Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1003: "Occasional encounter" Qiqiao door disciple

At this time, a **** read from the side of Xiao Hua's side, and once they found out that they immediately locked them firmly?

"Hey? This sword repair actually smashed out from behind Laozi?" Xiaohua was surprised and hurriedly released the Buddha's knowledge, and when he could see it clearly, his face did not feel a thoughtful look.

"Fast, Xiao Hua, quickly flew to the foothills in front!" Xiao Hua heard the call of the nightmare in the ear, "I am waiting for the enemy!"

"Yes!" Xiaohua should be in his mouth, but he is not in a hurry!

"Listen to the master saying that your flight speed is very fast, how can it be so slow?" Seeing Xiao Hua flying unhappy, Cui Hongyi in the distance does not feel a big urgency, however, waiting for Xiao Hua to fly above the mountains, in the middle of the sky is Vaguely revealing a small point of brown sè, get into the scope of the mind into the mind, the public into the face does not feel relaxed sè!

It turned out that it was actually a small flying boat! It is the disciple of Qiqiaomen who is riding!

Since it is a Taoist disciple, regardless of which martial art, Yu Leizong disciples are not afraid! Therefore, Cui Hongyi will take a hand, Xiao Hua and other disciples stay in the same place, and they fly with the earthquake to fly in the air, greet the past!

The flying instrument was really fast, and the time of the half-baked tea flew to the front, waiting for the flow of the clouds to stop. A middle-aged old man with two foundations in the early middle ages came down from the boat and looked over. Cui Hongyi is also looking at the hidden crowds above the mountains. He said: "What did the old man think? What was the Taoist friend of the Royal Leizong, thank you!"

Seeing this old man, although he came, he did not take the initiative to report his name, apparently disdain for the repair of Cui Hongyi and Zhen Minghui. Cui Hongyi is not angry, and he handed a tribute to him: "In the Xia Nai Royal Leizong Zhen Leigong disciple Cui Hongyi, it is the captain of the first squad of my Royal Leizong, this is my first team vice captain Zhen Minghui. I do not know the Qiqiao doorway friends come What is this??"

"Oh, the first squad of Yu Leizong?" The old man smelled a little different on his face.

"Ha ha ha, the disciples in the early days of Zhuji actually dare to lead the first team of Yu Leizong!" Next to a black and strong middle-aged, he did not hide his ridicule, actually called out.

"Cui Mou got the burden of the teacher, and did not dare to take this responsibility as a low-level, Cui Mou Ding jing jing exhausted to complete the division of the teacher!" Cui Hongyi replied without hesitation.

"Hou Shidi, how can it be so rude?" The old man looked at the middle-aged monk sideways, whispering. "There are their own difficulties in the respective sects. How can Yu Leizong compare with my Qiqiao door? There are no high-ranking monks. It is normal for the early monks to build the foundation to be the captain of the first team!"

"nǎinǎi!" Xiaohua hidden on the mountain is not happy, he can arbitrarily devalue Cui Hongyu, but Cui Hongyi Bi Jing is a disciple of Yu Leizong Wanleigu, Xiao Hua does not want to look down, this is the mid-term Although the old man did not directly say Cui Hongyi, he could actually lower the whole Royal Leizong, and his tone was even worse than that of the middle-aged monk!

"Yes, the subordinates know!" The middle-aged monk hurriedly bowed his head and stepped back half a step. "There is only thinking about Qiqiaomen. I didn't think of the situation of Yu Leizong."

"Yeah!" The old man waved his hand and turned his head and said to Cui Hongyu. "The old man is Qiqiaomen Han Bing, who is the captain of the 133 team of Qiqiaomen. It is very happy to see Captain Cui. I don't know Cui. What is the captain coming here?"

Cui Hongyi’s thoughts are different from Xiao Hua’s. The other’s Bi Jing is a mid-term monk, and he has lowered himself into a small realm. Of course, there is nothing to say. After thinking about it, I lost my smile and said: "Cui Mou got the command of the division commander and went to Jimingshan for some public. I don't know what the leader of the Korean team is?"

"Oh, are you going to Jimingshan?" Han Bingyi asked, "Are you waiting for the news of Jimingshan?"

Cui Hongyi is a glimpse of it. He nodded. "Yes, my Royal Leizong is going to the patrol city. I was in the middle of the road and I was in the middle of the road. It was the teacher who rushed to send me the first team!"

"Oh, the first squad is like this!" Han Bing stunned, smiled. "You don't have to go to Jiming Mountain. Your monk's first squad's monk is too low and shallow. Go It doesn't matter! And Jiming Mountain is no big deal, so I am going to Jiming Mountain!"

"O A?" Cui Hongyi screamed, he did not expect Han Bing actually said so!

"Moreover, I am waiting to fly in a cloud, several times faster than you. When your Yu Leizong first team went to Jimingshan, the cucumber dishes are cold, what are you waiting for?" The middle-aged monk who spoke said with a smile, and it was also extremely degrading Yu Leizong.

Even the monk is looking at the flying clouds behind him. It seems to be talking to himself: "And, I am a sneak peek at the Qiqiao Gate. It is really bad for refining. I can only take ten in, and then more. No, wait until the next time to inform the division of the malpractice, be sure to improve!"

Cui Hongjun’s face is a bit blue, and Lei Lei’s thunder boat is also famous for Xiaoyu’s mainland. The problem is whether there is no small thunder boat. Even if there is a thunder boat, the monks in the early stage of building the foundation can’t control the thunder boat. Besides, the Qiqiao door is the refining of the school, and the Royal Leizong cannot be compared!

