Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1013: Kill (1)

The first to rush into the battle group, naturally is the exhibition Xin, Zhan Xin as the owner of the Jiming Mountain, the hands are also a flying sword, the flying sword is more than a foot long, is held in the hand, seeing a bright sword three opposite The swordsmen on the left and right spurred the flying sword to fly to themselves, waving a hand, and a sword shadow screamed out from the flying sword, straight into the sky!

"Haha! Actually, I am flying a sword in front of my sword repair. Are you stupid?" The sword was smiling, and the flying sword was like a frost. It was sealed on the sword shadow, and the sword shadow was like a flying snow. Freezing in the air, the sound of "钪", Jianjian's flying sword swiftly turned, the sword shadow turned into pieces, broken in the air!

At the same time, Jianjian's flying sword does not seem to stagnate, and a jump like a flowing water, like a dexterous little swallow, swept through the air, in the blink of an eye is the thorn in front of Zhan Xin. . the first,

"Silk!" Zhan Xin took a breath, he can also be used to fly the sword, but he himself knows that he can not drive Feijian so fast, this is not his strength problem, but the fundamental difference of practicing Feijian.

However, Zhanxin was not nervous at all. When the Jianjian sword was near, he waved his hand, and he couldn’t afford to fly. The sword was drawn in the air in an extremely beautiful arc. It was the flying of the sword. Above the sword!

"咔嚓" a crack, the sword-sword of the sword repaired like a viper was hit by the snake head, all of a sudden stagnant in the air! Not only that, but the sword of Zhan Xin only paused on the sword of Jian Xiu, and then it fell again. The crisp sound is just a crack in the flying sword!

"O A??" The sword repair was shocked, and then a blood of "噗" was poured out from the mouth, a piece of turmeric on his face! Jian Xiu Fei Jian is the sacrifice of the Yuanshen, the flying sword is damaged, the sword repairs the natural **** is also the damage, the sword Yuan countercurrent, the sword repair is suddenly injured!

"You!" Jian Xiu looked at Zhan Xin with horror, but he didn't wait for him to see what the flying sword of Zhan Xin was. What an unspeakable burning power came from him, and that heat In the middle is a huge force of imprisonment!

It was Zhan Xin who took the sword to repair the flying sword, and threw a few secret yellow characters early, screaming at the time when the sword was repaired and injured, and suddenly saw the flame rising around the sword repair. Xin’s face showed a sneer, throwing the flying sword and attacking the sword repair. At the same time, the hands were again swaying, and the law of various attacks was like a hail!

At this time, the weakness of Jian Xiu was exposed. The sword repaired and hurriedly withdrew the flying sword. He wanted to block the flying sword of Zhan Xin, and the mouth spit out a small sword, like a fisherman who hit the law!

However, it is only the smashing of the law and the yellow scorpion. In the sound of the rumbling of the rumbling, the sword repair is surrounded by a group of flames. For a moment, the screams are sent from the fire group, a coke. The general wreckage has fallen from the air!

"Go!" Zhan Xin saw the situation, waved his hand, the storage bag on the broken body fell in his hand, his body shape continued, after leaping, he flew again to a sword that only the pregnant sword was repaired. Shishi!

Almost nothing suspense!

The young swordsman was cut off by Jianxin in only one round, and the body was cut in half!

Taiyi Qingguang is really the first gold gas! Its sharpness is extraordinary!

Look at Han Bing, it is also sharp and tight, although the hand is the bamboo festival on the 1st, but the opponent is not the sword repair yesterday, the bamboo festival is rolling, like the continuous river flowing down, the sword repair flying sword broke a It is one, but it seems that there is never a single!

The sword repairs the forehead to see the sweat, and the sword in the body consumes a lot!

"Kill!" But listening to Han Bing roared, the competition was scared that the sword repaired a jump, and sure enough, Han Bingzhu Festival suddenly rose, sucking the surrounding aura of the earth, like the giant wood topping the general volley hit!

The "whistling" wind is extremely fierce, and the forehead of the sword is repaired!

"Go!" Jian Xiu did not retreat, the sword swayed, the flying sword also rose, like an iron cone, facing the air is the top.

The sound of "噗", the bamboo knot is extremely easy to be broken by the flying sword, flying sword into the bamboo festival!

However, Han Bing did not seem to be frustrated, and even a smile on his face!

"Bad!" Sword repaired, and immediately awakened, but he was late on the 1st, "squeaky" muffled sound, an inch long sword tip, sharp and sharply pierced Jian Jian's sword defense, From his front chest, there is blood on the tip of the sword!

"This... how is it possible?" Jian Xiu looked down at the bright red tip, an incredible voice, and then fell from the air.

"Hey, the attack power of Jian Xiu is extremely powerful. But where is the means more than my Taoist sect?" Han Bing looked at the corpse of Jian Xiu and sneered. "You just broke the flying swords waiting for you, you wait." What is the basis?"

