Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1023: Virtual Heavenly Sword

"Yes!" Cui Hongyi was overjoyed and took over the token!

"Song Jie, what else do you want to ask?" Yuan Zhongyu turned and asked.

"This... Cui Daoyou, can you be sure that the high-ranking monk is a sword repair? What is the sharp sword light?" Song Jie asked for a moment.

"This..." Cui Hongyi hesitated, he did see the cultivation of the old sword, but he was only the beginning of the foundation, just yelling when listening to Xiao Hua’s arrogance, he is not sure that it is a sword! Besides, he is now pretending to be far away, even more uncertain!

"Under course, I can't be sure!" Cui Hongyi honestly explained, "The Jianguang is really seen in the next, but if it is not the sword repair, it must be obtained from Jimingshan!"

"Yeah!" Song Jie nodded, and said to Gong Zhongyi, respectfully, "The younger generation has no problem, and the younger generation will tell the city owner accordingly!"

"Well, you are waiting for it." Yuan Zhongyi waved his hand, Song Jie and Cui Hongyi were all in the air, and their bodies disappeared!

A silence in the temple! The people did not expect that the ruined Jiming Mountain, before the tragedy came, there are so many stories, the disciples of Yu Leizong and Qi Qiaomen are coming! Yu Leizong disciples can escape and bring back so many messages, but they are much stronger than Mo Qingdong’s complete destruction. It is entirely worthwhile for Cui Hongjun’s reward and memorabilia.

"Wang Yedao friends, is it rare that you don't want to say anything?" Yuan Zhongyu's voice finally sounded in the quiet chamber of the chamber! "Yuan Mou did not expect, except for the Royal Leizong disciple. You Qigongmen also sent a disciple to the past! Really have a heart!"

"Oh, Wang is not too aware of it at this time!" Wang Ye is not nervous. Laughing and said, "Yu Leizong just happened to walk from the vicinity of Jiming Mountain. Of course, the Taoist friends know it; but Wang has been in the Sky City, and the disciples under the door are also killing Jian Xiu, Han Bing and others. If it happens to be sent to Jiming Mountain by Jiming Mountain, it is normal!"

"It seems that Han Bing is not saying this!" Gan Mo immediately pointed out the flaws.

Wang Ye smiled and said: "The left and right Han Bing and others have already died. What are you saying about Royal Lei Zong? What can Wang say?"

"The left and right Wang Daoyou are going to give me a confession of the Three Kingdoms." Yuan Zhongyu can not care about Wang Ye's evasion. Laughing, "Otherwise it's hard to tell everyone!"

"The old ruling to the chamber of the confession, who can explain the things of Mo Qingdong?" Wang Ye sneered.

"Mo Qingdong was the time when Wang Daoyou was on duty. At this time, Wang Daoyou was naturally worried!" Yuan Zhongyu said in a tit-for-tat manner. "The thing of Jimingshan is that Yuan is on duty, and please tell Wang Daoyou clearly!"

"Wang Daoyou does not want to come down from the futon?" He said with a smile, "still telling the truth!"

"Wang Daoyou. Can you forget that I am waiting for the oath in front of the temple!" Yuan Zhongyu reminded him unceremoniously.

Wang Ye’s face showed a hint of hesitation, whispering: “The matter needs to be told to the doorkeeper!”

"Wang Daoyou, why bother? So here is the real person, I will wait for the matter to show the master!" Taiqing’s demon said coldly.

Wang Ye thought for a moment and nodded: "Those friends wait!"

Immediately, Wang Ye took out a ring. Push the mana and throw it in the air in front of everyone. But seeing the ripples that flashed through the air for a while, the ring gradually enlarged into an oval mirror!

The mirror was originally dull, and it was a little brighter in a moment, gradually clearing up. The young man’s body figure is revealed.

"I have seen seniors!" The people did not dare to neglect, they all stood up and gave gifts.

"Well. What are you waiting for?" He said with a smile on his face. "Is it a difficult problem to solve in the Sky City?"

"Good teacher knows!" Wang Ye said in a hurry. "Jimingshan was smashed by swords. The surviving Yu Leizong disciples came back. They arrived at Jimingshan in advance, and they took off from the swordsmanship! ”

"Oh, what does the old man think is the problem?" 琉崆 琉崆 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本 根本It’s normal to have a few hidden places!”

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Wang Ye said.

“Give me a sigh of seniors!” Everyone saw that the real person would wave his sleeves and know that he was going to leave.

Waiting for the mirror to close, Wang Ye said the story of Jimingshan, and explained: "This was originally the secret of my Qiqiao door. I didn't expect Jian Xiu to actually know that it must be directed at the Taiyi B. Qingguang went. Since I have eaten such a big loss in Qiqiaomen, Wang did not want to stretch it! I didn’t expect..."

