Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1192: Serious protest

"Hey, dry teacher! Are you sure?" Xiao Hua smiled and took out the storage bag at the waist. "It doesn't matter if the disciple takes something out, my face is Ruizong..."

"This is nothing to do with the face of Yu Leizong!" The old righteousness of Qianmo is stunned. "Everything must be based on the situation!"

"How? Xiao Shizhen, is there anything in the storage bag that you dare not let me wait to see?" Li Chengxu came to the interest, "How is this kind of shoving?"

“Hey!” Xiao Hua sighed and opened the storage bag. When he claped his hands, all the things in the storage bag were taken out and scattered on the entire forum. A **** smell was filled with the whole time. The House of Parliament!

"Ah?" On the agenda, a group of Jindan monks are all awkward!

But seeing Xiao Hua’s other is not the other. It’s the corpse of the male and female disciples of the Royal Leizong. The male disciple said that although the broken arm and the broken head, the female disciples are naked. , revealing the white skin, the blood of the private parts, unsightly...

"Xiao Hua!!! How can you get these corpses out?" When they were in the air, they were furious!

"Don't be a master, you are letting the younger generation come out!" Xiao Hua's face was red, and he was wronged. "The younger generation thinks that these uncles or teachers have no merits, but they are really indispensable. They can't let them throw the dead wilderness, and they want to bring the corpses of these uncles or sergeants back to Yu Leizong, but they haven't touched other female disciples of Yu Leizong. The younger generations can't organize them, so they are all piled up. Inside the storage bag! These are the disciples who got it on the way! Li Shishu has to let the disciples take it out, and the disciple also told the uncle..."

"Fast. Get up quickly!" said dry and mad.

"Yes~" Xiao Hua looked, but still dare not clean up, looked at Li Chengxu with a sly look.

Xiao Hua will suddenly be angry and angry, and said: "Li Chengxu, my Royal Leizong disciple is fighting in front of the blood, the body is different, you are here to blame my junior disciples, the old man and you No end, the old man... The old husband, on behalf of Yu Leizong, expressed serious protest to the House of Representatives!!!"

"唉" Li Chengxu sighed and waved. "Xiao Shizhen. You... hurry to collect it!"

"This..." Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. "At this time, the younger generation seems to be unsuitable for collection. Also, which teacher and uncle will receive it with the disciple? Then ask the teacher to help clean up!"

"Let's come over!" The fierce mountain fires will not let it go, and will wave his hand. Several female corpses were collected in storage bags. And Xiao Hua hastened to collect the bodies of other males!

At this time, where can I do other things in the hall? Li Chengxu’s male and female disciples outside the hall came in several. The corpse was picked up and went out to clean up, and Xiao Hua looked helplessly. It seems that these things should be done by the Royal Lei Zong disciples themselves.

However, when I saw the appearance of a dry stranger, Xiao Hua suddenly understood that even if it should be done by Yu Leizong disciples, the dry stranger would not let Yu Leizong disciples do it, because... he would avoid it! He wants to let others know how imperial and unselfish, what a vain and innocent inheritance! Yu Leizong is a ceremonial faction, a Xi nationality school that is convinced by virtue! All affairs, all communication must have a grand style! ! !

Suddenly, Xiao Hua’s heart was a little bit painful. He thought of the ruin before dying. He didn’t know if the sacrifice was worth it. At the same time, there was some envy in his heart, envying Li Zongbao’s pride and envying bliss. Hey, he is back!

And Yu Leizong’s dry strangers will only be “seriously concerned, strictly related, strongly dissatisfied and seriously protested”. Is this useful?

Look at Li Chengxu, his face is also a bit gloomy. He did not expect that Xiao Hua would come to such a hand. However, while he was shocked, he also read the things without any mercy, except for some medicinal herbs and instruments. Wait, there is really nothing special.

"Da Shishu" Xiao Hua touched his hand and took out some jade slips. There were also many tokens handed to the dry stranger. He said, "This is the token of the brothers and sisters, as well as the exercises, etc. What the disciples can find, they also found it."

"Well, it's hard for you!" Dry nodded slightly, reached out and answered. He asked a little and asked, "What about the sisters?"

"Good teacher knows the uncle!" Xiao Hua did not hide it. He lost his smile. "The uncle is entrusting the disciples to the disciples before they go. Her old man is a water-based physique. Find what was introduced, and the disciple found a suitable disciple to teach!"

"Not right!" Qianmo shook his head. "Although the practice of smashing is a water-based method, it is also the practice of my Royal Leizong. You can't allow the lord to agree that the cover cannot be circulated. You still give it to me!"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua did not hesitate to take the appropriate exercises and some of the instruments to the dry. These things he had already copied, and he didn't feel distressed at all, and the dry stranger knew that Xiao Hua was not a water attribute and there was no doubt.

However, when I looked at the implement, I asked: "Oh? Is there no magic weapon for the sister?"

