Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 926: Xuehui Island is not the sunset island

It is a pity that under the magical tricks of Xiao Hua's sleeves, the boastful robe is like a broken pocket, and it can't be opened! The technique of arrogant and arrogant in the sleeves does not work!

Just when the face was slightly changed, Xiao Hua slammed his sleeves, and the force of the imprisonment immediately dissipated. Just like no appearance, it was caught in Xiao Hua’s sleeve!

"It turns out!" Quarry said, "The old man said, what will make the old man's heart break, the original Xiao Daoyou got the complete sleeve of my blood Huidao!"

"Oh, praise the friend, this is wrong!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "Xiao Mou also copied a jade slip in Yu Leizong. This sleeve is no longer completely owned by Xuehui Island!"

"This..." "There is some gloom on the face, and I meditate for a moment and sigh. "I must have said it to Xiao Daoyou, and the technique of my blood in the sleeves of the island is incomplete!"

"Well, it is!" Xiao Hua is also secret, nodded and replied.

"Okay!" said Quarry, and said, "The old man in the sleeves will not say it. Since Xiao Daoyou has already copied a copy in Yu Leizong, it must be cultivated in the future." Surgery... Xiao Daoyou can never leave a copy for you!"

Xiao Hua listened, and was overjoyed and laughed: "Not only the technique of quenching the bones, but also the technique of the sleeves in the sleeves. Xiaomou can also answer, only the Thunder Valley of Yu Leizong, and even only Xiaomou disciples can practice!"

"Big good!" Although the praise of the mouth is great, it is really bitter! No, people take things they have lost in their own homes, and in turn want their own things. And I can't help but give it! A person who has lost something has left a copy, and it is meaningless to leave this person alone; the second is that he has not left the people's grasp!

"This matter Xiao Daoyou also asked the husband to keep secret! Can not let the blood Huidao disciples know!" I took out a slightly larger jade slip and said, "Although this method of quenching bones is only the basis of another spell that has been completely lost in Xuehui Island, it has become the unique secret of my blood island. Surgery! If the disciple knows that the old man has leaked, he is afraid that he will not depend!"

"Oh, boasting a friend, come up with an innocent copy. In exchange for the complete jade of the sleeves of Xuehui Island that has been lost. It is said that the friends are the heroes of the blood island! Who will confuse "?" Xiao Hua has already known the importance of this sleeve in the sleeves of Xuehui Island. Naturally, he ignores the exaggeration and said that he has taken over the jade, and he is immersed in it. He carefully watches it and smiles. .

After a while, Xiao Hua’s mouth was smiling. Taking a hand, I also took out a jade slip and smiled: "Look at the friends!"

The exaggerated hand has some slight, inaudible embarrassment, took over the jade, and hurriedly checked!

The same goes for a while. Quarrying took a long breath and put Yujin into the storage bag and said: "The old man has finally filled up the skills of the sleeves, but the old man has fulfilled the wishes of several generations of island owners!"

Said, all the way to Xiao Huadao: "Thank you Xiaodaoyou!"

"Ha ha ha. No, no!" Xiao Hua quickly and vainly praised. "Xiao must also thank..."

However, waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, it is a whimsical heart bursting into my heart! Interrupted Xiao Hua’s words!

"Hey, what is it?" Xiao Hua looked up at Hongqiao!

"Oh, there are disciples in the late stage of the building." Quarrying the heart is extremely cool, and said the dark hole of the hand.

"No, I was a little bit guilty when I was in Hongqiao. I thought it was a ban on Hongqiao." Xiao Hua thought quietly. "Now that I have already come out of Hongqiao, how can I still feel my heart? This feeling should be from causality. What is in the hand, nothing to do with the Buddha's relic! What are the causes and consequences?"

"Xiao Daoyou, how do you say no word?" A voice heard loudly, "The poor road waits for you for a long time in the departure day. I don't think you actually got out of the trial early? So, your station should be lost to the poor." Road?"

When Xiao Hua looked up, it was that exaggeration! Some angry and yelling at myself!

"Exaggeration! Do not be rude to Xiao Daoyou!" Quaring and blaming, "Xiao Daoyou took out from Stonehenge. According to the rules of the previous ring bridge trial, the title of this ring bridge trial is his! Xiao Daoyou feels that he is It’s a foreigner, I’m not willing to fight with you, this is the first step to talk to the old man here. You said that if he went to the departure day, can you make him rival? And even if he does not go to the departure day Can you win?"

"Ah?? Stonehenge? Is it the legendary boulder that is hidden in Hongqiao?" Not only is it shocking, but the address of the other building bases is very shocking!

"Can the old man lie to you?" He said with a smile.

"Oh, yes!" Quaring and sighing, dejected, "Xiao Daoyou first passed the departure day, the slave is already lost! This token is Xiao Daoyou!"

Said, boasting a shot of the storage bag, a pig-like token was given to Xiao Hua.

