Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1049: Role of white bone

Xiao Hua traveled around and chose the road in the middle. On both sides of the avenue, the door was more magnificent, and the number on it was also within one hundred. As Xiao Hua gradually deepens, the number is gradually getting smaller.

"It's here!" But seeing a big "Thirteen" on the door between the left hand, Xiao Hua stopped going down, looked up and down, and turned around to look at the door near the door. These door close to the point are all in general, tall bluestone, layered with wavy stripes condensed in it, and the dots between the stripes are like scattered beads!

Xiao Hua reached out and placed the token given by the city guard in the palm of his hand. He just opened his hand, and the number on the door was immediately changed. The strange number of distortions turned into a familiar rune that Xiao Hua was familiar with, and then the rune issued a halo of circles, one circle and one circle. From the center of the door to the extension of the door, at the same time, the wavy stripes are also bulging, and the symbols between the stripes are simultaneously illusory.

"嗖", a powerful suction from the door to upload, Xiaohua's token was suddenly inhaled!

Just as the stone fell on the lake, a fist-sized rune "splashed" out of the ban on the door, waiting for the rune to be very strangely falling, a milky white brilliance from the place where the rune fell Flash is divided into two halves! Quickly separate from the door to the court!

It’s like a stone hitting half the sky, and the door is suddenly transparent! It is a big door.

"It's really fun!" Xiao Hua smiled and looked at it. Knowing that the ban has been opened, it is stepping up the door. After the gate, the token was flying in the air.

After the gate is a huge quiet room, this quiet room is divided into three parts, the left side is some commonly used things to refine the yellow, the middle is the fire of alchemy, the right side is used by the refiner, stacked a lot of commonly used Material!

A very rich, yet hot world of aura is coming. It was totally unworthy with the cold weather of the Sky City!

Before Xiao Hua was interested in going to the ground fire, he took the token next to the fire, and put a hand, the token glazed over, and a reddish rushed into the ground, the sound of "teng", the fire Spray out. Look at the yellow-red fire. Xiao Hua secretly nodded, the quality of this fire is really good, it is the use of ordinary alchemy and refining.

Immediately, Xiao Hua extinguished the fire, and went to the side of the refiner, and looked at the materials used in the refiners. A hint of ridicule is on the face. "Grandma's, Sky City is really black. Even if these materials are placed on the collection, it will not be so expensive! No wonder most of the disciples would rather go to the collection. Would rather Let the monks of other shops refine and not refine here. In addition to convenience, there is really no advantage!"

Xiao Hua is also releasing the thoughts of the gods. I have seen the entire quiet room. I know that there is nothing wrong with it. Take out a futon and sit down. Take a shot and smash the silver scorpion out of the space!

When the silver enamel was in the Wanlei Valley, it was picked up by Xiao Hua with the method of the blood of the devil! However, it is obvious that these four split magical devices are connected together, and there is nothing special about it. It is no different from separation! Xiao Hua himself knows that the connection is just the connection, and the whole silver enamel is not completely integrated! If you want to play the power of 虬银鎏, to reach the point that Zhang Qingxiao said, to save his life, it is really a bit of hard work.

Xiao Hua will have a mouth, and the red fire will spit out from the Buddha's heart, floating in the air like a still.

"Go!" Xiao Hua hesitated a little, and the hand was to sway the fire, and the fire was turned into a squid that was smaller than the hair and entangled the break of the silver plaque!

However, the situation that made Xiao Hua unexpected happened! The fire is invisible, and it can't fall on the silver plaque at all, so I can't talk about how to connect it!

"Linghuo... can't refine?" This is Xiao Hua's first reaction. Waiting for a few moves in his hands, and can not make meritorious deeds, Xiao Hua will receive the fire, still turned into a bean, standing in the air!

Staring at the fire, watching it seems to melt everything, but there seems to be no fire at all, Xiao Hua is very puzzled! After a long while, Xiao Hua suddenly brows and picks up and smiles: "The fire is the source of fire. Naturally, it is a fire in all directions. I can use it! I am a big one!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua will receive the Lingshi, will be a mouth, Ling Hao wish the fire will come out!

At this time, Ling Xiaozhu’s fire is obviously different from the previous one. If the former group’s weak flame is a seed, then the current Lingxiao wish fire has grown into a big tree, and the five colors of the glory of the fire have swallowed the surrounding heaven and earth aura. As the same lion, it exudes amazing momentum!

