Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 966: Wolf Dongshanyi

The black wolf looked up and shouted. At this time, the mid-air had already been in the midst of the moon. With the black wolf's shouting, countless moons poured into the wolf body. "呜~~~" The strange sound accompanied by the dark green green rushed into the Inside the black and white texture of the swan!

Obviously, there is a layer of ban on the brilliance of the swan, and the fluctuations are easily blocked. However, the green essay is like a worm, first attached to it, and then drilled into it.

The green scorpion has already drilled in, and the black wolf standing in the air immediately stopped screaming, actually raising his head, and the lacquered eyes flashed cruelly and calmly!

Sure enough, the brilliance of the swan is still bleak, but the white body that remains in the Guanghua is still shaking! First, it is like itching, and then it is the same ripple, and finally it is a sharp tremor. The swan figure that has disappeared long ago appears in black and white texture! ! !

Immediately, the black and white texture began to tremble, black and white is no longer distinct, gradually blurred, gray!

"Peng" is another loud noise, and it sounds in the distance!

"Oh?" The black wolf looked up strangely, but the jade that had been suspended in the air in the middle of the room burst at this time. The inner nephew rushed out of the dark green light column under the protection of a white brilliance. !

"Hey, have you ran?" The black wolf spit out people's words, still hoarse, slightly moving a mouth, a dark green light column suddenly emerged from the air, horizontal and horizontal through the white brilliance.

"Ah~" screams, the shape of the nephew can no longer be maintained, a pale yellow color, like the fairy of the ducklings, a fist-sized blood hole appears in her neck!

However, the white caster's castration is still unfinished, still flying forward, waiting for the black wolf to attack again, the sound of the "squeaky" sound, the swan's body shape has completely retreated into the black wolf's legal array! With the swan's tweet, an extremely holy white light was born and rushed to the black wolf!

"Ha ha ha ~" But see the black wolf laughed at the sky, "Xie Wei. You are a beastly beast, in the middle of the heart, can your life's holy light last?"

Sure enough, the white light was only holy when the swan was born, and when it flew a few feet, it immediately appeared dark spots. Wait a long way. The dark spots were enlarged again, and most of them were dark in front of the black wolf! ! The black wolf screamed at the black and white brilliance, and all the brilliance was broken!

"唉~" A voice like a scorpion rises from the swan, and the swan shakes his figure. Extremely elegant, stretched out the neck, and gradually turned into a human form! However, this human form is several times higher than the body shape of the previous goddess, and there are several white wings behind it! Of course, today's wings already have some dark spots!

"Dongshan Yi... You are thinking about it. Actually... From the Wan Yaojie to the Xiaoyu continent! The palace is still in the calculation!" The goddess of the famous 曰 曰 扑 扑 , , , , , , , , 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘 娘It’s not like being trapped!

"Xie Wei!" The black wolf of the famous Dongshan Yi is roaring. It seems that he is very unhappy with Xie Zhen's Enron! He is also a metamorphosis at this time, but unlike Xie Tao, it is a human figure that is almost as high as Xie Tao, but the head is a black wolf!

However, from the body shape, it is actually a female! ! !

I saw the wrath of Dongshan Yi. Xie Tao is still calm: "Dongshan Yi, do you have any questions? Why are you imprisoning this palace?"

"Hey~ you finally asked out!" Dongshan Yi cold laughed, "This seat thinks that you will always be high, always for anything is not cold! Not always gaze up!"

Xie Tao’s eyes are like water, and it’s very pitiful to look at Dongshan Yi. It seems that she is the master of the scene!

"You can't escape?" Dongshan Yi was very dissatisfied with Xie Zhen's reaction, ridiculed.

"Why do you want to escape this palace?" Xie Xiao said with a smile. "Now, the rainy continent is only the one who came to you in the Wanxue world. This palace has gone. Who are you talking to?"

"You can escape!" Dongshan Yi is still mocking. "You are not born with a natural power. Can you be born with a void? Why not try again?"

"Since it failed once, why bother to try again?" Xie Zhen actually used his hand to look at the Ufa in front of the ink, and said with a smile.

"Xie Wei, are you always calm like this? Did you find that you were not angered when you were trapped? Do you find that there is no doubt in the mind of this 10,000-devil world? Do you find yourself unable to escape? There is a danger of extinction, there is the danger of the gods dissipating, there is the danger of not being able to enter the reincarnation, you... are you not panicking?" Dongshan Yi is very strong!

"Yes!" Xie Tao said slowly and slowly. "However, this matter is not under the control of this palace. What can the palace do?"

"You..." Dongshan Yi’s eyes flashed a vicious color. "You can rest assured that since you are in your hands, this seat will definitely make you want to survive and not die!"

"That's your thought!" Xie Yan stretched out and seemed to be somewhat relieved. "But it is nothing to do with this palace!"

