Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 950: Kaifu

"What do you mind? What do you do when you wait for a woman to repair?" Di Diheng is confused.

"What do girls care about most under the squat?" I don't mind playing Xu Diheng.

Dry Di Heng is scratching his head, he really does not understand.

In the end, he gave him a blank look: "If you guessed it right, Xiao Shidi sent him to be a resident in the grass!"

"What? In the grass??" Dry Di Heng was shocked, directly flew to Xiaohua's side, grabbed Xiaohua's shoulder, smiled and said, "Xiao Shidi o, we are good buddies o Ah, this Waiting for a rare good thing underneath... How can you lose your brother?"

"Cut ~" Xiao Hua pushes Di Heng to smile. "The woman who is in the house cares about the appearance. What do you think of a big man? Oh, you have to be a little white face for a lifetime!"

"What's wrong with Xiaobai's face? Xiaobai's face is the preference of Shangyu!" Dry Di Heng muttered. "Shangyu makes Laozi grow into such a handsome show, Laozi will let him stay forever! Then again, your own white face for a lifetime, Don't let me enter the white face for a lifetime?"

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Hua took a storage bag and handed him a jade to him. "The younger brother had prepared a rare animal for the sea beast. Since you don't want it, then you have to Let's go!"

"What o!" Dry Diheng grabbed the jade and threw it into the storage bag. The other hand stretched over and smiled. "Yu Qingcai brother, Naidan brother!" ”

"I really have no face o!" Xiao Hua looked at the hand that Di Diheng extended. It seemed to be extremely helpless and shook his head. When he reached out, he took out two jade, and he and Di Heng entered one!

He smiled and said: "You still use this thing yourself! You are not lacking in remedies in the Thunder Palace!"

Dry Di Heng took two, one in his storage bag, one thrown to the donkey, smiled and said: "Sister, you can rest assured! According to the younger brother's understanding of Xiao Hua, this is sure that Nedando Yes, otherwise I will never take it out!"

Where are you going to listen to him? Look at Xiaohua.

"Oh, the teacher took it!" Xiao Hua did not break, "I haven’t seen it for a few years, it’s a meeting!"

"Okay!" He nodded, and the income of the storage bag.

"Xie Shidi, when did you build the foundation?" Until then, Gan Diheng asked.

"Well," Xiao Hua said a little, just less than the helplessness, but even so, it is said to be a little bit.

"Hey..." Dry Diheng stretched out his tongue. "You really went to Bohai o!"

"Right ~" Speaking here, Gan Diheng suddenly remembered something, "Xiao Shidi o, is it too wasteful to take the Yancao directly? This one can refine a lot of resident Yan Dan o Ah! A resident Yan Dan... but worth a lot of Lingshi o!"

"Crap!" Xiao Hua sneered, "Where did the younger brother get Danfang o!"

"Hey!" Dry Diheng smiled. "Teacher, you don't tell your brother that it's your fault! You may not have a thunder palace. You don't have to have a dry thunder palace! Even if you don't have a dry thunder palace, This brother can also find it. But... Xiao Shidi, this sale..."

Xiao Hua was not very interested in stationing Yan Dan. At that time, she was curious. After listening to the words of Di Diheng, her eyes lit up and she extended her **** and shook her eyes. There was not much speech.

"Xiao Shidi, don't have to be like this! Only two into a!" Dry Diheng is crying, "The younger brother helps you find Dan, and also finds refining, you will provide the station... That’s 80% o! It’s not a thousand!”

"Cut, the younger brother can just Dane!" Xiao Hua disdain.

"O A ???" dry Di Heng was shocked, look at 巽纾, that 巽纾 is naturally a surprise, but both of them are slightly nodded, no longer ask, but dry Di Heng is a wandering, " Even Dan Fang... is worth 40%! Xiao Shidi..."

Dry Di Heng almost wants to hold Xiao Hua's arm to move, it is simply a variety of spoiled!

"Okay!" Xiao Hua had no choice but to wave. "Give you 30%, all the younger brothers, regardless of the medicinal herbs, give Lingshi!"

"The deal!" Dry Diheng immediately raised his palm!

"Hey!" Xiao Hua reached out and hit him with his hands, and he smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, don't you o!" I know that I was only looking around at this time, and said, "Xiao Shidi, your Dongfu...hasn't you opened it yet?"

"Oh, no hurry~" Xiao Hua didn't care. "It's just a few times, the master is going to remind me!"

At this time, Xiangyang and Yan Qingfei flew back, with a hint of yin on his face!

He and Dry Di Heng rushed forward to give gifts! Xiangyang and Qi Qingqing did not dare to neglect, but also quickly returned to court, Xiao Hua saw Xiangyang face sè not look good, smiled: "What? Master, is it eating in the thunder palace?"

"Oh, nothing!" Xiangyang shook his head. "Now I have a lot of disciples in the building of the Thunder Palace. It is not enough. Xiao Shidi may have to wait for a while!"

