Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1101: Tu Hong’s means

"Ha ha ha! You are the Jindan monk of Quanyu Mountain!" Yuan Qing laughed and urged the sword and said, "There is even a clear understanding of the old man's name. It seems that he wants to taste the old man's power." !"

"呜~" The giant python circling in the air, a lot of earthy heaven and earth aura condensed rapidly, blocking many monks under the body, that giant mouth is to swallow the sun into the belly!

On the time of the trip, the whole battlefield was dimmed, as if the shouts of the sword repair and the monks were also reduced. ?

However, Tu Hong’s face is very grim, and Yuan Qing’s face is calm and intriguing.

Tu Hong urges mana, while controlling the magic weapon, while quickly releasing the thoughts, sweeping to the British and others!

However, when he was swept over Lingyunwu and other dozens of magic swordsmen, his face changed greatly!

Perhaps it was his shock, his mood was disturbed; perhaps his mana was not enough to suppress Yuan Qing’s flying sword, he heard Yuan Qing’s sword pick a little, and called: “Breaken!”

I saw a few faint light rays on the khaki giant python, and then the light was sharply increased, and the abdomen of the python suddenly increased rapidly!

"Peng" made a loud noise, and a hot breath came out from the giant snake. The flying sword actually broke through the siege of the giant python, and it will come out!

Moreover, the flying sword did not seem to stop, quickly flexed a few times, and immediately turned into a fiery red streamer stabbed to Tu Hong.

This time, the flying sword is different from the previous one, and it is not too strong, only to see countless Mars spilling out of the streamer! However, Tu Hong’s face in the bureau is not easy, and a huge pressure has emerged from the air. Moreover, Tu Hong’s thoughts swept over the flying sword, and the strong force contained in the flying sword made him feel unwilling to slack off! The attacking power of Jian Xiu is not a child's play, let alone the flying sword of the magic sword monk!

"Go!" Tu Hong will take a trick, the magic weapon that has been restored into a spear, crossed an arc in midair, and stabbed the flying sword in the oblique thorn!

A loud bang, the spear and the flying sword met together, splashing countless Mars! An ugly humming sound was born again at the impact of the spear and the flying sword, and rapidly expanded to the entire battlefield! Nearly a dozen monks and swordsmen could not bear the spurt of the deep bone marrow, and they fell from the air.

Look at the flying sword like a fireball that has been watered, some faint fluttering in the air; Tu Hong's spear is also slightly flipped in the air. Slanting floats beside it!

"Hey? You... also know how to repair the sword?" Yuan Qing’s eyes flashed a trace of accident. Asked out loud.

Immediately, look up and down on Tu Hong’s outfit. If you think about it, "If you haven’t practiced flying swords, it’s also related to my sword field!"

"Hey. Sword repair is so proud. You are too conceited! Is it true that the flying sword of my Taoist is better than the sword of the swordsman? Can you know a little flying sword? "Tuo Hong sneered, "If there is a Taoist monk who killed you with a sword, you must say that he must be a swordsman of sword repair?"

"Yeah. Wanliuguizong! It is said that whether it is a monk or a swordsman, it is the same in the fairy world! Your knowledge is not bad!" Yuanqing is still a strong attitude, and asked, "You know The old man is Yuan Qing. Why don’t he apply for his name?”

"Hey, the two armies are on the opposite side, knowing each other and knowing one's own battles!" Tu Hong sneered. "You have been surrounded by the sword for many days, and I have been inspecting the situation of Izumi Mountain. How could it be today? I don’t know my name?"

Yuan Qing listened, and for a while, he didn't really think so much!

"Hey, Lao Tzu will kill you, but also who you are!" Yuan Qing will take a hand, the flying sword fell in his hands.

"Hey, the swordsman is just like this!" Tu Hong naturally will not be weak.

"Haha, the old man will let you see what is the real magic sword!" Yuan Qing laughed, his body slowly flew up, the body really spurred, a splendid sword light shot from Yuan Qing, one The unusually hot swordsmanship could not help but rushed out. Under this time, Li Wei and Ying Wei, who were the closest to Yuan Qing, couldn’t stand it anymore. They hurriedly spurred their bodies to fly backwards and went straight through dozens of feet. Stop it!

But seeing Yuan Qing’s body sprouting, the air around him is burning, and the Jianguang gradually rushes into the sword in his hand as the flame grows, so the flying sword is more bright and gradually elongated!

At the same time, with the extension of Feijian, Yuan Qing's body shape is also beginning to be illusory, began to lengthen, and faintly merged with Feijian into a yiti trend!

Seeing this situation, where will Tu Hong wait? With a wave of his hand, he urged the real yuan, and the spear was once again turned into a giant rush to Yuanqing. At the same time, Tu Hong’s two methods were once again inciting, and the aura around him was condensed in his body!

"嗡~~~" is the familiar sound of the sword, but the sound of the sword is getting higher and higher. When the pole is reached, Yuan Qing’s flying sword and Yuan Qing’s arms are yiti, and he The figure is a faint conversion between the long sword and the human figure!

"呜~" At this time, Tuohong’s spear has already flown to the front, and there is a faint smell of scent in the **** serpent, but see Yuan Qing’s arm slightly lifted up, and the long sword draws a shadow. It seems to be slow, but it can be very fast. All of a sudden, it is the first arrival, and it is the mouth of the spear.

