Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1077: Thinking about the nightmare

No one knows Xiao Hua better than Cui Hongjun. This is the kind of person who is too lazy to entertain. He wants to hide in the practice of stealing music and does not want to make any monks! Since Cui Hongyi objected, Zhen Minghui will not say more. In addition to Xiao Hua, the most suitable candidate is a dream! One is a female repair, and the other is a disciple of the thunder palace. With Cui Hongyi and Zhen Minghui, she is the representative of the first squad of two thunder palaces. It is really courteous!

Therefore, Cui Hongyi and others did not inform Xiao Hua, and followed the disciples of the Quanshan Mountain to the hospitality of Tu Hong. "".

Tu Hong is a monk of Jin Dan, and he is also a prince of Quanji Mountain. What is the hospitality of the hospitality? Although there is no such thing as a grand welcoming guest house, it is far from the ordinary guest house. comparable. But see this is a space of hundreds of feet, oval, a khaki-colored pillar is strong and tight, and several monks are afraid to hold it. The pillars are engraved with this complicated rune and the ground. Connected with the rune on the top of the space, some of the faint fluctuations of the mana flashed, but if it was swept by God, it would be a glimpse of it!

The pillars are extremely tall, and there should be more than a hundred feet. The top of the pillars is also a blue color, like a clear blue sky. The blossoming white clouds above the blue sky are connected to each other, which is the complicated rune! And in the gap of the rune, hundreds of thousands, is the tens of thousands of Minghua stone inlaid in it, the whole space is reflected, no different from the clear sky.

Look at the space below the walls, there is space on the ground, from time to time there is a huge grass. Or the very high Lingmu planting, the scent of the spirit grass, the branches and leaves of the spirit wood swaying, where do you think it is underground?

Cui Hongyi is also a family of comprehension. It is quite insightful. Follow the disciples of Quanyishan to enter this welcoming place. God does not sweep, his eyes are slightly transferred, and then think about the gullies and vegetation outside. This only listens to its name. Tu Hong, who has never met before, is a general! It is a predecessor who has taste, enjoyment, and even some elegance!

"Hong Hao, this welcome guest hall is so big. It is enough to accommodate all the disciples? Why do you only want to send three people to each party?" Low-pitched voice.

"嘿嘿~" Cui Hongyi has seen some other martial art disciples have come over. It was at the forefront of the temple, and the place in front of it was actually a case of jade. There are half of the people, and there are four square vessels on the top of the case. There are dozens of things like arrows on the top, and there is a jade chair behind the case, so they squint and talk. The predecessors were the monks of Jindan. I was just a younger generation. Even the disciples who came to the reinforcements even had refining disciples. How can the old people meet each other? This method of seeing the leaders of the various factions is the choice of the predecessors. The way!"

Then there was some admiration and said: "Cui Mou really wants to see, the general of the martial arts in the mouth of the martial artist, what would it look like! If...Cui Mou has a glimpse, there is also this cultivation and authority, must also To make Dongfu a so elegant look!"

"Well ~ Cui Lang must be OK!" On the face of the nightmare with a smile, the eyes are full of tenderness, the hand is also quietly stretched out, held in the hands of Cui Hongjun!

For Cui Hongyi, the previous dreams were not particularly fond of the nightmare. Even the Thunder Valley of the Thunder Palace could not be worthy of himself. In particular, Wanlei Valley has always been a weak performance, so that her masters are somewhat hesitant, afraid of being wronged by the dream of marrying into Wanlei Valley! I also talked about it before the nightmare.

And these things, the nightmare is also vaguely revealed in the exchange with Cui Hongjun, which is a pre-warning reminder, such as Xiangyang’s pockets, Xiaohua’s jokes, etc., and even pointed out that this may be two The reason for not being able to double repair in the future.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Cui Hongyi has some resentment against Xiao Hua! ,

The performance of Cui Hongjun is different from that of Xiangyang and Xiaohua. He is also widely used in the earthquake of the thunder. In the same time, the other people sneer at the Thunder Valley, and bear the burden of the burden, plus their own qualifications. Gradually, there is some reputation in the Thunder Palace. The dreams of the Thunder Palace and her master are naturally heard. The dreams of the dreams gradually agree with the double repair of Cui Hongjun from the heart. I feel that Cui Hongjun can revitalize Wan Lei. The weakness of Gu, Xiangyang and Xiaohua is also a good opportunity for Cui Hongjun to rise and even control Wanlei Valley.

After waiting for Xiangyang to return to the mountain, and to the ceremony, Wan Leigu became more and more dazzling. The vision of the Master of Dreams was naturally very bright. After knowing that Wanlei Valley would be favored by Thunder, it would be favored by Thunder. At this time, it is a good time for her to make Wanlei Valley; plus Wanlei Valley promised a mysterious dowry against the nightmare, but it is something that can make a dream of Jindan, she naturally agrees to marry under the dream Thunder Valley! Unfortunately, things don't follow people, actually came out at this critical moment, the Kendo war! The students will have a good intention of rehabilitating the two-person ceremony.

After she was ignoring her dreams, she actually found out that Cui Hongyi, who used to be a high-profile person, actually went beyond his own expectations and actually divided himself into a small team, and it was Yu Leizong. A small team. The heart of the sentimental sentiment is even sweeter, knowing that what I have entrusted is a great husband, far exceeding my expectations!

Naturally, the sudden changes in the situation and the peaks and peaks are beyond her thoughts. It is the most incredible thing she has encountered since she became sensible. The "Jokes" that Wanlei Valley was ridiculously laughed at is not what it is." Jokes." But the real legend! An early monk who was trained to be comparable to Jindan, it is possible to make the entire Thunder Palace a joke! ! !

Wan Leigu has such a fierce person as Xiao Hua, and will be subject to the bullying of the Chao Lei Palace ★ Xiang Xiang ★ text disciples? He doesn't bully other disciples, others will steal it!

Of course, the nightmare is naturally considered for my own lover. With Xiao Hua, Cui Hongyi should be in the top of Wanlei Valley! However, if Xiaohua builds a foundation in the mid-term, it will be thought of against the nightmare. However, Xiao Hua is comparable to the late stage of building the foundation and chasing the early stage of Jindan. This is helpless repair! It’s not a grade with Cui Hongjun. It’s just a way to give up on a nightmare with only a little thought.

What makes the most difficult thing to understand is that Xiao Hua is so cultivated, why is the secret so deep? I don’t even know what to do. Of course, Xiao Hua is so concealed that Cui Hongyi is still dazzling in Wanlei Valley.

The most reassuring to the nightmare is Xiaohua’s attitude towards Cui Hongjun. She knows the tightness. The embarrassment between the two is precisely because of Xiao Hua’s careful eyes. She is a woman with a dream, she is very clear... Xiao Hua is Cui Hongyi is the same brother! Otherwise, not to save them from the sword repair, is to kill them all, who can know? Well, let alone, what Dan, what flying sword, Xiao Hua is a lot to them, no regrets.

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