Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 957: Exit


"O A? What do you mean?" Frustrated, hurriedly asked, "Also ask the teacher to teach me!"

"Nothing!" Shocked cháo's sleeves, his body shape did not stagnate, smiled. "Some secret things, you don't have to know. The old man is just talking about it... When you get there, you naturally know." !"

And said that Xiao Hua walked to the bottom, waiting for the mirror's mana to gradually disappear, and this slowly began to go from the deepest point to the peak of the Thunder! He didn't know, just as he broke into the depths of the Thunder Peak, the little purple light flashed extremely brightly. He was already a hundred miles away from him! It’s just that the light spot is very mysterious, and the fluctuation is also embarrassing, it is difficult to attract Xiao Hua’s attention!

Xiao Hua flew to the place where he was, quietly released the Buddha's knowledge, and saw that he had no choice but to send the shock to the cháo. He did not close the ban on the squad, and he did not feel overjoyed. He said: "Since it has caused the attention of Master, I am afraid that it cannot be Waiting for a long time. The silt of the meridian and the body of the body has been eliminated. The inner Dan in the body of the phoenix has never had the end of tempering, or wait until there is time, even when it is time to stay, it is not too late! No, you don't have to use a small silver hole to make a hole, or go out early!"

Xiao Hua thought, hurriedly flew out from the peak of the Thunder, and the phoenix body was exhibited. Many of the lightning were blocked, and they flew out of the ban!

However, Xiao Hua just issued a ban, and the Buddha’s knowledge was released and he saw that he had no choice but to fly back!

Xiaohua Lingji moves, does not use any invisible charm stealth, and turns around and flies to the ban!

"Hey? Xiao Hua!" Helplessly saw Xiaohua's back at first glance, "Why are you out?"

"Hey, Master, why are you not in the circle?" Xiao Hua heard the helpless call, but also pretended to be shocked, and turned back.

"Well, go out for the teacher, there are some things!" Helpless Xiaohua glanced at him. "When are you going out? How can you stop retiring a few ri? Look at your appearance... Nothing to gain. Ah! What do you have? Is it out of the customs without understanding?"

"Oh, good teacher father knows!" Xiao Hua immediately lost his smile. "The disciple has just left the customs! I miss Master, and I will come to Inner Valley to see..."

"Hey, don't play any slick!" Xiaohua didn't answer. He knew that Xiaohua didn't make any progress and didn't dare to say more. He scolded, "If you are able to use this slick, you can use it. I am afraid that you will not compare." Where is your brother Cui?"

Xiao Hua heard that she had no choice but to mention Cui Hongyi. Her heart was not good, but she did not dare to put it on her face.

"Alright, your two brothers will have to pay a double repair ceremony with the rebellious dreams of the thunder palace. These ri your master brothers are busy with the bride price! You are now out of the customs, although the repair is not successful, Can do some chores for Wanlei Valley! You are not here to delay, hurry back!" Helplessly hesitated, seems to think of the ambiguous words of cháo, not waiting for Xiaohua to speak, followed by one after another.

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Xiao Hua was swearing, and the emperor turned his head and flew out to the valley!

"Hey, when will you not let the old man worry about it?" I couldn’t help but look at Xiao Hua’s fairly fast body shape and shook his head. “There has been no progress in repairing. This thunder is so long, it’s only... Thinking about escaping?"

Xiao Hua did not know what he wanted to do. He left the helpless eyes and immediately showed his Ming Lei to his own cave!

"Hey! Xiaoye's Ming Lei..." Xiao Hua urged Ming Lei, some of the faint voices of the wind and thunder, and when the mana was sent out in the meridians, there were some thunder, Xiao Hua actually felt that his own Ming Lei I have to go further!

"This...what is this?" Xiaohua’s eyeball turned sharply, but he couldn’t think of it. Bijing had done too much in Jileifeng. Who knows which aspect has promoted Minglei’s progress? However, since the Thunder's technique has a thundering situation and is in a thundering situation, he is also extremely happy! As soon as he got to the thunder, even if he met the monk who was in the early days of Yuan Ying, he could escape with ease!

"Ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua laughed and flew back to Dongfu. There are several communication symbols outside the Dongfu. Xiaohua will break the communication symbol. The three communication symbols are dry Diheng. There is nothing else but just one after another. I have been asking when I will be in Yan Dan for three years! The other one is awkward, only shallow to ask if Xiaohua is out! The other one is Xue Xue.

Xue Xue’s message is even shorter: “Fei Jun, the whole body has not completely cleared out. Today, ri is a matter of master’s urgency, and he is called out, and he will come over and take a look. I can’t think of the husband’s retreat. I hope that after the husband’s exit, he will be repaired again. When he meets the peace, the old ghost is also a sword to kill it!”

Not only did not mention anything else in the message, but there was no worry in the tone. It seems that Xiao Xue’s Xue Xue is rest assured. Even Xue Xueli should think that Xiao Hua’s departure must be sure to kill and enter the world. Repair it!

"Hey, my mother's tone is not small! The pressure on the shoulders of the husband is very heavy o!" Xiao Hua smiled in his heart, he is now only the late stage of the foundation, the realm has just been solid, talking about strength is not inferior In the middle and late period of Jin Dan, however, if it is really compared with the early monks of Yuan Ying, it is still a lot worse. Xiao Hua can easily escape from the moment of calming into the real hand. It is already a smile that can’t be closed. Where can I say that raising my hand to kill Yuan Ying? I am afraid that it will be closed for a hundred years!

"It's o, why can't Xiaoye shut down for a hundred years?" Suddenly, Xiao Hua himself was also awkward. He was at ease on the peak of the Thunder, and hit with Wan Lei. Not only did the Buddha relic have a long-term benefit, but his height is near. Two and a half feet, the gold sè juice inside is also filled a lot! And the technique of quenching bones is also slowly progressing. Although Xiao Hua can't see it, the orange sè in the bones has more than enough! Besides, the phoenix body, the intrusion into the body, etc. have also improved o! Besides, I counted the gods and blame them, and they are all enlightened. They only have to retreat for a hundred years. Maybe they can really rush into Jindan! If you are retreating for a thousand years, can you expect Yuan Ying and distraction?

"Isn't Xiaoye going to listen to the wind? Will you sneak in and sneak in?" Xiao Hua touched his chin and thought quietly. "However, before retreating, I still have to find some medicinal herbs. Not enough to support the condensate!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua sent a message to Dry Diheng. He opened the ban on Dongfu and did not go inside. He went straight to Xiangyang’s Dongfu.

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