Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1037: Ordinary bidding

But...not right, there is no such thing as a baby or even a distracted predecessor at this bidding meeting. Who can repair the spirit? Hey, Xiaoye understands, all this is just a gimmick! ! ! ”

Sure enough, everyone is similar to what Xiao Hua thinks. The monks around have just whispered for a moment, and they turned the topic from the spirit to something else, and they didn’t care.

"Dao You!" Some strange voices came in the middle of the night. "Is it really a spiritual instrument in this Sky City? If so, Xiaosheng’s embarrassment is really nothing!"

Xiao Hua looked back at the midnight under the confusion, and the midnight night was really unscrupulous. Xiao Hua could see through his confusion. However, the confusion of the midnight seemed to be a high-end item, Xiao Hua actually Can't see the true face of the night!

"Daoyou!" Xiao Hua said with a heavy heart, just looking at a squandering stone. "You didn't even see a Yuanying monk here. How could a sword appear? Even a broken weapon." It’s impossible! With the old man’s thoughts, it’s estimated that it’s a piece of the spirit. They are used as a gimmick. You should never climb up the pole. At that time, the stone is thrown away. Also stay!"

"Ha ha! Xiaosheng knows!" Midnight is very fond of this feeling of being cared for. He laughs. "I said that the monks next to me didn't say anything. It turned out that Xiaosheng still had less knowledge!"

"Yes! If it is a poor road, even this kind of spirit does not look at it. When the auction is over, turn around immediately! Or just watch it and watch others kill you!" Xiao Hua replied with a smile. . "I want to let the poor road throw the Lingshi in vain, no door!"

Talking. The bidding meeting is just beginning. It is no different from other bidding meetings. It is some medicinal herbs and spirit grasses. It is nothing new. However, Xiao Hua is very keenly aware that the prices of these medicinal herbs and spirit grass are obvious. It is higher than the previous one, but it can be biased. Not too much too much! Far from Xiao Hua’s thought that the gap is big!

"Quirks! It’s hard to be a city in the sky. I didn’t find the apocalypse of the heavens and the earth? This is impossible!" Xiao Hua was a bit strange. "Even the young master knows that the grass and the medicinal herbs are gradually rare, they cannot know." of!"

The next few small things, and some broken instruments, made Xiaohua too puzzled. The price of the instrument seems to be lower than usual, and even more. The amount of medicinal herbs or spirit grass that is required to be exchanged is much more!

"This... What is going on?" Xiao Hua scratched his head. After thinking about it, Xiao Hua said that he did not know much about himself. He turned and asked, "Daoyou, the old man is somewhat puzzled. How is the price of this instrument?" Not as good as Lingcao? Remember that the price of the previous implements is not limited to this! It is difficult to have a flying sword with sword repair, everyone has to repair Feijian?"

"Oh, the Taoist friend is estimated to be in the game, did not see the key!" Midnight seems to have known for a long time, laughed. "Since the price of the instrument is low, it is natural that these instruments are not worth the many stones! On the one hand, there may be no one to see the instrument. On the other hand? Is it precious?"

"Hey! No!!" One night is a point to wake up the dreamer, Xiao Hua wakes up, secretly thinking, "Little Master had thought of the heaven and earth aura change, Lingcao and Dan medicine have changed, but did not expect this spirit The stone is also changing. The heaven and earth aura in the Lingshi is the original one. If you consume one piece, it will be more precious. If there is no real need for the medicine, no one will take it out. It's no wonder that a lot of things are as long as the spirits in the bidding, and nothing else! Even the three factions of the Xi State must send disciples to attack the spiritual stone of the Zhanpai faction! The result of this heaven and earth aura change is really The impact is too big!"

"Well, all of you, now you have to bid for a group of medicinal herbs used by the founding monks, Qingling Dan, Kui Bodan, Ming Huadan and Pi Yuandan, please bid!" Si Xinyu will take a look, On the case of the case in front of him, Guanghua flashed, and there were more than a dozen jade bottles. He said, "This batch of medicinal herbs only requires top grades, and please bid!"

"Oh, Xiaoye is a province this time!" The purpose of Xiao Hualai’s collection is actually Qingling Dan. I want to get some green Lingdan to improve, but he has the incomplete Dan of Qinglingdan. The scarcity of Lingshi naturally will not waste the Lingshi, so he can really become a spectator of the auction!

Bored between, Xiao Hua is looking at the night, beyond his expectations, the night has not been bidding from beginning to end, not once!

"It's no surprise! All the cultivation of this family is estimated to be within the family. He is bidding for something, and watching the excitement is also!" Xiao Hua thought with a smile.

It was a while, the medicinal herbs had been robbed by a group of monks, and Si Xinyu was outcropping again. "Speaking of the changes in the auction of the Sky City, it is not just the number of friends who have joined the competition, but the things that have been bidding have also changed! Nowadays, in the bidding meeting, in addition to medicinal herbs, musical instruments, etc., there are more flying swords, swords, etc.! The next step is to bid for a batch of flying swords and swords!"

