Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: Refuse

Looking at Xiao Hua, Gan Yuan lost his smile. "I was not a brother before. I didn't ask for a clear explanation with Xiao Shidi, oh, Captain Cui and so on. I just lost my brother and Cui Captain and the vice captain of the earthquake. Li, now I am going to apologize again with Xiao Shidi!"

"Oh, no, Captain Cui said that you and I are all disciples of Yu Leizong. Now I am working together to fight against the enemy. All the contradictions between them are nothing!" Xiao Hua laughed.

"Well, Xiao Shidi said very well!" Ganyuan’s face was a joy, smiled. "I should just join hands and fight together! For the brothers have already asked the leader of the Thunder Palace, just now with Cui The captain said a bit, for the brother... for the brother wants to join your team, I don’t know... I don’t know what Xiao’s brother is doing?” “” Update the fastest full-text hand

Xiao Hua a glimpse, looking at Cui Hongyu, Qidao: "The two brothers of Ganyuan and Ganshao joined our team, who is the captain?"

"Oh, don't do anything to change!" Gan Yuan did not wait for Cui Hongyi to open his mouth and immediately waved. "Cui Captain and Zhen Vice Captain are naturally the captain of the first team. I can only be ordinary players!"

"Oh, the two brothers have been trained to be high by Cui, and have the experience of leading the team. Cui Mou is a concession, but the two brothers are obsessed, Cui is also unable!" Cui Hongyi's eyes flashed a trace Smile "" to see the latest chapter

This smile is slightly with a trace of pride, but the two disciples of the dry thunder palace take the initiative to be their own hands. Although Cui Hongyi knows that their thoughts are not their own, they can’t help but be proud.

Although there was very little smugness, Xiao Hua could see clearly. When he arrived, Xiao Hua couldn’t help but compare the night with Cui Hongyi. "Oh, nothing, it’s really incomparable!" Xiao Hua wanted to come, a hand, "this When Cui Captain is the master, what is it with Xiaomou? In the eyes of Xiaomou, there are only the Jinglei Palace and the Thunder Palace, but others have nothing to do with Xiaomou!"

"Xiao Shidi!" Yan Yuan’s face is extremely embarrassing, and he laughed and said, "For the brother, this is also impossible for the brother..."

"Hey, the brothers did not explain it!" Xiao Hua did not return, and the leg was to go to the quiet room. "How many disciples of the Royal Leizong, Xiaomou, self-satisfaction, can some of them take care of a few? A small team is to make Xiaomou difficult!"

"Xiao Hua, the two brothers are difficult!" Cui Hongyi hurriedly argued, "You..."

"Xiao Mou has long said that Cui Daoyou is the captain of the first squad. These things don't ask Xiao!" Xiao Hua saw that Cui Hongyi sold himself to Ganlei Palace and immediately dissatisfied. "Xiao Mou just did his best." Let's do things for people!"

After that, don’t say a word, it’s gone!

"Hey, this has always been the case!" Cui Hongyi’s face was also helpless. "The teacher is always angry with him in Wanlei Valley!"

"Oh, I know for my brother, the high-ranking people are all grotesque!" The face of Ganyuan’s face has not gone, and he said with a smile, "Xiao Shidi said that it is also very reasonable. He...after all, it’s just my Royal Leizong. The basic disciple can't control the kendo war. He can try to protect a few disciples. It's good, I wait... No, don't say it! Or for the brothers, suddenly, let go!"

Gan Yuan knows that I can't continue to talk about it. Although Cui Hongyi has already agreed in his tone, he can't give a positive answer. It is obviously wanting to know how Xiaohua thinks! And Xiao Hua refused, even if Cui Hongyi really agreed to join the first team, Xiao Hua did not put himself in the eye, he was separated from the disciples of the thundering palace, met the eyelashes, unlucky or himself, not as good as another Think of a way! ‘

"Well, the younger brother congratulated the two brothers!" Cui Hongjun also smiled on his face, accompanied the two out of the pavilion

"Hey, Xiao Shishu is really powerful!" The fire that is on duty next to him is the envy of the eyes. "That is the middle of the two divisions of the dry thunder palace, the uncle in the middle of the royal family is also a number of names! Actually ... depends on the face of my disciples!"

After waiting for Cui Hongyi to send the two away, returning to the face, there is no difference in his face. He has not dared to promise to go far and see Xiaohua’s attitude for a long time. Xiao Hua is unwilling, he is also unable, and his heart is even more Practical, Xiao Hua’s heart still has Zhenlei Palace and Wanlei Valley.

Not to mention that Cui Hongyi returned to the quiet room to practice, and said that Xiao Hua Duan sat in the quiet room, first look at the little ducks in the space, the blood on the neck has solidified, and never deteriorated, it is the sweetness of sleeping, with the original look of Xiao Huang similar!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua nodded secretly, and took out the magic Jane that was exchanged from the female repairing hand. He was full of expectation and invaded the Buddha. That is, just watching the moment is extremely disappointing and opening his eyes. Wry smile: "Grandma's, Xiaoye thought it was a good thing, and some people actually competed with Xiaoye! It turned out to be just a record of the devil world, and there are also records of space cracks! The crack is also the devil's world. There is a **** relationship with Xiaoyu mainland! The white waste is a rejuvenation of a young man! Rejuvenation Danai is a rejuvenation worth hundreds of thousands of rare stones. If you have to fight, you must go to a female repairer. Zongmen look, no more to get a few magic devices, really lose money."

