Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1040: duck

"In a while, the bidding will be scattered. When people suddenly rush away, they must be crowded. Next, they must bid for the shit. The poor road is of little interest. Don't leave early!"

"Oh, yes!" Midnight knows that the auction of the Sky City is somewhat rudimentary, but there will be no problem in crowding. I can hear Xiaohua’s words and nod. "And Xiaosheng feels a little If you are wrong, it’s better to go snowing now!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua reached out and said, "The poor road is what it is!"

Just as Xiao Hua and Midnight turned, but on the high platform, Si Xinyu shouted: "The famous Huichun Dan finally has a happy ending! There must be many friends who have regrets, but No matter, the most famous alchemy master in Xiaoyu has already reached an agreement with my Sky City. Every month, I can provide a rejuvenation Dan! There is no bidding to Huidan Dan’s friends. After one month, come back to me. Sky City, you will definitely want to happen!"

"At this time, it is the last thing in the auction of my Sky City!" Si Xinyu quite mysteriously said, "In fact, this thing may not have the high price of Huichun Dan! However, it is very rare, It was also seen by most of the friends in the field! I haven't even heard of it! This is the reason why the old mortal is placed in the end! This is the body of the beast of the country!"

"Let's see, this is a Taoist friend who kills and kills the beasts of the country. After the wounds of the beasts are repaired, the beasts are repaired and changed, and the beasts that have changed!!!" said, Si Xinyu will waist Take a shot of the bag. A holy brilliance flashed, a few feet in size. The body of the flashing body is floating in the air!

"Ah? This...this is not...the usual thing...duck??" A woman who was a little closer couldn’t help but smile. "How did this become the body of the beast??"

"Hey, Daoyou, can your ducks be so big? Is there a demon in the ducks of your family? The ducks in your house are extremely solid and comparable to the monks?" Si Xinyu repeatedly asked three questions. The female repair said that she was red and red.

"Hey? This is..." Xiao Hua turned around with the night, listening to the excitement on the round table, and also unintentionally looking back! However, when he sees the beast above the high platform. I don't feel surprised!

But see this is a more beast than the average child, the body is milky white fluff! Above the big head, a flat, wide bird's beak, the eyes come big, but slightly closed, and occasionally there is a reflection from the eyes flashing, reflecting the broken light of the starting point! There are also two short, thin legs on the body that are not much bigger than the head. Above the calf are two pieces of duck feet with a slap!

This is not the duck that is usually visible in the common customs! Still the kind of little duckling!

However, somehow, Xiao Hua saw this duck, and the inexplicable familiarity was in the heart!

"How is this possible? When did Xiaoye see this duck?" Xiao Hua felt incredible, although the familiarity was a vague, just a trace. Xiao Hua still shook his head slightly.

But at this time, the duckling opened his eyes slightly and seemed to be looking around. The sad, helpless eyes swept like people's feelings, even though the duckling's eyes were not in Xiaohua. The body is stagnant. The **** of the heart of Xiao Hua’s causality is suddenly flashing a glimpse!

"Ah? It's hard to be... the little one in the Royal Leizong resident... is this little duck?" Xiaohua is inexplicable! "What is the cause and effect of this beast repair and the young master?"

"Dao You? Don't you leave?" Midnight is a step. It can be seen that Xiao Hua stood up and asked.

"Oh, no hurry!" Xiao Hua smiled. "The poor road has never seen any animal repairs. It is to see what this beast is!"

"Hey, what is this beast repair!" Midnight disdain, "After the beast repair is wounded, that is also a person! Even if the realm of the beast repair is very high, it is also a state of half-beast and half-human, it is impossible Completely beast! Hey? Some weird..."

"Oh? Daoyou seems to be familiar with the beast repair!" Xiao Hua casually responded.

"Oh, there is nothing, Xiaosheng is involved in a lot of hunting, but they are not asking for a solution, so it is not high!" The eyes hidden in the middle of the night are very concerned about Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua does not care, and I asked casually, "So, what do you think the Taoist friends found strangely?"

Seeing that Xiao Hua did not pay attention at all, the night was a smile: "The stalking of the Sky City is a few doorways. The soul of this duck is said to be solid, comparable to the seven or eight spirits, if it can If the soul is extracted, it is possible to refine the spirit!"

"Well, the most interesting thing is that the eight-in-one beast has been seriously injured, and there is no such thing as the power to fight back!" Xiao Hua snorted, "only let others let out its soul!"

