Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1194: Wake up

"Who?" Cui Hongyi was shocked. He knew that the residence ban at this time was different from the previous one. In order to protect them, although he did not take his token away, his token was called to keep his disciples coming in. He was Can't go out!

Immediately, Cui Hongyi was surprised again: "Xiao Shidi... Are you back?"

However, when Cui Hongyi opened his eyes and saw Xiao Hua standing alone in front of him, when he was not accompanied by his disciples, he was also awkward. "How do you come in? How do you keep the disciples?"

"Do not ask me how come in!" Xiao Hua coldly said, "You are not good practice, you ... what are you laughing?"

"Oh, Cui Mou is trying to cultivate, but I think I will return to Wanlei Valley soon. I have to see Master and Shi Niang, and I can't help but laugh!" Cui Hongyi naturally won't tell the truth.

"I didn't expect to change to the teacher?"

"Oh, that's natural!" Cui Hongyi did not deny, "The nightmare returned to Lei Feng five years ago. I don't know how it happened at this time? Does she know that I have no commandment!"

"Are you worried that she will repair with others?" Xiao Hua said coldly.

"This..." Cui Hongyi was very upset by Xiao Hua's cold water. He occasionally thought of it during his time, but he immediately denied it. His life and death are unknown. How can he choose another person to marry?

"If it is a double revision with other people?" Xiao Hua seems to ignore Cui Hongyi's thoughts and ask.

"Impossible!" Cui Hongyi denied. "The nightmare is definitely not the kind of person. She will not double-build with others when Cui is unclear!"

"If there is?" Xiao Hua cold and cold.

"Xiao Hua, you netted some boring assumptions... interesting?" Cui Hongjun argued strongly.

"How long have you been back in the Sky City? Have you seen a dream?"

"The nightmare has returned to Ming Lei and Ming Ling with Lei Feng. How can Cui see it?" Cui Hongqi has already felt a little bit uncomfortable in his heart. "I still talk about you, how come you come in?"

"Have you been here at the Royal Leizong station?" Xiao Hua looked at Cui Hongyi, and a pitiful mood came to life.

"Well~" Cui Hongyi said with some pride. "My first team of Royal Leizong is the biggest team to date, and it is also the best-preserved team. After Cui and others come back, they naturally have different treatments! Naturally Protected!"

"Right, Xiao Hua, since you are back, I can go back to Wanlei Valley together. With the merits of this war. No one will look down on my Thunder Valley, Master and Master will also I am proud of it!" Cui Hongyi said with exultation.

Xiao Hua was going to ridicule Cui Hongyi again. He could hear that he mentioned helplessness and had to sigh: "You come with Xiaomou!"

Cui Hongyi stood up. Wonder Road: "Where are you going!?"

"Don't wear it!" Xiao Hua did not answer the cold voice.

"Why? Where are I going to go?" Cui Hongyi still puzzled. But he still took the confusion out. Waiting for Xiao Hua’s explanation.

"Xiao Mou said the last time, do you wear it or not?" Xiao Hua did not explain.

"Okay!" Cui Hongjun was helpless, and he would be confused. Still waiting for him to wake up, there is a black in front of him.

Waiting for him to wake up again, but seeing is a wide street in front of him, and there are some monks on the street to fly in a hurry.

"Xiao Hua ~" Cui Hongyi is a little angry, it is to be reprimanded, how to say that he is also a mid-term monk, how can be used as a child to play with?

"If you want to know the news of the nightmare, come with Cui," Xiaohua said coldly, and his body flew forward toward the front.

Cui Hongyi carefully identified, knowing that this is the left of the Royal Leizong resident, and I don’t know how Xiao Hua brought him out of the quiet room! He was extremely resentful in his heart, but after listening to Xiao Hua’s words, he immediately felt a glimpse of his heart. He did not dare to say more words and hurriedly urged the mana to follow Xiao Hua’s.

It’s just that I’ve walked through a few streets, and I’m seeing more and more people. Xiao Hua’s casual is to pull a Taoist monk’s hand: “This Taoist friend, there is something to ask about in the poor road!”

The Taoist monk’s face sneered and sneered: “In this patrolling city, why do you still wear a confused friend? Shu Jiang can’t answer your question!”

Said, the monk actually walked away!

Dropping Xiao Hua is very embarrassing to stand there, and some are at a loss.

"You... what are you doing?" Cui Hongyi asked strangely. "Since it is out, why is it necessary to wear a confused city in the Sky City?"

"You shut up!" Xiao Hua was annoyed. "You look behind me... listen!"

Cui Hongyi was a little angry, but he was so confused and confused, and he had to hold back.

Xiao Hua only hesitated and turned around on the street, and walked toward the teahouse where he had met with the night.

"Hey? What is this?" When I saw the teahouse, when Xiaohua was about to enter, I saw a huge milky silk thread on the wall of the teahouse. A red swordsman smiled on the silkworm. Very embarrassing!

"Oh, this is Qin Jian!" Xiao Hua gaze through the following handwriting, understand that this is the reward of the Sky City, the swordsman above the reward is Qin Jian!

