Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1044: trust

After all, Fu Lu did not dare to say "stupid" words and sighed. "You didn't see Xiao Hua and got the beast. He immediately walked away. Even a messenger was left to the young master. He obviously saved. The idea of ​​taking advantage of the young master is cheap!"

"Oh, Phlo, you are wrong!" Midnight said with confidence. "If I expected to be good, Xiao Daoyou must wait for me outside of Yi Ji! He is definitely not the kind of saying no. People!"

"The old slaves don't dare to agree!" Fulu shook his head. "What he thinks is not the kind of monk who can come up with hundreds of thousands of Lingshi! Master, he is just pre-founding! There can be so many spirits. stone!"

"I am still tempered!" The night turned over, "How do I have so many Lingshi!"

"How can he compare with the young master? Master, but..."

"Oh, forget it, don't mention it, don't you know it when you get to the Easy Set?" Some nights sighed and waved. "It's a pity that Chundan! If I can get it..."

"Oh, the young master wants to return to Chundan, but it is better to listen to Xiaohua's, and directly bid for Yan Dan's good!" Flow seems to know the mind of the night, smiled, "Let's take that thing back to Chundan, really not Cost-effective!"

Speaking of this, Fu Lu is crying and sorrowful face: "In fact, it is not worthwhile to change the beast! The young master, not the old slave reminds you! That Xiaohua is a liar, you actually put everything in the storage bag to give He, even... even the thing was given..."

Midnight is also crying and sorrowful! ! !

In fact, I understand that the night is not unreasonable! That thing is really precious. It is the use of the night of the night. But he did not understand it himself. At that time, he saw Xiao Hua suddenly bidding. Moreover, he was suppressed by Li Chengxu. He was also anxious in his heart. He was rushing to the blood. He thought of the phrase "plugging a knife for a friend" and suddenly stuffed his storage bag to Xiao Hua! And Xiao Hua actually did not look at it and put it in his arms, and then bid for it! Until the end of Xiaohua bidding for the beast, when he drifted away, he didn’t even look at him.

Do not say that Fu Lu reminded. He himself was also somewhat remorse at this time. Although he was defending Xiaohua in his mouth, he was really afraid that Xiaohua would not even say his words, and went straight!

However, the development of things is not what the midnight thinks... ideal, seeing the easy-to-collect things of their own dozens of tall followers, the heart of the night is suddenly sinking! Deeply sinking! !

"Young Master. You see, it’s not the old slave reminding you! That Xiaohua is a liar. You actually give everything in the storage bag to him, even... even the thing is given..."

"Shut up!!" I couldn't help it in the middle of the night, and waved my hand. "Go. I will wait for the Sky City now!"

"Yes!" Fulu hurriedly shut up, look at the few people, put his hand in a pen, and dozens of people are afraid to scream and follow the face of the sun.

After a short walk, Midnight couldn’t help it. Turned around and asked: "When you wait outside the collection, is there anyone who left the message to the young master?"

A dozen followers look at me, I see you, are Nahan.

"Oh. But it!" I will put my hand in the middle of the night and stop talking.

At this point, a follower is clever and careful: "The inside of the collection has been very calm, and few people have come out. Just before the crowd came out, there was a confused monk who came out quickly and stood in front of me for a while. But I didn’t say anything, just picking up my hand and then heading in the direction I am waiting for!"

"Well, there is such a personal!" Another follower is also anxious. "The man is very weird. When he was squatting his sleeves, he was struggling with his feet as if there was snow on his feet..."

"Ha ha ha!" This is like the sunshine of the spring, and it will illuminate the gloomy mood of the night, but when I laughed at the night, I turned around and said, "How can I forget it? Why do I not believe in Xiao Daoyou? ...... As soon as the young master passed, I will let you see, Fulu, the friend that the young master has made is definitely not the kind that takes the cheap!"

At this time, Fu Lu seems to understand it, and his face is also rare to show a smile!

Needless to say, Xiao Hua is in the tea house at this time! Of course, Xiao Hua did not find any upstairs room, but randomly found a place near the gate on the first floor. There was a pot of Lingcha on top of the case. He squinted and had a bite. Drinking, but the mind is entering the space behind the head.

Xiao Hua had already come out from the collection, and the Buddha’s knowledge was released. After seeing that no one had tracked it, he took the storage bag out, and said nothing to send the duck into his own space! Although he couldn't figure out if the duck was a nephew, he couldn't take the risk! Never let a duck that might be a nephew die in front of his own eyes. Even if you expose the secrets of the space, you will not hesitate! !

Xiao Huang is still sleeping in the space. It seems to be just a moment for it in recent years. Of course, Xiao Hua is also keenly aware that Xiao Huang is somewhat changed, although these changes are really small!

