Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 990: Sky city

However, when he found Xiao Hua and saw that there were already four disciples in it, the fire in his heart could not help but go out of his own way: "I don’t want to blend face with others. You are good, you are hiding in a practice. If it is not for Master's account, Lao Tzu will not care about your life and death!"

Immediately, Cui Hong took a look at Xiao Hua and turned to find the farthest quiet room. He did not say hello to the three refining disciples in the middle, and sat down.

"I have seen the uncle!" The three refining disciples saw the founding disciples coming in, did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly got up and gave gifts.

"Well," Cui Hongyu put his sleeves on his sleeves, and he didn't return to the ceremony. He also closed his eyes.

Three refinery disciples, look at me, I see you, my face is strange...

The northwestern part of the Xi State is already very cold. Although there is no extreme cold in the country, the water is frozen into ice, and the whole world is snow and ice! It is also often snow-covered in the mountains, and even the peaks of some high mountains and mountains are also white snow that does not change all the year round!

The secular people who can live here are less real. They are only on the edge of the forest. Some slightly warm places will gather some mortals. They naturally cannot rely on planting rice and grass. Most of them are hunting for the industry. The grass in the middle is alive! Naturally, these grasses can't be compared with the grasses that the monks take, but they are only a few years old, and they are very common in the eyes of monks.

This harsh environment is fatal to the secular people and extremely tempting for the monks! Because of the northwest of this stream, the aura is quite strong, the products are also rich, and there are many cold-resistant grasses, that is, there are dozens of large and small Lingshi veins!

Under these circumstances, not only is there a lot of self-cultivation, but also a few cultivating martial art! The most famous of these comprehension families are the Baijia of Motianling, the Meijia of the Glacier Valley, and the cattle of Qingfengshan. Their homeowners are all repaired in the late stage of the building. Only a little bit can be built into Jindan! There are quite a few other small comprehension families, but they are basically under the middle of the construction of the foundation. As for the cultivation of the martial art, there are Hail Gate, Xue Wu Pai, Song Tao Ling and Han Shan Ming Zong. The heads of these martial art are basically the repairs of Jin Dan in the early or middle period, and the strongest ones are coming to the late Jin Dan!

Of course, counting these comprehension families and self-cultivation martial art, the biggest force is the Sky City!

The Sky City is one of the seven major cities in the Xi State. The real snowy land of the city is already a monk in the early Yuan Ying!

The Sky City is not the same as Jingbo City and Weeping City. It is built on the snowy plateau. The top of the snowy peaks. The entire city is like a fortress in the snow, standing on the wall of the city, and the snows that are thousands of miles around are actually under the feet!

In this respect, the Sky City is similar to the Ming City! just. There are monks and monks in Yuming City, and this Sky City is high above, there is no flying technique, and it is impossible to come up without relying on the transmission array. Therefore, all of them are monks! There are no half-worldly people!

The plain Sky City does not see too many monks flying out. Only the city guards of the Sky City will go out at regular intervals, and the range of hundreds of miles around the Sky City will be patrolled. Most of the ordinary monks will use the transmission array! After all, this is a snowy field. Although the aura of the heavens and the earth is sufficient but the climate is bad, the pampered monks are unlikely to spend mana fighting the cold wind and the blizzard.

However, over the past few years, the situation has changed a lot. Not only have more monks flying from the snow, but they are sitting on flying instruments. There are more monks in droves! The street that was slightly deserted before the Sky City was crowded at this time. Needless to say, this is precisely because of the invasion of the Xi State by Xiu Jianjian!

Of course, the Sky City is far from the border between the country and the country. The sword repair of the country has not yet been hit here, but this is the largest city in the country near the country. It has always been the stronghold of the Taoist reconciliation with the Daoist. Whether it is the Xi State, or the Monks of the Mongolian and the Shu State, most of them are gathered here. There are leaders of the sectarian monks from the three countries to fight the battle of the leader and sword repair! It is for this reason that the monks have grown up. Some scattered, comprehensible families, and even monks who have not been sent out by various sects have also come together. Some small bidding meetings and easy gatherings have gradually prospered, and the shops in the Sky City are also bustling.

It seems that the tension in front of the war, the **** atmosphere has not yet blown here!

However, it is normal. Tens of thousands of years have been 100,000 years since the sword repair did not invade the Xi State, but never attacked the Sky City! According to the records of the celestial city, it was only 200,000 years ago that the Sky City was occasionally attacked by the sword repair, but only three years later, it was taken over by Dao Zong! And drive the sword out of the country!

