Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1074: Underground vein

"Hey? Is it here?" Xiao Hua did not worry to look at the pine tree, but God was swept in the left and swept, and Zhen Minghui and others seemed to be Nahan, and the same face was puzzled!

It seems that there is no mana fluctuation in this four weeks! !

When Xiao Hua and others saw the action of Cui Hongjun, this was suddenly realized.

I saw Cui Hongjun walked up to the pine tree, and made a stroke between the top and bottom. He flew about two feet or so, and extended a finger at a point where there was no obvious tree spot.

However, he did not have any movement at all.

However, Cui Hongyi is not qiguài, and his body shape is falling. This time it is actually short stature, about three inches from the ground, and the opposite point of the tree spot again!

Then I left the pine tree and waited quietly for a cup of tea. Then I flew up again, and then point to the tree spot at the height. After waiting for Cui Hongjun to do so three times, he flew to the side of the pine tree. . This is different again. It is actually three tree spots in the word, there is no special place at all, Cui Hongyi has ordered it four times!

When Cui Hongyi flew to other places again, Xiao Hua simply did not watch! Needless to say, there is any institution on the pine tree. It is not the arrangement of the spell. Is such a cumbersome technique, what is the use of his look?

What is weird is that Xiao Hua will release the mind and carefully look under the pine trees. Where are the traces of spells? It is no matter what channel organs are there!

"Grandma's, this is really interesting!" Xiao Hua smiled and released the Buddha's knowledge, or the Buddha knows how to make it. In Wang Wei, Xiao Hua finally found a trace of abnormality, but when he looked at it carefully, Cui Hongjun smiled and said: "Okay, I will wait!"

After that, Cui Hongyi’s figure fluttered and he first entered it.

Xiao Hua looked up, but saw that there were about two feet on the pine tree. Actually, I saw a one-person hole, just like the pine tree. Laughing at myself.

"得得~" Xiao Hua no longer sees more. I received the Buddha’s knowledge and followed the crowd into the hole!

The inside of the tree hole is very dark, and the gods have swept it. The inner walls of the trees actually block the minds of the people!

"This... I am afraid that it is not an ordinary pine tree!" Xiao Hua has already understood. If it is not a weird spirit. It is impossible to stop the mind.

Cui Hongjun led the way in front of his head. It has always been flying underground, flying hundreds of feet, even a thousand feet. The brilliance of the glory in front of the eyes is the light of Minghua Stone, and the space at this time is gradually getting bigger. The entire downward passage is actually a loophole!

"Hey~ This is really awful!" Xiao Hua Shen read the slightest sweep, and the curiosity of the people yiyàng, I don’t feel secretly sighing in my heart, "This Lingshi vein...the real is secret, so deep On the ground, thousands of feet, who's God will be extremely boring to look under this ridiculous pine forest? It is no wonder that the distance from Shu is so close that it is not discovered by Jian Xiu!"

"Who is here?" A voice that couldn't tell the coldness was suddenly born from the feet of Cui Hongjun!

Cui Hongyi immediately stopped going down and looked at the sounds. But when I saw the stone wall of the tunnel, there was a half-man cave. A monk dressed in dark clothing sat there with his knees and did not lift his head. To yourself.

"In the first squad leader of the Royal Leizong Cui Hongyi, led the team of ten people to come to Quanshan to support the Taoist city!" Cui Hongyi saw a mid-term monk, did not dare to report the name, but also the captain The token is there!

"Oh, it turned out to be a friend of Yu Leizong!" The monk looked up and the whole face was covered by a cloak. He stretched his hand. "The disciple of the Heavenly City in the next generation of Quanshan Mountain thanked Yu Leizong for his assistance. In addition, since Cui Daoyou can come here, there must be guidelines, but where the rules are, please ask Captain Cui to take the token for a test!"

"That is natural, please!" Cui Hongyi handed the token over, and the monk took it, and he took out a crystal ritual of yiyàng from his arms, and slightly urging the mana was placed on the token, but Seeing a khaki brilliance flashing above the ruler, it disappeared in a blink of an eye. Then, a thumb-sized ball flew out of the ruler, and a stagnant stagnation was within the token of Cui Hongjun!

"My imprint of Quanshan Mountain has been entered into the captain of Cui Captain. After the completion of this matter, Captain Cui can use this imprint to return to the Sky City. I only thank you for the Sky City!" The monk will take a shot, token It is also in the hands of Cui Hongyi. "Cui Captain, please continue to move forward. According to other disciples of my Sky City, you have no other squad to arrive. You are in the northwest area. You can wait for the disciples to meet! As for how to defend, how to stay, how to fight, and wait for all the reinforcements to come to decide!"

