Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1085: search

"Oh? What happened?" Xiao Hua turned over the cave and asked with a smile.

"Xiao Hua, where have you been?" Ming Hao saw Xiao Hua appear, his face showed a surprise. All of a sudden, I rushed to the past. It was very busy, and it was natural to hold Xiaohua’s hand.

"Where did you go? o? Just look around!" Xiao Hua also pulled out his hand without a trace, pointing to the back.

"That... how has it been used for such a long time? Cui captain's message has been sent for a long time, urging us to go back quickly!" Ming Hao Jiao blame, delicious gas seems to be resentful, "and your message is also Can't get out, can you not be anxious?"

"Oh? My message can't be sent out?" Xiao Hua was awkward, but fortunately, the message could not be sent out, otherwise he was in the law, wouldn't he just show up?

"That's it, where have you been?"

Xiao Hua shrugged and smiled: "The younger brother is indeed on the left, and the message can not be sent out because it is because of the reason of the Lingshi vein?"

"What does this have to do with the Lingshi vein?"

"Come on, let's go!" Xiao Hua smiled and flew up. "Isn't the teacher saying that Cui Hongyi has a message?"

"Hey, Cui Hongyi is your brother, are you still calling such a name?" Ming said with a smile.

Xiao Hua browed and picked it up. He didn't answer the question. He knew that Xiao Hua was unwilling to mention it. He no longer asked more questions. The two entered the place from the patrol point and flew back.

Just flew back to the place where I was resting, I saw the disciples of the various factions before I saw the quiet room, and I was not happy with my face.

"Why are you waiting for it!" Cui Hongyi is another blame.

Alum hurriedly said: "Captain Cui, when I received your message, I came back quickly, but because of the first tour, I flew slowly when I went, and it was at the farthest point!"

"Well! Fortunately, the disciples of Izumi Mountain have not come yet!" Cui Hongyi said, not much to ask.

"What's the matter?" Ming Yuqi said, "I have just patrolled half of the brothers with Xiao Shidi..."

"The faint mention of the Quanjishan disciple who heard the communication seems to be a question of which sect of the sect of the country." Cui Hongyi frowned.

Xiao Hua’s eyes turned, and the place where he went was far from the place where Yu Lei’s patrol was worth. As for where he really didn’t know, which martial art helped him carry the black pot more!

However, his culprit is here, presumably that the martial art will not lose anything!

Sure enough, it was a tea time. The blue dragonfly came over and looked at the many disciples who gathered in the quiet room. The blue singer smiled and said: "You are a friend, disturbing everyone! It was a false alarm. Sorry!"

"Blue Daoyou, what the **** is going on!" A captain asked some unpleasant words.

"Oh, nothing!" Blue 沁 也不 也不 也不 瞒 瞒 瞒 瞒 瞒 瞒 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁 沁The repairs entered, so the old mortal thoughts may have come to the reinforcements of the Taoist friends! Of course, the Taoist friends of the country, are also on the tour, other left-door disciples are not Going to the eye! It’s because I’m old and think that this is my disciples of the Spring Mountain, I’ve got it wrong! I’ve already severely punished the disciple!”

"Oh, that's it!" the captain nodded. "This is really a big deal. It's normal for Blue Dao to be cautious!"

"Well, all the friends can understand the old and the hardships that are the best!" Lan Yu Gong said, "When the road friends are on the tour, it is best to follow the pre-defined regional tour, do not overstep! In addition, Because of the collection of Lingshi in Quanzhao Mountain, there are many caves in the ground. It is very similar to the maze. If some curious friends are gone wrong and go deep into the ground, they may not come back! Remember, remember!"

Immediately, Lan Lan was greeted with resignation.

Cui Hongjun looked at Xiao Hua and waited for it. He didn't say much. He felt that Xiao Hua and Ming Hao were a little late, but he wouldn't ask more!

In the next few ri, although Xiao Hua has some convergence, he can take advantage of the 1ri to take the small silver and sneak into the ground, crazy to extract the chalcedony. However, this chalcedony is really hard, and the silver enamel is just beginning to work. Later, Xiao Hua took out the wishful stick directly. One stick is a small piece... Just when Xiao Hua is happy, in the spring Near the left side of the Lushan Lingshi vein, there are more than a dozen sword repairs!

The current sword repair is not a side entry, it is Ling Yunwu of Lingfeng Jianmen!

But see Ling Yunwu's brows wrinkled, the flying swords under the feet slowly flew, the gods swept out, looking for a little bit!

Poor Ling Yunwu, when he first came to Baiyu Mountain, he could not find any clues. When he came for the second time, he found a trace by secret technique and found his trustworthy number. Ten bright swordsmen were killed.