"Oh? Listen to the meaning of the Taoist friend, and have a sympathy for this beast!" The night was awkward and smiled. "It is not worthy of the identity of the monk."

"This has nothing to do with Dao Zong and the beast repair!" Xiao Hua waved his hand, "The poor road is not wanting to see this more cruel situation!"

"Oh? Isn't it even a sword repair and a beast repair?"

"Well, no one can be!" Xiao Hua smiled. "But don't provoke the poor road. If you provoke the poor road, you will not sympathize with the sword."

"Ha ha ha!" Smiled in the middle of the night, "Dao friends really is true nature!"

"You friends, everyone saw it!" Si Xinyu said with a hand, "There is no prohibition on this body of the beast, there is no mana in the body, and a friend who has the heart to refine the spirit, Or there is a secret method to use the soul of the Taoist friends, but please bid, this is comparable to the spirit of the eight-soul beast! If this sword is not a sword, no animal repairs are sent to the door, how can I see it?"

"Daoyou, do you say that someone is bidding?" Xiao Hua is not eager to bid, but asks about the night road.

"I'm afraid there won't be!" Smiles in the middle of the night. "The higher the grade of the beast, the more the soul will be solid, and the more powerful the mana and means to extract. The more the beast sees it. Death, in the view of Xiaosheng, the soul has some signs of dissipating, fearing that it will take a few days, this beast will die! This time, it is difficult to prepare for the extraction of the soul, it is difficult to go out from the Sky City. Besides, the soul that will die is not good to extract, and it is not good, and the soul of the extractor may be implicated!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" Xiao Hua did not understand.

"Cough cough ~" Fu Lu coughed twice, seemingly sore throat.

"Hey, this little student is not particularly understanding, it seems that it should be related to the place where the soul is!" Midnight did not pay attention to Fulu, said with a smile.

"Ghost House?" Xiao Hua thought. He has seen ghost repairs and surpassed evil spirits. Naturally, he knows that the soul is going to be a mysterious place. This "ghost house" is just a title. It is not even a monk.

"The soul has its own place. If it is blocked by life, of course there will be something wrong. If there is no mana, who would dare to do it?" Xiao Hua nodded.

"Actually... not necessarily!" said the child a little hesitantly. "It is said that many demons also extract the souls of mortals or monks, and there is nothing wrong with them!"

"Haha, let it be!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Little Master does not extract the souls of others. I want to do so much?"

"Study friends, this thing... Is there a reserve price?" A woman repaired her love and spreads. "If it is not too high, I will go out and see how pitiful she is! I am afraid that it will not last long!"

"Haha, the good heart of this friend is naturally good!" Si Xinyu swayed, "Unfortunately you have forgotten it, but it is a beast repair! Kill my monk countless beast repair! According to that friend, if not There are brothers and sisters who fight and kill, and he can't seriously hurt him. It is also true. In order to be sympathetic to those brothers who died early, the friend of the Tao will take this out to bid, or will it be long ago. Killed!"

"It's a big fight, and it's connected with the dead monk. The price of this beast is definitely not low!" Xiao Hua secretly pouted and wondered if he would participate in the bidding!

"There must be a price!" said the female repairer. "The priests and friends are also slinging my appetite! Let me speak out!"

"Oh, this is the first time to bid for the body of the beast, in order to encourage future friends to kill the beast repair, I can not set the price too low!" Si Xinyu said seriously, "This beast repair... The reserve price is 100,000 elite stones! But all the spirit stone or the equivalent spirit grass is OK!"

"Halo, no! It's so high!!!" Xiao Hua immediately retired, "Grandma's, who knows that this beast is doing, no reason to let Xiaoye spend so many Lingshi! Just to A sense of causality? It’s not worth it!”

The little abacus of the miser, Xiao Hua, is also a "slap in the air".

"Sidaoyou, you are not mistaken!" Another female repair is also unfair, cold. "There was just Huichun Dan, I didn't say anything about it. Daoyou didn't even report the price. I will take Lingshi for a while. The number is so high! This little thing is so pitiful. Even if it is a beast repair, the life limit is near. It’s also a merit for you to lift the hand and lift it. It’s not a good price. Who is the price? Will bidding?"

"Hey! The insider looks at the doorway, and the layman looks at the excitement!" Si Xinyu also bluntly countered. "Since the friends don't understand, they don't know so much. The friends who know the secret technique are afraid of the number. The price quoted is definitely not high! You look at it, and at the end of the day, the price of this item is definitely more than Huichun Dan!"

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