Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 979: kill

"Good!!!" Xiao Hua nodded, and Zhang Qingxiao said, "Since the sister-in-law also agreed, the young man will not doubt you first. However, the younger brother has to go with the teacher, do you want to follow? To explain to Xiaoye, why should you squat on Xiaoye?"

"Grandma's, but also said that Laozi kneels down!" Zhang Qingxiao jumped, "I almost died in your hands last time! You have to explain it to Laozi!!!"

"Hey! Isn't it not dead?" Xiao Hua looked at him with a smile. "When you die, let's talk!"

After that, Xiao Hua’s hand holding Xiao Xianrui will fly away!

However, Zhang Qingxiao was quietly standing there, not moving.

"Oh? You are not coming?" Xiao Huaqi said.

Zhang Qingxiao’s eyes were slightly stunned. He looked at the people in the distant Baicaomen and smiled. “This Huanghualing is the site of my Huanhua. It’s the people who should go to the grass. They have been occupying the nest for so many years. It’s time to get out!"

"But...Sister and sister are somewhat bitter!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. "The sister is not allowed to do it!"

"Ha ha ha!" Zhang Qingxiao took a shot, the **** red flag caught in the hand, smiled. "I am the second disciple of Yan Huaming, the second brother of you, now is the biggest, Laozi said Is the right way!"

Saying, the small flag in the hand swayed, a burst of wind and clouds, dozens of dark brilliance flashed, and hit the people in the airborne grass door!

"Qing Xiao, stop! They are all relatives of Jiang Liuer!!!" Xiao Xianrui was shocked, but where did Zhang Qingxiao listen? He was able to meet Xiao Xianrui early, but I saw Xiao Xianrui still happy in the Herbs Gate. Jiang Fan is also treating her with sincerity. He also knows that Baicaomen is not the culprit of killing Hua Wing, so he is too lazy to interfere. This sends a disciple into the grass door and only reports all the abnormalities to himself!

Xiao Xianrui’s accident, the disciple had already sent a message, and Zhang Qingxiao was the first to arrive! He was invisible and witnessed everything that Xiao Hua had done. He knew that Xiao Hua was actually taking revenge for himself and his master and Master. Of course, the doubts about Xiao Hua are all released.

However, when he saw that Xiao Xianrui was so horrible, he had already cultivated it as a deep-smelling, but he still showed murder, which made Xiao Hua discover again and again. Now Xiao Xianrui actually let him stay, how can he listen to Xiao Xianrui? ? ? He can be no matter what his loved ones are, and there is nothing to do with Xiao Xianrui. !

The people in the hundred grass gates are a curse! !

I saw Xiao Hua brave and invincible before, and easily made Jiang Jiantong seriously injured! I am already scared! I did not expect. The powerful, heart-wrenching still behind, the famous demon sect of the singer who has already spread far and wide, is actually Zhang Qingxiao. A magic fire is to turn Jiang Yan into ashes! Jiang Yan...but the monk in the early stage of building the foundation! All the people left are only the liver and gallbladder...

I just listened to Xiao Hua’s words and knew that he was scrupulous about Xiao Xianrui’s thoughts. The hearts of the people still gave birth to the joy of luck. But this joy has just been born, and the arrogant magical fire is falling from the sky, accompanied by Zhang Qing. Xiao’s incomparable anger! The people did not dare to neglect, rushed to display their magical powers, or Huang Fu, or the law. Want to escape!

Unfortunately, they are not the opponents of Xiao Hua, but it is difficult to enter Zhang Qingxiao's eyes. Together with Jiang Jiantong and Jiang Fan, who were seriously injured, they were all killed by Zhang Qingxiao without much resistance!

Seeing Jiang Fan’s face showing remorse and horror, Xiao Xianrui is also anxious. After all, he is the birth of Jiang Liuer. She did not know how Jiang Liuer explained with Jiang Liuer when she grew up! However, just as Jiang Fan’s body burned a black fire, the screams of pain and screams turned into ashes, and Xiao Xianrui’s heart suddenly stunned for a while. It seems that all the burdens, all the moments of depression are gone! ! !

"Hey..." Xiao Hua’s eyes flashed a hint of helplessness, and the dark road said, "When I knew this, why should I be at the beginning? The hundred grass gates counted me, but it was only a few years of Huanghualing, and the sphere of influence was enhanced. A lot, but now? It’s all falling into the hands of my 殇华冥! Hundreds of grass doors... I’m afraid there is no more since now!”

"Go ~ kill all the disciples!" Zhang Qingxiao killed Jiang Jiantong and others, whispered aloud, and later got a few of the foundation-based monks who had been told to listen, they are all squatting, "Subordinates understand!"

"Qing Xiao!" Xiao Xianrui hurriedly said, "The ordinary disciples of Baicaomen will not die, or leave them a life!"

"Hey, dare to step on my Hua Huang's Huanghualing, these disciples are damn!" Zhang Qingxiao was not moved, but also told him, "There are medicine farmer peaks, and the disciples must kill!"


"Qing Xiao..." Xiao Xianrui hurriedly said, "I know that you now have the power to hold hands. You can decide the lives of thousands of people in one sentence! However, you can't abuse it so much! The paramedics of Yaonongfeng are also innocent. Ah! You can't kill them all!"

"Hey, Lao Tzu did not intend to kill the grass door!" Zhang Qingxiao looked at Xiao Xianrui. "However, since the Herbs dare to let the sisters suffer such torture, they will not kill the hundred grass gates, not enough to calm Laozi. I’m angry, let’s say, killing is going to kill the end! Like the little teacher’s grinding, maybe after the rest of the hundred grass gates, what waves are going to happen, it’s not good for the sisters and the rivers!”

Immediately, Zhang Qingxiao was looking up at the bleeding of Huanghualing, cold and cold: "The world can bear me Zhang Qingxiao, can bear my demon! But can not bear my sister, can not bear my brother, can not afford My master and Yan Huaming!! Whoever hurts my loved ones, even though it’s thousands of miles, I’m killing it!!!”

"唉~" Xiao Hua knows that Zhang Qingxiao said that it is the truth, and it is also a great heart! I always feel that he is acting hot, and he has a heart of compassion! And since Zhang Qingxiao has taken the shot, he can’t interfere with it!

"But it! Thousands of people do the same thing, I am afraid there are thousands of different ways! I am afraid that there must be thousands of thoughts! Xiaomou has his own way of doing things, worthy of the heart, can be worthy of the world! Regardless of others!" Xiao Hua’s heart is somewhat enlightened. "I am afraid that the second brother is doing this. It is worthy of his heart. It is worthy of his world! This can only be the case. He is the lord of the demon sect, and Xiaomou Not!!!"

"That... Xiao Hua, don't you feel tired when you stand in the air?" After a meal, Zhang Qingxiao looked at Xiao Hua and said, "Would you like, my sister asked me to help me for a while?"

If it is the previous Zhang Qingxiao, Xiao Hua does not say anything, but today's Zhang Qingxiao, Xiao Hua really may not be assured!

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