"Hey, if it's normal, Xiaoye is also a pastime, look at it is no problem! At this time, where is the leisure and leisure to see this? Not to say that the old ghost, that is, Li Chengxu, who also remembers the younger brother! Xiao Hua still wants It’s right to hurry up and practice. Now, the most important thing is to help the second division to refine the silver plaque. He has repeatedly smashed it. This is the magic weapon of his life, and he can’t be cautious!”

"But, the blood of the devil world, the little master has been enlightened for so long, it seems... can't seem to cultivate in Xiaoyu mainland... What are the so-called magic repairs, what are the cultivations? Are they practicing magical infants? It seems that there is no record of the magical baby within this blood hole. "Xiao Hua thinks that it is frowning again. Zhang Qingxiao wants to make Xiao Hua refine the silver enamel, and will practice the high-level exercises of the demon world. Blood Cave Day is also handed over to Xiao Hua, and he can understand it from it. However, after Xiao Hua’s enlightenment, Huo Ran discovered that this blood hole is relying on the magic of the Devil to cultivate a so-called magic flame, cultivated. The realm is also related to the realm of the magic flame. It is completely different from the cultivation of Xiaoyu. There is no concept of Jindan Yuanying. He is not only unable to cultivate, but he does not know the so-called. This is the act of robbing the magic on the collection.

Zhang Qingxiao naturally gave the technique of the refining device of Xiaohua Devil. The technique of the refining device is also different from the method of Xiaoyu mainland. It requires not only the magic flame and the magic fire, but also the magic blood! Under the influence of these devils, the breaks of the silver enamel can be joined together, and then fully integrated with the magical hitting technique.

Xiao Hua’s blood is certainly usable, but he does not have the magic fire and the magic flame. It used to be that the Thunder Valley Leiguang will connect the breaks of the silver plaque, but there is no real fusion! Still can't show the true power of 虬 鎏!

"Magic fire!" Xiao Hua suddenly suddenly shines again. "There is no magic fire in Xiaoye, but there is a fire. This spiritual fire is the shell of the spirit of the Wan Yao, and it is ignited by the origin of the fire. Absolutely Is it better than the magic fire?"

"But now, not in the Thunder Valley, where is the lightning strike? How can we integrate the breaks?"

“Well, and!” Xiao Hua thought of the refinery that provided by the Sky City to Yu Leizong. “Maybe there are some things that are available? And, where is the cultivation, how much movement is all right? It doesn’t matter! Will not attract attention"

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua came out from the quiet room.

"Xiao Shishu, are you going out?" The shock fire saw Xiao Hua go in and out again, not surprised.

"Well, I am in the station. If you have something to do, you can send me a message!" Xiao Hua nodded and walked out quickly, leaving behind the stunned eyes.

Xiao Hua came to the refiner where it was the same as before. Xiao Hua stepped into the hole, but saw the deep cave directly leading to the depths of the rock, the mouth and nose, the touch of saltpeter and The atmosphere of the fire will come over

"Well?" Xiao Hua unfolded the gods. There is a ban in the cave. It can't be far away. In the mind of God, there is no disciple of the Sky City. Xiao Hua does not feel frown. This is with Yu Lei. The disciples are not the same!

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua walked toward the inside, and let go of the gods while walking, looking for the disciples of the Sky City!

"Where the monk came, I was acquainted with the area of ​​my Sky City!" Xiao Hua walked a dozen feet, a slightly majestic voice came from behind his back.

"Grandma's! How is Laozi arrogant, isn't there anyone who is on duty?" Xiaohua's raging dark road turned and looked, but saw a city guard who was also in the early days of the foundation building standing in front of the cave, the shadow Extremely reflected by the sky

"Poverty Road Royal Leizong Xiaohua! Come here... fix the instrument!" Xiao Hua pressed his anger and shook hands. "When the poor road sees the hole, there is no guard, go inside to find a friend!"

"This is the scope of my Sky City, not the residence of your Royal Leizong! How can you arbitrarily chase?" The city guard is very disdainful, coldly said

Xiao Hua was angry, and he was also cold and cold: "When Laozi came, there was no one! Now Laozi is standing here! How come... are you going to report it? You go though!"

After all, Xiao Hua turned and walked toward the inside again!

The city guard of the Sky City is stupid! This is naturally a small gap. After I came back, I saw someone breaking into the cave. Of course, I was surprised. This is why he left the job. There have been many Yu Leizong disciples who have come to investigate. Careful, most of them are accompanied by smiles! He naturally regarded Xiao Hua as the early disciple of the general Yu Leizong, and he arbitrarily scolded!

It can be seen that Xiao Hua turned and went in again, and suddenly felt bad!

Nothing else, anyone who thinks a little bit with his brain knows that if he stands in the cave, how can Xiao Hua go into the cave? Now that Xiao Hua can walk inside the cave, it must be that he is not at the hole!

"Unless..." The city guard has a mind in an instant... (to be continued)

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