Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1055: Mysterious transmission

"Huilong" really made a sound in the ears of everyone, and the hood was torn apart with a crack. Cui Hongjun's figure was worn in the past!

Then it was Zhen Minghui. When he passed through, the crack had healed again. However, this healing was like two raging waves sandwiching Zhen Minghui. Some of the faint white faces on the face of Ming Minghui, after all, There is a strong mana in Guanghua, and there is a tendency to tear his body. But when Guanghua flooded the Ming Minghui, his tokens also emitted a faint red and blue color. These two colors of Huaguang just wrapped him all and blocked the raging brilliance! Taking advantage of this moment, Zhen Minghui was wearing it!

"Hey! The means of the Sky City is really amazing! Even the Jindan monk, even the monk in the early Yuan Ying, came here, but with the flesh, I am afraid I have to suffer a big loss!" Xiao Hua is the last one to pass through Guanghua. He doesn't feel a bit stunned!

However, it is normal to think about it. This is the transmission array of the Sky City. There are no strict defense measures. Once it has been broken by the sword, the Sky City can be a sword repair!

Into the mask, the face is also a number of large transmission array, similar to Xiao Hua's previous views, but the scale is much larger, can send a dozen people at a time!

However, seeing these several transmission arrays from time to time, the black and white brilliance was issued, and the Taoist disciples of the first team were transmitted.

"Don't you have a fixed place to go?" Seeing that this team was randomly assigned to a transmission line, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that "everyone was transferred to any place without any purpose, and then by each team." The captain went to the destination with the instructions in the token. This way... even if Jian Xiu wants to find the purpose of this action is impossible! It is difficult... This action is extremely important?"

"It's your turn!" A disciple of the patrolling city in the late stage of the building said that the squad that had just been vacated was told to Cui Hongjun and others.

"Yes!" Cui Hongyi said nothing, stepping into the transmission array, waiting for everyone to go in, and Ling couldn't help but ask, "Predecessors, where is this transmission array sent?"

"Little girl, I will know when I go!" The monk smiled and raised the small flag in his hand, but saw Xiaohua and others flashing a black and white brilliance around them, everyone disappeared!

"Next team!" The monk's face does not change color. It is also called.

In the transmission array, Xiao Hua only felt that the front of the eyes was gray, the very familiar fainting appeared, and it was only for a moment, and his eyes were bright again!

Xiao Hua did not dare to care, and God read it out immediately!

"Oh?" A shocking voice rang from Xiaohua's ear!

At this time, Xiao Hua’s thoughts were also swept to the man, actually a monk in the middle of Jindan!

"I have seen seniors!" Xiao Hua was shocked and hurriedly accepted God. The brow is picking, and the place where the voice is directed is the gift.

"You... very good!" The voice has returned to calm. Said faintly.

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. He has already seen it clearly. This is a space with a square of space. The space is surrounded by winding stone walls. There are some ice and pale green moss on the stone wall. An extremely cold chill moment is Wrap him up.

Needless to say, this must be the extremely cold place in the northern part of the country!

Moreover, since it is the other end of the Sky City transmission array, it must be guarded. Even if it is kept secret, if there is no Jindan period monk care, how can I make the Sky City safe? I am so hearted.

Looking at Cui Hongyi and others, the few monks who built the foundation were okay, and their postures were slightly awkward. Some of them stood unstable and seemed to transmit too far. Their bodies can't stand it! Look again, a few of the refining, have long been soft in the transmission array!

"Yeah, Sky City does not seem to give me a special yellow letter!" Xiao Hua suddenly thought.

"The disciples have practiced physical training before!" Xiao Hua understood the meaning of the Jindan monk. Yes, in the distant transmission, there is no yellow symbol that matches the transmission array. How can it resist the change of space? Xiao Hua can stand firmly in the transmission array, naturally it is to surprise the monk.

"Well," the Jindan monk did not ask too much. He put his hand on the side and said to a dozen refining disciples next to him. "Go and help them out, and another group of monks will come soon!"

"Yes!" Those refining disciples stepped forward, one person helped one and helped them out of the transmission.

"Predecessors, where is this place?" Xiao Hua saw that Cui Hongqi and others were still languid, and they no longer pretended to be pretend.

"Where? Hey, you will know when you go out!" said Jin Dan’s monk. "You have a road map within your captain’s token to where you should go! Where is the place, the old man will not talk to you. Said, after the transfer of you, the old man will move this temporary transfer point to a position, telling you that the place has no meaning!"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Xiao Hua stunned, and looked at the transmission array, and lost the smile. "The younger generation is very curious, this transmission array... can you move?"