"Hey~" Dongshan Yi has a mouth, a weird voice is emitted, and hundreds of thin green silks are born from the legal array, and they are like a bundle to the cover!

Xie Wei is not nervous at all, the wings behind it are slightly displayed, and the white brilliance is like a root sword flying in the air! Keep the green silk completely out of ten feet!

Unfortunately, it is only a moment, a piece of black spots like rust and moldy stains and then the light sword is born, quickly spread the entire lightsaber! The light sword then collapsed and disappeared invisible! Immediately, all the green silk fell on Xie Tao, and gradually disappeared!

A color of pain is born from the lips of Xie Wei's slightly curled up! A pain that I saw in pity jumped on her brow!

Seeing Xie Wei’s incomparable elegance, Dongshan Yi’s anger is involuntary!

But seeing her body began to tremble, a layer of small green essays was born from the mouth, following the path of the previous green silk did not enter the body of Xie Zhen...

"哎哟~" Xie Zhen couldn't help but groan, and the whole body trembled and fell down, and the white wings twitched and protected himself!

"How? The pain of the apex... is not the life that anyone can withstand! Do you still have to stand in front of this seat?" Dongshan Yi smiled coldly, and her own body began to tremble because of the frequent use of green essays. ! However, this trembling is far less than the embarrassment in her heart, and it is far less than seeing Xie Zhen!

It is a pity that Xie Tao simply ignored it. The whole body continued to tremble. The white brilliance was extinguished several times, just like her trembling eyelashes!

"Ha ha ha, thank you, what else do you have to say? Have you ever reluctantly passed the seat?" Dongshan Yi laughed again, and the wolf's head was ugly under the moonlight!

“How did you come to Xiaoyu’s mainland?” A faint, still elegant, obviously can endure the sound of suffering, “I’m not able to use the body to come to Xiaoyu’s mainland! How do you do it? of?"

“Hey!” Dongshan Yid’s smile, “This seat thinks that you are the ice-loving lotus on the iceberg, and you are so proud! You have curiosity!”

"This palace just wants to hear, if you don't want to say, you can't say it!" Xie Wei still faintly answered.

"Hey, your body can come, how can you come to this seat?" Dongshan Yi cold laughed.

"Ah? Are you following this palace?" Xie Xiaowei said, "You actually found the short space crack? Why didn't you see your breath in this palace?"

“Whether it’s tracking?” Dongshan Yi laughed. “You can’t hear about the dream of Yi Mengshui?”

"Hey, since you used the secret treasure of the lizard, this palace can't be found to be normal!" Xie Wei's strange tone is to make Dongshan Yi's evil fire soar!

"Don't you want to know how you got the heart of the Earth?" Dongshan Yi cold laughed.

"Well, this palace is indeed Nahan. It seems that the Holy Light of this palace has always been protected. How did your heart eclipse invade this day?"

"Hey, do you still use it? Naturally, it's time for you to distract yourself!" Dongshan Yi Deyi's hand pointed and smiled. "You don't look at it. Is your holy light here corroded enough?"

Xie Wei slightly squinted her eyes. Sure enough, her body was in contact with the ground. The white brilliance shrank slightly, and the black spots above the brilliance made silky fine lines, which extended slightly toward the ground. Obviously the ground was full. Tianxin eclipse!

"Dongshan Yi, you are really worried!" Xie sighed. "You are laying a squad in the sky and around, blocking the palace from escaping. The ground also has faint mana fluctuations. It seems to be stronger than that." The palace does not dare to fly easily! When the palace is distracted and wants to escape, it will deliberately have a hint of vitality! Then it prevents the distraction from merging with the body, but the distraction of this palace is already intrusive. At the same time, there is a trace of heavenly eclipse at the same time. If the distraction of the palace is not fit, is your heavenly eclipse still unable to invade the light of this palace? Even, you must be sure to destroy the division of the palace. kill?"

“嘎嘎嘎嘎~” Dongshan Yi laughed. “It’s just like this! Although you’re distracted, you can’t be more than Wan’s demon. You can use 10% of the mana. It’s a good way to limit your power. Killing your distraction is not a difficult thing! If you find that the heart is eroded, this seat will naturally kill your distraction! Lose the distraction of Xie, not the enemy of this seat!"

"In the heart of the eclipse of the palace, isn't it even falling into your calculations?" Xie Yan sighed. "What do you want to do? I am with the Dongshan family... I don't seem to have any deep hatred! The palace is just a few faces with you!"

"There are many demon people in the demon world. There is no hatred between the demon people. Although the winds are superior, they can be regarded as friends with the Dongshan people!" Dongshan Yi Leng laughed, "This seat takes you, naturally has this seat." I don’t know if you can cooperate!"

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