"Hey, it seems that there was no such mighty weapon when refining the implements at Zhongling Mountain Villa!" Xiao Hua saw the power of Ling Xiaozhu’s fire, and he was shocked. "The family said that this fire can be exhausted. Everything in the world is really what is said! Haha! It’s really helping me, and that day, when Qing Qing once said, this is a time when the fire is full of prosperity, when you can refine the ecstasy, you can follow the magical fire of the devil world. Than, his 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪Silver Jubilee! However, the method of refining the spirit has not been seen until now, and the technique of refining the world's five elements of refining is already a wonderful refining method in the world!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua silently read the technique of the refining of the devil world, urging the Ling Xiao to wish the fire, burning to the silver 鎏!

There is a lot of tea work, Xiao Hua Shen has already been aware of it, and the break of the silver plaque is quite moving! If you are using the blood-melting method, plus this ambition, and the power of lightning, this silver enamel can be repaired again!

"Big good!" Xiao Hua smiled and smiled. "The second brother really didn't have the luck of Xiaoye! If you were in the Bohai Sea, you will give this magic to me. I can fix the silver enamel when I am retreating. Why bother now? So, let's take a look at the magical powers in the **** hole, waiting for the war to finish, I will return to Wanlei Valley and refine this silver plaque!"

Will Ling Hao Zhuhuo still income in the Buddha's heart, with this spirit of general gestation, Xiao Hua is a hand to shoot, previously traded on the easy collection of a lot of white bones and that as the scorpion of the soul device is also taken out.

Xiao Hua knows that this bone and the Horcrux is a million-mile thing. The ordinary Taoist technique can't detect the details. The ordinary monks can't know the usefulness of these bones. Otherwise, they will not stay on the collection. So many white bones are no one to take care of!

And said that Xiao Hua closed his eyes, his Yuanshen split in the mysterious cloud immediately had intuition! The silk **** is now within the clouds of layers, just like Xiao Hua sitting in the dark clouds. Different from Xiao Hua’s previous imagination, it seems to be like a heaven and earth, surrounded by darkness and not seeing the sky. And Xiaohua’s Yuanshen can only perceive the scope of the surrounding area. However, according to the feeling that Xiao Hua first saw this mysterious cloud, this cloud should be great, perhaps it is to repair the so-called Lingyuan nine days. correspond. If Xiaohua has a successful cultivation, he should be able to control this mysterious cloud!

Of course, at this time, Xiao Hua’s spiritual practice is almost unfinished. His **** is only in the dark clouds of the lowest layer, and there are countless souls around him. With the cultivation of Xiao Hua, the soul is as breathable as it is, moving around!

Xiao Hua’s Yuanshen fretting, but seeing that the soul is like a life, they have stretched out from within his god, and they will come out through the Buddha’s relic’s pre-existing imprint.

Those white bones are scattered in the air, and the soul of Xiao Hua is like a tentacles. It is a tangled one. Suddenly, the faint green fluorescence is emitted from each of the bones! Each fluorescent is a group of words similar to green essays! It’s just that this text is much more obvious than the words on Zhongling Mountain Villa and the Sunset Island! Does not have any mysterious power!

Every time the soul silk touches a group of words, the text will turn into a wave, and the soul will vibrate. The fluctuation is also passed into the soul of Xiaohua along the soul!

After a full half-day work, all the fluctuations above the white bones were recognized one by one, and Xiaohua’s gods took the soul silk back. The soul silk seemed to be exhausted and tightly wrapped around the yuan. Around the gods, motionless.

Xiao Hua sat quietly on the knees until after ten days, only to open his eyes, a flash of light in his eyes, but then a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth: "I said, this practice of soul repair So hard to practice, Xiaoye has been practicing for so long, and there is almost no progress! It turned out to be a mistake! The exercises of others were originally written in green essays, and it is simply wrong to narrate your correct texts! The predecessor is also based on the Tao. Many places follow their own ideas and take it for granted. They are different from those recorded by others! And the practice of soul repair... actually these fluctuations, it feels very weird!"

"Haha, if it is not so weird, how can we compete with the Taoist sect? How is it mysterious?" Then Xiao Hua laughed. "It’s a pity that these bones have many exercises, but most of them are crippled. And can the sword repairs that can be killed by the monks at this stage, how deep can they be repaired? What can they do to repair the soul repairs they have killed? The little master killed a lot of sword repairs, they are inside the storage bag. There are no bones! The complete exercises are also extremely low-level, only the cultivation of the ring. But even so, it is the authentic soul practice, the little master benefits!"

Xiao Hua smiled, and took a deep breath, closed his eyes, the Taoist is still the Taoist practice, and the mysterious cloud, the **** is different...


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