Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1088: Have a well-thought-out

The dwarf limped along the bottom while twitching the nose, sometimes from the left, sometimes from the right, sometimes from the dive, and from time to time, just following the soil.

The dwarf's soil-expanding technique is different from Xiao Hua's bandit technique. There is no Guanghua body in the whole body. Only the dwarf's hands and feet move, the dwarf's body shape will move, and all the people of the world will be above the ground. Just like walking around.

However, the dwarf sneaked for a long time, and the figure was slowed down. The dwarf's face was not shocked. This shows that the soil here is different from other places, exactly what he is looking for. Sure enough, it was a small half hour, the soil under the feet was very hard, and the dwarf could no longer sneak a half step. The dwarfs looked around, and along the hard soil layer, they went to the inside of the Quanshan Mountains.

In the spring of the mountain, like a cave in the palace, there is a secluded place. Tu Hongzheng and Lan Lan facelessly sit on two chairs. The front of the chair is a square mirror with a size of one foot. A yellow piece of earth. Among the khaki-colored cockroaches, a **** red color is extremely obvious across the lower half of the mirror!

Look at the distance not far from the blood, there are more than a dozen dark little points, slowly moving, approaching this bloodline.

"The generals!" Seeing that the little point is getting closer, the blue dragon can't help but move, whispering, "This sword repair... Where did you come to the high man? Actually, there are more than a dozen! They... ... actually understand the five elements of 遁 !!!!!!"

However, Tu Hong did not seem to hear it, his face was only with a light, cold look at those black spots approaching the blood!

Seeing that Tu Hong did not answer, Lan Lan first stopped his mouth, but it was also a practice of tea. He couldn’t help but remind him: "The generals! They are getting closer, fearing that they will find the prohibition of my spring mountain. It!"

"Blue brother!" Tu Hong raised his head at this time and sighed. "Tu may remind you more than once, for the sake of the road, first cure the heart. Lingshan collapses in the front and the color remains unchanged. And the eyes are not instantaneous, then you can make a profit, you can wait for the enemy. You even panicked the tricks of these dozens of ghostly clowns, how can you improve?"

"Hey, the general! This is easier said than done. It is difficult to do it!" Blue sighed. "The little old man knows that these dozens of clowns are fearless. But behind them? That's thousands of swords! Even if I am not afraid of them, I am not afraid of them, but my Lingshi veins of the springs are soon. Exposed to the generals of the generals soon disappeared? Without the Quanshan Mountain, the position of the generals in the Sky City is also in jeopardy!"

"Well, Blue Brother is worried about Tu. Zumou is ridiculing his brother, but Tu is really unbearable!" Tu Hong looked a little bit and got up and shook hands. "Tumou apologizes to his brother!"

"Oh, nothing!" Lan Lan hurriedly blocked Tu Hong. Laughing, "The little old man still wants to use the power of the general to repair Jindan, this is also for the young and old!"

"Oh, the blue brother's mind is known to all of you!" Tu Hong took the opportunity to sit down and hand in his hand. "Actually, the old man thought, nothing more than fear that the Lingshi vein of the spring mountain was discovered by the sword." Well, I even mentioned it faintly... This is the arrival of the disciples of the Three Kingdoms. Will it attract the attention of Jian Xiu and bring a devastating disaster to Quanshan?"

"Well, yes, the old man said so!" Lan Yu did not hide his nod. "Yan Xifu's parliamentary hall is purely high. The commander of Hu Hu, they don't send disciples, I am very confused. Well, after thousands of years, I was not worried about being discovered by Jian Jian. Now it’s good. Their reinforcements have just arrived for a few days? Jian Xiu has chased it!”

"Yeah!" Tu Hong nodded, and asked if he could not. "Is the disciple of the last smashing stone vein found?"

"No! There are no clues!" Lan Lan is very surprised why Tu Hong suddenly asked this shaking his head. "And there is no change in the prohibition of Quanshan Mountain! I am afraid that the disciple is watching the eyes!"

"What rumors can be found among the disciples of the Three Kingdoms?" Tu Hong suddenly asked.

“Gossip?” Lan Lan was very strange, and stunned, “No... I haven’t heard any rumors!”

"Well, that's good!" Tu Hong nodded, a reassuring look, said, "I am very strict with the array of Quanshan. Since there is no foreign enemy sneaking in, it is to explain that the figure that does not know whether it exists is my spring. The monk inside Lushan! Of course, this is just speculation, maybe not! And now there is no rumor, the sword attack is on the verge, who cares if he has it?"

"Yes!" Lan Lan or Zhang Er's monk couldn't figure it out, so he nodded.

"A lot of things...not to let Blue Brother know!" Tu Hong saw it, mysterious smile. "As long as the martial arts war in Quanzhao Mountain is over, no matter whether Quanshan Mountain is exposed or not, it is harmless to Tu. The lord of the city in the Sky City... will praise the car!"

"Ah?" Blue 沁 沁 楞 楞 楞 楞 楞 楞 楞 楞 楞 楞 楞 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随 随

"嘘~" Tu Hong erected his index finger and put it on his lips. He smiled. "Some things... can't be said. Who knows if there is another monk next to this cave that I can't find? Waiting for the end of the matter! Oh, look at it, the sword repair is close to the ban!"

Said, Tu Hong will point to the mirror of the square, and surely a dozen small points are close to the bloodshot from all directions!

However, just when these small points are approaching the bloodshot, they all stop there again! Then it was like an ant on a hot pot. The group turned for a moment, and each dispersed, around the bloodshot, wandering up!

Lan Lan’s face showed a hint of ease.

But Tu Hong is frowning, and for a moment, whispered: "The soil layer of this Lingshi vein is very solid. It is both the reliance of my Quanshan defensive law and the place where it is easy to be found! Although they can't go deep into the soil, they should already know that something is awkward!"

Immediately, Tu Hong said: "Blue brother, go to inform the disciples and kill the swords near them!"

"Ah?" Lan Lan slightly hesitated, arched, "Little old man is over!"

It didn't take long for the blue dragon to go out, but when I saw the mirror, I didn't see any extra images. The three small dots that were on the upper side of the bloodshot suddenly began to accelerate. It seemed to be frightened and fled to the chaos!

"Hey?" Seeing these three small points are getting farther away from the blood, Tu Hong is a bit strange, his face gradually shows a dignified color! Waiting for those small points to come out from the khaki mirror, Tu Hong is taking a hand, a glory of light from his hand, covering the mirror of the square, the mirror begins to shrink, waiting for a contraction At the size of the ruler, Tu Hong grabbed his hand and gave birth to a yellow light between the five fingers. He held the mirror tightly. With the glory of the yellow light, the mirror turned into a Mitsubishi look!

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