Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 947: Benmori

Suddenly, Xiao Hua saw sweat on his forehead! A shame from the heart.

"There is a good teacher and a good teacher!" Xiao Hua changed his mind and changed his hand and smiled.

"Amount ~" 艮良大楞, almost have to retreat half a step, lest Xiao Hua is also a fist.

However, Xiao Hua’s face is smiling, and Yan Yue’s look at Yan Liang is the style of a teacher’s uncle!

Xiangyang is also a slight sigh, and immediately has a smile on his mouth. He knows that Xiao Hua has understood his fault.

"Well, Xiao Shishu and the uncle Shi waited a little!" Yan Liang was equally ashamed, and said, "Xiao Shishu" at this time is so reluctant!

However, for a long time, the deacons came. When I saw Xiao Hua, my face showed a trace of sorrow. I smiled and said: "Xiao Hua, have you finally built the foundation? It’s not easy to be a real! This is your master. I am happy!"

"Oh, 艮师叔笑笑笑!" Xiao Hua respectfully said, "If the younger generation is Jin Dan, Master will not be too happy!"

"Haha, this is the trouble for the teacher!" Hegan laughed. "My disciples are always children who are not long, even if they are Yuan Ying, they still think about whether they can distract earlier!" ”

"Exactly!" Xiao Hua nodded.

Immediately, the roots opened the door of the Jade Temple and smiled: "The old man has some things in the palace, and he is not here to accompany you."

Then he directed the good way: "Yu Liang, you accompany the two uncles, watching them refine the life card, they will give them the token."

Said, throwing his hand, a token was handed over to Yan Liang, then immediately slammed Xiao Hua and Xiang Yang arch, Yang Yang left!

"Oh, the two uncles please!" Yan Liang is not strange, laughing and pointing his hand, indicating Xiao Hua and Xiangyang.

When Xiao Hua came to the place where he placed the jade card, Xiao Hua’s heart was born with induction, and the yellow sè’s prohibition could not block this sensor!

Waiting for the good to remove the ban of Huang Sè, and then take a hand, take out a jade and hand it to Xiao Huadao: "Xiao Shishu, this is the method of making this life card, also ask the uncle to look over!"

Xiangyang pointed to a green jade next to Xiao Hua and smiled: "That is the life of Cui Shidi's life, and now my adult disciples in Wanlei Valley are building foundations!"

There are quite a few vicissitudes in the tone!

"Oh!~" Xiao Hua did not say much, God immersed in the jade slip to see it is to understand!

However, after a long while, Xiao Hua was difficult to reveal, and lost his smile: "Yu Shizhen, this refining method... Something is difficult, Xiaomou's mana is afraid of being insufficient! I don't know..."

"Hehe" Yan Liang understands very well, "The disciple understands that it is the reason for the teacher to accompany him. But this life card can only be refining itself, but the uncle can not be lazy?"

Said, Yan Liang is also a look, a place in the Yuxi Temple, shaking his head: "The ban on the side of the 巽雷宫 is a little loose, these are the first disciples who do not know the rules, the two divisions and refining Let the disciples go there and see!"

Looking at Yan Liang is very interesting to leave, Xiao Hua smiled, really, he did not expect just a sentence just now, let Yan Liang change so much!

"Oh, unfortunately, if this is early, I understand that there is such a temperament. I am afraid that it is not a matter of building a foundation." Xiao Hua thought, the law in his hand was slightly inciting, but he saw the aura of the surrounding area, with The sound of Xiao Hua’s law is screaming, and the sound of “咔嚓” is light, but seeing the golden layer of Guanghua on the jade card, Xiao Hua’s life card is refining between his fingers!

"Silk" sucked a sigh of breath in the sun, not only because of the golden light above the jade card, because the first time Xiao Hua has revealed the golden light, he is shocked by Xiao Hua's refining technique!

It is obvious that Xiangyang himself had come to this place with helplessness. Even Cui Hongyi came here with Xiangyang. Xiangyang knew the difficulty of this refining and refining. He himself had no choice but to take the oldest effort. Only reluctantly refining success! Cui Hongjun is also not strong enough, pointing to the majority of the sun

i, also reluctantly refining success!

This is why the roots are not waiting here! It is the reason for the evasion of the good, and it is a scene of the disciple who just built the foundation.

But what about Xiao Hua? Raise your hand, o, if you lift your weight, o!

Xiangyang had previously thought that Xiao Hua said that it was true, but I did not expect that when I started to raise my hand, I was successful in refining.

"Little teacher, this life refinery is very difficult, but for the brothers, but refining half

i, my Cui Shidi of Wanlei Valley also used most of the

i, you are in a hurry, slowly refining! "Yangyang took a look at Yan Liang and said in a hurry.

"O A?" Xiao Hua stunned, thinking with a smile, "Master, o, you said early o, this..."

It’s o, it’s too easy for Xiao Hua, who is under the shackles of the 诀 诀 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Fortunately, now the golden light above the life-threatening card has gradually converge, competing for a jade card of this sè, simple and tight, low-key tight, with the Tibetan mastiff of Xiao Hua.

So Xiao Hua pretending to be nearly half

i, I haven’t come here since I entered the house!

Waiting for Xiao Hua to cried: "Yu Shi, Xiaomou is finally done, please come and see!"

"Oh, Xiao Shishu is really amazing!" Yan Liang heard the sound and laughed. "There are no half of the disciples who have just built the foundation."

I can't succeed, Xiao Shishu is less than half.

i can refine the success, and have not suffered in the past few years! ”

Immediately, Yu Liang took over the life-threatening card, and took out a fist-sized jade ball. After the law was moved, the jade ball gradually changed into a fog, and then Yu Liang put Xiaohua’s life card in it. But see the inside of the golden light flashing, the entire dense fog is illuminated.

"Hey!" Xiao Hua was surprised. He couldn't think of the strange gold in the jade ball!

Of course, Yan Liang’s face is also slightly suspicious.

Xiao Hua’s heart is not good.

"Somewhat strange?" Sure enough, Yan Liang frowned. "Shao Shishu's life card has some problems o! This fog should have a vague intrusion into the o!"

Xiao Hua turned his eyes and asked: "Is all the successful sacred cards so? Is there a shape? Or something else..."

"It's not necessarily true!" Yan Liang stretched his eyebrows and smiled. "This life brand is made using the traces of the gods in the blood of the monks! And the monks of each monk are different, and the ordinary monks are in shape. There are also some weird! Oh, this disciple has also heard of it! But Xiao Shishu is completely invisible for the first time!"

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