not a real starry sky! This **** island can't have this powerful transmission array! But!! Overseas islands, how... maybe so many ancient ruins?? Mongolia, it’s a strange place!”

Just as I was thinking, a fierce wind came from Xiao Hua’s head. In addition, the wind was a force that would cover the space inside Xiao Hua’s Baizhang.

"Grandma's, didn't make a mistake, how is it the power of imprisonment?" Xiao Hua really hates the **** islands from time to time, what kind of imprisonment power appears from time to time, the real life will be imprisoned, there is no trace of mana, all Everything depends on the flesh. Since it is a monk, there must be a monk's consciousness. What kind of flesh is it? That is a coward!

Naturally, this power of imprisonment will block Xiaohua’s thoughts! At this time, Xiao Hua can only rely on the power of the flesh!

"But it is the trial of the blood Huidao disciple, the young man does not believe, Xiaoye can still be afraid of this?" Xiao Hua suddenly turned around, will explore, the magic hammer in his hand!

I saw Xiao Hua behind. A meteor crossed the night sky, it is rushing to Xiaohua!

Don't look at Xiao Hua's face. But my heart is also awkward. After all, it is a starry sky. If you really want a meteor, where can he pick it up?

Fortunately, the power of the meteor is certainly fierce, and the wind has long since smothered, almost letting Xiao Hua suffocate, and Xiao Hua’s vision. The meteor is not as big as the imaginary star, only a few feet or so! These huge stones, even if they fly from a distance, Xiao Hua is confident that there is still a fight!

"Go!" Xiao Hua did not dare to stop in the same place waiting for the meteor to fly, and his body shape rushed forward, lifting the hammer straight, and going to the meteor's place is to go!

A loud bang of "Boom." Xiao Hua’s ears are all vibrating tinnitus, and a sorrow is coming from Xiao Hua’s arm with a magic hammer! Xiao Hua’s own life was shaken and flew out!

The meteor was actually crushed by Xiao Hua! ! !

"Ha ha ha ~" waited for the sorrow and grief of the arm in the past, a refreshing and born from the bottom of my heart! Xiao Hua laughed at heaven!

"How many meteors have fallen? Even if it is a meteor shower, I will be one of them!"

Xiao Hua’s voice was swaying in the stars, as if he had been said. The two planets around suddenly burst into brilliant brilliance, flying like a moth to Xiaohua!

"Boom" and "Boom" are two consecutive sounds. Although the two meteors are falling at the same time, they are still smashed by Xiao Hua in the unavoidable place!

"Hey? This method... seems to have a great effect on the refining body!" Xiao Hua's arm does not say, more sour. After the numbness, a kind of comfort is spread all over the body again. Xiao Hua feels a little bit, and his own body has the benefits!

"Big good!" I know that this starry sky has such a role. Xiao Hua does not feel the great earthquake, and waves the magic hammer to wait in the air again.

It is as expected by Xiao Hua, after the two meteors, three meteors came in, and the sound of the wind slammed into Xiaohua from three directions!

Naturally, the size of these three meteors is slightly larger!

Although Xiao Hua has no mana at this time, he still has a pacing, and there is a move of the Beidou Shenquan. It is not a problem to deal with these meteors. Only the number of meteors has reached six, and the magic hammer Xiaohua has been somewhat Struggling! So, Xiao Hua did not hesitate to take the prajna epee out! Use the Tongtian stick method to deal with the seven meteors that flew to Xiaohua from all directions!

The meteors in this starry sky are quite clever. Although there are seven or eight huge meteors that are smashing toward the little Xiaohua, there is a very subtle gap between them. Not only the angles of the shackles are different, but when they are close, they are close to each other. I will never run into it! When Xiao Hua was waving the pass of the stick, the stick and the stick could not be stopped for a while, because as soon as the pause was a little, the follower meteor would immediately hit his body!

When he reached the twenty-four sets of meteors, Xiao Hua finished the first twenty-two meteors, and the feeling of exhaustion was sudden from the sound of his flesh! This is what Xiao Hua never felt before!

"Bad!" Xiao Hua secretly complained, he knows that as long as he has finished the twenty-four sets of meteors, the subsequent comfort will immediately drive away the feeling of exhaustion, or, You can eliminate fatigue with the flow of the Big Dipper, but the two left and right meteors are close at hand, where are you free?

At this time, Xiao Hua suddenly flashed a glimmer of light, closed his eyes slightly, and the popular heart flow, and realized the boulder that rushed from both ends! With Xiaohua's mouth slightly upturned, he was very confident to lift his hands slightly, and the tyrannical epee was lifted horizontally, and the "bang" sounded loudly. The two meteors were almost at the same time at the ends of the prajna epee! Two huge stones are crushed at the same time!

