Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 986: force

Om "This way!" Xiao Hua nodded, no longer asked, but also an interesting smile, "The second brother will not ask the younger brother to ask the Buddha's practice?"

"Hey, you can't look at the Buddhist sects!" Zhang Qingxiao looked around and found the place where he was sitting down. He was sitting opposite the Xiaohua. He said, "I have already said it to my brother, Buddhism and The magic repairs are mutually exclusive, and the Buddha may take advantage of it. In the end, it is necessary to see which one is high! If the Buddha is powerful, how can it be exterminated by the Tao?"

When I heard this, Xiao Hua’s thought flashed and smiled. “The two brothers know why the Buddha was destroyed? What is inside the Buddha’s site?”

Zhang Qingxiao shook his head and said: "These things are not very concerned about the brothers, I don't know! The Buddha has been annihilated for a long time, and a lot of evidence has disappeared. The reason is that only the sects that have passed down for a long time will have some notes! Right, I Can warn you! Fozong ruins... It is best not to go! Fall in the eyes of some people, your Buddha will be repaired, your life will be difficult to protect! At that time will be the entire Tao Yuda 6 Killing you, even if you expand the Devil of Heaven ten times, you can't save you!"

Xiao Hua nodded and smiled: "Reassured, the younger brother has his own size!"

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Said, Zhang Qingxiao is to cast a spell!

"Slow" Xiao Hua stopped him, "Little Master dare! But Xiaoye disdains the bloodsucker of your devil's scorpion! The young man must swear is also the blood of my Taoist swear!"

Zhang Qingxiao blinks, watching Xiao Hua feel calm and thoughtful.

Immediately, he said softly: "You and I will swear!"

"Good" Xiao Hua did not hesitate, he will swear, but, as Zhang Qingxiao said, this oath did not include Zhang Qingxiao!

"Where is it!" Zhang Qingxiao had a mouth, the black blood that was changing into the mouth, sighed in a sigh. "It’s not to blame the brothers for being difficult for you! It’s really a dream for the brother to grow up. Where! It is necessary for the brother to keep this place safe!"

"Well, the younger brother understands!" Xiao Hua nodded. "Although the younger brother did not grow up, he was also picked by the master. The younger brother’s feelings for Yu Huaming may not be the second brother. The younger brother will also work hard with the second brother. Supporting Hua Wing, will pass on Master’s Taoist system!”

"Yes!" Zhang Qingxiao looked up at the medicines not far away and said, "This medicine garden is really pitiful for the brothers. In the hands of the younger brother, it is also lush, but now? It is even more Expansion! Time passes, I wait for each other not in one place, while growing up, there are more secrets! Although these secrets will not completely tell each other, but... for the hope of the brothers, do not isolate them, do not harm each other Trust!"

"No mistake! Second brother, this sentence should be the younger brother to ask you!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, "Is this always not the second brother is forcing the younger brother?"

"Hey, who makes your secret too much? For the brother, don't doubt you, who are you suspicious? Can you doubt the river?" Zhang Qing Xiao Bai gave him a look

"The left and right brothers have hurt the younger brother's heart! You have to take compensation!" Xiao Hua smiled

Zhang Qingxiao immediately grabbed his storage bag and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Hey, the younger brother needs the skills of the five elements, it is best to build the foundation, Jindan and Yuanying..." After waiting for Xiao Hua, Zhang Qingxiao got up and said, "I didn’t hear anything for my brother." When it’s for the brothers today! Grandma’s, you are a disciple of Yu Leizong. What is the practice? I’m going to fight the autumn wind! I also don’t want to distract my spirits.”

"Don't!" Xiao Hua squinted and hurriedly grabbed Zhang Qingxiao's robes and smiled. "In fact, the younger brother didn't think much about it. Who made you so distrustful of the younger brother? Since you did, you should compensate!" If there is no Yuan Ying Gong Fa, Zhu Ji and Jin Dan will be taken together!"

"Hey, I am really afraid of you!" Zhang Qingxiao shot a storage bag and threw out a few pieces of jade. "For the brothers, the most is the Jindan Gongfa, the Yuan Ying stream, and then look at the opportunity!"

After that, Zhang Qingxiao hides his face and walks away! This embarrassment has not only found Xiao Hua’s origin, but he has folded several exercises!

Xiao Hua stayed in Huanghualing for a few days. He took a look at Huanghualing. Every time he went, Xiaohua was a bit of a sneak peek, and he didn’t see anything refreshing! So I waited for the Tianmo Mozong disciple to take the grass and the seeds of the grass gate, and even the jade Jane. Xiao Hua and Xiao Xianrui and Zhang Qingxiao gave a speech to Huang Hualing, Zhang Qingxiao, Xiao Hua also could not produce any strength. The new grass gate is to support Zhang Qingxiao, Xiao Hua does not have half the usefulness.

Since the night of forced the birth of Xiao Hua, Zhang Qingxiao has never looked for Xiao Hua alone, it seems to be completely relieved! Even when Xiao Hua resigned, Zhang Qingxiao did not ask a word!

In fact, it is exactly what the two men said in the face of the day: each person has the opportunity of each person, as long as the feelings of the heart against the singer are unchanged!

Xiao Xianrui’s injuries have been all good in these days. Although her repairs have not yet fully recovered, there are already a variety of Ling Dans in the storage bag, and Zhang Qingxiao’s care, fearing that it will be repaired in the future. It is necessary to rush into Xiao Xianrui to know that Xiao Hua is a disciple of Yu Leizong at this time. If there is a reason for involuntary self-reliance, he will no longer ask more questions, only a few voices and some reluctant eyes to send Xiao Hua to fly away!

As for Jiang Liuer, these days and Zhang Qingxiao are very familiar but they regard Xiaohua as a thing!

"When you have two brothers, Xiaoye can finally relax! But..." After leaving Huanghualing, Xiaohua seems to have unloaded a heavy burden! However, now I think again, I feel that the burden is heavy! Previously, he always used the killing of the grass gate as his goal of revenge, but now the grass gate is gone, Huang Hualing has also returned to the hands of Yan Huaming. Xiao Hua’s previous goal is to achieve it. However, he knows the smashing of the door. The truth, Xiao Hua is a little relaxed! After all, the enemy is the Yuan Ying monk! There may even be a Yuan Ying monk from the three major schools of Xiguo. How can Xiao Hua be easy?

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"Well, the sky is falling and there is a tall man standing up! There are two brothers, this day, the demon lord, the little master is also secretly lazy!" Xiao Hua did not smile, although Zhang Qingxiao forced him to be extremely tight, he fell in his heart Nothing resentment! After all, I really explain my own origins and my own cultivation, and people do not doubt it!


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