"No problem!" Xiao Hua Wen said, "The younger brother is also the same here!"

"Retreat?" Dry Diheng frowned. "You just built the foundation, what is closed?"

And he hurriedly said: "Xiao Shidi, what happened to you?"

"Oh, nothing!" Xiao Hua said that he missed his mouth and hurriedly said, "The younger brother went to the sea, and some realized..."

"I understand!" Gan Diheng nodded and said, "Since this is the case, there should be a hole!"

Then he laughed and said: "Xiao Shidi waited! This ri Laozi will bring the thunder of the thunder palace. I see which disciple dares to open the house with the brother of Laozi!"

Said, dry Di Heng urging the law, rushed to the clouds.

"Cut ~ don't arrogant, don't know that you are a disciple of dry thunder palace o Ah!" Xiao Hua swears, very disapproving.

"And let him go!" Yan Qingyi's teammates are somewhat good-looking. "You don't know how ugly the face of the disciples of the Thunder Palace is. I don't have enough arrogance."

Xiao Hua knows that the master brother and the teacher are angry in the heart, so there is not much to say. He has a shackle in the space, and he can open the cave house with his hands. If there is no rule of the thunder palace, he has already started! Besides, he really doesn't believe that the "seeking cat" can find something more powerful than his own little silver!

The rumored disciple of Gan Leigong was really powerful. He accompanied Xiao Qing as saying that he had half-timed words. A disciple in the middle of the foundation was accompanied by a smile on his face. He followed a dozen disciples behind He Diheng. Now!

"哼 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 阎 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟 涟

"Despite the younger brother, where do you want to open the government?" The disciple was very aunt's smile.

"How do you know Lao Tzu!" Dry Di Heng coldly said, "I am the brother of Laozi, but I am not Laozi! Do you want to leave the house?"

"Yes, yes!" The disciple glanced at him. Only Xiao Hua was in the early days of building the foundation. He quickly came over and lost his smile. "I don't know where the younger brother is going to open the house?"

"Hey? Xiao Mou's jade slip has not been given to the Zhen Lei Palace? Why do you want to ask Xiaomou?" Xiao Hua glanced at the sun-facing face of some iron-green faces, sneer.

"This ~" the disciple arched, "The poor road shocked the sea, congratulations to the Xiao Shidi of Wanlei Valley to build the foundation! It is really sorry! During this time, my disciples of the thunder palace built too much, Xiao Shidi's jade Jane just handed it up, the poor road has not had time to see it! Please forgive me!"

"This way o!" Xiao Hua whispered, "This is not unreasonable! But the attitude is too bad!"

Therefore, the chin will be a little sunny: "Xiao Mou does not matter, I just don't know how my master brother thinks!"

When I saw Xiao Hua, I didn’t call my younger brother, and I didn’t call him a brother. The Zhenming Sea was slightly frowning. Bijing’s Wanlei Valley was a weak vein in the Zhenlei Palace. Even if the sun was already in the middle of the building, there was Xiao Hua and Cui Hongyi, two founding disciples, even had the tribute to the thunder and the disciples. Can be Bi Jing... This is all after o! The disciples who have the authority in the hands of Zhen Minghai really don’t pay too much attention to this matter!

However, the most feared by Zhenminghai is naturally the dry Leigong disciple who is more arrogant than him. Now, he doesn’t know how to do it?

But see Zhenminghai arching hand: "To the younger brother, the younger sister, the previous small can be really messy, some scornful, small can be aggravated here!"

Xiangyang saw the earthquake in the Minghai Sea. First, it was uncomfortable. He quickly said: "Oh, the brother of the earthquake thinks a lot! The younger brother does not know that I have a lot of disciples in the thunder palace. I thought it was intentionally negligent! Since it is really busy. How can you blame the brother?"

"Hey, it's o!" Zhenming Haitang machine road, "I don't know how it happened. During this time, I have too many children in the family of the thundering palace. I am really busy o!"

阎 涟 涟 夫 夫 夫 夫 夫 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君 君

"Well, that's natural!" Zhen Minghai smiled. "The teachers and the younger brothers have all come out. If it is too small, the dry thunder palace has no face!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua pointed to the position, and Zhen Minghai waved his hand, and dozens of disciples released a few shackles and started construction!

These cockroaches of the Zhenlei Palace are really shallow compared to the hustle and bustle of Xiao Hua. Not only do they need a few disciples to control together, but sometimes even the disciples play the martial arts!

However, it is finally these disciples who are familiar with the road, using most of the ri's effort to open up a cave that is twice as big as Cui Hongjun!

"Oh, I want to pay for the Lingfu to pay for the Lingshi!" Zhenminghai saw Dongfu open late, and smiled. "But since it is a good friend of the younger brother, this Lingshi is a small congratulation to Xiao Shidi." Thank you!"

"Don't!" Dry Diheng was not happy. He waved a handful of the best spiritual stones and threw them to him. He said, "You can't owe you anything to the thunder palace, or your grandfather will clean up the little man!"

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