Xiao Hua is embarrassed to say: "This disciple does not know!"

"Hey, Xiao Hua is really not a child..." The glimpse of the bliss, sighed, "With these corpses on the way, if he is not good, if he has Yu Leizong in his heart... These things? Not to mention others, that is, my bliss disciples, the old man can not guarantee that the disciples can see the corpse capital of the same door can bring back!"

"Really!" Huo Ping also nodded. "Especially Xiao Hua's respect for the corpse is far more than the old man's expectation! If I have this disciple in the flaming mountain, the old body will definitely reward this one~"

"Hey~ Although he is not your martial mountain disciple, you can be a disciple more than a martial mountain disciple!" Li Chengxu sneered, he was just made by Xiao Hua, and some face was lost, but when he heard Huo Ping’s words, he was Some evil fires came up, as if I saw that they were so run by Xiao Hua and Huo Ping at the bidding meeting of the Sky City!

He glanced at everyone. Apparently everyone was very impressed with Xiao Hua at this time, and he couldn't think of any way to toss Xiao Hua. But when he saw Xiao Mao's next to him, he was bright again. He smiled and said: "Xiao Shizhen, your meritorious husband will not mention it. Your Royal Leizong must be rewarded, and the meeting will be held. After that, the reward of the House of Representatives will also be sent to Yu Leizong."

Xiao Hua listened to this, naturally knowing that there must be "but" after it, and said with deep pain: "This kind of credit, Xiaomou don't want it!"

"Hey~" Xiao Hua said the same thing, Li Chengxu did not know how to take over.

"Good!" He said, "I have the ambition! There is a hero!! There is a bone!"

"If you praise, then you will say something out of the House of Representatives!" Li Chengxu said with no anger. He asked, "Xiao Shizhen, the old man is still somewhat curious. The killing of the beast is done by Li Zongbao, but he can find Xiao Mao. You went by yourself. How did you rescue Xiao Mao from the swordsman?"

Xiao Hua originally wrote a story. It can be seen that Li Chengxu today is not a good boy. He smiled and said: "Good teacher Li Shishu knows that when the younger generation flew out of the abandoned Lingshi vein, it was met. Xiao Mao, who is not dead, listens to this guy who said that when he woke up, he saw a few corpses lying on the ground, and he himself was also controlled by the ban of sword repair. When he was easy to break free, he met the younger generation... ...噢, the specific Li Shishu still asks Xiao Mao himself!"

Xiao Mao heard Xiao Hua’s saying that he had long understood Xiao Hua’s thoughts, and when Xiao Hua finished, he immediately went to the body and waited for Li Chengxu’s opening to say: “Xiao’s brother said it is! I saw it when I saw Xiao Brother. The younger generation was confused and knew nothing. It was not until I saw Xiao Brother that I realized that I had escaped from the sky. What happened specifically, why did I only have the younger generation myself? Of course, the younger generation also brought back the corpse of my priest to teach the disciples, if Li brothers want to see, the younger generation will take it out!"

"Slow!" Seeing Xiao Mao said that he was going to take the storage bag, Li Chengxu hurriedly stopped and stopped, joking, just offended Yu Leizong, if he offended the swan geese, how could he stay in the Sky City? ?

Sure enough, that Gao Wei is already a face of iron, today... 浔 教 教 教 教 教 教 教 教 教 教 教! Not waiting for Li Chengxu to say anything, he called: "You are really good! Your credit master remembers! When you return to the station, the old man will definitely give you a reward!"

"Yes, thank you Gao Shishu!" Xiao Mao said, "However, the disciple is now being recruited by Li Shixiong of the philanthropic family. For the time being, he still has to obey the command of Li Shixiong.

"Good!" Gao Wei nodded. "Li Zongbao is a model for the younger generation of my compatriots. You can learn a lot with him!"

"Yes, the disciple knows ~" Xiao Mao told the promise.

Seeing that both Xiao Hua and Xiao Mao are shouting, they refused to tell the details of the matter. The Jin Dan monk of the House of Parliament is not a fool. Naturally, he knows that there must be some embarrassment. Regardless of whether Xiaohua has any unknown means, that is, what is the innate water, then what Lingshi veins, Xiao Hua and Xiao Mao, and even Li Zongbao will have some benefits. Can be biased by the three people is a meritorious person, Li Chengxu slightly forced a few to make the chicken fly dog ​​jump, who will say more?

At this time, it was smashed by three Zhuji disciples. It seems to be fooled. It is a fool. If you really ask, and pursue it, it will become a fool! And that the Taiqing dynasty is even more squinting, if you look at Xiaohua as if nothing, it seems to be thinking about something.

Li Chengxu naturally knows this truth, and he has to find a step for himself!

But when he saw him smiled and said: "The two Xiao Shizhen, presumably what blood relatives? Or how can Xiao Hua Shi Yan take the risk to go looking for Xiao Mao Shi! You wait for such a deep feeling, really let the old man envy!" to be continued……)

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