Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 998: First team vice captain

"It’s awkward!" After the dream, there was a big eyes and a fair-skinned skin, but it looked like a arrogant female repair. Then, "The body is just built, it’s less than ten years! Just like the teacher, Bad luck, have to come out to fight!"

"That... the disciple is smashing, and he has been in the 12th floor of the refining air for some years, but he has never built a foundation... So, here is also going out to fight..." The female practitioner was actually shy, saying that she stole Seeing Xiaohua!

"Hey, this woman repair is actually against Ling!" Xiao Hua saw the gaze of Ling Xiao, but I still didn't understand it before. At this time, I heard that I was introduced to it, and it was a sudden realization. Xiao Hua has seen both sides of the exchange, the earliest is when I entered the Royal Leizong, the girl who was only a few years old, when she met for the second time, it was the return of Xiaohua’s own feather fair, which was Ling is already ten years old. It is different from childhood. Xiao Hua only feels vaguely familiar and can't recognize each other! Today is the third time. It’s more different from the ten-year-old Qingyan. The more rounded, the more shy in the spirit, not like the second time to compare with the red-horse fairy, it’s no wonder that Xiao Hua can't think of it!

Seeing Xiao Hua’s gaze, there was a blush on his face, and he looked down at the ground.

"Okay! Since all the brothers and brothers have already finished the introduction! I can wait a little longer for a break and get to know each other. Cui also looks at the task of the earthquake, and thinks about how to get to Jimingshan!" Nodded and laughed, and then to Zhen Minghui, "Zhen brother, trouble you come over, can you see Yu Jian with the younger brother, the younger brother may have some problems to discuss with the brothers!"

"Oh?" Zhen Minghui was obviously unexpected. But then there was a flash of surprise in the eyes. He smiled a few steps. "The captain of Cui has been sent to help the brothers!"

Immediately, Cui Hongyi sat down with Zhen Minghui, took out a jade slip, and whispered.

Xiao Hua took a look at the chat, and saw that he was beckoning himself against the nightmare. He had to go over and swear: "The younger brother has seen the teacher!"

"Hey, don't you call the predecessors?" He laughed with a nightmare.

"Of course, the younger brother is also building a foundation for repair, of course, to call the teacher!" Xiao Hua did not hesitate to answer.

"Hey, this is Xiaohua who doesn't call Cui brothers brothers." Ming Hao fluttered with big eyes, looked up and down Xiaohua, and said, "It looks very ordinary! Nothing special, it is just the initial repair of the foundation." why!"

"Ming Yu Shi Shu!" whispered to Ling, "Xiao Shishu was the first name of the Yuxian Conference! He took the treasures of the conference, and also won the hearts of the women who repaired the flowers!"

"Ah? There is still this matter? Come on quickly!" The name of the Yuxian Conference, oh, I haven’t seen it before, I can’t think of standing in front of you today! In addition, you are really good, how can you win the hearts of the women? Is the female master ugly?"

"The red-haired fairy of the Huanhua School! Didn't you hear about Ming Hao's brother?" In the eyes of Ling, there was a hint of embarrassment, whispering.

"Ah? Hongxia Fairy? That is the same as the 浣花派云孑翀? Oh, it is no longer the same name! Now Hongxia Fairy is already the peak of the mid-term foundation! It seems that... !!! She... she looks better than the fairy, and... and the age seems... just like me!” This is really amazing!

However, when I was surprised, the curiosity in my eyes was even more prosperous. I simply did not loosen Xiaohua’s sleeves and shouted: “Quick, Xiao Shidi, how do you hook up the red xia fairy? Tell the teacher!”

"What is hooking?" Xiao Hua said coldly. "Is Xiao Xiao familiar with you? Why tell you?"

"You..." Ming Hao couldn’t think of eating Xiaohua’s closed door all at once, his face was very embarrassing! Zhang Zhangzui does not know how to pick up!

Still against the nightmare, he covered his arm with a clear arm, and took her hand from Xiaohua’s robes without a trace. He smiled and said: "Alum, isn’t the teacher told you? Xiao Hua is very It’s a temper, a word is not right for him to turn his face! Mo said that you are a female repairer of the Thunder Palace, that is, a disciple of Kun Leigong, he dismissive! If this is not cold, how can I get the heart of Hongxia Fairy This reason, you should know if you don't ask?"

"Well, yeah! Xiaomei is really a teacher!" Mingxiao smiled and said with self-deprecation, but she still had some unwillingness to look at Xiaohua. Some women seem to be like this. The more she gives her face, the more she feels that you have no bones, but the more you look at her face, the more she feels that you have personality! In particular, Xiao Hua is actually able to do it with his own brothers and sisters, and the more they are in their eyes! A rare sight! !