The sound of the impact of "铿" is different again, but unlike the previous one, the spear just hit the long sword, and immediately it is divided into three virtual shadows to bypass the flying sword, and it rushes to Yuanqing!

"Oh, your Taoist darling likes to get something that is imaginary!" Yuan Qing’s voice made a stone-like embarrassment. Immediately, the sword was divided into three more rapid swords than the spears, and it was all over the shadow of the giant python!

But at this time, the change is born again, and the mountain where Yuan Qing is located suddenly rushes out hundreds of thorns. These thorns rush into the air, and the surrounding earth and earth aura is also condensed, all of which are turned into thorns. Part of it, the speed of the legs toward Yuan Qing is stabbed!

"Oh, there are some means!" Yuan Qingwei, hurriedly waved his hand, and several swords and light flew over, "brushing brush ~" will be the ground thorns are cut off! The end is very sharp.

However, Jianguang has just flashed, and within the square space of Yuanqing's up and down and a few feet, countless thorns are also appearing like the branches of the exploration, and they are close to Yuanqing's body!

"Ah?" Yuan Qing is somewhat unexpected. It is easy to break the thorn from the side, but the sharp thorn sword flashes a dark brilliance, which is not easy to deal with! Yuan Qing did not dare to neglect, the whole body of Jianguang circulated, and the whole human form gradually disappeared, turning into a long sword!

"咔~!" The rapid spread of the thorns, will soon cover the Yuanqing, and suddenly closed up, and firmly wrapped it!

However, the British and other people are far from watching, and there is no intention to help.

"Stab" Tu Hong's face flashed a trace of cockroaches, and the hand was caught in the compressed ground thorn group, it is to push the mana again. At this time, the turbid ground thorn group suddenly burst into a sharp sword light, swept through the middle of the ground thorn group, and then a flying sword flew out from the ground thorn!

"Ha ha ha!" Yuan Qing's mad laugh came out from the flying sword, and then his figure could no longer maintain the sword shape, flashing a few slashed sword light revealed!

"What is the magical power of my sword repair, how can you know what you said?" Yuan Qing raised his eyebrows. "You are a powerful spell, but you can repair it with your sword... just a little insect!"

"Is it?" Tu Hong sneered at the other hand that had been hidden in the robe. He suddenly waved out, and the fluctuation of spiritual power trembled around Tu Hong!

"Ah? Is this?" Yuan Qingda, his eyes flashed, it was just around the corner of the spear that had just been smashed into two halves by his sword!

"Bang Long ~" Yuan Qing just saw the wreckage of the spear, the six wreckage is the khaki brilliance of flashing juliè, bursting like a fireworks! An extremely powerful tearing force rushes to Yuan Qing's body!

"Bad!" Seeing that Tu Hong actually blew his magic weapon, Yuan Qing was shocked, and his body flew quickly to escape from the outside!

But he is still slow, six strengths like six big hands tearing his body, throwing him away from the sky! The most chilling thing about Yuan Qing is that he has just tried to escape the six forces. The thorn that was previously broken by him is also ignited by this magic weapon, and the greater blasting power hits his whole body!

"Hey~" Yuan Qing couldn't keep his hand when he was shocked. He will open his mouth and a blood-red sword light will fly out, and it will be like a streamer stinging to the bursting ground thorn!

Extremely weird, this sword has been stabbed, just like piercing a blast pocket, the bursting ground thorn is just leaking, and the rapid contraction of the place where the sword light penetrates, then disappeared! The color of the little sword that rushed through the bursting ground thorn was also dimmed a lot!

"Ha ha ha, Yuan Qing old thief, how is Tu's means?" Tu Hong Yang smiled, and then the whole body gradually emerged from the khaki brilliance, the body fell to the ground, it disappeared!

At the same time, many Taoist monks have also left the battle group and flew to the ground, disappearing with Tu Hong!

"嗡嗡~~~" A huge sound of swords, the fiery red sword light flashed, and Yuan Qing was transformed into a long sword. It was cut in the place where Tu Hong had just disappeared, and a loud bang was heard. A crack in the depth of a few feet appeared on the ground!

And waiting for the long sword to become the shape of Yuan Qing, his face is a burst of pale!

"There is hateful!" Yuan Qing's eyes are round and round, standing in the middle of the air, and the long sword in his hand is shouting loudly.

Yes, Yuan Qing is a swordsman of the three swords of the magic sword. The strength is comparable to that of the late Jin Dan. If it is about the attack power, it is more than the late Jin Dan. The strength of his previous use of the flying sword is definitely the Tu Hong. incomparable! However, Tu Hong just attacked him by using Feijian Shentong, and immediately used the burst of the ground thorn, and the magic weapon blew himself to trap Yuan Qing! Although Yuan Qing did not suffer any serious injuries, only Jian Yuan was somewhat depleted, and suffered some minor injuries that were not minor injuries. But... Think of Tu Hong as the peak of Jin Dan’s early stage, and he has never been to the monk in the middle of Jindan. ! This face of Yuan Qing... It’s a bit too big! (To be continued.)

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