Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: Lingxiao

How can Xiaohua at this time have time to observe the changes in the body? He complained in his heart, trying to refine the aura of heaven and earth that the body rushed into, and not let his meridians and flesh be blasted by the heavens and the earth!

Previously, Xiao Hua tried his best to improve the repairs. He wanted to inhale the aura of the heavens and the earth. Now that a swarm of bees has come, he is worried! It’s just a worry, it’s terrible! More than the Mohlin Black Forest is fierce, there are several times... Xiaohua's meridians are beyond the limit, almost bursting, can be born, let the dragons refine and refine the heavens and the earth, avoiding a robbery!

Today, Xiao Hua is like dancing on a sharp blade. There is a slight distraction, either stabbed to death by the blade or falling into the abyss and dying!

Even the hidden Xiao Hua is so dangerous, what other people still use?

Within the entire Quanji Mountain Lingshi vein, within a few miles, it has become a **** of human!

As early as the first wave of whistling from the nine eyes, the swordsmen and refinery disciples scattered on the edge of the formation have been unable to withstand the impact of the heavens and the earth, one by one in the screams The meridians burst and the body tears! Waiting for Ling Xiao to enter the chalcedony range where Xiao Hua and others are located, among the swordsmen and monks who were the first to be shocked by the whistle, the mid-term and the bright swords of the foundation have begun to escape towards the ground!

However, they are not escaping. They only need to start a flight or a sword. The aura of the day will flood into the body, but they will be rushed to dozens of feet, even a hundred feet. of!

Even the poultry repairs, which are particularly strong and have a very fast flight speed, are only rushed to hundreds of feet. It was also caught up in the whistle caused by the second wave of chalcedony. There was no suspense at all, and it was all explosive!

After waiting for the second wave of whistling, the entire spring of the Quanji Mountain veins is only infinitely rushing back and forth, reversing and swaying again and again, once again, the life of the swordsmen and monks is harvested, and there is no difference between the enemy and the enemy. There has been no sound inside!

At this time, it is very strange, in the dozens of previous thoughts can not find. There are dozens of quite large bubbles. These bubbles float like floating in the sea, slowly floating above the ground, and within each bubble, there are hundreds more. From twenty to thirty stunned monks!

but. Obviously these monks are dressed in the costumes of Quanjishan disciples. No one is wearing a Taoist robes!

"Upper... General!" Inside a bubble-like array, the blue screams were extremely horrified, with an incredible look on his face. Whispered, "This... is this the strategy of the generals?"

Tu Hong’s face was also pale, and his knees were sitting in the middle of the bubble, and he looked up slightly to see the orange-yellow one outside the bubble. The mouth and nose sniffed the heavy blood and the blood through the bubble. The smell of the earthworms, a hint of ruthlessness in the eyes.

"But... the lives of thousands of disciples..." The blue eyes flashed a bit of hesitation, and asked again, "The generals are not good enough to explain to the Yan Xifu House of Representatives!"

"Ha ha ha ~" heard this, Tu Hong laughed, and did not talk to Lan Lan, and pointed his hand, "Blue brother, you look, I have thousands of disciples in Quanshan, now How many are left?"

"Moreover, what do you see, how many swordsmen have invaded my Quanjing Mountain Lingshi vein? I have only killed a dozen of his sword swordsmen! What can you blame for the Laozi Temple?"

"I just want to kill the sword repair, but I don't want to damage the life of my monk. Even if I want to lose the life of the monk, I don't want to lose the life of my disciple. I just want to let my disciples go to fill the life. Where is this? Good things? Do you use the lives of these thousands of disciples not to be buried with tens of thousands of disciples in Quanzhao Mountain? Isn’t it just to kill thousands or even thousands of swordsmen? I’m going straight to the city’s master of the Sky City. What is the life, what is the matter of the temple? What is the old man? Cough..." Tu Hong is somewhat emotional, and a few mouthfuls of blood are seeping from the corners of his mouth. Lan Lan hurriedly took out a few medicinal herbs and handed them to Tu Hongdao. "The generals cut Mo Mo, your body Jin Dan was damaged when he was urging the squad. If it is not repaired in time, it will affect the pregnant baby!"

"Hey, you can kill dozens of magic swordsmen, that is Laozi's dream, even if Jin Dan is broken, Laozi is willing!" Tu Hong sneered, but still will take the Dan medicine.

Waiting for Tu Hong to take the medicinal herbs, Lan Lan asked: "The generals must be sure that these dozens of magic swordsmen are going to fall?"

"That is nature! Just like the tide of heaven and earth aura is that I was shocked, I have never thought of this... The law is so good!" Tu Hong is also worried about the heart, "even if the Yuan Ying monk arrived. Among them, as long as he does not rush out of the ban, I am afraid that Yuan Ying will also be blasted! At this time, Laozi can pack the ticket, and there will be no more living!"

Tu Hong just finished, in the distance is a scream of screaming eagle, this sound is naturally the sound of the English in the poultry repair, which is the highest in the poultry repair, has been hidden, has been suffering Struggling, seeing a Taoist sect appearing next to you, where can you stand it?

But seeing a black shadow rushing to a bubble not far from Tu Hong, under the sharp wings of Ying Ying, he is extremely easy to get into! However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he had just rushed into the smash of the incoming, and countless days of aura rushed in. For a moment, the whole law was broken!

Hundreds of Quanji Mountain disciples only slightly resisted for a moment, all of which are bursting with meridians! The corpse fell in the soil!

Only the English cockroaches were slightly stunned in the place where the bubble was.

However, almost breathing, the whole body of the British trembled, the bird feathers that turned into a tremor, and the whole body began to expand slowly!

"Peng" sounded softly, a burst of blood flashed, flesh and blood flew, the birds and feathers fell, and the British were also fallen in the big battle.

The fall of the British mile is not too far from the blue dragonfly. The blue 沁勉 force can see what is happening, and the horror of the heart does not feel down and look at his feet!

"Mo looked!" Tu Hong sneered, "If it is the squad that waits for me to wait, I will wait for the same fall! It is the so-called life and death that lives in the sky, but it is!"

"Yes, my subordinates understand!" Lan Yu nodded slightly, but things involved his own life, he can not rest assured after all, until the bubble rose nearly half an hour, close to the edge of the law, no more movement, this is not Put the restless heart down.

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