In addition, the city owners of Sky City have always been the Yuan Ying monk! That is the head of the sword-sword-swording realm. If even the city owners of the patrolling city must participate in the war, the heads of the three major factions of the creek must also come, and the heads of the Mongolian and the Shu State will come. With these Yuan Ying monks, what is the danger of this Sky City? Therefore, monks who do not participate in the war are not afraid of anything! The sword is repaired, and it is a big deal to run!

However, those monks who participated in the war?

This day, it is the heavy snow of the sky, like the flying goose feathers will cover the entire sky, the Sky City stands on the top of the snow, the whole city is covered by heavy snow! The Sky City is not without a defensive tactic, but this squad is also divided into several levels. The highest level can of course block the snow, but the Lingshi that consumes this is very much, and the Sky City has not come to do unnecessary waste.

Even in such a snowy day, the monks did not stop at their own pace. Many people were shining with brilliance, blocking the snow outside, and coming in and out from the gates of the Sky City from time to time.

"Let's let go, let go..." In the distance, a loud voice sounded, "There is a battle report on the west line!"

"West line? What happened to the west line??" The monks listened. They all evaded and opened the air to the gate of the Sky City. Several older monks stopped in midair and watched. At the beginning of the foundation of the patrol city, wearing a snow-white flag, the first monk was slightly frowning and asked.

"The war report still needs to be sent to Yan Xifu to be re-issued by the predecessors of the prefecture. Under the guise of the city, you can't be arrogant!" The city guard was unceremoniously arched, and his body shape did not stagnate in midair, passing by these monks. Rushed into the Sky City.

"Hey, it’s been nearly a year! This is a confrontation with Laos... There is nothing too good news coming. This time, watching your city guard’s look is quite anxious, I’m afraid it’s not good news!” The monk sighed and said to the old man behind the building.

"Yeah!" The old man was flying to the Sky City. He looked at the monk who spoke to himself and nodded. "The swordsmanship of the Shu Kingdom is more powerful than the monks!" And this time they are pre-emptive. I am prepared, if I can expel them from the beginning of the war, it is a strange thing! According to the old man’s opinion, this time, as before, there will be nothing special, the monks of my compatriots are correct. Gradually gathered together, and the disciples of the various factions and families came, and our strength will come up! The disadvantages of this war will be gradually reversed. At the end, Jian Xiu will be driven away!"

"Yes, I think so in the next!" The monk in the middle of the building base smiled. "The swordsman and the monks of my Taoist school are not confronted one or two times! They have been huddled in the country for so many years, and it is unlikely. I will rush out this time!"

"Actually, Jian Xiu and I have no big grievances. In addition to this war, the disciples of various countries have played against each other and have not seen anything!" The old man is very disapproving. "The old man heard that this sword It’s an excuse to attack my own country. The excuse is that my swordsman is missing in Mengguo! And the predecessors of the tracing are also killed by people! You said... Is this not a nonsense? I am a monk who died in the Three Kingdoms. The sects will be sent to attack and kill? My comprehension of the Three Kingdoms is not even less damaged in the country, and there is no big attack on the country?"

"Yes!" The mid-term monk of the foundation of the building attached the road. "If it is ok, this time, I will not be able to kill the Three Kingdoms in one fell swoop, and kill all the swords!"

"Foolish!" The old man yelled, "kill the sword and kill, who will resist the soul repair of millions of Mengshan? Don't forget that the soul repair can be extremely difficult, the sword of the sword repair is the nemesis of the soul, I The Taoist spell can't do it!"

"Yes, I really forgot this layer of interest!" The monk in the building base lost his smile. "Thinking about the unpredictable soul technique, almost all of them are creepy!"

"Let's go into the city gate, go to Yan Xifu, I will wait and see what happened!" The two men have already reached the gate of the city.

But before seeing the gates of several highs, the city guards that stood dozens of patrolling cities were mostly refining realms, and only a few were building monks! The highest level of repair is actually close to the late stage of building.

"The two predecessors can have identity tokens issued by the three countries?" The two refining disciples respectfully stepped forward and held the two men!

"Well, the old man is the monk of the Yanjiang Zong, this time just in the Xi country, this is the old man's token!" The old man in the late stage of the building will take a hand and hand out a token to the disciple. Said.

"Oh ~ seniors wait!" The disciple reached out and took a hand. He took a mirror-like implement from the storage bag and placed it on the token! But when you see the mana, the white light flashes on the mirror. There are three different auras in the white light. One of the auras reveals the image of the old man!

"Predecessors please!" The disciples checked and returned to the old man, and lost their smiles. "The tokens of the predecessors were issued by the three countries. The mana fluctuations in the middle are no different!"

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