Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 973: Finally came (first more)

"Good!" Xiao Xianrui did not hesitate to answer.

"The second article will abolish your own cultivation! The old man can't be assured that a monk in the early days of building a foundation will stay at the Hundred Grass Gate!"

"Good!!" Xiao Xianrui did not hesitate to answer, for her, the child is far more important than repair!

"Third? You have to ruin your face! You should know that you have such a close because of your face!!!"

"Good!!!" Xiao Xianrui did not hesitate to ask, and did not hesitate to answer! What is the face? The flesh falling on oneself is far more important than the face!

"Ah?" Even Jiang Jiantong couldn't think of it. His harsh conditions were simply Xiao Xianrui, but Xiao Xianrui did not think about it.

Jiang Jiantong really underestimated the heart of the mother of the world! ! !

"Okay~" Jiang Jiantong said, "In this case, the old man has nothing to say, you will realize these three conditions now, and the old man will leave you!"

"Good!" Xiao Xianrui trembled and his lips were stunned. He looked at Jiang Liuer and said, "Let's go, look at the mother and kiss the mother's face again! I can't accompany you after the mother-in-law." Hope! Hope... I hope you can remember this face!"

"Nanny..." Jiang Liuer’s tears will wet the little face!

"Jiangmen Lord, please take the stream away! I am afraid that I will ruin the face and scare the child! When the injury is restored, I will change my dress immediately and become his mother!" Xiao Xianrui’s eyes are determined, again I saw Jiang Liuer. Said to Jiang Jiantong.

"Good..." Jiang Jiantong smiled and nodded, it was time to go!

"Booming ~ ~" A huge earth-shattering loud noise, the entire Huanghualing is to shake! Jiang Jiantong and others are okay, the shape is slightly swaying is flying in the air, Xiao Xianrui is standing unsteady, falling to sit on the ground! And her heart and soul, but also a lot of blood, actually fainted in the past.

Many refining disciples are also dying, and they want to fall!

"What is going on here?" Jiang Jiantong was furious.

"Booming ~" followed by a series of vibrations! Even the air is starting to sway!

"Someone is attacking the law of my hundred grass gates!!!" Jiang Jiantong wakes up and hurries to Lie Hong and Huang Ridao. "The two elders are taking the disciples to see them in the past! The old man has finished the matter and immediately passed!"

"Yes!" Lie Hong had long wanted to go. Hearing Jiang Jiantong’s instructions, he immediately pulled the sleeves of Huang Ri, and he flew back to the peak.

"Hey, the monks actually dare to act in front of the old man!" Jiang Jiantong saw Xiao Xianrui fainting, sneer, "How can a monk in the early stage of building a foundation easily faint! Come and see what happened. Hurry up." It’s really awkward, I’ve known such an old man...”

A refining female disciple flew over. Looked and hurriedly slammed: "The doorkeeper, the little grandmother really fainted!"

"Hands! What a little grandmother, now I have a few grandmothers in the grass door!" Jiang Fan roared.

"Yes, the disciple is wrong!" The female disciple was afraid and pleaded guilty.

"Don't hurry to wake her up?" Jiang Jiantong is also a martyr.

"Booming!!" is another wave of shaking like a mountain!

Jiang Jiantong was somewhat frowning. He handed Jiang Liuer to the disciples next to him and looked up. Qidao: "Which is the other person who smashed me Huanghualing? It seems that no one has come to provocate for a long time!"

The female disciple took out a small gourd from her arms, pulled out the plug and placed it in front of Xiao Xianrui's nose. Xiao Xianrui's nose twitched a few times, her eyes began to turn, and she woke up!

"Give the doorkeeper, less... she woke up!" Waiting for Jiang Jiantong to take out the jade card that controls the Faction, and scrutinize the situation outside the line. Just listen to the female disciple.

"Well~" Jiang Jiantong is a little confused, cold and cold, "Xiao Xianrui, you are faster. If you want to go, you can go now! If you want to stay, you will quickly abolish your cultivation!"

"All know!" Xiao Xianrui woke up, slightly sighed, looked down at his right arm, long before the flesh and blood, the bones are exposed! I don’t feel pleading, "Is it hurting now, can you let yourself be trained for a few days?"

"Dreaming!" Jiang Jiantong said coldly, "Don't do anything to delay!"

"That... always have to take the medicinal herbs?" Xiao Xianrui smiled bitterly. "At this time, I am ruined and repaired. I am afraid that I will not be guaranteed!"

"Then you still go!" Jiang Jiantong impatiently said, "What is your life and death with the old man?"

"Good!" Xiao Xianrui bite his teeth, it is precisely when he is doing his work. A voice came. "Why is the father-in-law, why is it so? What about letting her take the drug? Xiaoxi sees that there is no need to live." People come to provoke, this can live, why should I not let her live? Although she waits for me, but I can't wait to be kind to her!"

Jiang Jiantong looked at it, it was just that Yue Cong, who had just retired, was obviously awakened by the movement outside the line!

"Good! Since Yin Xian said love, let you take the medicinal herbs!" Jiang Jiantong was to refuse, but think about the martial art outside the line, or slightly bite his teeth, nod.

Xiao Xianrui took a cold look at Yue Cong, and Jiang Cong, who was gnashing his teeth after Yue Cong, or took a hand and took out a healing remedy. Before taking it, he was also slightly moved, and he was inexplicably serving another A Xiaohua refining 梧楬丹, this 梧楬丹萧仙蕊 has never been used, this is the first time!

A warm current emerged from the body, and the potency of Qidan surged into the right arm. A feeling of numbness and tingling came from the wound. The magical potion repaired the wound, and the flesh and blood were blurred. Although the new granulation was not visible to the naked eye, And God thought clearly, and is giving birth quickly!

"Oh? What is this medicine?" Yue Cong found out that Jiang Jiantong is also a little!

But at this time, a messenger is whistling and flying over!

Jiang Jiantong raised his hand to hold the message, and urged the mana to crush the message, but he listened to the anxious voice of Lie Hong from the inside: "The door is told, the person is fierce, but the monk in the early stage of building the foundation! Waiting for the opponent, Huang Rihuang is only one of the faces to be killed by the comer! Nowadays, the people are using the three fires to burn the battle, and at the same time use another magic weapon to attack the battle, the magic weapon is extremely powerful. Please ask the door owner to support it quickly, otherwise it will be broken in a moment!"

"Ah!!!!" Jiang Jiantong and Yue Cong were shocked! They are very clear about the cultivation of the Yellow Day, but it is a monk who has already been built into the foundation. How can one face be killed?

"Right, a few people from the enemy? Who is the person coming from? What is the appearance?" Yue Cong asked.

Ps: More than 90 monthly tickets in April, plus a more chapter.

More than 30 monthly passes in May, plus a more chapter.

Today and tomorrow are three more. In fact, it should be added at the weekend, but because of the reloading of the computer, it has been dragged to today, and the friends have been waiting for a long time!

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