Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1058: Wrath

And the two flying swords that are as flamboyant are also slanting with the corpse falling!

"Oh?" The two swordsmen who were closest to the swordsman had just spurred the flying swords under their feet. They even saw that the swordsmen who had always been killed by one strike were killed by a young monk in the early stage of the foundation. They are all big brothers, and they look at each other's flying swords and ruthlessly rush to Xiaohua from the top, bottom and bottom.

A flying sword like a plum blossom, tearing the joy in the girl’s throat,

A flying sword like the scorching sun, a few want to ignite the youth of the **** youth,

A flying sword like a breeze, gentle as a charming fairy tongue!

These three swords have been shrouded in Xiao Hua's body, and the strong sword seems to tear the gale!

"Huh Huh" Xiao Hua's figure suddenly spurred, a residual shadow stayed in the air, and the wind of the three swords was already behind him, like a coward who was incomprehensible, more like the wind of the wind and the willow, that The robe of the robe continued, followed by the golden light! Another three wrecks have fallen from the air!

"Ah?? Kill!!!" Seeing that the four swordsmen had just been face-to-face, they were killed by Xiao Hua. The remaining swordsmen were furious. Twenty swordsmen also spurred the flying swords. Come!

Twenty to fly swords! Where are the three flying swords comparable?

The light flashing Jianguang can stun the human eyes! ! !

"Hey!" The sound of Xiao Hua's shoulders was vertical, and the phoenix law flew out in the flesh. The body of the nearly 30-year-old Zhang suddenly put Xiaohua around! The clearing of the phoenix is ​​the resounding of the heavens and the earth, like a sharp cone into the ears of the swordsman!

"呜~" with the phoenix body tweet. Two huge wings stretched out, and the thunder of the thumb flashed between the wings, and nearly 20 of the flying swords hit the slant!

However, there are still several flying swords that break through the defense of the Phoenix body and stab the closeness of Xiao Hua!

"咔嚓嚓" Phoenix's body claws move forward!

The thunder of the fist is born again, it is to hit these flying swords, and these flying swords are unrelentingly defeated in the air!

"Ah?" The swordsmen of the swordsmen are all defended by the Yuanshen Yujian, the phoenix body, and all the flying swords are repelled. Their gods are naturally damaged, and they also deeply understand the thunder of the phoenix. force! I don’t feel shocked!

Xiao Hua did not give them a surprise and hesitation time!

The phoenix body is winged. The clouds above the sky suddenly tumbling, like the tide of the sea!

"咔嚓嚓" Phoenix's two claws fluttered again, and several large lightnings were from heaven, and they hit several sword repairs with lightning speed. There is no doubt that the swords were smashed when they were repaired. Under the cloud!

At the same time, Xiao Hua is not slow, and the figure is flying again. Everywhere is the technique of the sleeves. Tengjiao cuts up! It’s really like a wolf in the flock, killing the swordsman one after another!

"Ah!!!!" Not only was the swordsman stunned. Cui Hongjun and others who are above the clouds and clouds are also awkward. The last time Xiaohua was on the Jiming Mountain, they were all scared. They just thought about fleeing, but they didn’t watch it carefully!

Now seeing Xiao Hua actually encountered Jian Xiu, not to mention the big show killer, and that means the real fierce, the sword of the sword is not the enemy of the round! ! Can they not be surprised?

Still the sentence "This... Is this a foundation monk?"

"Go ~ those swordsmen have not been killed ~" or Zhen Minghui wakes up quickly. I pointed my hand at the swordsman who had just been smashed by the phoenix body.

"Yes!" Against the nightmare and Cui Hongyi and others, they flew out to the swordsmen who had been beaten by Xiao Hua!

"Escape!" Seeing for a moment, thirty swordsmen were killed and become more than a dozen. Where are the remaining swordsmen still hesitant?

In the same direction, it is flying around!

"Want to go? Or leave your life!" Xiao Hua coldly said, "I just didn't think about it now when I was refreshed! Zhen Minghui, I won those swordsmen!"

Said, Xiao Hua urging the Phoenix body. Another few thunder and lightning fell, and he flew again, rushing to a swordsman very quickly, and the Tengjiao shearing was to the second swordsman!

Even so. There are still five swordsmen who escaped the siege of everyone!

Xiao Hua grabbed the swordsman’s neck with one hand and looked at the swordsman who had escaped several dozen feet. He frowned. He killed the five swordsmen. It was really a lot of means, but he Not willing to reveal!

"Hey! I still try this hand!" Xiao Hua was cold and cold, and the hand of the sword shattered the throat of the swordsman, and then he took a hand, took the soul bell and took it out, the forehead The soul silk also stretched out!

The sound of the slamming sound of the "Dangdang ~", the four swordsmen suddenly stopped in the air, then fell like a big stone, and the farthest swordsman, the body swayed slightly, the sword The light strobes, and then it is flying!

"咦~!" Xiao Hua was slightly surprised, his body fluttering, and he chased the past!

Those swordsmen who were hit by the Xiaohua Thunderbolt in the air, although not dead, can also be a great loss of the gods, it is a good goal for people to practice with the earthquake!

Waiting for Xiao Hua to kill the last escaped swordsman, and Ling and others will kill the remaining swordsmen!

Xiao Hua fell down the hill, and reached out and grabbed a swordsman who was shot down in the air. The soul silk then went along the Yintang!

But seeing the swordsman's mind, it is also a mysterious cloud, but the cloud is obviously a lot of solid, and the outer layer seems to have a kind of sticky stuff to wrap it! At this time, this cloud has been like a torn cotton, torn apart! Not a shape!

"Well, the sword repair is really powerful! How to deal with the soul repair!" Xiao Hua nodded secretly, and took a hand, the swordsman's body fell to the ground, stretched his hand, looked at the hand like a dead leaf Dao, "The swordsman did not fear my devotion bell. I am afraid that it is the role of this thing! Although this thing can create a barrier in the soul, it is really amazing! Is it a soul machine?"

This thing is naturally discovered by Xiao Hua from the sword repaired by the escape!

"Grandma's, this swordsman has this thing, maybe other swordsmen also have this thing!" Xiao Hua was a bit depressed. He didn't think about it. There were a lot of monks who didn't check it before!

"咔嚓嚓" a few thunderous sounds, it is flying inside the thunder bottle of the nightmare, will fly a flying swordsman, the swordsman is the second product of the sword, higher than the monk It was just hit by the thunder of the phoenix law body, and the sword was damaged. I haven’t had time to take the medicinal herbs. Even the thunder in the body is still wrapped around the sword, preventing the circulation and healing of the sword. How can he resist the thunder of the nightmare? bottle? Reluctant Yu Jian balances the body shape, Su Qing's Royal Fire Fan waves, the surrounding heaven and earth aura is sucked into the fan, a flame tongue is trapped from the sky!

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