"What is this?" It is obviously the first time I saw it!

"The disciples don't know! It was only in the sea long ago!"

"Don't look at Xiaomou, Xiaomou doesn't know, just feels fun!" Xiaohua took the token and hurriedly waved his hand, but how can he believe it?

"This station is a boastful friend!" Xiao Hua unscrupulously took the resident Yan Cao to praise.

“Really? Thank you so much for Xiao Daoyou!” The praise was even more gratifying, and he reached out and took over the grass...

Just when everyone was admired, "吼~" sounded loud and clear, like the tens of thousands of yaks screaming! The entire Huihui Island is shaking...

This voice is very similar to the sound that Xiao Hua heard when he hit the big flag reef and sank on the big flag reef!

"Bad~" Xiao Hua was shocked. He knew that there was a warning in his heart. I was afraid that Tianwei was caused by this voice! So, he did not hesitate to fly immediately, and he shouted: "Zhaodaoyou, this Xuehui Island is afraid to sink! This is what happened to Xiaomou and Qiaoer in the big flag reef. You quickly summon your disciples to escape!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua was swept out by God and sent to Xue Xue!

Sure enough, the sound has not disappeared from the ear, and the **** island is extremely shaken, almost shaking with the naked eye!

"Receive!" Seeing this situation, where do you dare to hesitate? The figure quickly flew up, and the law in his hand kept hitting the dark hole of the Hongqiao in front of him!

But see the aura of blood in the hole, like a stream of water around the entire Hongqiao around the island! The disciples of all the trials in Hongqiao are extremely horrible and reveal their stature! The exaggeration and the exaggeration are even more earthy! No one knows more about the power of this world than they do!

"From the beginning" is just a slap in the face, as the eagle claws on the Hongqiao from the disappearing Hongqiao on the island of Xuehui!

Suddenly, the direction of the setting sun outside the island of Shihui, more than dozens of miles above the surface of the sea, suddenly rolled up, just like boiled boiling water!

At this time, Xuehui Island is calm! A pure and incomparable aura of heaven and earth overflows from the sea! Follow the sea breeze is to blow on the island of Xuehui!

"This..." Xiao Hua was looking for Xue Xue. When he was about to escape, his mouth and nose smelled fresh and he immediately mobilized the exercises. However, the aura of the day was actually several times more than normal! I don’t think it’s awkward!

"嗡嗡~~~~" is like the tens of thousands of wasps flapping their wings, from the bottom of the sea in the west of Xuehui Island!

"Look! The sword-footed fish beast!" A sharp-eyed disciple first saw the sea beast in the huge sea foam that was rolling, not waiting for his voice to land, but also many rare sea beasts that came out of the sea foam. !

"Quirks!" Xiao Hua Shen is swept away, but it seems that within dozens of miles of the sea seems to be imprisoned, God can not visit at all, as of course, the flag of the reef sinking absolutely the same!

However, the aura of the day was inhaled, and at this time, the heaven and earth aura was actually sprayed! ! !

"No, the big flag reef has been brought here?" Xiao Hua was shocked to see Xue Xue, Xue Xue is also amazed!

"Do not worry! Do not go to search for sea beasts!" Quaring to see some disciples eager to try, immediately warned.

Then, boasting is a shot of Haizhu, a few blood-red fires flying out, playing in the blood of the island, a burst of spiritual fluctuations, the blood Huidao defense array was inspired to the extreme!

Everyone stood in the air in the blood of the island, quietly watching the vast seas of the west, the bodies of various sea beasts spread all over, in the rolling sea waves, just like a pot of broth! ! !

It’s the time to get half a cup of tea, and a touch of blood red is swaying within the seas of dozens of miles! Reflecting the setting sun at sunset, the blood is very incomparable!

"Ah~~~fall...Sunset Island!!!" The exaggerated and surprised mouth couldn't help but scream.

"What? Sunset Island?" Xiao Hua is not far from exaggeration, listening to both ears, not feeling big!

"Isn't Blood Island not the sunset island?"

"No, boasting said that Xuehui Island can be said to be the sunset island!!"

Xiao Hua is thinking, the blood red color is born from the sea, actually ... is a land! ! !

With the loud voice of "嗡嗡", the blood red is more than a few dozen miles of land on the island of Xuehui, and it has risen out of the sea, just in the west of Xuehui Island, the direction of the setting sun!

There is a scent of incense, and the vibration is gradually intermittent! The rising sunset island will stop!

At this time, Xiao Hua has seen clearly that the entire sunset island is a huge ellipse! Most of them are bulging above the sea, and it is similar to the setting sun with a small part of the sky falling below the sea!

Isn't this the sunset island? ? ?

Things don't stop there! But after seeing the intermittent sound, a **** brilliance flashed on the island of the setting sun, followed by a trace of fireworks, like a series of fireworks, coming to the side of the blood island!

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