Xiaoyin Yin sees that there is a spirit beast coming in. First, he is drilled into the grass. He has been waiting to see that the duck, which is bigger than it, is lying there quietly, and it doesn’t move, so it’s only from the grass. Half an eye! Watching curiously, it just doesn't dare to fly out of the grass!

The beast seems to be wounded, and the blue blood from the neck is flowing out a lot. The eyes of the beast are always closed! Never opened a trace! ! Of course, Xiao Hua can also feel it, the soul of the beast has just entered the space, the passing of life is to stop!

"Well, even if it is not the body of a child, it is also a spirit beast, eight spirits beast! Xiaoyu mainland is rarely seen, those spirit grass is not white throw!" Xiao Hua can not see what clues, so so Consolation of myself, "I really don't want to give it to Jiang Liuer, oh, or give a gift! Yes, give a gift! I have such a spiritual pet in Wanlei Valley, you can press Taiqingzong down. !"

Thinking, Xiao Hua is about to withdraw the mind, and at this moment, the duck has been closed with one eye, the long eyelashes tremble slightly.

"Oh?" Xiao Hua stopped again.

But see, the duck opened one eye, in the big eyes, a little bit of gold silk pupils accounted for most of the eyes!

"Oh, sure enough..." Xiao Hua’s heart was a joy, and the duck’s eyes were too similar to the children! Especially when there is no resentment at this time!

The duck's eyes opened, and the pale yellow neck turned slightly. It seemed to be looking at this space. I saw a piece of grass, seeing the ripples of the lake, and the thunder of the distant "squeaky" until... it looked In the distance, it is the little yellow that can see a silhouette and is sleeping!

"Hey!" The duck was shocked, his head was lifted, and the other eye was also open!

Just at this time, Xiao Huang stretched out long, the small body grew long, and turned a few rounds on the ground, rushing his face to the duck! Immediately curled up, covered his body with a big tail, his eyes did not open and fell asleep!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!!" The duck screamed a few times and didn't wake Xiao Huang! The duck is two small feet and wants to move to Xiao Huang. However, it only moved a few times, and there was blood flowing from its neck. The duck was so weak that it fell to the ground! Two crystal teardrops flow out from the flash of the eye!

The weird thing happened. The duck's body was white and moved. For a moment, it fell to Xiao Huang's side. The body of a few feet was much larger than Xiao Huang, but the duck at this time was so pitiful. Will be as big as Xiao Huang's head, squatting with Xiao Huang not stopping, the two eyes will be closed! It seems that only here is the place to be safe. Only here will there be no killing by others! !

"Well, it should be undoubtedly awkward!" Although Xiao Hua was finally unable to determine whether the duck was a nephew, he had a certain premonition in his heart! After all, Xiao Huang came out a few times. I can see Xiao Huang’s sorrows, especially the spirit beasts. I have never seen Xiao Huang. This duck is not a child, but who can it?

"The child is seriously injured, almost dying! What about the goddess? She is comparable to the cultivation of God! What happened to her? Is it difficult... The maiden has fallen?" Xiao Hua thought of the maiden, but it was also anxious." It is a pity that Xiaoye’s cultivation is too weak. Even if she knows the whereabouts of the goddess, she can’t help her! I can only pray to God, and can give good-hearted goddess good luck, and Xiaoye will improve as soon as possible!”

"Hey, distraction!" Then Xiao Hua was amazed. "This is not the gap between refining and Jindan. From building a foundation to distracting, it has to be... how long! The sissy is afraid that it has already fallen!"

"Well, even if the niece is fallen, Xiaoye must find out the murderer to avenge her!" Then Xiao Hua was born with arrogance. "The big man is standing on the ground, and since he has the grace of others, he will drip the grace of the spring." Do our utmost to fulfill the wishes of others! Moreover, the meditation in the mouth of the maiden seems to have something to do with my singer!"

Xiao Hua is thinking, there are dozens of people at the gate of the tea house, it is the midnight and so on.

Midnight into the tea house, wherever you don't see it, you have to go upstairs.

"Cough! Friends! You are now half a stone, nowhere, go upstairs, what to pay?" A lazy voice fell in the ears of the night.

On the face of Midnight, there was an ecstasy. A few steps went to Xiaohua to look up and down Xiaohua’s eyes and said one word at a time. “Xiao Daoyou, you have made me regain confidence in the world! If it is in this restaurant Can't find you, Xiaosheng will never believe anyone in this life!"

"Haha! No need to be like this!" Xiao Hua got up and threw a Lingshi on the case, pulling the hand of the night out of the tea house.

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