Where does Xiao Hua have time to tell them this? Xiao Hua has learned from the shock that the facts of the various factions are prohibited in the war! The problem is that his enemies are not others, but Yuan Yingxiu! Yes, as the shocked words, if you are quietly thinking about the real person, he can send a message to the shock, and the news hall of the Sky City will be reported to the parliament house! The whole process seems to be very reasonable, but can someone calm the real person to let him send a message? Even if Xiao Hua spread the message, would it be shocking or deliberate? For a monk in the late stage of building a foundation to offend a Yuan Ying monk, I am afraid that the Lei Leizi of the Royal Leizong must think twice before doing it! Not to mention the agenda!

Since the law of the House of Law preserves itself, then Xiao Hua will find his own way!

In fact, the best way is to put Xiaohua to death! I left it! The second is to change the appearance, stealing the day to change the Japanese martial arts plus the easy-to-shape technique that he has already remembered, even the Yuan Ying monk can not see what flaws! Xiao Hua is absolutely confident to escape the vision of a real person.

"Would you like to go?"

"How to get there?"

This is a problem that Xiao Hua does not want at all times.

"You brothers..." Just after Xiaohua thought about it, Cui Hongjun smiled and said, "How do you know each other? In the next few years, even a dozen years, I will wait for ten people to get along with each other. Everyone must rest. Together, support each other, so that our first team can withstand the baptism of war, return to Yu Leizong with a new look!"

"Cut ~ ghosts believe this!" Xiao Hua sneered, cold and cold thought, "Little brother to find a chance to run! Don't be killed by the sword, but it is in his own hands!"

"Well, I have been talking for a while, it is a bit familiar, but it is still too early to say that the captain said that the rest of the battle has just begun, and some time is for me to be familiar!" Hurry to Jiming Mountain! This first mission is still to be done early!"

"Well~" Cui Hongyi was very happy. He took a look at Zhen Minghui and said, "Cui Mou and Mr. Minghui discussed it for a moment. I feel that since it was a message from Jimingshan, although there is no mention whether they received the sword repair. Attack. Can not rule out this period of sword repair, so I can not directly pass, it is best to come to the vicinity of Jiming Mountain, gradually approaching, do not rush into it, perhaps fell into the ambush of Jian Xiu! ”

"Yes, Captain Cui said very much!" Ming Hao smiled and said, "With the command of Captain Cui, I waited for a high worry!" He said, it was a sly look at the nightmare, against the dream I gave her a look and she was a little ashamed.

"What are you waiting for?" Cui Hongyi still did not trust, but asked Xiang Qing and others.

"Well, but listen to Captain Cui!" Everyone nodded, no doubt, but at this time a voice that was not harmonious was heard: "just!"

Everyone is slightly stunned, looking up, isn’t it a shameless face? Anyway, he has to find a chance to slip, but it is casual.

"You..." Cui Hongjun now regrets that he has asked this so-called sentence.

I hurriedly asked against the nightmare: "Since Captain Cui has made a decision, I will wait for it, even if it is late, it is not very good!"

"Good!~" Cui Hongjun slightly bit his teeth and nodded. "Cui Mou still had something before he left."

Immediately afterwards, he pointed his hand to Zhen Minghui and said: "Ming Hui's brothers have both higher and more insights than Cui, and Nai Cui has won the shock of his brother, took the captain's token, and later Cui Mou There are still many things to ask about Minghui’s brother. Therefore, Cui Mou wants to ask Minghui’s brother to serve as the deputy captain of this first team. I don’t know what everyone is saying?”

Zhen Minghui listened, and his face showed a hint of joy. He immediately waved: "The captain Cui is not right. Since Zhen is a member of the first team, it is natural to contribute to the first team! Even if there is What kind of dangerous task, Zhenmou will also go, this captain's post is still reserved for the knowledgeable person!"

"Oh, Minghui brother, since Cui captain said such a statement, all of them are dissidents. If Minghui brothers can't find a better candidate than himself, the vice captain of the earthquake is still awkward!" Ling Ling made a wink and said in a hurry.

"Yes, that's it! I am all dissent!" How did Alum and others not know, hurriedly screamed, "Do not believe them?"

In the Zhenlei Palace, Zhenming Hui is the highest, how can other people have objections?

The words "very good" are all sent out.

Only Xiao Hua’s “casual” is a bit of a sudden!

"You will die if you don't speak!" Cui Hongyi once again bite his teeth!

Sure enough, Zhen Minghui pointed his hand to Xiao Huadao: "Although Xiao Shidi has just built a foundation, he may have some prestige in the past! And he and the captain of Cui are the same brothers and brothers. On all aspects, they can cooperate with Captain Cui. I think it’s good to be the vice captain of Xiao Shidi!” To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to visit this site)

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