Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 939: Episode

Xiao Hua smiled and waved his hand and said: "There are different ways to enter each other, and you can't learn from it! However, if you are united in your heart, waiting for compassion and practicing with the heart of sincerity, the captain will surely care!"

"Yes, the younger generation is waiting to know!" The disciples heard the confusion, and some even had a slight disdain on their faces. Xiao Hua could understand that he now

i is to be repaired as a cover to the beginning of the foundation, and the appearance is so young, isn’t it just a chance to build a foundation? This kind of argument is of course the real income of Xiao Hua, can be heard in the ear, afraid that most of the perfunctory and a few show off?

Xiao Hua didn't say much, he grew up and smiled and faced the disciples who came out in the middle.

With so many refining disciples going out to practice, there are certainly many who can come back. Is it possible to build a foundation? How many more? ?

"Hey?" Xiao Hua was in the face of the refining disciple, and actually saw a few slightly familiar faces, but if you think about it carefully, you can't remember it, but you can see these disciples dodging from elsewhere. Flying away, Xiao Hua has already understood that he should have been with him to join the royal brother of Yu Leizong, or have met with him before going out to practice!

"Hey~" Xiaohua sighed and knew what they thought, pretending not to see it, flying directly to Leifeng!

I know, when I arrived at Leifeng, I was even more lively. I saw that a thunder boat was parked in the air. On the thunder boat, a monk who was repaired by Jin Dan stood in the bow, overlooking the front, under the thunder boat. Dozens of disciples, and some different masters are surrounded by teachers!

"Yu Xian Conference?" Xiao Hua smiled, and it was a session of the Fairy Fair. I don't know who is going to be this year!

"Hongxia Fairy, you... can you do it in the Huanhua School?" No reason, Xiao Hua’s heart was suddenly overwhelmed by that thought! That misses the sea more than the Bohai Sea, and it is even more boundless!

"Xiao Hua??? You...you actually built the foundation?" A very shocking voice came from not far away!

Xiao Hua’s thoughts were interrupted by this rushing voice. It was a heartless eyebrow. I saw a mid-term monk who was flying with a 12-layer disciple. This voice is the foundation. The mid-term monk issued!

"Hey, it’s really not a family that doesn’t gather heads! Ah, the little boy just turned back to Yu Leizong, and he came across this!” Xiao Hua saw the monk, and he felt that he was happy!

This monk is not aside, it is the sound of Yan Leiling!

"I have seen the brothers!" Xiao Hua was also polite, the big thorns of the arched hand, called a Zhenweisheng brother, said, "The younger brother has not done anything to hurt the guilty, why can not build a foundation Seeing the younger brother Zhuji... Is the brother of the earthquake very strange? Oh, yes, my strict teacher? Is it a younger brother now? Or a teacher??"

The face of Zhenweisheng’s face is very strange and cold, and it’s cold and cold: “It’s rare to go into building a foundation for decades. You have nothing to be proud of! The old man told you as a brother. Say, modesty makes progress, pride makes it fall behind!"

"Hey!" Xiao Hua almost didn't fall from the air, smiled. "Thank you for your brother's guidance! My master told the younger brother a few decades ago. Brothers don't have to worry! However, it seems that Yan Shiyi also If you don't build a foundation, the brothers still let him swear by himself! Oh, yes, this is also a disciple of the brothers? Is it going to attend the Yuxian Conference?"

Zhenweisheng saw Xiao Hua repeatedly mentioning Yan Xuefeng, his face was full of yin Yu, Yan Xuefeng was quite famous at the Yuxian Conference. After returning, he was eager to play against Xiao Hua and wanted to eliminate the face of Wanlei Valley. Knowing that Xiaohua is as fat as a sandbag! I am afraid that I have left a demon in his heart. This is another ten years. There are still no signs of building a foundation. This is also a regret in Zhenwei’s voice! Xiao Hua repeatedly poked his pain, how to prevent him from being upset?

"The younger generation Xiu Qing has seen the uncle!" The disciple of the 12-layer refining gas did not know the grievances of Xiao Hua and Yan Leiling. When he saw Xiao Hua mentioning himself, he hurried forward to marry him.

"Well, this is Xiao Hua of Wanlei Valley, and it is also the uncle of your thundering palace!" Zhen Weisheng said with a hand, "I used to participate in the Yuxian Conference with the repair of the eleventh layer of refining!"

"o Ah? Xiao Hua... Xiao Shishu??" That Xiuqing apparently heard Xiaohua's name, and immediately showed horror on his face!

"Well, that is Xiaohua!" Zhenwei dismissed, "I entered the Feather Fair in the same year, but I have done my face in the Royal Leizong, and a female practitioner of the Huanhua School is on the spot! However, You can't learn from him! You can't build a family for decades, and you don't know what chance you have to go to this step! If you don't build a foundation for decades, you will lose your face! Laozi One palm will kill you!!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Xiuqing naturally did not dare to speak more, and embarrassed Xiaohua smiled and said to Zhenweisheng.

"Go away~" Zhenweisheng also ignored Xiaohua and waved his hand. "There are thunder boats in the house, so don't delay the time here!"

Said, Zhenweisheng did not pay attention to Xiaohua, when flying first, Xiuqing Chong Xiaohua once again arched his hand, urging Huang Fu to go!

"Hey, this name.

I Xiuqing’s disciple looks good, but it’s bad with Zhenwei’s acoustics! "Xiao Hua smiled, and secretly said, "I don't want to kill Yu Lei Zong's disciples any more!" ”

Immediately, Xiao Hua looked at the disciples above and below the Leizhou. They didn't know what they were familiar with, and they didn't care. They grew up and flew to Wanlei Valley.

But he didn't know. When he flew away, the mid-Jindan monk standing on the thunder boat was watching Xiaohua's back. The brow wrinkled: "Hey? Xiao Hua is still alive? Actually... ...Building a base? It’s a bit of a hassle, this is a sentiment... I have to find a way to save it!"

Flying close to Wanlei Valley, the silent thunder of the bursts rushed into Xiao Hua's ear!

Xiao Huagang wants to display the secret law of lightning protection. It means that the aura of the body meridians and even the body is suddenly jumped. It seems to be somewhat uncontrollable! However, before he was shocked to mobilize his mind, these auras were extremely slow flowing, and some of them were refining!

"Hey!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized that her heart was overjoyed! The reason why these auras are deposited is that the mind is not working properly, but when the mind is working again, there is a new aura coming in. These auras cannot be tempered, and they are deposited over time, and then the heart is re-quenched. At the time of refining, these auras have penetrated deep into the meridians, or at the end of the flesh, the mind is powerless! Of course, Xiao Hua has never had the opportunity to temper in detail, but his heart is the same as thinking about the truth! There is no certainty in my heart. I can see the effect of the silent thunder. Xiao Hua thinks of the feeling in the flesh when the huge meteor is crushed by himself in the Stonehenge!

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