Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 932: Good things are being stirred up again

"Big good!" Boasted that Xiao Hua actually did not quit, but also said such a thing, has long been overjoyed, but also untied a storage bag, handed over, smiled, "This is yesterday my sunset island The harvest of the disciples, Xiao elders are welcome!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua also took over, arched, "Xiao Mou did not dare to stay more, praise the island, the elders, I am really embarrassed!"

Said, Xiao Hua raised his eyes to Xue Xue, Xue Xue immediately got up and followed Xiao Hua out of the hall.

Seeing Xiao Hua’s urgency, the exaggeration is quite strange, naturally it is associated with the secret law in the sunset island house! It is a pity that because of the power of the spell, the praise does not dare to ask, he also knows that Xiao Hua will never say it!

So, boasting some hesitation!

Yes, nowadays, I am proud to hold the town’s spiritual stone, and the entire Sunday’s ban is under his control! One night on this day, Xiao Hua tried his best to realize that "the Heaven and Man Filling Technique" was innocent, and that people were not arrogant. Quaring did not pay attention to the relocation of Xuehuidao disciples, but placed the whole spirit on the refining town of Lingdao. The spells of yesterday were only controlled by Xiaohua’s sleeves and simple control of Zhendao Lingshi. Live, as for the real control, if you know the nature, I am afraid there is still some time! After all, it’s just a golden monk!

"Do you want to act?" The heart of the exaggeration is inevitably shaken!

After all, Xiao Hua is a disciple of Yu Leizong, and the praise is really... no peace of mind!

However, just exaggerating the finger fretting, it seems that when he wants to touch his storage bag, Xiao Hua suddenly turned back and smiled and said: "Khaodao Lord. Is there anything else that has not been accounted for?"

After the exaggeration, the sweat behind him got up, and he waved his hand: "No... the old man thought that you were so hurried away, and the heart was really unwilling to go, thinking about what was in the storage bag! ”

"Ha ha ha, the island of Kwaji is not polite! Xiaomou is already the guest of the sunset island, and will have the opportunity to come later!" Xiao Hua, who gave the Buddha's knowledge, laughed, and flashed a glimmer of color in his eyes, and quickly walked away. Go out.

"But it!" Exaggeration does not mean that Xiao Hua can see his actions or wishes. "This is God's will! The old man believes that Xiao Hua is suffering!"

Immediately, there were several elders and more than a dozen disciples coming out of Xiaohua’s hall, but they were busy on the island, and all the disciples slowly moved all their belongings to the island.

Xiao Hua’s heart was awkward, and he didn’t dare to stay for a long time. He was a little polite with others, and Xue Xue’s hand was flying toward Xiaoyu’s mainland!

The two flew for half an hour and saw an uninhabited island in front of them. Xiao Hua was slowly falling, feeling a little calm in the heart!

"Fu Jun. You... how is this rush?" Xue Xueqi said, "Is it necessary to rush back to Yu Lei Zong?"

"Hey!" Xiao Hua felt it again. It seems that the warning sign has long since disappeared. Immediately, the hippie smiled. "Yangzi, the sunset island people have a lot of misunderstandings. How inconvenient you are when I am intimate! Here is you. I have a good place to repair Yaner!"

“Hey!” Xue Xue’s thoughts were swept, knowing that there was no trace of humanity in the vicinity, and his face was slightly red. The whole body gradually became hot, and reached out to Xiaohua’s arm and shouted, "You are an urgent young Lang Lang!"

Immediately, he reached out to hold the neck of Xiao Hua, his lips shaking, and his face was like the red color that you could pour out of the water. "Fu Jun... I will pamper myself..."

Xiao Hua’s heart is like a flame, and she grabs Xue Xuedao: “The lady is relieved...”

Just as Xiao Hua held the warmth of the rise of Xue Xue’s chest in front of him, suddenly, a cold feeling came out of his vest. It seems to be pegged by a poisonous snake. An unparalleled warning sign directly turns his heart up and down. The feeling of sorrowful horse immediately disappears like a wind!

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and he was holding Xue Xue’s unwillingness to fly, and flew straight to the depths of the Bohai Sea...

"Fr... husband, what are you doing? This is not to be ashamed of people..." Xue Xue’s body shape has not been changed, so Xiao Hua’s body is wrapped around him. In Xiao Hua’s body, Jiao said, but this strange posture actually makes Xue Xue’s heart more swaying, although the mouth is shy, but the body is hotter, the waist is twisted, and the light is open. I bite Xiaohua's earlobe!

It is a pity that Xue Xue has been stunned by Xiao Hua for a long time, and he has not seen Xiao Hua’s response. He has always been a hands that are not honest. Now he is not placed in his sensitive parts, but he is honestly holding his own waist!

"This dead man... Do you want to take the initiative?" Xue Xue closed his eyes and was really shy in his heart. "Is it not with him? Is that the case? But... It’s the first time, if it’s done, Is it going to make Xiao Lang look down? But if it is not done, will Xiao Lang be angry?"