With Si Xinyu putting his hand on it, a row of flying swords of different shapes were sent on the case, and there were some sword-shaped jade slips!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua saw that Jian Jian was overjoyed. Although the Tao system left by Li Xiubai and Ming Jianzhen is very precious, after all, the sword meaning left by the Yuan Ying monk is to rely on Xiao Hua to understand the sword to enter the sword. Repair the temple! And Xiao Hua only took a fancy to the method of the swordsmanship of the people, and did not understand what the sword meant! What's more, with Xiao Hua's current Feijian repair as the root, there is no way to understand the sword. If he wants to accept the sword of the nine-star transit or even the real sword of the Mingjian, it is still necessary to start from the most basic sword repair! If you can find some swords here, you can solve the problem of cultivation.

"I knew this before, I should have turned over the storage bags of Jian Xiu!" Xiao Hua had some remorse at this time. He wanted to improve his mana, and he thought less about the sword repair.

"Can you look at these flying swords in the poor road?" A monk who was not far from Xiaohua raised his hand and called.

"The poor roads must also be seen!" At the same time, there are several people who raise their hands and scream, but no, the instruments of many monks are Feijian, and they also want to get a sword repair from the auction of the Sky City. Flying sword.

"Please!" Si Xinyu took a shot, and the round table flew to the place not far from these monks. It was also a urging mana. Several milky white brilliance stretched out from the edge of the round table. It was like the Hongqiao that fell on these monks. In front of you.

"The poor road should also be watched!" Xiao Hua was hesitant and raised his hand. The same Hongqiao was also in front of him.

Xiao Hua set foot on the Hongqiao, Hongqiao automatically contracted, and brought Xiao Hua with the monks to the high platform.

"Several friends can see!" Si Xinyu waved his hand, flying a brilliance on the flying sword and the sword, and removed the prohibition to protect them.

Xiao Hua’s thoughts are that the quality of these flying swords is not much different from that of their previous gains. They are too lazy to watch. They watched other monks reach for the flying swords, and they will take a trick, a slap-sized sword. In his hands, Xiaohua was immersed in it, and there were some prohibitions in the content to block the contents, only to see some so-called names, such as "Yin and Yang Jian" and "Bamboo Sword".

Xiao Hua looked at it and put the sword down and then looked at the other. In fact, there is no difference between watching and not watching, but the sword is different, and the names inside are different!

"Well," Xiao Hua said, "Since the flying swords are similar, the things in the sword repair bag should be similar, and the young master also got a few storage bags of swords and swords. Do not believe that there are no swords in those storage bags!"

After a while, a few monks will watch the flying swords, and like Xiao Hua, they each pick up a sword to see, naturally they look at it and let go.

Waiting for Si Xinyu to send Xiao Hua and others, he said: "You, these friends have already seen Feijian and Jianyan, and there is no opinion. This flying sword and sword are the same as sword repair. The Taoist friends who have won the Feijian have already quoted, as long as the Lingshi and the value of the spirit grass, what tools and magic weapons are not. Which Taoyou if interested, you can quote!"

Said, Si Xinyu a sleeve, found some words on the flying sword, it is the reserve price of these flying swords!

"Oh, Daoyou, what is this?" Under the round table, a group of monks have begun to offer, the voice of the price has come and gone, and Xiao Hua has taken out the storage bag, which is not to be asked by the middle of the night. There is not enough stone, but I can tell Xiaosheng that Xiaosheng still has some Lingshi here!"

"No, look at the poor road to see how many Lingshi in the storage bag!" Xiao Hua put his hand, the storage bag he took out was naturally sword repair, and for the sake of insurance, he first came up with the two twins. Swordsman's storage bag, fortunately, the first storage bag will see a sword of the green wooden pole, the second one will not have to take it!

"Yes, Xiaoye doesn't have to break the stone!" Xiao Hua clap his hands and collect the storage bag. His face has a charming smile, and he quietly looks at the tit-for-tat bid.

In the middle of the night under the confusion, there are some strange looks in the eyes, because others may not pay attention, but he can see clearly, Xiao Hua’s storage bag is all sword repair, and the storage bag with the monk does not identical.

After waiting for a lot of flying swords and swords to bid, Xiao Hua was relieved a little. Nothing else, that is, the price of this flying sword is not much worse than the price he sold to the confused monk. Even if he suffered some losses, he did not eat too much.

"Sword repairing things are over, the next thing should be repairs and beasts, but unfortunately, more than a year has elapsed since the war, their things are still rare. The friends present can add strength, in the midst of the war. A lot of killer repairs and animal repairs, so that I can send Ling Shiyi to the Taoist friends!" Si Xinyu said with a smile.

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