"Oh, you are curious!" said Dr. Jin Dan, "The transmission array is divided into fixed and temporary. The fixed one does not need to be said. As long as it is set up, it cannot be moved. This is specially set up for this action. The temporary transmission array is very rudimentary and can only be used for a short period of time! It is for this reason that I have not had enough time to make such a yellow transmission for the Sky City, so that you will suffer!"

Speaking of this, the Jin Dan monk said meaningfully: "The little guy, the old man is in charge of the transmission for a long time, you are still the first monk who can walk out of the transmission array without using the transmission character, your team of disciples But I will give it to you! Although the old man is not the master of the Royal Leizong, but I have to swear you again, you as the captain, bring them out, must bring them back in good condition, one can not be less!"

"Yes, the disciples understand!" Xiao Hua did not answer with respect and respect, "Do not give up, do not abandon, do not leave!"

"Good!" Jin Dan's eyes flashed in the eyes, nodded, "Yu Lei Zongguo is not a famous sect of the Xi State, a founding disciple can say such a profound truth! The old man really admire!"

"Hey, seniors, this transmission array... How did it move? How is it arranged?" Xiaohua suddenly showed his true color!

"Hey, if you are a disciple of my Sky City, the old man can consider it. Unfortunately, you are a disciple of Yu Leizong. Do you say that the old man will tell you?" The face of Jin Dan’s monk smiled a little.

"It's all Taoist disciples, why should the seniors stick to it?" Xiao Hua is also thick-faced, and all of a sudden is the height!

"Ha ha ha!" Jin Dan's monk, a sleeve, said, "If you want to know, take the royal thunder of your Royal Leizon!"

"Cut! The predecessors are difficult for the younger generation!" Xiao Hua smiled. "How do the younger generation know the law of the Thunder?"

"Yeah, isn’t your younger generation a hard-working old man?” Jin Dan’s monk smiled and smirked his sleeves. It’s a yellow character in the air, and he said, “Your disciples are resting, you wait. With this charm, you can leave from here by mana."

"Yes, thank you for your predecessors!" Xiao Hua smiled and took Huang Fu. Behind him, Cui Hongyi and others were all happy, and stood there listening to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua left a plaque, and the others were handed over to Zhen Minghui, waiting for everyone to hang on the body, urging mana, and everyone’s body could not help but fly out to the top of the frosty cave. Fly on!

After waiting for half a cup of tea, the figure of Xiao Hua and others appeared on a ridiculous glacier!

Everyone has a slight misunderstanding on their faces. Even if Xiao Hua, they will release their thoughts at this time, and they will not realize that they have just reached the transmission line here!

Immediately, Xiao Hua released the Buddha's knowledge. The range of dozens of miles around him was seen. It was ridiculously tight. Except for the teams that seemed to have just left the Taoist disciples, they did not have any traces of sword repair.

"Hey, such a strict precaution, what can you explain?" Xiao Hua sighs, can only explain the secret of the action here, can only show that he has to face the amount of sword repair and powerful! I am naturally sure, but what about these nine disciples?

"Isn't it... let the three refining disciples build the foundation?" Xiao Hua's eyes swept through three secretive disciples who were still fainting, but thought that once the three disciples had built the foundation, they would return to Yu Leizong. Unexpectedly, the two dry Lei Gong disciples are coming again. Xiao Hua still shook his head. "When the war is over, let's talk!"

"Vibration, how do you wait for a break?" Cui Hongjun's brain is also inappropriate, like a hangover.

"Captain Cui, really uncomfortable!" The fire frowned. "The Sky City is too embarrassing! A delivery is not given!"

"That... I will wait for a place to rest for a while!" Cui Hongjun said with a slight hesitation.

“No need!” Xiao Hua took a hand and took it out of the boat. He said faintly, “I’ll wait for the boat to pass!”

"You are not afraid of the discovery of Qiqiaomen disciples?" Cui Hongqi said.

"Not afraid!" Xiao Hua put his hand on the road. "Cui Daoyou and Zhen Shixiong control, listen to Xiaomou command!"

"Good!" Cui Hongyi turned his head and glanced at Zhen Minghui. The Jin Dan monk spoke at the side of the transmission array. They all could understand clearly. If they want to live, they should listen to Xiao Hua as well!

On the flying boat, Zhen Minghui first flew slowly toward the north, and Cui Hongyi took out the captain's token and immersed him in the look. His face was blank!

Xiao Hua, who took a look at his knees and ignored him, handed the token to Zhen Minghui!

"Oh? It turns out!" After Zhen Minghui saw it, he nodded, and the mana was urging. The flying boat slightly circling toward the northwest and accelerated.

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