Just as Xue Xue was suffering from the loss, it seemed that he had made a decision, his eyes were as silky as he was, and he shook a little, and the trembling hand slid down the waist of Xiao Hua, and the mouth was tempting! Reflected in Xue Xue’s eyes, it is actually Xiao Hua’s pale face! ! ! There is also a scene of rapid retreat around!

Xiao Hua actually showed the Ming Lei to escape at the fastest speed!

"Ah??" Xue Xue was shocked. Like Xiao Hua, the mourning in his heart went!

Feeling Xue Xue's body is stiff, Xiao Hua knows that Xue Xue has understood the situation, he is fully urging mana, even the time of speaking is not!

"Fu Jun..." Xue Xue whispered, "but what enemy?"

Where can Xiaohua talk, he is now cocked on the back goose bumps, it feels like a snake is chasing behind him! However, he has released the knowledge of the Buddha, and he has not seen any clues!

Even, it feels more and more serious, it seems... this threat is getting closer! ! !

It was the time of half a cup of tea. Xiao Hua suddenly stopped in the air, let Xue Xue let go, and hurriedly said: "The woman, the husband can't tell you more! There seems to be a deadly threat that is approaching! The husband must try his best to escape! You have to know that the feeling of being a husband is always very sharp! You can't bring you into this vortex!"

Said, Xiao Hua took a shot, the token of the sunset island took it out and handed it to Xue Xue. "You take the token of the sunset island and return it, let the disciples send you back to Yu Lei, even if they can't go." You should also send you to Yuming City, or Yuncheng. In short, let Yuchen or Zhongtianyu send another disciple to **** you back to Yu Leizong! You tell them that there is something urgent for the husband to do, wait for the husband to finish. I must thank them!"

Immediately, I dare not say more words, look up and identify the direction, and fly to the north of the Bohai Sea!

"Good!" Xue Xue took over the tokens of the sunset island, tears have already gone, she knows that she is too shallow, can not help Xiao Hua, but became Xiao Hua's cumbersome, Xiao Hua left alone, see It is very ruthless, but it is actually the greatest protection for yourself!

Xue Xueyan bit his own beard, a blood mark has been printed, but then Xue Xue is awakened and sighed: "Fo Jun, you are afraid, this time you absolutely..."

However, how fast Xiaohua’s Ming Lei is, this moment is almost disappearing, only a distant figure in the distance, how can Xiao Hua hear it?

How does Xue Xue know that Xiao Hua must be fine this time? ? ? It’s really weird!

Xue Xue recognized the direction, it was to fly in the direction of the sunset island, but her heart moved, the tokens were collected, so that the whole thing was flying, fluttering, flying in the direction of Xiao Huafei just flying!

Xue Xue flies while watching the seascape, and when it is still falling, it seems to look at the sea beasts in the sea!

However, the scent of a fragrant incense, suddenly a powerful **** of mind swept from a distance, sweeping the entire range of a hundred miles! ! !

That **** is so powerful, Xue Xue can't tell what the repairer is, but the gods read it and Xue Xue immediately locked it. After a while, a figure came from a distant rainbow!

"Ah? Yuan Ying monk!" Xue Xue slightly added the feeling, immediately felt that his scalp was to be blasted, and hurriedly stood in the air, the head did not dare to lift, respectfully greeted! She really couldn’t think of when Xiao Hua provoked the Yuan Ying monk, and was actually chased by others!

This person is naturally a quiet and considerate person of Changbai Zong!

The quiet person only paused a little, his eyes swept away in Xue Xue, and immediately he moved away. His body shape never stopped, but it was turned into an iridescent color and chased in the direction of Xiao Huafei!

"Call" waits for the real person to fly far away, Xue Xue is relieved, and his heart jumps, some awkward! She is also bold, so the secular person who is quietly thinking about the soul-hunting of the real person does not know that there is Xue Xue, a female repairer next to Xiao Hua, otherwise... Xue Xue may be dangerous!

Of course, Xue Xue dare to try to think about the real person, afraid that it is also a little in my heart... snuggle!

Not to mention Xue Xue returned to the sunset island, and said that Xiao Hua has been flying all the way, my heart is simply to be quiet and the real person has long been stunned! If you are a monk, you can be a spell, and you can be sure that you are already hit by Xiao Hua’s curse!

"Which child is this, isn't it sensible? Don't say hello in the back to chase people!" Xiao Hua finally did not think about it, it was helpless thinking, trying to flee!

"Hey? Where is this? Is there any mistake in my tracking?" On the occasion of Xiao Hua Nahan, it was a bit of a sigh, and this was all in the depths of the Bohai Sea. Why haven't you found it? Xiao Hua's trace? Moreover, according to the meditation of the real people, Xiao Hua seems to go to the northwest of the Bohai Sea!

"Hey, is it hard to know that the old man is chasing him? Is it difficult... This flying technique is fast?" The real person suddenly wakes up!

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