However, at this time, how does Xiao Hua think about this? With a gaze, Cui Hongyi entered the teahouse!

At this time, there are quite a few people in the teahouse. There are also several fans in the middle, and the confusion of Xiao Hua and Cui Hongjun does not look awkward!

"Predecessors please!" Xiao Hua and Cui Hongyi just entered the teahouse. The refining monks came and greeted them. "Predecessors are going upstairs, or are they below?"

"Below!" Xiao Hua smashed the railroad, "Send two cups of spiritual tea! I am waiting here!"

"Yes, the younger brother understands!" The monk heard Xiaohua's bad tone and did not dare to say more. The two men got back to the side of a teahouse.

"What are you doing here?" Cui Hongyu became more and more puzzled.

"You will listen!" Xiao Hua sat steadily, and Tu Hong and the double dream ceremony of the nightmare were already the sights of the Sky City. He does not believe that no one is talking about this restaurant.

I know, Xiao Hua and Cui Hongqi have been sitting for a long while, seeing that Lingcha has changed a few cups, there are many things around the monks whispering, such as where there is a magic weapon, where there is a spirit grass, and even where there is a trace of sword repair, these It is the subject of monks, but it can be said that Tu Hong’s double-decoration ceremony is not mentioned at all.

Look at the opposite of Cui Hongjun, take a cup of tea. Xiao Hua also felt that she had no face. He didn't want to talk to him directly, but what he said... Can Cui Hongyi believe it?

Nothing, Xiao Hua had to look at the two young monks who were still young. Archer: "Two friends. There is something in the poor road to ask about! I don't know if it is convenient!"

The two monks were about 11 layers of refining. I glanced at each other and one of them nodded: "I don't know what the friend asked. If it is too secret, the poor road cannot know!"

"Oh. There is nothing secret!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I am waiting for the Sky City to go to the front of Tu Hong’s predecessors. I heard that the old man’s home has to be double-educated. It’s really unprepared for me. So I just want to come. The tea house asks if this is true! If it is true, I still have to prepare more, the previous things are thin!"

"Oh, it is so!" The two young monks apparently showed a relaxed color and smiled. "This is a thing that happened a few years ago. If you want to be busy, it is a dozen days." After that, it’s no wonder that the Taoist friends don’t know!”

"Yeah! I just waited to come to the Sky City to check for strict anomalies, lest I wait for it to be a sword repair!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Into the Sky City, there are many people in front of the Tuo’s predecessors. At that time, the poor roads felt that they were not quite right. They didn’t dare to go in, otherwise they would really be shameful!"

"The predecessors are the monks of Jindan, and they don't care about these vagrants!" Another young monk is also a sly attachment. "His old man has a good battle, and the battle of Quanshan has killed tens of thousands of swords. It is really me." Waiting for the model, if you go empty, you can’t do anything if he can do it!”

"Oh, let's say that!" Xiao Hua smiled. "But I am always uncomfortable in my heart. After all, is it necessary to kill the predecessors?"

"The Taoist friend said that this is a human nature. I can't be excused from being a monk!" The young monk agreed.

"So, the poor road is to talk to the two Taoist friends. I want to know which martial art school is the double repair of the martial art. What day is the double repair ceremony?" Xiao Hua asked, "This is nothing." Secret?"

"Haha, this is really not a secret!" The disciple laughed. "This is full of the city, I am afraid that apart from the two friends, no one does not know about this?"

"Hey, it is to ask for advice!" Xiao Hua said politely, although after being confused, the voice still sounded.

“Good teaching friends know!” The monk smiled. “The grand ceremony of the predecessors was just after the fifteenth day. I heard that it was personally hosted by the real person of the Sky City’s lord Snowy! And that blessed with the predecessors It’s the Royal Leizong disciple against the nightmare!"

"What?" Cui Hongyu's hoarse voice came out of the confusion. He saw Xiao Hua so troublesome inquiries, and his heart had long anticipated that he could hear the news that made him heartbreak, and still couldn't help but scream.

"Yu Leizong disciple?" Xiao Hua was a bit strange. "How did the seniors marry Yu Leizong? It is strangely tight!"

"Haha, what's so strange?" The refining disciple smiled. "I heard that Yu Leizong is a disciple of Yu Leizong who went to Quanji Mountain to support Tu Hong's predecessors. He fell in love with the predecessors at the Lingshi Mine. After returning to the Sky City, the nightmare is also the hero of this battle. Tu Hong’s predecessors took the opportunity to ask the lord of the city to give a kiss to Yu Leizong. Who is the predecessor of Tu Hong, that is the monk of Jin Dan, Yu Leizong I can disagree. I heard that the lord of the Royal Leizong was a big smile! Only the predecessors were injured in the war and needed retreat. This will push the double ceremony to this day!"

"Oh, there is still such a good story!" Xiao Hua smiled, but his eyes looked at Cui Hongyi. He thought that Cui Hongyi would have some angry behaviors, such as falling a tea bowl and the like, so that Cui Hongjun actually sat quietly. There, listen quietly! (To be continued...)

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