"Yes, Cui knows!" Cui Hongyi took over the token income in his arms, arched his hand and flew down, and Xiao Hua and others followed closely.

"Oh, such a mysterious arrangement, such a deep tunnel, afraid that it is not easy to be discovered by the sword repair? I wait until the time is on duty, I should be able to complete the task, what is the enemy!" Xiao Hua smiled, He is very convinced of his own vision. Even the underground veins that he did not find in his knowledge of the Buddha, how can Jianjian know? This time, my first team, but I took a shot, I will never encounter the last dangerous thing.

It was a hundred and ten feet flying. The bright spot in front of everyone was just at the bottom of the tunnel. This is a space with a size of several dozen feet.

Within this space, there are dozens of disciples dressed in the city of the heavenly city, holding the instruments and other things, waiting for the alert.

Xiao Hua and others are still waiting to fall. The disciples of those disciples will lock Xiao Hua and others until they see the face and robes of Yu Leizong's disciples. They are slightly relaxed, and they are also to check the tokens. Xiao Hua took advantage of this time to look around, but saw that there were tunnels in the place where he and others fell. There were four or five seemingly dark holes in the space above it! It should be the tunnel to the other direction!

"Sorry, the tokens of all the friends should also be checked!" After watching the captain's token of Cui Hongyi, it is the nine city guards who are very polite to reach out!

"Oh, it’s really a bit of a hassle!"

"Oh, good to teach this Tao Lei's Taoist friends know!" The city guard in front of the lingering laughed, "I am a mountain of Lingshi, it is not only important for my Sky City, but for the whole The war is also the key, no matter how careful you can't be overemphasized!"

"Hey, the poor road is just talking about it!" Happened and laughed, took the token out!

Xiao Hua also cooperated with the token and handed it to the city guard. He smiled at the same time: "Where the poor road saw the leader of the Taiqing ancestors, I did not know where they were arranged?"

"Oh? Too Qingzong?" The city guard smiled as he looked at the token. "It’s been on the turn, and I haven’t seen any disciples who are too pure, but there was a small squad of the Yanjiang sect coming in!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua brows a pick, the strange road, "He Fangyuan is in front of me! Is it difficult to make a spring there are multiple entrances?"

"Oh, the left and right Xiao Daoyou will have to rotate in a few days. Under the next, there will be no friends. I have eight such entrances in Quanji Mountain. Each entrance has four to six tunnels with different numbers. Who is your Taoist who knows where to come in?"

"However, the Taiqing disciples seem to be arranged in the northwest region. You should wait and look for it!"

"Yes, understand!" Xiao Hua took the token and nodded.

Waiting for each person's token to be checked, a refining disciple walked over, respectfully leading the way, taking them to the northwest area to rest.

Out of the entrance space, Xiao Hua felt that his eyes suddenly opened up, he first looked at the top of his head! But on the top of the head, although there is no gloomy winter cloud, there is no blue sky and white clouds, but it is also a layer of faint blue, with a layer of fine light radiating from it, not like a cave under a thousand feet! Moreover, the blue top of the head is extremely high. It seems that there are hundreds of feet high. It seems that there is no feeling of depression. Moreover, Xiao Hua will look away from the top of the head and look forward to the front. It is also a huge space. It is not too flat, and there are some gullies and hillocks, which are similar to the mountains that the river country usually sees! What surprised Xiao Hua most is that on the top of these gullies and hillocks, there are still some lusè, some bright colors, it is the color of grass and small flowers! It’s really lively and lively than the spring pine forest above the head.

Looking at the space, there are already many monks. Most of these monks are disciples of the Sky City, and most of these disciples are rehearing disciples. There are very few disciples under the foundation! Some of these disciples rushed in space and flew in space, flying from a cave on one side of the space to something else; while some disciples seemed to have some, even slightly limited; as for those who built the base, the disciples of the Sky City should be The disciples of the rotation, with some refining disciples, swim on the edge of space!

"Hey, is this the Lingshi vein?" Xiao Hua didn't dare to let go, only swept in the left, the deep, rich, familiar earth and earth aura filled the whole space, and the deep breath took the air. The clearing of the aura!

"It seems... this errand is not as difficult as I thought!" Xiao Hua thought again, "Even if it is rotated here, it can be cultivated at ordinary times. In this place, where the aura is strong, it will surely be repaired." It’s even faster! Oh, the aura of heaven and earth that Xiaoye’s cultivation needs can be real, and these auras are useless!” (To be continued.)

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