"There is no wall in the world that is not ventilated! Nothing can be swayed by others!" Yuan Zhongyu nodded. "If it is for this so-called innate gold mother, it is normal for the sword to attack the big attack! Hey, Wang Daoyou, let the sword repair This thing is not too much for them!"

"Hey, what is the method of Wang?" Wang Yeyi said, "The thing can't be taken out from Jimingshan, and Wang can't send a lot of disciples in the past, just thinking that Jimingshan is very secret, even if It was captured by the sword, and it may not be able to find out there! But I don’t know if there is a leak, and Jian Xiu knows it! It’s really making people!”

"Oh, no, Jimingshan doesn't say it!" Yuan Zhongyi waved his hand and looked up again. "What is the problem with Mo Qingdong? If there are some twists and turns in the Taoist friend, you can say it in advance, let me know." Zong and Jian Jian were caught off guard!"

It is a pity that there is still a silence in the temple, and no one speaks.

"Yuan Daoyou, Jimingshan and Moqingdong are doing this for the time being!" Xuan Tianzong's Xiong Huasong reminded, "I will discuss it, the matter of the Lingshi vein, and Jianxi will attack my Xiguo and Shuguo. The surrounding Lingshi veins are not to be occupied by them. Moreover, there are many animal repairs, instrument repairs and giants in the Fengmeng Mountain Range. I have to wait for the manpower to give them a head start!"

"Well, this is the case. I think that all the friends have already had a belly case, how to dispatch troops, and come out and say it!" Yuan Zhongyu nodded and said that he looked around.

Therefore, according to the distribution of their disciples, the various school monks have said their plans and plans...

At the time when the hall was resumed and busy, Yuan Zhongyu’s eyes were full of mana fluctuations.

"What's the matter?" Yuan Zhongyu's face changed slightly. When everyone saw it, he stopped and waited for Yuan Zhongyu to open the mirror, but saw a **** Taoist disciple showing his figure in Guanghua!

"What's the matter!" Yuan Zhongyu saw that the disciples of the disciples were bloody, knowing that something big happened, and hurriedly asked, "It is good to teach the predecessors to know that the younger generation is the literary disciple of Fan Li, and I have more than 300 disciples of the bliss. Sword repairs, set up near the windy ridge, was completely destroyed by the sword!"

"Ah??" The bliss of the bliss slammed up and angered. "What time is this, which sword is what?"

"Yu Shishu" Fan Qing saw the cockroach, his eyes were red, almost crying and voiced, "just ten days ago, it was the sacred swordsman!"

"Fan Qing, how do you know that it is the sacred swordsman?" Yuan Zhongqi said.

Fan Qing took a shot and took out a sword-shaped flying sword. He said: "This is the swordsman who is known as the virtual swordsman. It is the return of the younger generation to the Sky City!"

"Get it!" He grabbed his hand and the flying sword fell into his hand!

I glanced at the almost transparent flying sword, and the hand was slightly forceful, but I saw an extremely brilliant four-color Huaguang from the flying sword. A sword light was swarmed by Huaguang, the sword. When the light reached the air, it became a faint human figure, and it was a very young swordsman.

"The Taoist priests! This sword is the Qin sword of the virtual swordsman! The war between Daozong and my sword repair has been more than a year. There is always no special place. This sword feels extremely lonely, so it is The design will kill the three hundred monks! Oh, of course, this is not purely for the bliss, who makes them unlucky? And, from today, the sword will set ambushes from time to time to lure the various factions. The monks squatted and smothered one by one! This sword seems to have heard of some monks who said that my swordsman specializes in killing, not thinking about the foundation, but is a rude generation, this sword is going to look, like this sword is rude How many thoughtful monks can people kill in the end! Hahaha!!!"

Immediately, the sword was faint, and it turned into a little silver light disappearing into the air.

"This is a challenge to my Daoist!" He shouted unceremoniously. "If you don't kill Qin Jian, how can you face my bliss disciples?"

"You want to kill Qin Jian?" Yuan Zhong glanced at him and took a hand from the storage bag to take out a jade slip. He looked inside and immersed himself, and looked cold. "You are afraid of being Can't easily kill that sly! Say you can't fall into the hands of that!"

"Oh?" 珩洺 楞 楞, a hint of insight in the eyes. As soon as he reached out, he took the jade slip from Yuan Zhongyu’s hand and waited after seeing it. He said, "This is the swordsman of the three swords of the magic sword. The strength is comparable to that of my Dao Zong Jindan. If it is the attack power, you can compare it. Infant monk! Even if he is a stable winner to the old man, how can he start with my ordinary disciples?

"Oh, if that's the case, then don't blame me for being so angry!" Yuan Zhongyu said coldly. "I don't want a golden dragon to compare with this, ten? Twenty? Isn't that what you said? I am still afraid of what a brutal sword repair? I will discuss it, but also set an ambush for him, a dozen people will kill it!"

Everyone listened to it, but...

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