Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 929: Refining and chemical

"It turns out!" Xiao Hua nodded, no wonder that he would rather ask himself to be a guest elder, preferring to teach the secrets of the island that he did not know, and to get the sunset island as fast as possible.

“What's next?” Xiao Hua controlled Haizhu and asked, “Is it going to go directly to the island?”

"Not yet!" Quarry shook his head. "This sea pearl is only the control of the defense outside the island. The old man will use it to get the key to the entire ban on the island."

“Oh?” Xiao Hua smiled. “Is that the island owner is not hurrying?”

"Cough cough~" boasted a cough, "Please ask Xiao elder to help!"

Speaking, boasting a few words about Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua listened to his brow and wrinkled, worried that "Kwadao Lord guarantees that this matter is not harmful?"

"Well~" boasted and patted the chest. "This is the secret technique of my island in the sunset, and the old man still has some grasp!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hua nodded. "If there is any difference, Xiao will not be responsible!"

"Ha ha ha, can you have any bad pool?" Boasted and laughed. "Even if there is a problem, you are the guest of my sunset island. You can't make a big deal, let you be the island owner!"

"Kwadao is cautious!" Xiao Hua waved his hand. "Xiao Mou didn't have that idea!"

However, Xiao Hua’s heart is still awkward. “Grandma’s, I’m afraid it’s really a problem!”

Sure enough, Xiao Hua waved the robes, and the sea pearl flew into the air. Xiao Hua put a mouth and a real element sprayed on the sea pearl. The sea pearl immediately melted into a red liquid, and then the side of the exaggerated hands twitched. Law, hit the sea pearl. Under the control of the boast, Haizhu gradually turned into a whirlpool, and a strange suction was born from the vortex and rushed to the sunset island!

Soon, there was a strange wave of undulations on the island of the setting sun. A small strip of stone was like a strong pull out of the temple, and it was pulled out from the top of the hall! Fly toward the whirlpool of Haizhu!

However, for a long time, the stone piece flew to the front of Xiao Hua and others!

Xiao Hua said hesitantly and said: "Kame Island Lord. Or elders, you should try it first, Xiaomou... still want to be lazy!"

"Okay!" Quarrying helplessly, the sleeves were waved, and the technique of the sleeves was displayed, covering the stone. Unfortunately, the stone was not under his control, and there was no reaction!

"Xiao elders. The old man can't do it, afraid that other elders can't do it!" "There are still Lao Lao elders, the old man can trust you!"

"Okay~" Xiao Hua was helpless. He waved his hand and slapped it in his sleeve. But he saw that the stone piece had a faint red color, and slowly flew toward Xiaohua! Although the movement is slow, the brilliance is extremely light, but after all, there is some reaction!

Xiao Hua understands that his skills in his sleeves are not fully practiced. It must be another situation!

"Xiao Mou shot!" Xiao Hua glanced at the exaggeration, reminded.

"Xiao elders please ~" boast a little hesitation, but still nod.

"噗" Xiao Hua bites the tip of his tongue slightly, and a bloodshot will fly out and spray it on the stone. But see the brilliance of the stone above, the red brilliance actually gives birth to golden meaning! Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect. In a hurry, a few tricks were hit, and the stone was immediately swayed, and there was some trembling!

"Go ~" Xiao Hua will point his hand and the stone will fly to the front. Laughed, "Kame Island Lord please!"

"Good!~" Exaggerated and long loosen the air, but also a mouth, a stream of blood sprayed onto the stone, the successive law of the law without thinking, seems to have been silent in the heart several times!

Immediately, a red color flashed at the top of the stone, gradually moving down!

Waiting for the red color to submerge the entire stone piece, praise the voice: "Xiao elders, you can take back the blood!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua looked at some of the flashes in the eyes, smiled a bit, and pointed his hand, the golden light that had been pressed at the bottom of the stone piece, and then annihilated, a bloodshot still from the stone The bottom end oozes and turns into a little blood falling into the hands of Xiao Hua!

At this time, the exaggeration was truly reassuring, turning to the elders: "Elders, for the old man to protect the law, the old man refining the town of Lingshi!"

"Yes!" Several elders of Xuehui Island and the late disciples of Zhuji were flying near, and they would be brazen to protect them, while the exaggeration was sitting cross-legged, their hands were constantly moving, and many coffins hit the stone tablets. Above!

But see that the stone piece is shaking, the **** brilliance gradually drowns the whole stone piece!

I have been waiting for an hour, boasting a long shout, and a little hand, the stone piece "Peng" has a crisp sound, and it has changed appearance. A stone that has a strange pattern on it is appearing in the air!

And boasting to take a hand, Shi Guizhen fell in his hands!

"Oh, not right!" Xiao Hua thought about the micro-motion. His earlier expectations really appeared. Although Shi Gui has been praised for refining, Xiao Hua’s heart is still inductive. He knows that he has the heart. He can be driven by him immediately, boasting the previous refining...not completely!

"This is also good!" Xiao Hua secretly said, "Xiao a piece of red heart to people, can not guarantee that others are really true to themselves. This boasting at this time to use Xiaomou, naturally the elders are offered, if used later If you don’t, you don’t want to take out what they call the intracranial secrets. Maybe there will be any black hands! The young man has this guarantee, and his heart is safe!”

"Oh? This stone is above... It seems to be somewhat patterned!" Xiao Hua thought on the stone, and naturally looked at it more, but see that on the stone, a giant is taller than the mountain next to it, holding it in his hand. With a wooden stick, running, and in front of him, is a red flame, it seems to be the midday sun!

Just, wait for him to look again, boasting that he has picked up Shigui, he will hand a little, flying from the stone to the eight brilliance of the red, flew to the island in all directions, "banging up" for a while, The entire sunset island has once again raised a **** ban, and the mana that has been banned on the island has disappeared!

"You wait to call the disciples to the island of the sun! Please arrange the chores of the elders in this place. Three months later, I will hold a ceremony at the blood island, which is renamed the island of the sun!" Everyone went, and the exaggeration laughed. "Xiao Elder, the feeling of the old man is unbeatable! I believe that Xiao Elder also knows what he knows. Go, see the scene of my sunset island with the old man!"

"Hey, Kua Island Lord..." Xiao Hua smiled. "It's still not good to see. The more you look at Xiao's heart, the more you understand!"

"Well~" Hearing Xiaohua’s statement, the exaggeration is also nodding, his face is puzzled and said, "It’s just like this! The old man thought that there will be many white bones on the island, it will be millions of years ago. The remains of the ancestors of the Kwas family! But on the entire sunset island, except for the three strange white bones on the main hall, the entire sunset island does not see any corpse!"

Ps: monthly ticket is enough, plus more, 15:00

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