Of course, this is easy to say, but it is really difficult to do it. With the fall of the sword repaired by Han Bing, there are also several corpses of the chicken-speaking disciples. None of the disciples’ corpses are intact. Broken arm broken legs, and even a few corpses are broken into sections!

Is it o, how can there be Taiyi Qingguang in the ordinary monk's implement? How do ordinary monks have more than two instruments?

These Jimingshan disciples, the momentum of the rainbow, urging the instrument, like the tide of the sea, hit the sword repair! The Jianjian's flying sword is like a light, but it is like a huge stone in the tide of the sea. It is both sharp and strong. The tide is photographed. Some of them are only broken water, and only the boulder is left! Many of the martial arts monks' rituals have just flown a few feet, and they have been smashed by the flying swords that Qi Qifei has come to. The brilliance of the bursts of flashes frequently flashes, and countless pieces of rituals fall in colorful! After the instrument is over, it is natural to hit the sharp sword in front of the monk in the blink of an eye! That Jianguang Sensen, like a piece of autumn light, will fly in the air of the monk as a leaf-like kill! The blood is just like the frost red in the autumn leaves, burning the hollow.

However, half a cup of tea has been killed, and there are already 20 disciples of Jimingshan who are buried under the flying sword!

Seeing this situation, although Zhan Xin has just killed a few sword repairs, he can be in a hurry. According to Zhan Xin’s thoughts, he has already explained clearly to his disciples. These disciples have never seen blood before. Let them adapt to the fight first, then let them form a formation and use the combination technique to deal with the sword. repair. Who would have thought of it? This was just a contact, the Jimingshan disciple was a collapse, the previous drills had long been left behind, and even a Qiqiaomen refining disciple was killed in the fight.

As a last resort, Zhanxin will wave his sleeves, a loud bang of "Peng", a signal flying high, Zhanxin had to make the signal of the appointment! This signal is half an hour earlier!

When Jimingshan saw the signal and took off, he immediately felt a glimpse of it. All the disciples’ body shape naturally flew up. God read the disciples around him and cultivated them into a similar dozen disciples to form a group. There are rules and regulations, waiting for the formation of the formation, these disciples are also very rhythmic, respectively, to force the force, the various instruments at the same time rise, invariably toward the front of the sword repair! The same mana fluctuations are gathered together, and the force and light of various instruments are converged in one place. The attack on the previous unevenness is condensed together, and the attacking power of the refining disciple goes straight to the foundation. The attack of the early disciples was in the middle of the building!

All of a sudden, on the entire battlefield, thirty or forty such formations made the most powerful attack on Jimingshan!

"Ha ha ha ~" Zhan Xin laughed, flying sword in the hand is also flying out, shouting, "My Jiming Mountain will declare war on Jian Xiu today, in the end, see what Jian Jian can do!"

"As you wish!" Zhan Xin’s screaming has not yet landed. A flying sword like a sun rushed into the air. Many swords saw the flying sword, and quickly retreated. He soon pulled himself away from the distance of the chicken Mingshan disciple. Open, and then actually with the chicken Mingshan monks, the various swords of the swordsmen formed a team, formed dozens of teams, although the number of teams is not the same, you can wait for these swordsmen flying swords at the same time The styles of the flying swords are different, the power is different, and they can be condensed into dozens of huge flying swords. The same fast and incomparable, the same wind screams, the same sword light flashes, and the same blows to the Jimingshan disciple Out of the instrument!

"Booming rumbling", "banging rumbling", "banging rumbling..." almost continuous sounds, continuous, the whole jimingshan is to be shaken, the waves of the waves will gradually rise on the ground, layer by layer Snow white shrouded!

"o A ~ ~ o A ~ ~ ~" After the spell fighting, it is screaming, some are flying swords do not resist the instrument, and some are not the sword, no matter what the situation, the blood is splashed, The snow fog is dyed into a blood mist, and the blood fog will ignite the air in the middle of the jiming mountain... The blood flower is like a blossoming flame!

The war is so fierce, **** has spread the entire battlefield, Cui Hongyi and Yu Leizong disciples are facing tremendous pressure!

Yu Leizong disciples are also ten, flying out is late, so it is slightly off the main battlefield, facing them is also a few swordsman low-level swordsman and pregnant swordsman! Cui Hongyi was flying in the front at this time. Two Leizhu fluttered in front of him like a jumping note. Seeing a sword of a bright sword, the flying sword fluttered with blood and flew over. He did not dare to care. Between the urging, the Ray-Ban touched, gave birth to a thunder, and quickly hit the flying sword!

Lightning is the nemesis of Feijian. The thunderbolt instantly engulfs the whole flying sword, and the silk wire lingers around the flying sword. The swordsman in the distance trembles rapidly, and the look on his face is extremely ugly!

"Call" Cui Hongyi was overjoyed, once again urging Leizhu, and flying to the swordsman, want to take the opportunity to kill it! But the swordsman is in the hands of the sword, the flying sword above the Guanghua Dasheng, actually the thunderbolt is swallowed, the flying sword is flying, the path from the bones of Cui Hongjun!


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