Seeing Cui Hongqi’s face is not right, Han Bing’s mood is extremely cool, and he said: “Cui Captain, the old man took a step forward! Bi Jing’s Jimingshan communication is for some reason. You still have to go home and go to the city. There are more important things there! Leave a message!"

After that, not waiting for Cui Hongyi to say a lot, he turned and flew on the clouds and clouds, and the other two middle-aged Zhuji monks did not even have a name with Yu Leizong, so they left!

"Cui Captain!" Waiting for the Qiqiaomen's flowing clouds to fly away, Zhenminghui's face with hesitation, looking at the brow and staring at the distance, has disappeared in the snowy sky of the snow Tao, "I wait... still go to Jimingshan?"

"Why don't you go?" Cui Hongyi flashed a trace of difference in his eyes and asked.

"The seven Qiaomen disciples have been repaired by me, and... they have flying instruments, and they are going too fast! When we are in the past, things are all over, what am I going to do?" Zhen Minghui said, " Didn't the shocking brother say that? There is nothing big about Jiming Mountain. I feel that my Royal Leizong disciple is flying fast, so that I can wait for the past..."

"Oh, the vice captain of the earthquake!" Cui Hongjun smiled. "You are the deputy captain of the first team of my Royal Leizong. It is the disciple of Yu Leizong. Where is my first team going? Where is it? Can the mid-term disciples decide? Even if I wait until late, I will definitely have to go! And, the seven-door disciple gave me a stop, isn’t it better than anything?”

"Yes, the subordinates understand!" Zhen Minghui's face showed a sigh of sè, and the kind of surrender to the high-intensity is very easy for him to obey Han Bing without thinking, until Cui Hongyi awake him to understand. It was only at this time that he finally claimed to be the first time.

"That is under the head of the road!" Zhen Minghui respectfully rushed Cui Hongyu said, it is necessary to fly in the forefront as before.

But Cui Hongjun is laughing: "No, since there are seven Qiaomen disciples in front, I am afraid of what swords to repair? Go directly."

"Yes, the subordinates understand" Zhen Minghui nodded, and Xiaohua waited for him to come out, and the ten entry was followed. Of course, for the sake of safety, Zhen Minghui flew in front.

It’s been flying for ten ri, and the snow that sees it is a trace of green sè. Some white veins appear in the white blood. It’s actually some Lingmu, and there are even some new buds like fresh buds. From the snow layer!

"When the front is the Jiming Mountain!" When the ri flew to a glacier, Cui Hongyi said that the hand was a strange mountain in the distance. "It will be reached in half a ri, I will wait and rest for a while!"

"Yes" Zhen Minghui first responded, these dozens of ri have formed a certain tacit understanding, Zhen Minghui body shape stopped, God read over the surrounding, his eyes are a depression in the glacier. But seeing the glaciers is very wide, afraid that there are dozens of feet, the crystal clear ice layer will cover the entire glaciers, just in the heights of the front, the water flowing down the high **** is also condensed into ice. The rhythm of the river's pulsating and splashing is frozen like a living. There is really a combination of movement and static!

Even if you use the naked eye to pass under the ice layer, you can see the rushing water waves in 1ri, and even hear the sound of "squeaky" in your ears. If you step on the solid ice layer, who can think of it? Is it a roaring world?

"Captain Cui, take out no cold wind, I waited for a little rest in the past, taking some medicinal herbs, and adjusting the moment?" Zhen Minghui whispered.

"Well, please Minghui brothers lead the way!" Cui Hongyi's opinion on Zhen Minghui has never been refuted. It is a gentle nod, waiting for a dream, etc. With Su Qing flying over the glaciers, Lingling is falling on the ice of the glaciers. Above the floor, she was very curious and looked down at the solid ice under her feet. He said joyfully: "Xiao Hua, come over and see, have you seen such thick ice? There is water under the ice!" And the water is very urgent!!!"

In these dozens of ri, Ying Ling and Xiao Hua are both flying in the end. If there is something wrong with Ling, they will talk to Xiao Hua a few words, and even Xiao Hua will go to Yu Lei Zong as a one-handed cāo. It seems that if ri himself discovers Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua will be buried in general, quite a bit of Bole's energy! Moreover, Ling Ling is also the first time to come to this snow and ice world, naturally very happy, could not help but shouted Xiao Hua.

"Little girl!" Xiao Hua is still on the other side of the glaciers, lazily replied, "What is the difference between watching and not watching? You read, it is flowing according to 1ri, you don't watch, it is still flowing! What is the difference between the water and the royal water?"

"You...how is this boring?" Where can I understand the mysteriousness, licking my mouth, rubbing my feet, bending my body down, my eyes almost sticking to the ice, "Hey, there are still Big fish! And crabs? No... this..."

Between the talks, Ling Ling is actually a little flustered, almost screaming!

With the scream of the singer, her figure immediately flew up, and she was going to flee in the air. Just as her figure was just out of the ice, a loud bang of "Peng", the thick ice layer that was as firm as a rock was suddenly split, and the big ice was smashed up, and the full ice was washed up in the air. A disc-shaped figure that emits green sè Guanghua is rushed out from the ice layer, and the two light groups are screaming at the body!

"Hey!" As early as the exclamation of the scream, Xiao Hua has already released the gods, but see a blue-eyed crab waving big pliers from the ice layer will come out! I am afraid that I will be surprised when I see it!

Seeing the crab is just the strength of the refining, Xiao Hua does not care, the body shape has not moved, only the hands and shoulders look faint!

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