Even if it is found, what is the use? Lingyun Wuyi 1ri is no clue!

“It’s far from the patrol city! And it’s ridiculous. What kind of monk’s monk will come here?”

"Or hundreds of Zhuji monks? Will Lingmou be completely surrounded by these swordsmen?"

"Well, the monks in the patrol city were forced to protect the Lingshi vein by Lu Ruochang's plan! That must be hundreds of Zhuji monks coming to Baiyushan to help!"

"If it is a simple passing, it can't be hundreds, only a few or a dozen! Only in the vicinity of Baiyu Mountain, they can gather together!"

"Where... Where is this Lingshi vein? Here Ling has not been here, but I have never noticed the signs of Lingshi veins!"

Ling Yunwu is really a bit crazy, he also has the task of attacking the Lingshi vein, but it is not in the vicinity of Baiyu Mountain, and his mission is more important than attacking the Lingshi vein, but it is a silk wood o, Lv Ruochang has been extremely accidentally obtained from Million Mengshan. Now it is exactly what I want to use. Let him go where to find another piece? Moreover, there is a sword sac, which is also a precious and tight thing, he... he just lost it! Think about him as a shame! It is too much care!

Another flight of a small half ri, Ling Yunwu came to the mountains of Quanji Mountain!

Ling Yunwu sighed, his body fell on the mountains, and the disciples scattered around him were also flying. The faces on each face were embarrassing, and obviously there was no discovery.

"Ling Shi brother..." A disciple who is also a magic sword, whispered, "The monks who built the foundation... I am afraid that I have already returned to the patrol city? I am waiting for such an inch and inch, the possibility of success is very small. o Ah!"

"Oh, it’s strange!" Ling Yunwu sat on a boulder in the mountains and smiled bitterly. "Lv Ruochang sent a flying sword to the book, saying that she could not find the trace of the sword pouch with mystery. Being used to force the ban, it is too far from the sword field! Maybe... Lingmou really guessed wrong? Is there really a late Jindan, or a monk of Yuan Ying?"

"This... Yuan Yingxiu will not start with the Liangjian disciple, at best it will be Jindan monk!" The disciple whispered.

"Oh, maybe!" Ling Yunwu is undecided. "The important thing now is to find the silk wood o! Otherwise... the life of the beasts will be lost! Lingmou has no face to see!"

"Here, the younger brother has also been there, and I have never seen any Lingshi veins!" The disciple looked at the endless pine wood and shook his head.

"Hey~ I can't find it, it doesn't mean there isn't it here, maybe it's under this jungle?" Lingyun Wu snorted and waved his hand. The flying sword flew like a fire, "Banglong" Under the mountains, the trees with a radius of several tens of feet are destroyed, and the flames are rushing for a time!

Looking at the burning flames in the flames, it was slowly extinguished. The blackened trees fell on the snowy ground. The disciples had a bitter smile on their faces and said: "If you want to go with your younger brothers... Look at this jungle?"

"Well, let's go!" Ling Yunwu nodded. "Let's find some more places!"

"Yes!" The disciple took the lead.

Immediately, the sound of "Rumble" sounded from the jungle, and the pieces of trees began to fall to the ground!

"Hey, some feelings of finding a needle in a haystack o!"

Although the disciples of Lingfeng Jianmen are moving very fast, the range they are looking for is comparable to that of the entire jungle. It is still small and pitiful. When they check all the places, they don’t know how long it will take!

"Hey!" Ling Yunwu once again sighed slightly, and was born with confession. He knew that all things had happened, and regret could not solve any problems. But he always thinks involuntarily: "If... of course, Lingmou personally went... wouldn’t this happen?"

Another time is the work of a cup of tea, Ling Yunwu seems to be restless, his body flies up, his feet fly swords, rushing to the sky, and the mountain towards the other side of the spring mountain is flying!

It’s just that he has just flew more than a hundred feet, and from the northeast is a sword light flying, the sword is blue and water, clear and incomparable!

"Oh?" Ling Yunwu saw this Jianguang, his face did not feel that there was a smile, and the frustration just now was concealed! The sword light that is under the enthusiasm of the fire is also welcoming!

Waiting for the sword to fly close, but see that the flying sword is really a middle-aged woman, the standard sword repair dress, big eyes, towering chest, white skin is very conspicuous!

"French!" The female swordsman shouted Lingyun Wu.

"Oh? Hey, you are not in the position of the sword gate, what are you doing here?" Ling Yunwu smiled and stretched his hand, as if to catch the female swordsman.

This female swordsman is the son of Ling Yunwu.

Yu Yan’s face was full of smiles. He couldn’t wait to fly to Ling Yunwu’s body. He couldn’t wait to take a sword out and shouted: “Fu Jun, there is a good news to tell you!”

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