Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 995: Fraud (third)

"Oh?" Yue Cong Daqi, look at Jiang Jiantong nodded, "It is this woman who repaired! It is also the nephew inside!" I don't know what friends are looking for!"

"Hey!" Xiao Hua sneered, "The old man naturally finds her something! Since there is this woman, she will not call her out!"

"The road is friendly and strange!" Jiang Jiantong asked Xiaohua to ask. "Xiao Xianrui is my son-in-law, do you see it? If you don't make things clear, how can the old man let you see?"

"Sure enough, it is a hill!" Xiao Hua is angry, and the town cloud print is flying again.

"Predecessors are anxious! The predecessors are anxious!" Yue Cong is naturally a veteran. "Whether the predecessors will see Xiao Xianrui to understand! Otherwise, let me wait for it!"

"Hey, you are still embarrassed," Xiao Hua said with anger. "The old man's face was lost! The old man asked for a long time, only to find out that this monk is actually a female repair of Huanghualing! This is an emergency." ......"

"Hey, seniors, can you tell me directly! Anyway, the younger generation does not know who the predecessors are!" Yue Cong smiled bitterly.

"Okay!" Xiao Hua nodded. "Can Xiao Xianrui ever have a charm in the city of Weeping Moon?"

"Ah? Just... exactly!" Yue Cong glanced at Jiang Jiantong, and the two exchanged their eyes. Yue Cong nodded.

"Well, that is the old man who is seeking for the gangsters from the teacher's door! This monk actually used the means to swindle away from the old man... The old man not only lost his face, but also the prostitution delayed the repair. You said that the old man can not find her?" Xiaohua said something hesitantly!

"But!" Yue Congqi said, "Xiao Xianrui does not seem to say this! And ... the repair of the predecessors. She... How can I lie to it?"

"Shut up! Is this something to be said by the old man?" Xiao Hua said with anger. "How can this monk tell you the truth before you wait? You call this monk out, old man..."

Xiao Hua said that he was hesitant here again. It seems that he was hesitant because of the intervention of Wanhua Valley!

"It turns out!" Yue Cong sighed. "Predecessors can no longer get the charm from the teacher's door, delaying the construction of the predecessors' apprentices. Really... Hey, how do you say this? Only the predecessors and Xiao Xianrui know, the younger generation Nor can we judge anything from the words of the predecessors!"

"Oh, then call the monk out! The old man asked her face to face!!!" Xiao Hua said with anger.

"The old man said it again! The son-in-law of my hundred grass gates is what you want to see?" Jiang Jiantong sneered. "Our things are shameful! It is also your own fault. There is no reason to blame me for the grass! Do you still want to go back!"

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Hua laughed, and put a hand, the town Yunyin flew back to his own hands, said, "Hundreds of grass gates are so short! The old man can not care too much, the old man just wants to face the Xiao Xianrui See if this monk is the one who deceived the old man that day, let her give the old man a statement! Since the Jiangmen Lord is so. The old man will give up his face! You wait, the old man’s power will not move you. A few of the old masters and brothers, if you don’t believe, you can’t kill your hundred grass doors!”

Then it was again to Yue Cong's hand: "Yue Daoyou, your face of Wanhua Valley is here, when the old man comes back, I hope that you will not appear here!"

Said, Xiao Hua figure flying, actually want to go far away!

Seeing Xiao Hua’s words, he will leave, Jiang Jiantong rushed to win the eyes of Yue Cong!

Yue Cong is hesitating again! He knew in his heart that Jiang Jiantong was letting himself keep Xiao Hua. The purpose of retaining Xiao Hua is definitely to hand over Xiao Xianrui! I have calculated it for so long, isn’t I just trying to get Xiao Xianrui into hand? Xiao Xianrui fell in the hands of this inexplicable monk, listening to that tone, definitely not to stay alive! Isn’t it a waste of time? However, if I don’t stop Xiao Hua and listen to Xiao Hua’s meaning, I’m sure I can’t give up. This is already so powerful, and then call a few brothers and brothers, and then find a few helpers, even if the grass does not go out. Also have a bad blood!

"Dao friends are slow!" Yue Cong hesitated, Jiang Jiantong can not hesitate! Cried in a hurry.

"Oh? Jiangmen Lord, why, do you still want to let the old man go?" Xiao Hua stopped in the air, said coldly, "The old man should look at it, what means Jiangmen has to keep the old man!"

"Where..." Jiang Jiantong laughed, it was an extraordinary splendid, arching, "The Taoist friend misunderstood!"

"Hey? What's wrong with the old man?" Although Xiao Hua's voice was changed by confusion, he still had doubts.

Then, suddenly awakened and said, "It’s hard to be... Jiangmen..."

"Not bad!" Jiang Jiantong said, "The Xiao Xianrui was naturally the daughter-in-law of my hundred grasses. No matter what the origin of the Taoist friends, even if the Shanghua Zongzong is coming, the old man will not call it out! Even if she has something The so-called error!"

"Now?" Xiao Hua’s heart sank and hurried.

"Now!" Jiang Jiantong glanced at Yue Cong, whose face changed, and said coldly, "Now that Xiao Xianrui is not the daughter-in-law of my hundred-grass door, and I am sure that the old man will not protect her mind!" Even if the Taoist friend does not ask for it today, the old man will drive him out of the hundred grass door!"

"Ha ha ha ha ~" Xiao Hua Lang laughed, really happy! The whole body was swaying in the air, only to listen to him with a smile. "If this is the case, then quickly hand over the monk! The old man still wants to confront the monk, but now it saves the old man!" The righteousness of Jiangmen’s Lord... The poor road is the heart! After the time... there is a chance to repay!!!”

"No need!" Jiang Jiantong vaulted, "The old man has always been convinced by reason, and there are mistakes that must be corrected! Since Xiao Xianrui has offended the Taoist friend in his early years, and she now has no relationship with my hundred grass gates, naturally it is necessary to give it to Daoyou handled it!"

Immediately, Jiang Jiantong took a shot and sent a message.

"Daoyou~" Jiang Jiantong waited for the message to be sent out. He said, "Since everything has been made clear, everything is done by Xiao Xianrui, and there is nothing to do with my hundred grasses. Do not have to hide the identity of the Taoist friends. Is it possible? If it is possible, I am happy to have a good relationship with my friends! Please come to Huanghualing, the door of my hundred grass door!"

"Ha ha ha ~ nature!" Xiao Hua laughed. "Since Xiao Xianrui has no connection with your hundred grass gates, the poor road is also relieved! After a while Xiao Xianrui comes out, the poor road will naturally be treated with Jiangmen Lord! Jiangmen Lord assured, Jiangmen How can a poor person like the Lord give a surprise to Jiangmen?"

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