Xiao Hua did not make any effort!

However, the comfort of Xiaohua's wing did not come out at the same time!

Just when Xiao Hua wanted to display Beidou Shenquan, but see, the two boulder powders that had just been shattered suddenly rolled up in the air, forming two vortexes, and they were covered in Xiaohua!

"哎哟" Xiao Hua a glimpse, it is to avoid the flash, see the two vortex in the slight black and white brilliance flashing, is the legendary law to start!

So Xiao Hua no longer resisted, letting him cover the whirlpool of gravel, after the brilliance flashed, Xiao Hua’s figure disappeared from this space! And hundreds of boulders that have disappeared before are gradually flashing!

"Good!" Xiao Hua's body shape just appeared on the Hongqiao, and the sound of praise and praise was heard in the ear!

Xiao Hua fixed his mind, but he saw that he was standing outside Hongqiao, with a color of admiration on his face and looking at himself.

"Zhaodao friends!" Xiao Hua met to blame, "How is this Hongqiao Voice so many taboos? How do you say the old man in advance? Make Xiaomou very embarrassed!"

"Xiao Daoyou, you are hidden!" Kuayu simply ignored Xiao Hua’s complaints, and his eyes flashed in different directions. "My Stonehenge’s Stonehenge is thousands of years, no, it should be tens of thousands of years. No one can go in, remember that the last entry was a late Jindan, and it was a predecessor of a very close pregnant baby!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was awkward. He didn't expect to fly like this, so he flew out of such trouble!

"Oh, exaggerate your friends, some exaggeration!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Isn’t there just a few disciples in the late stage of the construction with Xiao Yi? Is it that they have not entered this Stonehenge?"

"There is no exaggeration in the exaggeration!" He said with exaggeration, "I just took out the ban, but it is to examine the physical rigidity of my blood Huidao disciple. Whoever can fly is heavy, who can transmit it to the corresponding array. Inside, this method has yellow wind array, hidden rain array, open fire array, flying snow array, sheet metal array and Stonehenge! If each disciple who enters the array can pass the test of the array method, it can not only be from the array. Within the certain benefits, it is able to transmit different distances of Hongqiao according to the power of the array! Among them, the yellow wind array, the hidden rain array and the open fire array are Ming dynasty, and the other three arrays are built-in arrays. The above is repaired, it is impossible to enter! The little rabbits are afraid of getting some embarrassment, knowing that as long as the flight is fast, the speed is increased, the weight of the impact prohibition is also large, and this is the best effort to fly! At most, it is a hidden rain array. I am afraid that it is impossible to enter the open fire array!"

"The old man did not expect that Xiao Daoyou could directly enter Stonehenge!" said Quarry and interested. "The Stonehenge is the old man who has no chance to enter. I don't know what benefits Xiaodaoyou has in it? How many stones did the boulder escape?" ”

"Hidden?" Xiao Hua yelled, turned his eyes, and did not answer the question of exaggeration, but the strange road, "Since the boasting friends can know that Xiao entered the Stonehenge, naturally it is mastered by this Hongqiao. And that sea pearl..."

"Ha ha ha" boasted that Xiao Hua was careful, that is to explain, "I don't want Xiao Daoyou, this Hongqiao is not only the place where my blood Huidao disciples are tried, but also the powerful means of my **** islands against the enemy. That Haizhu is The old man’s magic weapon is also a magic weapon passed down by the island masters! The old man can drive Haizhu to worship the Hongqiao, and he is aware of the movements within the Hongqiao! But for the hidden arrays in the Hongqiao, such as the Hongqiao, the old man does not know. Where is this law?"

"Oh, that's it!" Seeing that this law involves the privacy of Xuehui Island, Xiaohua is not convenient to ask, it is to fly again.

I know how to exaggerate and ask perseverance: "Xiao Daoyou, it seems that you have not told the old man that you have escaped a few boulders!"

"Hey, praise the friend, which seniors have escaped a few?" Xiao Hua did not answer urgently, asked.

"Good teaching Xiao Daoyou knows, I heard that the predecessors crushed the seventeen giant stones, and escaped ... 18 megaliths!" The eyeballs turned, slightly hesitant.

"Hey!" Xiao Hua's face was ashamed, and he handed a hand. "Xiao is still a lot worse than his predecessors. Xiaomou only shattered ten... Fourteen giant stones, just escaped the fifteenth boulder, just Was sent out!"

"Oh ~" praised, although the face is not shocked, it is very calm, but my heart has turned over the sky, he has increased the number when he elaborated, the real situation is twelve megaliths! But he still did not expect that Xiao Hua was still better than he had foreseen. . . . . .

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